Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 144 Re-advancing Realm: University Bachelor

Chapter 144 Re-advancing Realm: University Bachelor

Finally, Emperor Yonghe mentioned another point, saying that the imperial court could temporarily set up an organization to assist in the compilation of this great ceremony.

At the same time, he said that Sun Li could be allowed to preside over this matter on behalf of the court.

How could Zhou Yu not know what was on his mind?

To put it simply, as Emperor Yonghe, as a great emperor, how could he not get a share of such a big event?

But Zhou Yu didn't care too much, after all, without the assistance of the imperial court, it would be difficult for him to do everything by himself.

With the presence of Emperor Yonghe, it will be twice the result with half the effort, and it can also include many rare copies collected by the court.

So, he smiled and nodded: "What the emperor said is very true, but I think that Sun Li's qualifications are not enough. It is best to find a highly respected university scholar, and Sun Li can assist you."

"Well, Ai Qing is right..."

This matter is basically settled.

Next, Emperor Yonghe acted resolutely and appointed a scholar from the court to support him. With the assistance of Sun Li, he temporarily set up a ceremony editing organization and specially set up an official office.

After all, this matter can be done not in three or two days, but in three or two months. It is estimated that it will take three to five years.

In this matter, Emperor Yonghe was still very smart and pushed Sun Li out.

After all, the real leader of this matter is Zhou Yu, and Sun Li is his student. Once this major matter is completed, he will be a great hero at that time.

As a gentleman, Zhou Yu naturally has a bright face.

Next, Emperor Yonghe issued another imperial decree, ordering local governments at all levels to fully cooperate. First, to find some ancient books lost among the people, and second, to recruit some talents to participate in sorting, copying, and editing.

This is also done to collect more books and speed up the progress.

Before I knew it, three years had passed.

During this period, the Dagan army won unprecedented brilliance after several battles, defeated the surrounding small countries, and finally had to cede the land and bow their heads.

Powerful tribes including the Huns and Turks eventually threw away their armor and armor and fled thousands of miles away.

Large tracts of land, of course, have also been incorporated into the territory of Dagan.

Expansion of territory is a supreme feat for an emperor.

Moreover, Emperor Yonghe also followed Zhou Yu's suggestion. In addition to sending troops to station in those small countries that he surrendered, he also sent people to spread the culture of the Central Plains to educate them.

Not long after, the Canon of Documents was finally published after several additions, deletions and amendments. After several consultations, it was finally named: Canon of Yongling.

Yong, took the first character of the reign title of Emperor Yonghe, and Ling, took the last character of Zhou Yu's name "Zi Ling".

After all, the emperor had to give him some face, besides, Emperor Yonghe had indeed spent a lot of thought and effort on this matter.

Otherwise, if Zhou Yu did it alone, he might not be able to do it in ten years, and it would not be as comprehensive as it is now.

At the beginning of the Emperor Yonghe's decree, in order to claim credit, officials from all over the country went to the countryside to collect ancient books, and indeed got a lot of lost copies.

On this point, Zhou Yu was sincerely pleased.

Moreover, after the Grand Ceremony was released, he also obtained an unprecedented amount of luck, and the realm of the character broke through again, and he was promoted to a bachelor.

For Zhou Yu, this promotion was a qualitative change in strength.

The most obvious point is that he can finally fly in the air and become a real land fairy, or it can be called a mortal fairy.

At the same time, his fame reached a new peak.

In addition to supporting the compilation of the "Yongling Canon", his students took part in the imperial examination one after another, not to mention scholars, almost one of them passed the examination.

There were more than 20 candidates who passed the Juren examination, and nine who passed the Jinshi examination, and one of them won the second place in the top list, second only to Zhuangyuanlang.

Some people joked that if there are students who pass the exam, they will be considered to have all the head armor.

Such a dazzling achievement naturally attracted more students to enroll in the academy, including a lot of students in the Women's Academy.

this night.

Zhou Yu went to the library to read books as usual, and then returned to the study to write and draw.

Although his talents are blessed with systematic skills, that is just icing on the cake. The deeper his basic skills are, the better the effect of skill blessings will be.

Just like multiples, it is also a tenfold addition. The base is 1, the base is 2, and the base is 3. Then the values ​​after the addition are 10, 20, and 30. It is conceivable that the base is the root.

After practicing for a while, a faint fragrance hit.

Zhou Yu smiled and wrote, and hugged the beauty into his arms with his backhand...

"Did I disturb you?" Mo Chou asked softly.


"Huh? Then I'll go back."

Zhou Yu smiled badly: "No, you have to make it up to me..."

"Hate it..." Mo Chou blushed and said angrily.

Now, she can be regarded as a small success in cultivation, as long as it is not the sun at noon, she can also appear in broad daylight, and the range of action is much larger, almost able to move within a radius of ten miles.

According to this progress, in a few years, he can be reborn and become almost like an ordinary immortal cultivator.

Even now, if Zhou Yu didn't investigate carefully, it would be difficult to sense her Yin Qi.

Zhou Yu was like this, let alone an ordinary cultivator.

"Mochou, when you can move freely, I will take you to avenge your revenge."

Hearing this, Mo Chou couldn't help sighing: "Speaking of which, I don't have any hatred now, the past is in the past.

Besides, if it weren't for that experience, I wouldn't... wouldn't..."

Having said that, Mo Chou looked at Zhou Yu, her eyes became blurred.

"Hehe, yes, if it weren't for that, you wouldn't be by my side."


"However, you still have to take revenge, otherwise you will more or less leave a knot in your heart in the future."

Mo Chou nodded: "That's right, let's talk about it after I have successfully cultivated."

"When you succeed in cultivation, I will formally marry you."

"Thank you Zhou Lang..." Mo Chou nestled in Zhou Yu's arms happily.

In fact, she doesn't care whether she gets married or not, as long as she can always stay by Ailang's side.

After a while, Zhou Yu said calmly, "Mo Chou, Min'er is not here tonight..."

"Oh? Where did Miss Min'er go?"

"She's going to retreat for a month, and Ying Ning is also going to retreat with her."

When Ying Ning was mentioned, Mo Chou couldn't help asking: "By the way, Ying Ning is getting older and more sensible now. You can't let her stay like this forever. When will you marry her?"

"Why are you in a hurry? In my eyes, she is still a little girl, and besides, she is now at a critical juncture in her cultivation. Wait for her to practice for another ten years or so."


"Okay, let's go back to the room and talk..."

This conversation lasted for one night.

We had a great chat.

One month later, Bai Min'er and Ying Ning returned to the mansion together.

Xiaobie is better than a newlywed. That night, the couple had a lot of love and affection, needless to say.

When it was over, Bai Min'er rested her head on Zhou Yu's shoulder and said, "Husband, let me tell you something."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"After Ying Ning and I came out of retreat, we overheard some villagers saying that the village was haunted, and every night we could hear women crying, causing panic.

In the end, when Yingning and I listened to it at night, it was really like this.

I followed the sound, and finally found the female ghost in a random graveyard outside the village..."

"Is there something wrong with her?"

Bai Min'er nodded: "That's right, she said her name is Dou E..."

Zhou Yu froze for a moment: "What? Dou E?"

In his previous life, Dou E Yuan was quite a famous play.Why is there a Dou E in this world?
"What's wrong, my lord?" Bai Min'er asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing...what's wrong with her?"

"That's it..."

Bai Min'er talked about Dou E.

Dou E is a native of Zhangping County. She lost her mother when she was young and lived with her father.

Later, his father fell ill, and life was really difficult, so he had no choice but to marry his daughter early.

Not long after Dou E got married, her father didn't survive and passed away.

What is even more unfortunate is that, three years after their marriage, Dou E's husband also died of illness, leaving her and her mother-in-law Cai to live a difficult life.

Speaking of this Cai family, he is not too old. He is in his 30s and still has a little charm.

When her son was around, Mrs. Cai was quite honest and didn't dare to mess around.Not long after her son's death, the woman began to be a little dishonest.

Of course, there is also the factor of living in poverty.

There is a butcher shop at the end of the street. The owner of the stall is called Zhang Butcher. He is five big and three thick, with thick arms and round waist.

One day, Mrs. Cai was so greedy that she ran to Zhang Butcher's stall and pretended to buy meat... In fact, she didn't have a penny in her pocket, so what kind of meat did she buy?

It's clearly a scam.

Squeeze this piece of meat, feel that piece of meat, especially the fat ones.

Butcher Zhang took a fancy to it, but he didn't show his face... He had already guessed what Cai was thinking, and deliberately didn't reveal it.

When her hands were oily, Cai shook her head: "Oh, I don't like it, come back another day."

Butcher Zhang smiled all over his face: "Okay, you go slowly."

Looking at Cai's slender back, this guy couldn't help swallowing secretly: It seems that there may be a chance to succeed.

Speaking of which, Butcher Zhang had already had thoughts about Cai, but there were many people in the neighborhood, and he couldn't tell what Cai was thinking, so he didn't want to play around, for fear of self-defeating.

Now, Mrs. Cai took the initiative to come to the door, it seems that there is something going on.

Don't worry, put a long line to catch big fish.

Let's say Mrs. Cai returned home in a hurry, and said in a hurry: "Dou'e, quickly boil some hot water for me to wash my hands. Today we will eat meat."

Dou E hurriedly boiled water for her mother-in-law to wash her hands.

Mrs. Cai washed it several times, wishing she could rub off a layer of skin on her hands.

After washing, I boiled a pot of green vegetables with the washing water, and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law ate with relish.

Having tasted the sweetness, Cai went to pretend to buy meat again the next day...

However, she also knew that Butcher Zhang was not stupid, so it was impossible not to guess that she was buying meat in a fake manner.I can bear it once or twice, but I'm afraid I can't bear it for the third time.

Therefore, she also had to give the other party a little bit of sweetness.

Therefore, when she went this time, she deliberately changed into a suit of clothes that she was reluctant to wear on weekdays.

When he saw that there was no one in front of the booth, he deliberately walked over with his waist twisted exaggeratedly, and deliberately undid two buttons on the skirt.

Walking to the front of the booth, I deliberately stood a step away, bent down... In this way, I could faintly see the shoulders.

Sure enough, Butcher Zhang couldn't turn his eyes away...

Cai remained silent, choosing the meat deliberately like yesterday, and did not leave until his hands were covered with oil.

After two days, I went again.

But this time, Butcher Zhang was more courageous.

Just when Cai's old trick was about to choose meat, Butcher Zhang said, "Sister-in-law Cai, I have left a piece of high-quality lard at home, why don't you take it home."

"Ah?" Cai was stunned: "This..."

"Those who don't charge money, don't charge much, just treat it as a little bit of my heart."

"How embarrassing..."

"Everyone in the neighborhood, why are you embarrassed? Let's go, I'll get it to you."

"But you're gone, who will look after the store?"

"It's okay, don't look at it, and no one is stealing..."

At this time, Cai Shi hesitated for a while.

She is not stupid, why would Butcher Zhang give her lard for no reason?
I'm afraid she took advantage of it, and the other party wanted to take advantage of her too.

To go, or not to go?

Seeing Mrs. Cai hesitate, Butcher Zhang deliberately said: "If you don't want it, I will give it to someone else."

Upon hearing this, Cai quickly nodded: "Yes, yes..."

So, with mixed feelings, he followed Butcher Zhang to the backyard.

Butcher Zhang kept his word, and brought out a piece of lard from the kitchen, which looked like it weighed more than a catty.

"Sister Cai, here it is!"

Seeing how easy it was to get it, Mrs. Cai still couldn't believe it, subconsciously took the lard, smiled and said, "Thank you, Brother Zhang."

"You're welcome."

"Then I'm leaving?"

"Yeah!" Butcher Zhang nodded.

As a result, as soon as Cai turned around, Butcher Zhang hugged her tightly from behind.

"Brother Zhang, what are you doing?" Cai struggled in panic.

"Sister-in-law Cai, I've missed you for a long time, let me give you a hug, I promise, just give me a hug..."

Cai's body stiffened, and then went limp...

After all, she has been single for many years.

After a while, Mrs. Cai blushed, carrying lard in one hand, and subconsciously brushing her hair with the other, hurried away.

Butcher Zhang also came out later, with a satisfied smile on his face.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, once you start, the next will be a matter of course.

Mrs. Cai would go to Butcher Zhang's every now and then. Every time she went, she would always bring back some pork liver, large intestine, pork and so on.

Dou E was a little strange about this.

She is very clear about the family situation. The source of income is that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law exchange shoe soles for a few pennies to make ends meet.

How can I have spare money to buy meat every now and then?

However, Mrs. Cai also had an excuse, saying that what he brought back was old goods from the next day, which was cheap and could be paid on credit.

When she said this, although Dou E was puzzled, it was not easy to ask more questions.

However, she also vaguely guessed something from the changes in her mother-in-law... However, this is not her business, and her mother-in-law is also single, let her go.

It's okay if things are just like this, one is willing to fight, the other is willing to endure, both sides are willing, each takes what he needs.

But after a while, things suddenly changed.

Butcher Zhang's son, who had been fooling around for several years, came home suddenly.

This guy has never learned anything since he was a child. He is a typical gangster with a bad temper. He is called Zhang Luer.

Coincidentally, the day he came back just happened to break through the messy affair between his father and Mrs. Cai...

After Mrs. Cai left in a hurry, Zhang Lv'er pestered his father to ask.

In desperation, Butcher Zhang could only tell the truth.

I heard that Cai's daughter-in-law is also widowed and looks pretty good. This kid's heart was moved, and he looked for a chance to take a look at Dou E, and then made up his mind to occupy...

(End of this chapter)

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