Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 145 Dou E's Injustice

Chapter 145 Dou E's Injustice

In the next few days, Mrs. Cai didn't dare to look for Butcher Zhang again, after all, she was a little terrified when she was bumped into by Donkey Zhang last time.

When I went out to buy things that day, I was called by Zhang Butcher when I passed by Zhang Butcher's meat stand.

"What is it?"

Cai Shi pretended to be okay and walked over.

"I left you a piece of good meat, you can go with me to the backyard to get it."

Having not eaten meat for several days, Cai couldn't help swallowing, but hesitated again.

Butcher Zhang knew what she was worried about, and said in a low voice: "That bastard is not at home, he went out early in the morning, and he won't be back until evening."

Having said that, Cai just followed into the backyard.

After entering the courtyard, naturally there was nothing to say, the two entered the room together tacitly...

Just when he was happy, Zhang Lv'er quietly returned to the hospital. This kid actually left pretendingly, just wanting to catch the current situation again to achieve his goal.

The boy blocked the door of the room and said: "If you say this matter is not big, if you say it is not small, our family will have no face if it spreads out.

Since both of you are like this, and you are both widows, why not move in together and form a family. "

Cai didn't dare to object, and she was still willing in her heart, after all, marrying Butcher Zhang was considered a settled life.

Butcher Zhang had nothing to do with his son, so he finally agreed.

After returning, Mrs. Cai stammered and told Dou E about her marriage to Butcher Zhang.

Of course, she didn't tell the truth, she only said that she was matched by a matchmaker, and she didn't want to marry at first, but Butcher Zhang said that she could support their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, so she agreed.

Dou E couldn't stop this matter. From the bottom of her heart, she hoped that her mother-in-law and Butcher Zhang would marry instead of having a sneaky relationship.

A few days later, Butcher Zhang and Mrs. Cai didn't even hold the wedding ceremony, so they simply invited a few people to witness the worship of heaven and earth, and they were officially married.

Now, Zhang Lv'er has an excuse to approach Dou E openly, saying that everyone is a family and he has the responsibility to take care of Dou E.

Dou E could tell at a glance that this guy was not a good guy, and also guessed that this kid had bad intentions, so naturally he was lazy to talk to him.

In a rage, Zhang Lv'er directly proposed that Dou E marry him, and the two families became one family.

As a result, she was scolded by Dou E, and said that if Zhang Luer pestered her again, she would report to the police.

Now Zhang Lver was angered.

In his mind, the reason why Dou E refused to agree was because she still had someone to rely on, Cai Shi to take care of her.

Only when a person is desperate, will he put down his body and just want to live.

For example, those who sell their sons and daughters, if they were desperate, who would sell their own flesh and blood?
Therefore, Zhang Lver decided not to do anything, but to get rid of Cai.

As long as Mrs. Cai is no longer alive, Dou E will be lonely and helpless, so why not obediently obey him?
Within two days, the opportunity came: Mrs. Cai suddenly fell ill.

Dou E was kind-hearted, so she asked a neighbor to help kill a hen that was still laying eggs at home, and stewed a pot of chicken soup for her mother-in-law.

When Zhang Lver saw it, he couldn't help being overjoyed, so he secretly poisoned the soup, intending to poison Cai to death, and then use this to force Dou E to submit.

Unexpectedly, Cai did not drink the chicken soup because of dizziness and chest tightness.Butcher Zhang thought he couldn't waste it, so he drank it all up.

As a result... he was poisoned to death.

Now Zhang Lv'er was dumbfounded, he never expected to poison his own father to death.

This kid didn't think about his own reasons, but instead blamed Dou E for all his faults. He even went to the county government to sue Dou E, saying that Dou E poisoned his own father, and that his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were colluding to seize his family's property.

The county magistrate of Zhangping County was named Ye Mo, who was over 40 years old and finally passed the Jinshi examination and became a county magistrate.

This guy just took office not long ago, and he was worrying about his lack of political achievements. When Zhang Luer reported the case, he couldn't help being overjoyed, knowing that the case would definitely cause a sensation.

After all, this case is special, widowed mother-in-law, widowed daughter-in-law, plus a widowed father and son, this in itself is something that the common people love to talk about.

So, despite Cai's illness in bed, he sent people to escort Cai and Dou'e to the county government.

Naturally, Cai and Dou E didn't admit to the fact that there was nothing wrong with them, and shouted for grievances.

In a fit of rage, Ye Mo ordered someone to take off Dou E's trousers and beat him with a board.

Poor Dou E was beaten to death, but she still refused to admit it. After all, she has no conscience and no guilt.
In a fit of rage, Ye Mo even ordered someone to torture Mrs. Cai.

Cai Shi was already ill, so how could he stand the torment?He passed out just after two boards.

Dou E was filled with grief and anger. She knew that her mother-in-law would not be able to bear the severe punishment, and finally confessed wrongly.

Ye Mo was overjoyed and ordered Dou E to be charged, and Dou E was sentenced to death in court.

Soon after, Dou E was taken to the execution ground to be tortured. Many people spat on her, threw rotten vegetables and scolded her with vicious words along the way.

Dou E was very sad, she was obviously innocent, why did God want to harm her like this?

Under the grief and anger, she couldn't help crying loudly: "Listen everyone, I, Dou E, swear to God that I didn't harm anyone, I was wronged.

My grievances are known only to God.

If God has eyes, I hope God can prove my innocence.

After I die, after I die, let this knife go too far, and the blood will be spattered in vain.

Second, it must snow heavily to cover my body.

The third is that there is a severe drought in Zhangping, and there is no rain..."

She was really chilled, that's why she yelled these words.

Of course, no one believed her at the time, they only thought she was crazy.

But no one thought that during the execution, not a drop of Dou E's blood was spilled on the ground, and all of it splashed on the white cloth hanging high, which shocked all the people.

Immediately afterwards, the sky and the earth changed color, and the wind blew violently.

Even though it was a June day, there was actually heavy snow falling in the sky, and it didn't take long to cover Dou E's body.

There is an old saying among the people that "when there is snow in June, there must be a strange injustice".

Seeing such a strange situation, the common people knew that Dou E was indeed wronged, otherwise, how could blood be spattered in vain, and June snowed?

Ye Mo was also a little panicked. Fearing that something weird would happen again, he quietly ordered someone to throw Dou E's body far away in the wilderness outside the city.

Afterwards, Zhangping County did not rain for several months, which is unprecedented.

The three points that Dou E said before his execution came true one by one.


"So that's the case. I did hear about this strange case before..."

After listening to the bizarre story told by Bai Min'er, Zhou Yu couldn't help but sighed.

"Husband, Dou E's grievance persists, so she cries every night, but she did not harm the local people.

Ying Ning and I sympathized with what happened to her, so we found another place with good feng shui to bury her body, and brought her soul back. "

"Bring it back?" Zhou Yu was stunned.

"Yes, at Yingning's place."

"So, are you two planning to clear up her grievances?"

Bai Min'er couldn't help pinching Zhou Yu, and said angrily, "Are you willing to let us two women come forward?"

"Hey, yes yes yes, of course it's for my husband, one is worth two!"

"Go, it's not serious."

The next day, Zhou Yu met Dou E and asked about her experience in detail.

After asking, he handwritten a complaint to Dou E, and said: "Take this complaint and go to Jinhua Mansion to complain to the magistrate..."

"Ah?" Dou E couldn't help being surprised when she heard this.

She is a little ghost, how dare she go to the yamen?The yamen is guarded by imperial aura, and the stone lions at the entrance are also used to suppress evil. If she really dared to break in, she might be driven out of her wits.

Ying Ning was also a little puzzled, and hurriedly said: "Sir, I'm afraid she won't be able to enter the yamen? Besides, even if she could, how could the magistrate receive a complaint from a ghost?"

Zhou Yu smiled and said: "Don't worry, with this complaint in hand, even the City God will not stop it, just feel free to go boldly."

Hearing this, Ying Ning couldn't help but nodded, and hurriedly nodded: "Yes, yes, Dou E, this is a complaint written by our husband, you can keep it with you to protect your safety.

Otherwise, I can go with you and protect you secretly. "

"Well, that's fine, Ying Ning, you can go with me, but you don't show your face, just stare secretly.

Once the case is settled and Dou E is cleared of her grievances, she can be reincarnated and start a new life. "

"Thank you benefactor, thank you benefactor..."

Dou E was very grateful and kept thanking her.

that night.

Jinhua Mansion Yamen Courtyard.

The magistrate was reading a book in the study, when suddenly, a gust of wind blew by, and there was an extra figure in the room out of thin air.

The magistrate was startled, he got up quickly, and shouted in panic, "Where is the evildoer, so bold..."

"My lord, the woman has no intention of offending you. She is really wronged. Please forgive me."

When the magistrate saw the woman coming, he knelt down, and he didn't look like he was going to hurt him, and his courage couldn't help but grow stronger.

"Ridiculous, even if you have a strange grievance, you should go to the underworld to file a complaint. Why did you come to this official?"

"My lord, the women's grievances lie in the underworld. If the grievances are not cleared, the women will be lonely ghosts. They can't even go to the underworld. Where can they go to redress their grievances?"

Having said that, the magistrate couldn't help being stunned: It seems to make sense?
Out of curiosity, he asked, "What's your name? Where did you come from? What's wrong with you?"

"Returning to my lord, the woman Dou E, the surname of Zhangping County, the grievances of the woman are all in this pleading paper, please read it."

After finishing speaking, Dou E raised her hands horizontally, holding a piece of paper.

The magistrate hesitated for a while, but finally he had the courage to go forward and take the complaint.

As soon as it unfolded, his expression changed drastically, his eyes widened...

He is too familiar with this handwriting. In the whole world, how many people can write such elegant and elegant characters?
However, he still couldn't believe it, and subconsciously asked, "Who wrote this complaint for you?"

"Responding to my lord's words, it was written by the Marquis of Jing'an kindly on behalf of the women."


After getting the exact answer, how could the magistrate dare to neglect?

Since Jing'an Hou helped to write the complaint, he will definitely pay attention to the follow-up. If he dares not to accept it, or is perfunctory, I am afraid that Jing'an Hou will make an understatement in front of the emperor, and his magistrate will come to an end.

So I read the complaint carefully, and asked about it in detail, and I probably have an idea in my heart.

"Okay, I will definitely decide this matter for you and return your innocence."

Hearing this, Dou E was so excited that she kowtowed and said, "Thank you, my lord, thank you, my lord."

The next day, the magistrate secretly sent people to Zhangping County, first to control Zhang Lver, lest this guy escape after learning the news.

Next, the general judge was sent to Zhangping County to retry the case.

Two days later, in the morning.

Ye Mo was drinking tea leisurely, when the master hurried over to report: "My lord, someone from the government office has arrived."

"Oh? Who?"

"The one who came was the judge, saying that he came to investigate an old case."

Ye Mo was shocked: "Investigate the old case? This...why didn't you send an official document in advance?"

"My lord, the general judge is in the front hall..."

"Understood, I'll go right now."

Ye Mo hurriedly got up and greeted him.

As soon as I went to the front hall, I saw that it was Mr. Tongju, so I hurried forward to salute: "I have seen Mr. Fang."

"Well, there is no need to be too polite. Lord Ye, this time I was ordered by the magistrate to investigate an old case. Due to the rush of the schedule, I did not notify in advance."

"Yes yes yes..." Ye Mo responded again and again, and then asked cautiously: "Which old case will Mr. Fang come down to investigate?"

"I heard that a strange case happened in Zhangping County last year. During the execution, the blood was spattered in vain, and it snowed in June. Is there such a thing?"


Ye Mo was in a cold sweat, but he didn't dare not admit it, so he could only bite the bullet and say: "There is such a thing, but the folk rumors are evil, and the officials think it's just a coincidence."

"Whether it's a coincidence or not, you can find out when you check."

"Yes Yes Yes……"

"Okay, now, Mr. Ye, please summon the relevant people."

"Yes, the next official will send someone to pass it on."

Ye Mo took the opportunity to walk out of the front hall, and whispered to the master: "Hurry up and tell Zhang Lu'er to let him go away, hurry up..."

Then he deliberately raised his voice and ordered: "You guys hurry up and bring Mrs. Zhang Luer and Mrs. Cai to the county government."

"Yes, my lord!"

Soon after, Mrs. Cai came, but his subordinates reported that Zhang Lv'er had disappeared.

Hearing the report from his subordinates, Ye Mo intentionally expressed doubts: "Lord Fang, this donkey has been idle and has no fixed place to live. I'm afraid he won't be back until he leaves."

"Hehe, it's okay, let's do this, you send someone to post a notice, and this officer will hear the case publicly outside the City God Temple today."

"Yes, my lord."

Ye Mo responded, but felt uneasy in his heart.

Zhang Lv'er is not here, Mr. Fang still insists on the public trial, and he will go to the Town God's Temple if he is not in court, why?

However, he couldn't stop it. After all, Mr. Fang is an official sent by the government, and his rank is higher than him. How can he have a say?
As soon as the news spread, the entire Zhangping County was in a state of eruption.

Although this incident happened last year, the popularity is still undiminished. On the contrary, it has spread farther and farther, and many storytellers have compiled it into storytelling, adding fuel and jealousy, and it has become a legendary story.

As soon as they heard that the case was going to be retried, it naturally aroused the attention of the people in the city.

The next morning, Zhangping County was empty for thousands of people. Many people didn't even do business, and went to watch the excitement as soon as the doors of the shops were closed.

When the time came, the judge Fang Danian slapped the gavel heavily to calm down the people.

Then, he ordered someone to bring Mrs. Cai to the stage.

In just one year, Mrs. Cai seemed to have aged ten years. She used to have a little charm, but now her hair has become gray and her back is slightly bent.

Firstly, I was ill that year, and I was hit by a board, and my body was damaged, and secondly, I also felt deeply guilty.

She knew that Dou E was forced to plead guilty for her sake.

If she hadn't been confused with Butcher Zhang for a while, there would be nothing after that...

(End of this chapter)

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