Chapter 151
Slowly, Qiu Rong knew more and more characters, and her writing became better and better.

Not to mention Xiao Xie, she has her own foundation.

Seeing the rapid progress of the second daughter, Tao Wangsan was very pleased and felt a sense of accomplishment.

The relationship between the three is also getting closer.

Slowly, Tao Wangsan finally knew their life experiences.

The second daughter is not from the local area, they used to be from the same village, and the relationship is very good.

One night, a group of robbers came to ransack the village. Seeing the beauty of the second daughter, they became lustful and took them away.

After that, he intends to defile the second daughter.

In desperation, the two girls jumped off the cliff and died.

In the end, for some reason, they turned into lonely ghosts. The two girls wandered all the way, but were unfortunately caught by another evil ghost and brought to this abandoned courtyard.

Fortunately, after a few days, the evil ghost went out and never came back. I don't know whether it was caught by the ghost guard or destroyed by the master.

Since then, the two daughters have regarded this place as their home.

After knowing the life experience of the second daughter, Tao Wangsan loves them even more. Needless to say, the three of them sleep together at night.

However, it is only limited to this.

After all, Tao Wangsan is a bit sensible, knowing that once this kind of thing breaks through for the first time, it may be out of control.

Xiao Xie and Qiu Rong didn't want to harm Tao Wangsan, so they tried not to tease him, and the three lived in peace like this, living together like a couple.

Over time, Tao Wangsan was pleasantly surprised to find that the second daughter had undergone subtle changes.

In the past, the two of them would only come out at sunset, but gradually, they could also appear in broad daylight.

The biggest change was that there was a tinge of blood on their faces, and their bodies were not as cold as before.

Tao Wangsan made a special trip to look it up, and according to a wild record, some female ghosts may change after absorbing a man's yang energy for a long time, and may even be reborn and reborn as flesh and blood.

Although these ambitions cannot be fully believed, Tao Wangsan was still very pleasantly surprised, so he told Xiao Xie and Qiu Rong the good news.

After the second daughter heard this, she was also very happy at first, but later she was worried about Tao Wangsan, fearing that he would die if he lost his yang energy.

Tao Wangsan smiled: "I'm in good health, I don't feel any discomfort."

One day, when Tao Wangsan went shopping on the street, he met a Taoist priest. The Taoist called him and said that Tao Wangsan had a ghostly aura.

Tao Wangsan pretended to be frightened and asked the priest what to do?
The Taoist gave him two talismans to wear to drive away ghosts.

As a result, Tao Wangsan turned around and threw it away.

Afterwards, the three lived together for a period of time, and Tao Wangsan finally set off to take the imperial examination.

This was originally a happy event, but the second daughter was worried.

Tao Wangsan only thought that the two of them were worried that he would fail the exam, so he persuaded him with a smile: "I have studied hard for many years, so I am sure that I will pass the exam. Even if I fail the exam, at worst, I will come back next time."

Qiu Rong shook her head: "It's not because of this."

Tao Wangsan looked surprised: "It's not because of this matter, what is it for?"

"It's because... because Xiao Xie and I are always in a panic, worried that you will be in danger this time, or... you should not take the exam."

Where is Tao Wangsan willing to follow?If he didn't go this time, he would have to wait another three years.

In the end, he insisted on setting off to take the imperial examination.

Unexpectedly, it was really hit by Qiu Rong's second daughter...

Tao Wangsan has always been outspoken and accidentally offended another candidate before the exam.

The examinee had quite a background, and in a rage, he colluded with the examiner to frame Tao Wangsan for cheating.

Tao Wangsan argued again and again, but he was single and weak. If it weren't for the lack of evidence, he might even lose his reputation as a scholar.

This incident hit Tao Wangsan hard, and he lay down for two or three days before returning home.

Unexpectedly, on the way, they encountered robbers again.

Tao Wangsan was already in an extremely bad mood, so he fought desperately with the other party in a fit of anger.

It's a pity, how could he beat several vicious robbers by himself?At the moment of life and death, Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie appeared in time to save his life.

For this, Tao Wangsan was both grateful and guilty, and wished he hadn't listened to the advice of the second daughter. She almost lost her fame as a scholar and almost lost her life.

The second daughter consoled her a bit, saying that she would just start over in the future.

Unexpectedly, when the three of them returned, they found an accident...

"At that time, we were driving through the night, and when we passed a forest, we suddenly heard someone yelling for help.

Someone ran over in a hurry, so I stepped forward and asked what happened. The man said that the ghost king robbed the marriage...

I was startled and dragged the man to find a place to hide.Unexpectedly, they heard the screams of Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie.

I turned around and saw an extremely alluring woman dragging the two of them away..."

Hearing this, Mo Chou's expression changed, and she hurriedly asked, "Can you describe that woman's appearance in detail?"

Tao Wangsan thought for a while: "Well, let me draw for you."

So, Tao Wangsan found a pen and paper, and outlined the woman's appearance with a few strokes.

"It's her!"

Mo Chou said with a look of resentment.

Tao Wangsan looked surprised: "What? Do you know this ghost king?"

Zhou Yu sighed: "To tell you the truth, when Mo Chou got married, she was robbed by this black fox. She jumped off a cliff and died. She became a ghost and the other party didn't let her go..."

"Huh? Miss Mochou... But no matter how I see it, she doesn't look like a ghost?"

"Hehe, that's because she has been practicing, and now she has been reborn."

Others probably wouldn't believe it, but Tao Wangsan had personal experience, so he naturally believed it.

"So that's how it is..."

Tao Wangsan nodded.

"Don't worry, this time we are here specially for this black fox, and we will definitely rescue Miss Qiurong and Miss Xie."

Upon hearing this, Tao Wangsan was overjoyed, and thanked him again and again: "Thank you sir, thank you sir!"

"You don't need to be too polite, in fact, you are not an ordinary person. If you are an ordinary person in your situation, even if you don't touch the two daughters of Qiurong, if you are together every day, you will definitely be invaded by Yin Qi, and your life will not be long.

I have a student who is in a similar situation to yours. He fell in love with a female ghost and even married her.

Now, the female ghost is almost no different from ordinary people, even if she walks in the sun, she will not be affected at all..."

Hearing this, Tao Wangsan's heart skipped a beat. He suddenly thought of a possibility. Zhou Yu said his surname was Zhou before.

So he exclaimed in surprise: "Sir, could it be... the Marquis of Jing'an?"

"Hee hee, you're smart!" Ying Ning said with a smile.

"It turns out that it is really the Marquis of Jing'an..." Tao Wangsan hurriedly took two steps back, and bowed to the end: "I don't know if it's the Marquis of Jing'an who came here. I was so rude before, so I invite the Marquis Haihan."

"Okay, there's no need to be formal. Where was the exact location where you met the black fox last time?"

"In a forest near Sanzhugou, Linyue County."

"Okay, you just wait for the good news at home."

"Master Hou, how about... I go with you?"

Ying Ning said unhappily, "You won't be able to help if you go, it will only drag us down."

"Uh..." Tao Wangsan scratched his head in embarrassment.

Zhou Yu smiled: "This girl keeps talking like this, don't mind, but she is telling the truth, you will really distract us when you go."

After bidding farewell to Tao Wangsan, Zhou Yu and his party hurried to Linyue County.

On the way, Mo Chou said, "It seems that the black fox has changed places. Before, her range of activities was not in Linyue County. At that time, the place where I was robbed should be hundreds of miles away."

"This is called the Three Caves of the Rabbit. She has been in one place for a long time, and the local people will naturally try to avoid her."

When he came to a small mountain town in Linyue County, Zhou Yu made some inquiries, and he heard a lot about ghost kings robbing their relatives, and the people were miserable.

In order to fight against the ghost king, the people thought of many ways.

For example, before sending off the relatives, he asked an expert to escort him all the way, but he was still robbed. The so-called expert was vulnerable to the black fox who claimed to be the king of ghosts.

Later, some common people thought of a trick: to welcome relatives and bridegrooms, but not to welcome brides.

There are also some people who don't even hold weddings at all, and simply worship at home to be married.

In some cases, on the wedding day, no one sits on the sedan chair, and only a set of bridal gowns are placed, and the bride will be quietly sent there in a few days.

All in all, it made people panic, and some women even cried in fright when they mentioned marriage.

In addition, there is a large family in Taihe Town, Linyue County. The head of the household is Zhao Dexing, and his two sons are already married. The youngest daughter, Zhao Xiaowan, is sixteen years old.

A few years ago, Zhao Xiaowan arranged a marriage at the discretion of her father. Her fiancé, Liu Yixiu, lived in Weicheng Mansion, and her father was a sixth-rank official in Weicheng Mansion.

As the wedding day approached, Zhao Dexing and his wife were worried and worried.

Because they were afraid that the ghost king would come to snatch their daughter as soon as she got married.

In fact, Zhao Dexing wrote a letter to his in-laws about this matter before, discussing whether there is any way to solve it.

Unexpectedly, the in-laws dismissed everything, and wrote back saying that the folk ghost theory was not credible, and that he was an official of the imperial court, and he would not be afraid of ghosts even if there were ghosts.

As a result, Zhao Dexing could only think of his own way.

Zhao Yiwan is also a strange woman, unlike other girls who were so frightened that they wept and cried, and in turn comforted their parents by saying that auspicious people have their own fortune, and she believes that she will overcome the difficulties and get married smoothly.

That being said, how could Zhao Dexing and his wife feel relieved?

It's fine if nothing happens, but if something happens, it will never be made up for.

The family discussed for several days and finally came up with a relatively safe solution.

Firstly, he did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to find an expert escort, and secondly, when sending off the relatives, one was bright and the other was dark, one was true and the other was false.

The so-called one light and one dark, one true and one false, means that when sending off the relatives, let the dowry maid dress up as the bride and walk in front, and the team should be more grand to confuse the ghost king.

This is Ming.

The daughter sits in another bridal sedan chair at a certain distance from the front line, so she doesn't need to blow, blow, blow, and walk in a low-key manner until she leaves the county.

This is darkness.

In fact, according to the old man's opinion, it is better to let the daughter dress up as a maid instead of sitting in a sedan chair.

But Zhao Dexing believes that if a daughter gets married once in her life, how can there be any reason not to sit in a bridal sedan chair?Besides, the daughter is weak, how could she walk such a long way?

Afterwards, Zhao Dexing sent several servants out to look for the expert.

In the end, I actually found one. This person's surname was Lin Mingdong, and he claimed to be a real person. He also said that his master was a majestic celestial master.

Of course, Zhao Dexing couldn't just listen to what he said, after all, it was about the safety of his daughter.

So he said to Lin Dong: "Renren Lin, money is not a problem, but the ghost king is really famous, and it is said that he has defeated many masters.

The old man only has such a daughter, so..."

Before Zhao Dexing could finish speaking, Lin Dong smiled and waved his hands: "This real person can understand Master Zhao's mood, don't worry, Master Zhao, this real person will show you what a real master is right now."

After speaking, sit cross-legged.

He murmured a few mantras in his mouth, and then shouted loudly: "The soul is out of the body!"

After reading, he sat cross-legged in the courtyard without moving, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

After a while, a black shadow in the sky fell heavily...


When it fell into the courtyard, blood splashed everywhere, and several servant girls screamed loudly in fright.

It turned out that what fell into the yard was a wild boar, at least two to three hundred catties in size.

Then he heard another sound: "Return to Qiao!"

Immortal Lin stood up and said with a smile: "I just went out of my mind and went to hunt a wild boar in the mountains. As a gift, let everyone taste the game."

Zhao Dexing couldn't believe it, and ordered his servants to go forward and check.

The servant bravely stepped forward and kicked a few times, touched it again, and couldn't help saying loudly: "Master, it's real, it's a real wild boar."

Now, everyone was convinced, and Zhao Dexing's hanging heart also fell.

An expert who can get out of his body, is he afraid that he won't be able to deal with a ghost king?
Moreover, Immortal Lin also brought along a disciple named Lei Zi. At that time, the master and the apprentice happened to split up, and each would guard one side.

Next, Zhao Dexing took the initiative to promise a sum: 1000 taels of silver.

For ordinary people, this is a number that they would never dare to hope for in a lifetime, and it can already be regarded as a big shot.

However, Master Lin actually asked for an additional 200 taels, saying that 1000 taels was his reward, and his disciples were worth 200 taels anyway.

Zhao Dexing didn't say anything, he paid 1000 taels, and he didn't care about the extra 200 taels, as long as his daughter could get married smoothly.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of marriage.

Head night, spend night.

Many neighbors, relatives and friends came to congratulate him one after another.

Generally speaking, people in Linyue County are mostly low-key when they marry and marry daughters, and they don't want to make it public.

Marriage was originally a festive event, and those who were capable would do their best to do it in a lively manner, but after being disturbed by that black fox, getting married became a worrying event instead.

Zhao Dexing's big event this time is also because he believes that Lin Zhenren can protect the safety of the family sending team.

As a wealthy family, he also wants to save face, and wants to give his daughter a beautiful wedding.

At this time, a scholar came to the door and handed over a tael of silver as a gift.

Compared with ordinary people, a tael of silver is quite generous. Although the servants do not know each other, they warmly welcome the scholar to the courtyard and arrange for him to sit at the banquet.

No one here knows the scholar, but they are relatives from afar.

Scholars are not timid, chatting and laughing with people at the same table.

This scholar is Zhou Yu.

He heard that Zhao Dexing married a daughter, and it was quite grand, so he rushed all the way here.

The three girls, Mo Chou, Bai Min'er, and Ying Ning, were in charge of secretly inquiring about the news and keeping an eye on the movement to prevent the black fox from appearing suddenly.

Soon after, Zhao Dexing came out to toast everyone.

All the people got up and held wine glasses to congratulate...

(End of this chapter)

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