Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 150 Xiao Xie and Qiu Rong

Chapter 150 Xiao Xie and Qiu Rong

There is a feeling that this case cannot be stopped at the first trial.

More and more people came to complain, one after another, one after another, it can be described as shocking.

In order to protect themselves, the officials of Guangping Mansion had no choice but to throw away their cars to protect the commander-in-chief. How could they dare to protect the Chu family?
In the end, Feng Sheng was acquitted and his name was restored.

Chu Yintai and his son naturally received the punishment they deserved. Not only were they sentenced to death, but their family property was also seized.

The real estate, real estate, and property occupied by the common people will be registered and recorded one by one by a special person, and will be returned after verification.

For the rest of his life after the catastrophe, Feng Sheng was naturally grateful, and made a special trip to find Ning Caichen to thank him.

Ning Caichen smiled and said: "You don't have to thank me, this is a matter of my official duty. Besides, this case has achieved today's results only because of Mr.'s secret efforts."

Feng Sheng had already heard about it from Fourteen Niang, so he was not surprised.

So he said: "The student has heard about Mr. Gao's reputation for a long time, but he has no chance to meet him. Please tell the student his sincere thanks."

Ning Caichen patted Feng Sheng's shoulder with a smile: "Actually, Mister has seen you, but you haven't.

Sir, let me tell you something, there are gains and losses in everything, I hope you cheer up, you must do something in the future. "

Upon hearing this, Feng Sheng was very pleasantly surprised, and said repeatedly: "That's great, thank you, sir, and thank you for your kind words."

It was indeed Zhou Yu who asked Ning Caichen to tell Feng Sheng what he said, and it was not a one-way encouragement, but a quiet hint.

Because he could already see from his face that Feng Sheng had official luck, that is to say, he would definitely go to high school in the future and enter an official career.

Two months later, the imperial envoy came to Quang Binh Mansion...

Quang Binh Mansion quickly changed, from the magistrate to the petty official, pulling out carrots and bringing out mud, a huge network of relationships was finally torn apart, and a thorough cleansing came.

A year later, Ning Caichen was exceptionally promoted to General Judge of Quang Binh Mansion because of his outstanding political achievements and the support of the people.

In the next year's general examination, more than a dozen students from Wendao Academy passed the Jinshi examination and entered official careers one after another.

Before I knew it, another year passed...

Mo Chou has finally been reborn, her actions are no different from ordinary people, even the scorching sun will not affect her in any way.

The important thing is that she finally got rid of the shackles of the painting and can move freely.

In other words, her current state is almost no different from that of ordinary immortal cultivators.

In this regard, Mo Chou was extremely pleasantly surprised, and Zhou Yu was also very pleased.

This morning, Zhou Yu left the city with Bai Min'er, Ying Ning, and Mo Chou.

Zhou Yu said before that after Mo Chou had achieved success in cultivation, he took her to settle an old grievance: destroy the black fox that harmed her in the first place.

That black fox claims to be the king of ghosts, and its behavior is similar to that of the tree demon's grandmother. He likes to control some wild fox ghosts as his subordinates.

And there is a special hobby: stealing relatives.

After leaving the city, Mo Chou was very excited... After all, she had been trapped in the painting before, and her range of activities was limited.

This time it was freedom in the true sense, like a bird in a cage, flying out of the cage, one can imagine the excitement.

Talking and laughing all the way, looking at the mountains and waters, I entered Weinan without knowing it.

At dusk that day, as soon as Zhou Yu and his party entered a small mountain town, they saw a scholar staggering out of a street tavern.

When he was going down the street, the scholar stepped on the ground and fell to the ground, his head was bleeding.

A clerk in the tavern hurried out and yelled, "The shopkeeper, the shopkeeper, Tao Xiucai broke his head..."

"I gonna go see."

Zhou Yu subconsciously walked over.

"Oh, tell him to drink less but he won't listen..." the shopkeeper came out muttering.

Seeing Zhou Yu squatting down to check Tao Xiucai's injury, the shopkeeper was a little surprised: "This guest officer is a doctor?"

"Slightly understand." Zhou Yu responded, and then said: "It's nothing serious, go get some wine to wash the wound, and then find a piece of cloth to bring over, if you have Jinchuang medicine, get some Jinchuang medicine."

"Oh, Xiao Fang, hurry up and get it."

"Good shopkeeper."

The guy ran into the store quickly.

After the wine and the cloth belt were taken out, Zhou Yu washed the wound with wine, applied some golden medicine, and tied it with a cloth belt.

At this moment, Tao Xiucai woke up, and said with sleepy eyes, "Huh? Why did I fall down?"

"You drank too much. Fortunately, this guest officer is kind and helped you bandage the wound."

"Thank you, brother, Xiaosheng Tao...Tao Wangsan, do you know your brother's name?"

Tao Wangsan?
Zhou Yu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "My surname is Zhou, I see that brother Tao drank a little too much, why don't I send you back."

"'s okay..."

"Are you okay?" The shopkeeper said angrily, "You can't even walk steadily."

After finishing speaking, the shopkeeper raised his finger and pointed: "His house is not far away, less than a mile away from the exit, and there is a big house, which can be seen from a long distance."

"Well, thank you shopkeeper."

Zhou Yu nodded, and then pulled Tao Wangsan up: "Let's go, Brother Tao."

"Thank you..."

On the other side, Ying Ning said with a confused face: "Why did you send this drunk home for no reason?"

Bai Min'er smiled: "This scholar does not look simple, he is not an ordinary person, let's go and keep up."

In this way, a group of people followed to a large house outside the town.

At first glance, the mansion looks like the yard of a rich family. It covers an area of ​​several acres, but it was abandoned for some reason, overgrown with weeds, and looks very desolate.

Ying Ning looked around: "What's going on? Why does he live in the abandoned yard?"

Zhou Yu smiled and said, "I'm going to ask him about this..."

Entering the backyard, the place is much cleaner and tidy, it seems that it is often cleaned.

At this moment, Zhou Yu raised his hand and lightly touched Tao Wangsan's body. Tao Wangsan felt as if a clear spring flowed through his body, and his whole body was refreshed, and he became more sober.

"Ashamed, Xiaosheng drank a few more glasses, which made everyone laugh."

Zhou Yu smiled and waved his hands: "It's okay, it seems that Brother Tao has something on his mind, so he drank his worries with wine?"

Tao Wangsan sighed, and said with a wry smile: "I think Xiongtai is not an ordinary go and sit in the room first, and I'll make a pot of tea."

Soon after, Tao Wangsan finally told his story.

It turned out that this house was not his, but the yard of a rich family named Jiang Bulang.

A few years ago, this yard was haunted somehow, causing people to panic.

Jiang Bulang invited several groups of experts to practice the method, but none of them worked. In desperation, he moved to another place to live. This courtyard has been idle and has become a famous haunted house.

Tao Wangsan was a scholar in his hometown. Both his parents died when he was young, and his family was very poor.

Fortunately, Jiang Bulang took a fancy to Tao Wangsan's potential and gave him money to support his studies.

This is also an investment direction of some rich people, spending money to support some poor scholars so that they can concentrate on their studies.

If the other party wins the Juren examination, or even wins the Jinshi examination and becomes an official, the reward will be generous.

In short, this is a matter that is beneficial to both parties.

Last summer, the weather was extremely hot, and the hut where Tao Wangsan lived was low and humid, making it difficult to concentrate on reading.

So, he went to Jiang Bulang, intending to borrow his abandoned house.

Jiang Bulang disagreed at first, thinking that the haunted house is too dangerous, what if something happens?
Tao Wangsan begged again and again, saying that he was a scholar, and he was upright, even if there were ghosts, he would not be afraid.

Under his insistence, Jiang Bulang finally agreed to Tao Wangsan to move in, but at the same time he said that he would not be responsible for anything that happened.

So Tao Wangsan happily moved into the abandoned house that day.

In the evening, Tao Wangsan finished cleaning the hall, ate something casually and began to read.

After watching for a while, I became thirsty, so I went to scoop up a bowl of water to drink.

When I returned, I was surprised to find that the books on the desk were gone...

At this time, he finally believed that the house was not clean, otherwise why would his books disappear inexplicably?
But Tao Wangsan has always been bold, and he didn't panic, but went to the bed and lay down, pretending to sleep, but quietly watching the changes with his eyes closed.

After about a meal, suddenly, there was a faint sound of footsteps.

Tao Wangsan squinted and saw two women tiptoeing out from another room.

One was about twenty years old, and the other was about seventeen or eighteen years old. Both were very pretty, with graceful postures, which made Tao Wangsan a little distracted.

After the two women came out, they first glanced at Tao Wangsan, then put the book that disappeared before on the table, and walked lightly to the bedside.

Tao Wangsan hurriedly closed his eyes tightly, and only listened carefully, wanting to see what these two ghost girls were up to.

He knew that the second daughter must be a female ghost, but he didn't believe that they were murderous ghosts. What would the murderous ghost do with his book?

The second girl stood by the bed and watched, the older girl raised her feet and gently kicked Tao Wangsan's stomach.

The other girl sniggered.

After tossing like this for a while, Tao Wangsan became a little difficult to control.

Because the other party seemed to be teasing him deliberately, kicking his stomach back and forth with his feet.

At the same time, there was another charming fragrance, which made him even more uncomfortable.

After a while, the woman saw that Tao Wangsan was not moving, and became more daring, bent down to pinch his face, and blew into his nostrils.

At this moment, Tao Wangsan finally couldn't pretend anymore, he sat up abruptly and shouted: "Why are you two brats so presumptuous?"

When he yelled, the second daughter was startled, turned around and ran away laughing.

When the two of them disappeared, Tao Wangsan became a little worried about gains and losses.

He wanted to leave here, but he was afraid of being ridiculed by Jiang Bulang. If he stayed, maybe those two ghost girls would torment him.

After much deliberation, he finally decided to stay.

Then he got up and read again.

Before he knew it, midnight passed, and Tao Wangsan was so sleepy that he went to bed.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he closed his eyes, two ghost girls came running again... pinching his nose for a while, brushing his ears with his hair for a while, and rubbing his stomach for a while, making Tao Wangsan miserable.

As soon as they scolded, the two ghost girls ran away laughing and laughing.

When he closed his eyes, he surrounded him again...and so on and on, until the rooster crowed at five o'clock.

During the day, Tao Wangsan was very sleepy, so he took a nap, but this time he slept soundly, and the second daughter did not appear.

But as soon as the sun went down, he ran out again.

This time it was bolder. Tao Wangsan was sitting at the table reading a book, and the two of them gathered around to read too. From time to time, they used their hands to cover Tao Wangsan, or grabbed his books, playing hide-and-seek with him.

Tao Wangsan was so angry that he threatened them first, saying that he was going to do something to take them in.

In the end, the second daughter was not afraid at all, and Yiyi laughed heartlessly.

Tao Wangsan had no choice but to clasped his fists and begged: "You two girls, Xiaosheng originally studied here to keep himself clean and to concentrate on his studies.

As a result, you two have such a fight, how can Xiaosheng study hard?

Forget it, I can't afford to offend, can I still hide? "

After speaking, Tao Wangsan made a gesture to pack the package.

"My lord, don't go..."

"It's a big deal, we won't tease you anymore."

"Yes, yes, you concentrate on studying, and we will help you with housework..."

The second daughter really did what she said, and they both walked to the stove, the one who picked up firewood, the one who washed the rice, and soon a pot of delicious porridge was ready.

When it was done, I hurriedly put the spoons, chopsticks, and bowls on the table.

Now, Tao Wangsan was overjoyed, and said sincerely: "I really appreciate the two girls' care, Xiaosheng thanked me so much."

One of the women said with a smile: "There is arsenic in this meal, and the crest of the crane is red. You should eat it quickly."

Tao Wangsan laughed loudly: "Xiaosheng and the two girls have never had any enmity, what reason do you have to harm me?"

After finishing speaking, he started to eat with big mouthfuls.

Hearing this, the two daughters laughed wildly, and then rushed to wash the dishes and tidy up the house.

For this, Tao Wangsan was very pleased.

That night, the atmosphere became much more harmonious, and the three of them sat together and chatted.

Tao Wangsan took the initiative to introduce himself, and then asked the second daughter's name.

The older woman replied: "My concubine's name is Qiu Rong, Mrs. Qiao, and that little girl is Xiao Xie from the Ruan family..."

Tao Wangsan couldn't help but asked about the life experience of the second daughter.

Xiao Xie couldn't help laughing and said: "You nerd, you don't dare to get close to you, what's the use of asking our life experience now? Could it be that you are going to marry us?"

Tao Wangsan sighed: "My fair lady, a gentleman is so good, people are not plants, how can I not be emotional?
Xiaosheng likes the two girls, but there is a difference between humans and ghosts, if I get close to you, I am afraid that my life will not last long.

Although Xiaosheng is not afraid of death, he has studied since he was a child and has not yet passed the exam. If he passed away, wouldn't it be a waste of years of hard study? "

Hearing what Tao Wangsan said, the second daughter liked it even more.

After that, the three lived together, and the second daughter helped cook and do housework, but she was still naughty and liked to play tricks on Tao Wangsan from time to time.

Tao Wangsan didn't mind about this, and regarded it as a small pleasure in life.

One day, Tao Wangsan went out on business, and when he came back, he found Xiao Xie lying on the desk, helping him copy the book with all his attention.

Tao Wangsan was a little surprised, and stepped forward to take a look. Although the handwriting was not very good, it was still neat and dense.

So he praised: "I didn't expect the girl to know how to write. If you like it, I will teach you."


Xiao Xie was very happy and sat on Tao Wangsan.

Tao Wangsan held Xiao Xie in his arms, and taught her to write, explaining the main points while writing.

One is a fan of learning and the other is a fan of teaching, Qiu Rong came out, seeing how intimate the two are, she couldn't help being a little jealous and jealous.

"Hmph, hypocritical stinky scholar, one moment he says that he doesn't get close to us, and the other moment he says that people are different from ghosts."

Xiao Xie was a little embarrassed and said: "We didn't do anything, just write and write. My grandfather taught me to write when I was young, and I haven't written for a long time..."

Qiu Rong said sourly: "It's just bullying me for being illiterate."

Tao Wangsan saw Qiu Rong's jealousy, and couldn't help but stepped forward and took her hand and said, "It's okay, I can teach you if you don't know how to read."


Sure enough, Qiu Rong immediately became happy when the woman coaxed her.

"Of course it is true, come here, I will teach you."

So, Tao Wangsan also let Qiu Rong sit on his body, held her tightly with one hand, and taught her to write with the other hand.

Start teaching her simple numbers, and soon, Qiurong learned one, two, three, four, five...

In this way, the two girls became obsessed with writing, and Tao Wangsan found two books for them to write according to each other, guiding them from time to time, and it was fun...

(End of this chapter)

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