Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 166 One family and three wives

Chapter 166 A Family of Three Kingdoms
After all the arrangements were made, Zhou Yu's family moved to the Duke's Mansion in the capital.

In this regard, the people of Guobei County are extremely disappointed and reluctant.

After all, with Zhou Yu sitting here, Guobei County has become a paradise. It is not an exaggeration to say that the road does not pick up lost items, and the house is not closed at night.

As long as any officials who take office in Guobei County, no matter how corrupt they are, they will eventually obediently become honest officials.

Bandits, bandits, and petty thieves from all over the country also regard Guobei County as a forbidden area, and never dare to set foot on it easily.

Even if he had to go through this process, he would behave like a man with his tail between his legs, and he didn't dare to play tricks at all.

As for the evil ghosts and monsters... they escaped far away.

This is because Guobei County has become another sacred place of Confucianism in the minds of the emperor's students, besides the sages.

In addition to Wendao Academy, which has two to three thousand students studying here all the year round, there are also many scholars who come here to study and even settle here.

In such an atmosphere, let alone little demons and little ghosts, even if a thousand-year-old demon came here, his demonic aura would be overwhelmed by Haoran's positive pressure.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Guobei County has become a restricted area for goblins and ghosts. The key is to look at the state of mind, whether it is good or evil.

If you focus on goodness and practice, you will not be affected, but you will benefit from it.

If you are evil, you will encounter an invisible counterattack.

To put it simply, it is the distinction between good and evil, righteousness and evil.

Just like an evil spirit walking into a Buddhist hall or a Taoist temple in a crooked way, no matter how well the disguise is, it will be restrained, restrained, and even attacked by an invisible force.

A group of people are reluctant to give up, and a group of students are also reluctant to give up.

Fortunately, Zhou Yu comforted the students, saying that although his family had moved to the capital, he would run on both sides when the time came, and the academies on both sides would take care of them equally.

Of course, that being said, Zhou Yu already had another plan in his mind, but it just took a little time to adjust slowly.

According to his plan, he plans to follow the previous life's school system and set up different classes, such as enlightenment class, basic class, and advanced class.

At that time, the academies on the Guobei County side will be used as elementary and basic classes, and the academies on the capital side will be used as advanced classes.

Moreover, in terms of teaching, it should be tailored to the individual, and some different subjects should be set up.

However, the promotion of such a teaching plan is inseparable from the support of the imperial court. After all, the vast majority of scholars study for fame and fame.

In this way, you must study according to the content of the imperial examination.

There are many great talents with outstanding literary talents, who can write shocking articles but have never been able to gain fame. That is because they lost in policy theory.

However, policy theory is the most important part of the imperial examination. This is also the rule set by the imperial court for the selection of officials.

However, Zhou Yu is a time traveler after all, and his ideas are far ahead of this world.

He was very aware of the drawbacks of the imperial examinations, which were too restrictive and restricted the development of many people.

For example, some people like to engage in academic research, some people like to engage in equipment research and development, some like to delve into hydraulic engineering, some like astronomy and geography...

And these are not very valued by the court, and the officials who are in charge of these projects are often not good at this aspect of knowledge.

In fact, Zhou Yu had already had these thoughts, but with his previous status and influence, it was impossible to change them.

It's different now, he has the confidence to talk about moving Le Zhengdi, not to realize his physiognomy all at once, but at least he can slowly change it by boiling frogs in warm water.

Compared with others, Zhou Yu's biggest advantage is not his status, nor is he rich, but he has plenty of time.

Back then, when he entered the palace for the first time and met Emperor Yonghe, Emperor Yonghe was in his prime and full of energy.

But now, Emperor Yonghe was already aging, and Zhou Yu not only didn't grow old, but even looked younger, just like a young man in his twenties.

The century-old plan that others said was nothing to Zhou Yu.

A mere 100 years... that's all!

Knowing that Zhou Yu had moved to the capital, the dignitaries in the capital came to visit one after another, many of them were important courtiers and even princes.

After all, regardless of Zhou Yu's current status as the Duke and Teacher of the State, he was also a great Confucianist in the current dynasty, and he was also outstanding in calligraphy, poetry, rhythm, chess, Danqing, etc., and no one could match him.

It is no exaggeration to say that if anyone can ask Zhou Yu for a calligraphy and painting nowadays, he can brag about it for a lifetime.

There is also a miraculous legend circulating among the people. It is said that an eminent monk in Xiangguo Temple has been studying Buddhism for more than [-] years, but he still cannot understand the last entrance.

As a result, Zhou Yu came to the temple to play a piece on the piano. After listening to it, the eminent monk sat in meditation for three days and finally sat down.

Of course, there are still many legends about Zhou Yu. In the eyes of many people, there is no difference between Zhou Yu and the stars in the sky. Can produce a champion or something.

Besides Zhou Yu, Bai Min'er, Mo Chou, and Ying Ning were also very busy.

After all, the three of them are now dignified Mrs. Guo, officially conferred by the imperial court.

Bai Min'er canonized Mrs. Qi, Ying Ning canonized Mrs. Wei, and Mo Chou canonized Mrs. Yan.

Therefore, when the three of them arrived in the capital, all the royal wives in the capital would naturally come to visit. Courtesies were reciprocated, and when others came to visit, they had to pay a return visit.

Of course, it is unavoidable to enter the palace to meet the queen mother, empress, and concubines.

When the entertainment was almost over, Zhou Yu went to the palace again to look for Emperor Lezheng, and expressed his thoughts.

"Your Majesty, the development of a country must go hand in hand in many aspects. Since ancient times, all dynasties, including the current Dagan, have also been like this, relying too much on agriculture..."

Hearing this, Emperor Lezheng couldn't help but wondered: "Sir, it is said that food is the most important thing for the people. Food is related to the people's livelihood in the world. It is the foundation of the country and the foundation of the people. Why do you say that you can't rely too much on agriculture?"

Zhou Yu smiled and said: "Your Majesty, it is true that food is the most important thing for the people, but has the Emperor ever thought about why since ancient times, whenever there is a natural disaster, civil uprisings are easy to occur?"


"This is because food is the most important thing for the people, food is the first in the hearts of the people, and it is more important than anything else.

Simply put, it can also be understood as survival first. This is an instinct, an instinct that exists in everything.

Whenever natural disasters, food shortages, or even crop failures, the people depend entirely on the sky for food.

Even if the imperial court distributes relief food, it is difficult to solve the problem fundamentally. Simply put, it is a temporary solution, not a root cause. "

Hearing this, Emperor Lezheng couldn't help but move in his heart, and asked: "Then what's the best plan, sir?"

"This is the same as curing a disease. The root cause of the disease must be solved fundamentally. Your Majesty, think about it, from ancient times to the present, how many dynasties have changed?

There are many reasons for the change of dynasties, but the most common one is because of food. The common people have nothing to eat, so they can only loot, or even grab official food.

Then someone took the opportunity to riot, and finally formed an uncontrollable trend..."

Zhou Yu talked for a while, and finally said: "So, fundamentally speaking, if we want to completely solve this problem, we must fundamentally reverse this phenomenon."

Emperor Yuezheng was stunned for a while, and said with a wry smile: "Sir, what you said sounds quite reasonable, but how can we reverse this situation?"

"It's very simple, as long as there is no shortage of food and every family has surplus food, when food becomes less important in the hearts of the people, then even if there is a natural disaster, they can survive safely.

At that time, food will not be the first in the hearts of the people.

Of course, this is easy to say, but it may take a relatively long process in practice.

For now, the way people grow food is still quite primitive, and the pay and output are completely out of proportion.

In some places, one mu of land produces less than a hundred catties of grain a year.

Therefore, if you want to change fundamentally, you must find a way to increase production under the condition that the existing land remains unchanged.

To increase production, we must change the original farming methods, adapt measures to local conditions, and try to cultivate some cold-resistant, drought-resistant, high-yielding varieties..."

After a long lecture, Emperor Le Zheng half understood it.

But no matter what, he still felt that what Zhou Yu said was quite reasonable.However, how to implement it is a big problem, after all, he has no experience in this area.

So, some related questions were asked.

Zhou Yu replied: "Your Majesty, this matter cannot be settled overnight, it needs a process of exploration.

Different regions can be selected first, small-scale pilot projects, and at the same time focus on cultivating a group of agricultural talents.

Once the test is successful, it can be promoted step by step.

As long as the food problem is solved, the population will definitely increase by then..."

After talking about agriculture, Zhou Yu began to talk about other aspects, such as industrial technology, water conservancy, and business...

"Your Majesty, a country's long-term plan needs to be balanced. Currently, the imperial examination system greatly limits the opportunities for many talents to show their ambitions.

For example, some skilled craftsmen are limited by various conditions, and many whimsical ideas cannot be practiced..."

When the imperial examination was mentioned, Emperor Lezheng couldn't help being surprised: "Sir, I'm afraid that the rules of the imperial examination cannot be easily changed, otherwise it will easily cause turmoil among students all over the world."

Zhou Yu smiled and said: "The rules don't need to be changed for the time being, what I mean is that the imperial court can set up another assessment content in addition to the imperial examination, so as to tap folk talents.

Those who pass the assessment are not necessarily assigned official positions, but can be given a formal establishment by the court and enjoy the salary of the court..."

In fact, Zhou Yu's meaning is very simple, similar to the career establishment in his previous life.

"In this way, the people of the world will have one more way out, and it will inevitably arouse the interest of many people, learn various skills, and accelerate the development of craftsmanship..."

The amount of information was too large, and of course Emperor Le Zheng couldn't digest it for a while.

However, Zhou Yu had already made preparations, and had already made a detailed plan, and handed it over to Emperor Le Zheng to study slowly.

This plan is much larger than what he just said, and there are many data arguments in it.

Zhou Yu believed that Emperor Le Zheng would slowly accept it sooner or later. After all, these are the paths that history must go through. However, Zhou Yu didn't do it in one go. Instead, he took a step-by-step approach to advance step by step.

Generally speaking, the development of agriculture, industry, and breeding should be given priority, and the problem of grain production should be solved first.

As long as the grain output increases, the people have no shortage of food and drink, and live and work in peace and contentment, other aspects will naturally develop slowly.

History has proved that as long as the people have food and drink, no matter who is the emperor, once there is no food or drink, there is no other way, and Hengjian will die, so it is better to fight.

Next, after some assessment and screening, the first batch of over [-] students and a dozen teachers were recruited by Jingcheng Academy, and the school officially started.

In addition, the women's school was unprecedentedly popular, unexpectedly recruiting more than [-] female disciples.

Of course, this is not surprising, after all, there are too many daughters in the capital, and with Zhou Yu's golden signboard, those daughters are of course willing to go to the women's school to broaden their horizons.

It's better than being locked at home all day.

Not long after that, Zhou Yu set up a separate teaching point according to Emperor Lezheng's wishes.

The location was instructed by Emperor Lezheng himself, not far from the imperial palace, and all those who are eligible to study here are the royal children.

That is, the prince, princess, and all the relatives of the emperor.

Of course, Zhou Yu didn't stay here all the time, but came here occasionally for a day, and the teaching was mainly taught by those former gentlemen in the palace.

If it were someone else, these gentlemen would definitely not be convinced. After all, they are all well-educated people in the dynasty, such as the prince and grand master.

But in front of Zhou Yu, no one dared to be unconvinced. On the contrary, they were very relieved, because every time Zhou Yu came, they could also take the opportunity to communicate with Zhou Yu. This was a rare opportunity.

It is not an easy task to manage these princes, princesses, little princes, and little princesses.

After all, the status is expensive and there are too many scruples.

But to Zhou Yu, that was nothing.

He is not like other gentlemen, who keeps a straight face all day long and asks to write and memorize books at every turn, making all the students drowsy and unable to raise their spirits.

Not only for these princes and princesses, but also for other students, Zhou Yu adopted a way of entertaining while teaching.

For example, when explaining some historical figures, he would not follow the scriptures, but tell them through some short stories, which the students listened to with great interest.

Even, sometimes students are allowed to play, playing different roles to deduce some historical stories.

In this way, all the princes, princesses, little princes, and little princesses liked it very much. They wished that Zhou Yu would teach them lessons every day.

At the beginning, the other teachers were somewhat unacceptable to this kind of teaching method, thinking that it was not rigorous enough and wasted the students' study time.

Of course, they dare not bring it up.

But not long after, they discovered that the effect seemed to be quite good, and the learning progress of a group of little guys began to improve significantly.

In addition, Zhou Yu sometimes exchanged his teaching experience with them, instilled some advanced concepts, and gradually reversed their conservative and stubborn thinking fundamentally.

Of course, it may not make sense for other people. After all, there is a saying that literati look down on each other and disagree with each other. It is difficult to convince other people no matter what you say.

But Zhou Yu's transcendent status and his achievements in all aspects are enough to convince the public, so even the most conservative people will be touched.

On this day, as soon as Zhou Yu entered the courtyard, the Ninth Princess ran up giggling, grabbed Zhou Yu's hand and acted coquettishly: "Sir, can you take us out to play?"

Ninth Princess is only seven years old this year, she is the youngest, and she looks pink and cute.

Therefore, once the princes and princesses have something to ask for, they will push this girl out and let her take the lead...

(End of this chapter)

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