Chapter 167
Zhou Yu knelt down and pinched Ninth Princess's pink face...Of course, it was him, the other gentlemen didn't dare.

Even a young princess is a majestic princess, pinching her face means disrespect, even disrespect.

But Zhou Yu's status and status are so detached that even the emperor respectfully calls him Mr., not Aiqing or something.

Not to mention pinching the princess's face, even pinching the queen's face...of course that is impossible.

"What's the matter, little princess, where do you want to go to play?"

"Hee hee, I want to go outside to play..." Ninth Princess smiled and raised her finger to the direction of the window.

Of course Zhou Yu knew what she meant, but he deliberately said: "Oh, so you want to play in the yard? Okay, I allow you to play in the yard for a while."

"Well, it's not the yard, it's not the yard..." Ninth Princess pouted, tugging on Zhou Yu's sleeve and acting coquettishly: "Hey, I want to go outside to play."

The girl still didn't make it clear.

Outside, is it outside, inside the city, or outside the city?

"Okay..." The cute appearance of Princess Nine made Zhou Yu's heart soft, and he patted her head lovingly: "Why don't you go hunting in the suburbs, sir?"


The little girl bit her fist in disbelief, her eyes sparkled with stars.

A group of other princes, princesses, little princes, etc. were also excited, and rushed forward one after another, asking in surprise: "Sir, are you really going to take us hunting in the countryside?"

Zhou Yu said slowly: "Mr. said to take the Ninth Princess, but you didn't say..."


"Sir, this is what we mean..."

"That's right, it's not that Jiumei is young, even if she says something wrong, the husband won't punish her, right?"

A bunch of guys finally confessed.

Zhou Yu smiled and said, "Okay, you guys read the book first, sir, talk to the emperor."

Under normal circumstances, let alone going out of the city, even a stroll in the city is not a trivial matter for the prince or princess, and a large number of guards have to be used to protect them.

Going out of the city to hunt is a big battle, at least thousands of guards.

Since Zhou Yu said that, he was sure of it.Seeing that Emperor Le Zheng did not waste much time, Emperor Le Zheng readily agreed.

If he doesn't even worry about the national teacher he personally canonized, who else can he worry about?
What's more, this trip is to the royal hunting ground, which has been guarded by guards all year round.

The important thing is that Emperor Lezheng knew very well that as long as Zhou Yu was there, he would be better than thousands of troops, not to mention that Zhou Yu said at the same time that he would bring three wives along with him, so he should go out for an outing .

In short, he doesn't have to worry about the safety of the princes and princesses at all.

After Zhou Yu came back and told the good news, all the princes, princesses, princes, and princesses were very excited, and they hurriedly prepared things one by one.

The next morning, a group of troops left the capital on horseback in a low-key way. Even the soldiers guarding the city didn't know that the prince and princess had left the city.

Among them, some of the younger ones couldn't ride alone, so the older ones led the two to ride together.

The Ninth Princess was taken by Ying Ning, and the second daughter hit it off, and the laughter of the two of them was heard all the way along the way.

After a day's journey, we arrived at the royal hunting ground in the evening.

There is more than one royal hunting ground, the one in the suburbs of Beijing is relatively small, and the hunting ground is almost full of hares, pheasants, wild sheep and the like.

However, the advantage is that it is close to the capital, and if the emperor wants to hunt, it is very convenient and safe.

There are two other places that are a bit remote, hundreds of miles away, large in scale, and there are many ferocious beasts.

It's just that the symbolic significance of the two hunting grounds is greater, and hunting is rarely opened.

After all, the distance is far away. Firstly, it is not safe to mobilize the crowd. Secondly, it is not safe.

As soon as Zhou Yu and his party arrived at the hunting ground, a man in armor led the crowd to meet them.

"Humble Li Ze, please refer to His Royal Highnesses, Your Royal Highnesses, Little Princes, and Princesses, please refer to State Teacher, State Madam..."

After some courtesy, Li Ze led a group of people to the camp.

This camp is further divided into three areas, there is a rest area dedicated to the emperor and concubines, a rest area for royal disciples, and a rest area for accompanying ministers.

The princes and princesses are supposed to be very tired after traveling all day, but because of their emotional excitement, they are still full of energy and have no sleepiness.

So, Zhou Yu ordered Li Ze to set up a bonfire, get a sheep, a few hares, and a few pheasants over to barbecue, and let these little guys have a good time.

After all, these princes and princesses seem to be high and enviable, but in fact, to some extent, they are like canaries in a cage, and their actions are greatly restricted.

The Ninth Princess is entangled with Ying Ning, almost inseparable.

Ying Ning also liked Princess Nine, and the two daughters were laughing and joking while they were grilling meat, not knowing what they were talking about.

After eating the barbecue, the princes, princesses, princes, and princesses finally got sleepy, and they washed and rested one after another.

Zhou Yu sat cross-legged in the rest area to meditate and adjust his breath, while alerting his surroundings.

Although there are guards nearby, these guards are ordinary people, and they can't deal with any aliens rushing in.

After a while, Ying Ning sneaked over and snuggled into Zhou Yu's arms.


"what happened?"

"It's nothing, I just want to stay by my husband's side."

"Why do you suddenly become sentimental? Is it because of Princess Nine? You also want to have such a cute and cute daughter?"

Ying Ning blushed: "I hate it, people can't hide their worries in front of you."

"If you want to have a child now, it will have a great impact on your cultivation."

"I know...Sister Min'er and Sister Mochou also said the same thing. In fact, we have all discussed it. We don't want children for now, and we can talk about it later when we are successful in cultivation."

"Well, it does get distracting when you have kids."

"So, I'm just talking... I think of my mother, and I suddenly understand my mother's suffering back then."

Hearing this, Zhou Yu couldn't help but put Ying Ning in his arms: "You have such a feeling, it means that you have really grown up and your mood has improved.

Let's practice hard, and when we all succeed in cultivation, we will have a litter of children..."

"What kind of nest? Are you making fun of others?"

"No, no, slip of the tongue..."

"Yes, you are just making fun of others, do you want to say that we will have a litter of little foxes in the future? Hmph!"

"Whoa, whoa..."

Suddenly, a strange laugh came.

"Xiao Diao, you bastard actually eavesdropped on someone's whispering? See if I don't punish you!"

Ying Ning was so angry that she jumped up.

"call out!"

A purple figure flashed and disappeared.

It was the sable electric mink.

After the Hu family rescued this little guy in Liangzhou City last time, this little guy relied on Zhou Yu and Ying Ning.

Now, it has become the mascot of the Duke's Mansion, including Bai Min'er, Mo Chou, and even the servants in the mansion like it very much.

This little guy is so smart, except that he can't speak, other aspects are similar to human beings, and sometimes he even holds a book and reads it with gusto.

In this regard, Zhou Yu guessed that this purple electric mink was probably trained by its owner before, but for some reason it was placed on the order again.

Maybe the previous owner died?
"Hmph, you're running fast!"

Ying Ning stroked his sleeve angrily.

"Okay, Yingning, don't worry about that little thing, don't talk about you, it can't even catch up with me and your sister Min'er if it runs."

This is not to comfort Ying Ning, but to tell the truth.

Once this purple electric mink runs at full speed, it is really as fast as lightning, almost like teleportation. Zhou Yu has tested it many times, and unless he uses a strange technique, he will not be able to run or catch this little guy at all.

Come to think of it, when the Hu family colluded with the people from the Western Regions, they also used formations and the like to trap this little guy before they were caught.

In view of this, Zhou Yu has already begun to train Zidian, teaching it some methods of cultivation and some methods of walking.

As long as this little guy masters some skills, he will be able to escape even if he is trapped in the formation in the future.

"Come back and clean it up!"

Ying Ning came back, sat on the ground, and lay down on Zhou Yu's lap, looking at the stars in the sky.

Silent all night.

The next morning, the hunt began.

Of course Zhou Yu, Ying Ning, Bai Min'er, and Mo Chou wouldn't do anything. If the couple did it, it would be bullying the little animals.

The Ninth Princess also has a bow... Of course, it is a special small bow, just like a toy.

But that didn't stop her from having fun.

In order to make these princes, princesses, little princes, and princesses have fun, a group of guards scattered around to help drive them away, trying to drive those wild sheep and hares together.

In this way, hunting is much easier.

On the first day, the harvest was not small. A total of nine sheep, more than a dozen hares, and more than [-] golden pheasants were hunted.

The second day was also very good, almost as good as the first day.

Of course, the prey is just icing on the cake. What everyone enjoys is mainly the hunting process and the feeling of being free.

That night.

The princes and princesses may be a little tired, and the initial excitement period has passed, so they didn't hold any bonfire party, and they all went to rest early.

Zhou Yu sat cross-legged nearby to adjust his breath as usual.

Late at night.

Suddenly, there was a scream, followed by another scream.

Zhou Yu immediately jumped up.He recognized that the screaming sound was the warning sound from the sable, and the scream should be that the intruder was attacked by the sable.

However, Zhou Yu couldn't leave at such a time. If he wanted to leave, he might fall into the enemy's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

Who is so bold?

"Sir, what happened?"

The third prince rushed the fastest and was the first to rush out.

Zhou Yu ordered: "You all go back to your house and don't come out."

The three daughters Bai Min'er, Ying Ning, and Mo Chou didn't need to be told, they had already dispersed to search for the enemy.

A group of guards also took action one after another, some rushed to the rest area to protect the royal disciples, some stood guard on the outside, forming a protective circle, and some rushed out to meet the enemy.

Unexpectedly, it was a group of masters who came this time, and without fear of death, they rushed directly to the guards to fight with their lives.

Li Ze finally came to his senses and shouted, "This is a bunch of dead men, everyone be careful!"

A dead soldier is a special kind of killer who has undergone extremely strict training.

They generally do not dispatch, but once dispatched, basically they will never return, it is a purely suicidal action.

This time, I don't know who was responsible for sending a large number of dead soldiers, some of them were attacking directly to create a commotion, and some of them were secretly sneaking into the resting place of the royal disciples.

But unfortunately, their plan to transfer the tiger away from the mountain did not transfer Zhou Yu away.

Two dead soldiers finally sneaked into the rest area of ​​the royal disciples, but before they had time to make a move, two palm shadows struck and killed them on the spot.

"Sir, let's fight together!"

"Yes, as royal disciples, we cannot hide and hide!"

"Sir, students please fight!"

The third prince rushed out again with a bow and arrow, followed by two little princes.

"Nonsense, it's not easy to come here, you are not opponents at all."

"This princess wants to beat the villains!"

Ninth Princess actually ran out holding her toy bow, and said in a baby voice.

Zhou Yu was overjoyed.

Just as he was about to reprimand him, almost all the princes and princesses ran out, all of them high-spirited.

"Okay, then you all stand by my side."


"Hee hee, it's fun..."

Zhou Yu: "..."

However, it's okay, with him here, he has the confidence to protect these little guys.

Besides, there are Bai Min'er, Ying Ning, Mo Chou, Zidian and a group of guards on the periphery. I believe those daring intruders will be cleaned up soon.

Who is it?Could it be?
A flash of light flashed in Zhou Yu's mind, and he suddenly thought of a person: the former prince.

But speaking of it, the ex-prince was quite sad, how many years did he endure?He suffered so much that his own hair turned white, and finally hoped that his father would take the initiative to abdicate, but the emperor was not him.

Back then, the crown prince and the sixth prince fought to the death, and both sides cultivated forces secretly.

Zhou Yu had sneaked into the base secretly established by the prince back then, and met the leader of the secret organization, a man wearing a golden mask.

But at that time, he didn't want to interfere with the royal affairs, so he didn't make a move.

Unexpectedly, after many years, the prince finally couldn't hold back anymore?
But after thinking about it, no, even if the crown prince killed all the princes and princesses, he would not be able to ascend the throne, after all, the emperor was still there.

Could it be... that it was aimed at me?
Zhou Yu suddenly thought of a possibility.

As long as the opponent doesn't care about the cost, even if he only kills one prince, then he will be blamed for it.

After all, he brought people out, and he couldn't get away with it.At that time, his many years of achievements will be ruined in one fell swoop, maybe Emperor Lezheng will revoke all his titles and titles in a fit of anger.

Although Zhou Yu didn't care about false fame, it would have a great impact on his future plan to revitalize Confucianism.

Could it be that there is a huge force that wants to take this opportunity to bring him down?

Just at this time, several black shadows rushed over...

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

All the princes and the little prince immediately shot arrows.

It's a pity that the opponent's skills are too flexible, and the body with afterimages avoided the arrows and continued to attack.

Zhou Yu glanced around coldly, raised his palm and patted the air a few times, and killed his opponent in an instant.

"Wow, sir is amazing!"

"It is said that Mr. is a first-class immortal, and it is true."

All the royal disciples couldn't help being amazed.

At this time, Zhou Yu suddenly frowned, raised his head slightly and said, "Min'er, come and guard here, I'll go to the palace right away."

The voice echoed in the night sky, and Bai Min'er flew over quickly.

"Husband, are you worried about... the emperor?"

"Yes, you stay here!"

After finishing speaking, Zhou Yu soared into the sky and flew towards the capital at the fastest speed...

(End of this chapter)

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