Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 168 Realm Improvement: Great Confucianism

Chapter 168 Realm Improvement: Great Confucianism

Sure enough, something happened in the capital.

Someone even sneaked into the palace to assassinate the emperor.

There are a total of more than ten assassins, and none of them are ordinary people. There are quack warlocks and Western Region mages.

Although there were many guards in the palace, they couldn't resist the opponent's intensive spells, and suffered heavy casualties.

Fortunately, there were still a few dragon guards in the palace who did not show their faces on weekdays. They protected the emperor and hid in the secret passage of the palace, so they escaped the catastrophe temporarily.

However, this is only an expedient measure. The other party obviously also knows that there is a secret passage in the palace, and they know the approximate location, and they have already formed a siege.

Originally, several dragon guards wanted to delay for a while, waiting for the brigade of imperial troops to come to protect the frame.

Unexpectedly, waiting left and right, but the forbidden army has been missing for a long time.

At this time, Emperor Lezheng finally understood that this was a well-planned conspiracy, something must have happened to the imperial guards, they were either bribed or controlled, that's why they didn't rush to protect the frame.

Is it...

A terrifying thought suddenly flashed through Emperor Le Zheng's mind.

After all, the timing was perfect.

Zhou Yu led several of his princes out of the capital on the front foot, and he was assassinated on the back foot. It is strange to have such a thought.

Fortunately, he was quite sensible, and he quickly denied the idea at the same time.

After all, Emperor Lezheng also knew Zhou Yu's strength very well, so he didn't have to wait until now if he really wanted to have any ideas.

Then, the biggest possibility is that someone has been secretly planning a rebellion, but they have not been able to find a good time.

This time, it was a god-sent opportunity for Zhou Yu to leave Beijing with all the princes.

Just when Emperor Lezheng was panicking, he heard a faint shout: "You guys are so courageous, my national teacher will let you never be reincarnated today!"

"Great, Master Guoshi is here!"

The spirits of the dragon guards were lifted up.

"Quick, go and have a look in person."


Outside, it was indeed Zhou Yu who arrived.

In a fit of rage, he simultaneously performed the Nine Forms of Qi Suppressing Mountains and Rivers and Noble Qi, strangling his opponents one by one like a crushing one, and it was the kind of extinction.

That is what he said before that he will never be reborn forever.

On weekdays, Zhou Yu seldom kills, but this time he was really furious.

He didn't think it was a coincidence, his inference was similar to Emperor Le Zheng's, the other party must have planned for a long time, just waiting for an opportunity.

As a result, he left Beijing with a group of princes. The other party thought it was a rare opportunity, so he couldn't help but do it.

Isn't this putting a basin on his head?
It's no wonder if you're not angry!
There is no need to live and die, and there are not many people who can make such a big battle. Zhou Yu believes that he will be able to find out the mastermind behind the scenes.

Not long after, all the killers who sneaked into the palace, including the three guys who had been hidden in the dark, were also searched out by Zhou Yu and killed.


Emperor Lezheng finally came out from the secret passageway, with a look of lingering fear.

"Sorry, I surprised the emperor..."

"Sir, are there assassins at the hunting ground?"

"That's right!" Zhou Yu nodded, "But don't worry, Your Majesty, all the princes will be fine."

"That's good."

"Your Majesty, this matter must have been premeditated for a long time, the other party should have insiders in the palace, and has been looking for a suitable time.

As soon as the princes and princesses left the palace, the other party thought that the opportunity had come, so they finally made a move. "

Emperor Lezheng nodded solemnly: "That's right, I think so too."

At this time, Zhou Yu glanced around subconsciously, and said: "The forbidden army has not arrived, it seems that there must be something wrong with the forbidden army."

When this matter was mentioned, Emperor Lezheng couldn't help but look gloomy, and ordered: "Commander Chen!"


"Quickly take people to take the commander-in-chief of the forbidden army and the commanders of the left and right into the prison awaiting trial. If anyone resists, they will be killed on the spot!"

"According to the order!"

Royal hunting grounds.

Although the opponent came with many dead soldiers, but with Bai Min'er, Ying Ning, and Mo Chou present, they finally killed each opponent one by one.

Although the guards of the hunting ground were killed or injured, fortunately, all the royal disciples were safe and sound.

Ying Ning and Mo Chou searched around and returned to the camp after confirming that there were no more intruders.

"I don't know what's going on with your husband?" Ying Ning murmured.

Bai Min'er replied: "Something must have happened in the palace, otherwise my husband would have come back long ago."

"Hey, what a coincidence? It doesn't happen sooner or later, but it happens at this time."

Mo Chou frowned and said, "I don't think it's a coincidence, it should be carefully planned."

"Well, it should be like this." Bai Min'er nodded.

After waiting for almost an hour, Zhou Yu finally came back.


Mo Chou walked forward with a concerned face.

"Sir is back."

"Sir, is there something wrong in the capital?"

A group of royal disciples also gathered around to inquire.

"Well, something happened, but it's all right now."

The second prince said with a look of relief: "That's great, I know that as long as Mr. is here, everything will be fine."

"Okay, everyone pack up, we'll return to Beijing later."

The next day, the news quickly spread throughout the capital, causing an uproar in the government and the public.

At the same time, martial law was implemented in the capital, and all the gates of the city were closed. Except for those with the emperor's order, no one was allowed to enter or leave.

At the same time, a large number of forbidden troops were dispatched to arrest the whole city.

The reason why the Forbidden Army did not move out before was that something went wrong.

The commander-in-chief of the imperial army was controlled by someone, and he was controlled by someone as early as a year ago, just so that he could come in handy one day.

Now, the Forbidden Army has undergone a major change. Emperor Le Zheng withdrew a large number of leaders, and replaced another group of relatively trusted people to take charge of the Forbidden Army again.

The mastermind behind the scenes finally surfaced.

In fact, it is not difficult to guess who is behind the scenes. After all, there are not many people who can make such a battle, and everyone knows who will benefit more after this is done.

Bear the brunt of the former prince.

Now, of course, is the Prince.

The past dynasties have different measures for the prince's resignation. Some dynasties let the prince leave Beijing and divide them into entrustments. They are not allowed to return to Beijing unless there are special circumstances.

Others let the prince stay in the capital and are not allowed to leave the capital without special circumstances.

Whether you leave the capital or stay in the capital, there are advantages and disadvantages, and it depends on how the emperor weighs it.

During the Daqian Dynasty, most of the princes stayed in the capital.

After Emperor Lezheng ascended the throne, the former crown prince offered to leave the capital, but Emperor Lezheng did not agree in the end.

He felt that it would be safer to stay under the nose and watch.

Sure enough, this guy is not dead.

What's more, this time of rebellion, what many people didn't expect was that for the first time, the former prince would join forces with his former rival, the sixth prince.

The two used to fight to the death.

Now it may be sympathy for each other, and the enemy of the enemy is a friend, so we will cooperate together.

Let Emperor Lezheng be kicked out first, and then the two will see who can ascend to the throne according to their own abilities.

Unfortunately, these two guys still underestimated Zhou Yu's strength.

He tried his best to find many quacks and mages from the Western Regions, but with the cooperation of Zhou Yu and his wife, they still lost in a complete mess.

In the end, each of them had a glass of poisoned wine and died in the dungeon.

Although this rebellion frightened Emperor Lezheng, fortunately, there was no danger.The important thing is that he finally solved two serious problems in his heart.

Speaking of which, both are his imperial brothers. Although he knew that these two imperial brothers were ambitious and would become hidden dangers sooner or later, they had no reason to do so.

This time, the name is finally justified, and the teacher is famous.

Next, they sent many masters to leave the capital to completely destroy the den established by the two.

After solving the turmoil this time, Emperor Lezheng began to focus on government affairs, first of all to solve the problem of grain production.

After all, it is related to the foundation of people's livelihood.

Of course, it is not a simple matter to solve the problem of food production, and it involves all aspects.

Such as seed and soil improvement, water conservancy projects and so on.

For this reason, the imperial court began to recruit sages from all over the world, and at the same time set up experimental fields in different areas to carry out various improvements.

For example, planting and breeding are integrated, sowing different seeds according to local conditions, encouraging villagers to open up wasteland, reclaiming terraced fields, overhauling canals, and rationally fertilizing, etc.

The industry is also gradually advancing. The Ministry of Industry has set up a new organization to recruit some skilled craftsmen to participate in the improvement of mining, smelting, casting, molds, equipment, etc.

There are outstanding contributors who are given a formal establishment. According to Zhou Yu, they are called technical talents.

Although there is no official title, after having a formal establishment, he can be regarded as a person who eats the emperor's grain. This is a precedent and has greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of some technical talents.

At the same time, Zhou Yu also began to cooperate with the imperial court and opened some courses related to agriculture, industry and so on.

In the past, the only way for scholars to get ahead in school was through the imperial examinations.

But it's different now, even if you don't take the imperial examination, as long as you have extraordinary talents in other areas, such as being interested in arithmetic, mechanics, etc., you can specialize in this area of ​​knowledge.

At that time, you can also participate in the government's assessment. As long as you pass the assessment, you will also have the opportunity to get the treatment similar to the imperial examination.

For the common people in the world, this is undoubtedly another way to change their destiny.

After several years of hard work, the results are finally beginning to be seen. There are good news from the experimental areas all over the country, and most of the grain production has doubled.

Such a result not only strengthened Emperor Lezheng's determination to promote it on a large scale, but also made many ministers who held opposing opinions obediently shut up.

The main reason for these ministers' opposition is that the investment is too large, which is a waste of money.

But they don't think about it, how can there be any reward if they don't pay?
The Daqian Dynasty finally entered a period of unprecedented rapid development. The large increase in food production also caused the population to continue to rise.

At the same time, industry, commerce, and the military are also advancing steadily, and the faction is thriving.

And at this time, Zhou Yu's reputation had already reached a peak.

Under his influence and drive, the luck of Confucianism flourishes, and celebrities emerge in endlessly.

The common people live and work in peace and contentment, and the monsters and ghosts all over the world have become rare, or they are like Ying Ning, who live in harmony with human beings.

By the time Emperor Lezheng passed away, the Dagan dynasty had grown to a level that no one could have imagined before.

The population has more than tripled compared to when he first came to the throne, and the surrounding small countries have come to court every year, and they dare not think about it at all.

The new emperor ascended the throne again, and the first important thing was still to invite Zhou Yu into the palace.

Within a few days, an imperial decree was issued, canonizing Zhou Yu as the king of Anping, and also the guardian of the country.

This is an exception. After all, a dynasty usually canonize some founding heroes who have made outstanding achievements as kings with different surnames in the early days of the dynasty.

Generally, kings with different surnames will not be canonized in the middle.

However, Zhou Yu's contribution to the Daqian Dynasty is obvious to all, and it is only logical that he canonize a king with a different surname.

This is also an opportunity that Emperor Lezheng intentionally left for his son following the example of his father.

Since he was canonized as a king, other corresponding rewards were also indispensable, such as the palace, and the other three wives were naturally promoted to princesses.

For Zhou Yu, this can be regarded as the icing on the cake.

However, he didn't put on the airs of a prince, and he didn't have anything good to do. With his current reputation and strength, he didn't care about these worldly fame or even wealth at all.

What he cares about is longevity.

Although there is no sign of aging at present, he still has no idea whether he can live forever.

In his spare time, Zhou Yu still went to the academy to give lectures to students from time to time.

Moreover, he also "invented" a set of phonetic phonetic schemes and vigorously promoted them. Soon after, he compiled the first set of real dictionaries in history together with a group of students.

This set of dictionaries contains tens of thousands of characters, not only with phonetic notation, but also with explanations and usages of word meanings.

In this way, it is very convenient for some students who have just entered school, or some people who are not very literate.

As long as you have a certain foundation of literacy and master the phonetic scheme, you can recognize more characters with a dictionary.

This set of dictionaries was finally issued uniformly by the imperial court, and all academies and private schools must be equipped with them, so that all students should learn the phonetic notation scheme, and be assessed during the children's examination.

Now, even if the private school doesn't want to prepare, it has to prepare, otherwise it won't receive students.

Before I knew it, more than ten years had passed.

Zhou Yu's realm was finally raised again, from a college student to a great Confucianist.

It was easy to rise to this realm before, but it got slower and slower. For example, this time, it took decades and experienced three emperors.

However, although it took a little longer, the improvement in all aspects is undoubtedly huge.

Not to mention talent, with Zhou Yu's current level, even without the bonus of talent, his own skills are enough to stand out in the world.

Of course, after the talent reaches a certain level, what is blessed is not just the level of talent, but a skill.

For example, calligraphy, as long as he wants to, writing a line of characters can kill people invisible.

The same is true of the melody, which can make people mesmerized, or fall into a hallucination, or even disappear into ashes.

Chess, you can raise your hand to lay out a chess game to achieve the effect of formation.

Of course, the cultivation of Bai Min'er, Mo Chou, and Ying Ning has also been improving all the time.

Bai Min'er's cultivation has surpassed that of her master, and Mo Chou has been completely reborn, her body is as gentle as jade, no different from ordinary people.

Ying Ning's appearance has not changed much, she still looks like an innocent girl.

It's just that his cultivation has already reached the Golden Core realm.

Including the Purple Sable, its strength has also increased a lot, and its speed is still its biggest advantage. Even if Zhou Yu is now promoted to the realm of Confucianism, he still cannot catch up with this little guy.

But there was one question that confused Zhou Yu a bit.

After he upgraded the realm, his strength improved, but he didn't have the feeling of doing whatever he wanted before.

It was as if there was a faint force restraining him between heaven and earth...

(End of this chapter)

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