Chapter 174
In fact, not only the grain merchants in the city, but also many pharmacy owners who wanted to take this opportunity to make money suddenly found out why few patients came to the door?

Upon inquiring, someone actually set up a stall, set up a cauldron to cook medicine, not to mention free medical treatment, and free porridge.

Now, a group of profiteers couldn't sit still, they sat down to discuss, and decided to secretly send someone to make trouble.

In the morning, there were several long queues in front of the drug stall.

A middle-aged man drank a bowl of medicinal soup, and when he was about to leave, he suddenly screamed in pain, foamed at the mouth and fell to the ground.

"No, this medicinal soup is poisonous!"

Someone shouted.

This roar suddenly turned the scene into chaos.

"Let me just say, how can there be such a good thing in the world, look, people are drunk to death..."

"Everyone, hurry up, be careful not to drink to death, you still have to go to the doctor to grab the medicine..."

In the crowd, several men booed vigorously.

As a result, it made people panic even more.

It's just that the performance of this gang of jumping clowns is so hidden from the eyes of Bai Min'er and other girls?

"Everyone, don't panic, someone must be making trouble." Ying Ning shouted loudly.

As a result, this shout made the other party even more excited, and they all uttered words to scold them.

"What is making trouble? You don't understand medical skills at all, and you just mess around with some herbs and say they can cure diseases?"

"That's right, everyone, let's see if they look like they can cure diseases? They are obviously using our lives as an experiment."

"Yes, yes, everyone, don't trust them, don't delay your illness..."

At this time, the middle-aged man lying on the ground twitched even more vigorously, and even traces of blood bubbles oozed out of his mouth.

Xiaoqing strode forward and said angrily: "Bastard, how dare you make trouble here, let's see how I deal with you."

After finishing speaking, he picked up the middle-aged man lying on the ground, raised his hand and slapped him several times.

"Hey, how do you beat people?"

"Quickly report to the officer..."

Those guys made more trouble.

"Xiaoqing, don't mess around!"

Bai Suzhen stepped forward, and then cast a cold glance at the middle-aged man.

As a result, the guy shivered in fright at this look, turned around without saying a word, and wanted to slip away.

"Stop, aren't you poisoned?"

"" The middle-aged man broke out in cold sweat and couldn't speak fluently.

He didn't know why, but he was always scared.

"No? Then what happened to you just now?"

"I... I... I'm suffering from epilepsy..."

"Goat epilepsy? Just right, I will cure this disease, Xiaoqing, bring a silver needle."

"Silver needle?" Xiaoqing was stunned for a moment, then with a smirk on his face, he pulled out the silver hairpin on his head: "Use this..."

The middle-aged man stared wide-eyed in fright, using this thing to pierce silver needles?
"no, I'm fine……"

"Say, what's going on?" Bai Suzhen shouted coldly.

"'s Zhao... shopkeeper Zhao of Huichuntang asked me to come, let me...take the pack of medicine powder he gave me first, and'll foam..."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar at the scene.

"Oh, no wonder I said you look so familiar, it turns out that you are a fellow of Huichuntang."

In the crowd, someone grabbed the previous man who was instigating the flames.

"Don't talk nonsense..."

Now that Xiaoqing has evidence, how can she bear it?With one kick, the middle-aged man was kicked to the ground.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the other guys secretly wanted to slip away.

In the end, he was pushed to the ground by a crowd of angry people and beat him up.

"Bastards, you are trying your best to raise the price of medicine, making us look down on patients, and some girls are giving medicine out of good intentions, but you come here to make trouble..."

"Beat them!"

"Send them to the government..."

As soon as they arrived at the government office, the guys who made the most trouble obediently confessed that it was really a few big drugstores who asked someone to make trouble.

This time, the magistrate of Qiantang County was angered.

This time Qiantang County was hit by a disaster, as the county magistrate, he was naturally busy with disaster relief and comforting the people.

Moreover, the county magistrate had been worried about the spread of the disease before. After all, once the situation got out of control, he would not be safe.

Fortunately, some people in the city showed great kindness and treated the common people for free, which greatly controlled the spread of the disease.

The county magistrate originally planned to go to reward him in person, but this group of guys stabbed him in the back?
In a fit of rage, he not only sent those guys to jail, but also sent people to seal up those pharmacies as a warning to others.

As soon as the news spread, the people applauded one after another.

A group of profiteers also twitched their tails, not daring to think otherwise.

After going on like this for a while, the disaster in Qiantang County finally eased, fewer and fewer refugees flocked to the county, and food prices fell, even lower than before the disaster.

This is because a large number of grain merchants in the city have purchased a large amount of grain from other places, and it is arriving continuously.

Grain can't be stored for too long. In desperation, these grain merchants can only drop it again and again, or else it will become moldy and suffer even worse losses.

Especially those grain merchants who paid double the price to purchase grain from Qin Song suffered heavy losses...

However, Qin Song did not profit from it in the end, and Zhou Yu did not pay a penny in the end.

The huge price difference earned from those profiteers was used to purchase food and medicinal materials, and returned them to the people. At the same time, they also completed a good deed, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

After this incident, Qin Song knew that Zhou Yu was definitely not an ordinary scholar, and made a special trip to prepare a generous gift to visit him.

As soon as they met, they shouted: "Sir, you are really a god!"

Zhou Yu smiled and said, "Mr. Qin, why did you say that? Mr. Zhou is just a mere scholar, how can he be called a god?"

Zhou Yu didn't admit it, and Qin Song didn't get to the bottom of it, and his demeanor was always respectful.

Two days later, Song Zhi, the magistrate of the county, sent someone to post a post, inviting Zhou Yu, Qin Song and several gentry from the city to a banquet.

Although Zhou Yu didn't come forward directly for this disaster relief, the county magistrate still learned of his plan to outwit Qin Song and a group of grain merchants through various channels.

This move can be said to have done him a great favor, making the disaster situation in Qiantang County quickly brought under control.

For this, he was also commended by the court.

As the saying goes, when drinking water, think of the source, Song Zhi knew that Zhou Yu and Qin Song had helped a lot in this disaster relief and had a good start, so he specially hosted a banquet and thanked him in person.

Zhou Yu didn't refuse, and went happily.

After the banquet was over, Zhou Yu walked up to Song Zhi and asked in a low voice, "Has Mr. Song often encountered some troubles recently?"

Hearing this, Song Zhi couldn't help being stunned.

Because Zhou Yu's words hit his heart.

After being stunned for a while, Song Zhi couldn't help asking, "Who did you listen to?"

Zhou Yu shook his head: "It's not about listening to someone. There are black lines appearing between the eyebrows of your lord. This is a sign that everything is not going well."

Hearing this, Song Zhi couldn't help but frowned: "How could it be? I just got an award from my superiors just now, and my official career is going well..."

"Hehe, since your lord said so, let Zhou talk too much after drinking, and leave!"

When you're done, turn around.

"My lord, what did Zhou Xiucai say?"

The master asked curiously.

"It's nothing, go back."

"Yes, my lord!"

On the way back to the county government office, Song Zhi's sedan chair suddenly fell to the ground, which shocked him greatly.

"Sir, forgive me!"

The two bearers were so frightened that they knelt down and begged for mercy.

The master hurried forward to support Song Zhi: "My lord, are you alright?"

Song Zhi shook his dizzy head: "'s okay."

"How did you carry the sedan chair?"

While angrily yelling at the two bearers, the master stepped forward to take a closer look. It turned out that the handle of the sedan chair was cracked, and the handle of the sedan chair was broken.

"Forget it, it's not too far away, let's walk back."

Fortunately, Song Zhi didn't blame the bearer, but said something to the master.

"My lord, let me help you, please slow down..."

As he walked, Song Zhi couldn't help thinking of what Zhou Yu said earlier.

In fact, during this period of time, too many similar things happened.For example, when drinking tea, the teacup suddenly cracked, when I stepped over the threshold, I stumbled and fell, and when drinking tea in the garden, a piece of bird droppings suddenly fell.

The most dangerous time was when a tile suddenly fell from the eaves. Fortunately, a government servant pushed it in time.

If you hit it on the head, it will definitely be bloody.

If it happened once or twice, it could be considered a coincidence, but Song Zhi thought about it carefully, how many times similar things happened in the past month.

Although there is no danger, who can say about the probability?

Is it really an ominous omen?

The next day, Song Zhi was restless, thinking about it, and finally changed into ordinary clothes, and took his master to find Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu seemed to have come to the meeting with the two of them long ago, and had already made three cups of tea in the courtyard.

This time, Song Zhi let go of his airs and said sincerely: "Zhou Xiucai, to tell you the truth, I have indeed encountered a lot of things recently..."

Hearing Song Zhi talk about his recent encounters, Zhou Yu pinched his fingers and said, "As far as the present is concerned, the reason why my lord turns dangers into fortunes is because of his official luck.

However, judging by the black line between the adults' eyebrows, I'm afraid something big will happen in the near future..."

Upon hearing this, the master was a little unhappy and said, "Zhou Xiucai, don't just talk about scaring your lord."

In his mind, Zhou Yu probably secretly inquired about the matter of the lord, and wanted to use this matter to build a relationship with the lord.


Song Zhi glared at the master dissatisfied.

"The little one talks too much, the little one talks too much." The master hurriedly apologized.

"Hehe..." Zhou Yu smiled at the master: "If the master says Zhou is talking nonsense, then Zhou should just talk nonsense.

According to Zhou's observation, master, you probably haven't had sex with Ling Zheng for two years, right? "

"you you……"

The master's complexion changed, turning dark purple.

This is his most secret matter, even the servants in the county government don't know about it, how did Zhou Yu know?
Moreover, even the time is not bad?
Counting it, he did not seem to have intercourse with his wife for two years.

It's not that he didn't want to, but that he was powerless.I don't know why, but suddenly it doesn't work.

At first I thought it was due to physical weakness, so I bought a lot of tonics and stewed a lot of chicken soup to drink, but it still didn't work.

Later, I quietly went to get folk remedies.

In order not to let others know about his problem, instead of looking for a doctor in the city, he disguised himself and went to a neighboring county to get medicine.

After tossing and tossing, it is still useless.

So the master thought again, is it because the lady is old and married for a long time, so he doesn't feel it anymore?

With this in mind, the master quietly went to the brothel in the neighboring county to find a young and beautiful girl...

After tossing for a long time, the girl looked sympathetic.

Song Zhi glanced at the master in surprise.

Speaking of which, the master's age is not too old, he is in his thirties, and he lost the joy of life in this way?

"Hehe, master don't need to be angry, Mr. Zhou just wanted to help you by saying that."

"help me?"

Master was stunned.

"Yes, in fact, your problem is not what you imagined.

Most people suffering from such a disease are often identified as qi deficiency and frailty.

Of course, many people are like this, but it is not absolute.For example, master, it is because of the accumulation of blood in the body, which leads to the stagnation of Qi and blood.

If it continues to develop, the situation will be serious, and it is likely to be directly paralyzed..."


The master shook his head and really collapsed to the ground.


"Is it really that serious?" Song Zhi couldn't help asking.

Zhou Yu nodded solemnly.

"Then... what is the cure?"

The master got up with a bitter face and asked.

"I'll prescribe a prescription for you in a while, you take the medicine according to the prescription, twice a day, I believe the symptoms will be relieved in three to five days..."

"Great, thank you so much."

The master seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, with a face full of rejoicing, and heartfelt thanks.

"Then...the matter of the official..."

Song Zhi couldn't help but glanced at Zhou Yu and asked again.

"My lord, with all due respect, according to my inference, someone should want to take your life."

"Huh?" Song Zhi was taken aback.

"The method used by the other party is very ingenious, but also very vicious, that is to exhaust the luck of the adults bit by bit, until the luck is exhausted and he dies.

My lord, think about it carefully, have you offended any enemies? "

Hearing this, Song Zhi couldn't help but smile wryly: "As a county magistrate, how can I not offend others? Not to mention far away, let's just say that several pharmacies have been closed recently."

"My lord, could it be the trick of those pharmacy owners?" the master couldn't help but asked.

"Probably not..." Zhou Yu shook his head: "Firstly, the timing is not quite right, and secondly, they don't think they have the guts yet."

"Then... who could it be?" The master frowned.

Zhou Yu thought for a while, and said, "Well, I'll visit your lord tomorrow. My lord will try to find a way to call out some people who often come into contact with you. I'll see if there are any suspicious people."

"Oh? You mean, it was done by someone close to me?"

"It's just a guess, because only those who are in frequent contact with adults can easily do it."

Hearing this, the master was startled and waved his hands again and again: "My lord, please trust the little one, the little one is loyal to the grown-up and never dares to have second thoughts."

Zhou Yu smiled: "I didn't say it was you, why are you so nervous?"

"Yes yes yes..." Master wiped the cold sweat off his brow.

After a while, Zhou Yu prescribed a prescription and handed it to the master.

The master looked forward to, excited and delighted, and thanked repeatedly.

After all, this matter has troubled him for two years, making him exhausted.In the past, I was in harmony with my wife, loving each other.

But now...the two hardly spoke much.

The master didn't speak because he was guilty, and the lady didn't want to speak because he was desperate.

After returning to the county government office, the master hurried to grab the medicine.

Song Zhi sat in the room and thought carefully about what Zhou Yu said today, and sorted out all the people who often came into contact with him one by one in his mind.

After combing for a long time, I didn't sort out a clue...

[Saburo's new book "I'm Cultivating Immortals at the Six Doors" is officially uploaded, please support new and old book friends]

[Introduction to content: Gongmen cultivating immortals, granted by the imperial power, here are the six doors! 】

(End of this chapter)

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