Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 186 Sisters Are Easy to Marry

Chapter 186 Sisters Are Easy to Marry
At this moment, the spider spirit finally felt that something was wrong.

Not to mention Xiaoqing, because Xiaoqing hides her cultivation, in the eyes of the spider spirit, she is just a little demon in rigid form.

However, the appearance of the purple electric sable actually made it a little afraid.

Unexpectedly, another pair of men and women appeared in the field at this time.

The spider spirit finally understood that something big was about to happen to it.

This guy is also considered witty, he didn't say a word, and wanted to escape with a "swoosh", and at the same time he didn't forget to spit out a spider web cover for everyone.


Unexpectedly, as soon as it moved, it was struck down by the purple electric marten's paw.

Zidian looks like a little guy, but his strength is not small. Even if he is alone, this spider spirit is by no means an opponent.

Therefore, Zhou Yu was lazy at all.

Bai Suzhen walked towards Die'er and Baihe, raised her hand and released them from their bondage.

"Xiao Diao, don't move your claws anymore, let this girl deal with this guy."

It's been a long time since Xiaoqing has made a quick move, she yelled at Zidian, and rushed to the spider spirit in a blink of an eye.

The spider spirit was startled, and hurriedly avoided it.

At this time, it finally knew that Xiaoqing was not a little demon in a hardened form, and his morals were higher than it.

In a fit of rage, he transformed into his main body...

"Xiaoqing, be careful!"

Seeing that the spider refined itself, Die Er instinctively let out a loud shout.

This spider spirit also has 500 years of Taoism. Its body is about the size of a buffalo, but its eight spider legs are much thicker and longer than that of a cow, so its shape looks even more exaggerated.

But, can this scare Xiaoqing?
If she turned into her true form, she would be much bigger than this spider.

It's just that, now she has gradually adapted to the human body and human identity, and she no longer turns into a snake tail at every turn like before.

Seeing the spider spirit rushing towards him viciously, Xiaoqing couldn't help but snorted coldly, and without dodging or dodging, he punched him...


Die'er and Lily exclaimed at the same time.

After all, this spider spirit was like a nightmare to the two of them. Didn't expect Xiaoqing to underestimate the enemy so much?

Under the huge body of the spider spirit, Xiaoqing's body looked so petite, even the spider spirit's spider leg could not compare.

As a result, he punched the spider spirit and made it roll over and over again. He heard a strange squeaking sound in his mouth, and spit out some black mucus from his mouth.

"Come again!"

Xiaoqing rushed forward, punched and kicked...

This is talent.

Speaking of it, the time difference between Xiaoqing and the spider essence is not too big. Xiaoqing may have practiced for more than a hundred years longer than the spider essence.

However, talent is a very mysterious thing.

If Xiaoqing was just an ordinary little demon, how could Bai Suzhen recognize her as a sister?
Of course, in addition to talent, race also has a great relationship.

For example, fox spirits, fox spirits transformed into forms earlier, and some fox spirits could transform into forms in decades, but Xiaoqing took more than five hundred years.

However, after the fox spirit takes shape, it can be regarded as embarking on the road of cultivation.

The same is true for Die Er and Bai He. Although they have been enlightened for 400 years, they have been working hard for the transformation.

After taking shape, it seems that there are three or four hundred years of Taoism, but the mana is actually very weak.

This is also a law of heaven.

When Xiaoqing made a move, Zidian also flung himself forward and pulled two paws.

Not long after, the spider spirit finally fell to the ground covered in scars...

For the rest of their lives after the catastrophe, Die'er and Lily were naturally grateful, and they came forward to thank them one by one.

Afterwards, Bai Suzhen taught Baihe a set of cultivation methods and told her to practice hard and strive to achieve a positive result as soon as possible.

Die'er was also reluctant to part, saying that she would often go back to the mountains to visit Lily.

After returning home, Xu Ji'an and Die'er couldn't help feeling sad and happy, and they were even more grateful to Zhou Yu and his wife.

Before I knew it, the academy was completed and a grand entrance ceremony was held.

At first, Zhou Yu selected more than 140 students, and later accepted some more one after another, totaling more than [-] students.

Zhou Yu adopted a competitive system, conducted an assessment for all students, and divided them into three shifts, A, B, and C according to their grades.

However, the personnel are not fixed, and an assessment will be conducted every six months, and the assessment will not only be limited to the knowledge in books, but also the talent assessment.

At that time, students will be reclassified according to their performance.

This is also done to motivate the students.

At the same time, Zhou Yu also implemented some school-running ideas from his previous life in the academy, such as the establishment of a student union, so that students can also decide some affairs by themselves.

There are also poetry clubs, calligraphy and painting clubs and other small groups related to talents, which are convenient for like-minded students to communicate with each other.

There is even a martial arts arena.

In the Daqian Dynasty, Guozijian was undoubtedly the premier government-run academy, with the most complete facilities and functions in all aspects.

However, although the scale of the academy run by Zhou Yu is not as large as that of the Imperial College, it has already surpassed by a large margin in terms of the concept of running a school.

This also makes many students feel novel and fresh.

Speaking of which, not all students are dedicated to pursuing fame and fame, and there are also some scholars who advocate the Confucian tradition.

Books and swords drifting away, or walking around the world with three or five friends, isn't it a kind of happy life?

The most important thing is that in Wendao Academy, it is no longer as simple as studying, but a way of practice, which does not affect the pursuit of fame.

In order to expand the influence of the academy, Zhou Yu wrote several poems with his own handwriting, which caused a sensation for a while.

First, his calligraphy has reached an extraordinary state, which opened the eyes of all the students and made them fall in admiration.

Second, with Zhou Yu's current level, it is not a problem to write poems that are almost handed down from generation to generation, and there is no need to copy the poems of predecessors.

Coupled with his status as Xie Yuan, the poems quickly spread throughout the south of the Yangtze River, and the limelight overwhelmed all the talents in the south of the Yangtze River.

As a result, many scholars rushed to Qiantang County one after another, wanting to make friends with Zhou Yu.

Many talented people were not convinced at first, but after they came to Qiantang County, they discovered that Zhou Yu's talent was far beyond their imagination.

Not only poetry, but also calligraphy, Danqing, rhythm, etc., can be described as proficient in everything.

According to word of mouth, literati gathered in Qiantang County for a while, and many people came to visit and observe the academy every day.

One of them, a Juren named Yin Wenli, went to find Zhou Yu after he saw the poem written by Zhou Yu with his own eyes and walked around the academy.

"I just met Yin Wenli, sir!"

Hearing the name Yin Wenli, Zhou Yu couldn't help but twitched his brows, and asked, "Your Excellency is a master of poetry and painting, brother Yin who is known as the number one talented scholar in Gusu?"

Yin Wenli is well-known in the south of the Yangtze River and is known as the number one talented scholar in Gusu.

I got a good result of No.3 in the township examination that year, but I never took part in the general examination.

It is said that it is because of his personality, he likes to be unrestrained.He has outstanding talent and likes to paint with poems and poems with paintings. There are paintings in poems and poems in paintings, forming a school of his own.

Zhou Yu had heard people mention Yin Wenli's name more than once, so he asked specifically. ,

"Ashamed, compared with Mr., how dare you call yourself a genius?"

"It turns out that it's really Brother Yin. Zhou has heard about Brother Yin's name for a long time, and seeing him today, he is indeed a dragon and a phoenix among people."

"Mr. Miao Zan... I admire your ambition, and I would like to follow him. I hope that I will have the opportunity to ask for advice, and I hope you will give me your advice."

"Haha, Brother Yin, you're being polite. It's what Zhou wished for that someone like Brother Yin could stay in the academy and seek common development."

"Thank you sir, I'll go back to Gusu to settle down with my family soon, and come over when I'm settled."

A few days later, Yin Wenli returned home and told his wife Lingzhi about his decision.

Naturally, Lingzhi would not object to what her husband decided, but she was a little reluctant to leave her husband, after all, the husband and wife would live in two places, and it was rare to see each other.

After thinking about it, she said to her husband, "My husband, if I am a concubine, I will go to Qiantang County with you. I can either rent a house to live in, or buy a smaller yard, and bring Ye'er along with me."

"That's fine, I'm worried that you're not used to living in another place..."

Ganoderma lucidum smiled, leaned into her husband's arms and murmured: "My husband is not at home, and I am not used to being alone. No matter where I go, as long as my husband is by my side, I will be at ease in body and mind."

Marrying a wife is like this, what more can a husband ask for?
Yin Wenli hugged his wife tightly, and said with a happy face, "It's fortunate that I married you back then..."

There is a reason for him to say that, because it was not Ganoderma lucidum that he wanted to marry, but Lingjia, the older sister of Lingzhi lucidum.

It's a long story.

The Yin family is considered an ordinary family, neither poor nor rich, but it is no problem to support Yin Wenli's education.

Ganoderma lucidum's maiden name is Zhang, a wealthy family.

One day, Ganoderma lucidum's father took his wife who was pregnant with Liujia into the city for shopping, and he also asked his wife to go out to relax.

As a result, the mother who was walking with Ganoderma lucidum suddenly had a stomachache, which was so painful that she couldn't even walk.

Yin Wenli's father was pruning flowers and branches in the front yard. When he heard the movement outside, he subconsciously walked out. After seeing the situation, he hurriedly helped Lingzhi's mother to the yard, and let the lady take care of it.

Yin Wenli's father was a scholar and also knew medical skills. He personally prescribed a prescription and went to grab the medicine and cook it back.

In the end, Ganoderma lucidum's mother regained her strength, and the husband and wife were naturally grateful to Yin Wenli and his wife, and regarded them as lifesavers.

At this time, Yin Wenli also ran out. He was only two years old at that time.

Seeing Yin Wenli's handsome appearance, Ganoderma lucidum's father suggested that if his wife gave birth to a daughter, he would marry Yin Wenli as his wife.

Xu's father and Xu's mother also had a good impression of Ganoderma lucidum's parents. Moreover, seeing the appearance of the couple, they thought that the daughter they would give birth to would be beautiful, so they agreed.

After all, this can be regarded as a happy relationship between the two families.

In a blink of an eye, Yin Wenli reached the age of marriage.

In fact, Yin Wenli didn't want to get married too early. He had a more laid-back personality, and he didn't study rote books like others.

But in the end, they couldn't stand the urging of the family, and the two families began to prepare for the marriage.

As everyone knows, Lingjia, the fiancée he promised back then, is unwilling to marry.

Lingjia knows the family background of the Yin family.

Although the Yin family can't be considered poor, compared to their mother, they are not much different from the poor family.

Her natal family is a tall mansion, and Zhang's yard is not as big as her garden.

With rich clothes and good food at home, wouldn't it be a poor life after marriage?
And at that time Yin Wenli was just a child, and he didn't even get a scholar's reputation.It's not that I didn't pass the exam, but I didn't go to the exam.

But in Lingjia's mind, Yin Wenli might be like this all her life, without even a single fame, and it would be too bad for her to marry.

To put it bluntly, he is a snob.

The wedding was almost ready, and the Yin family's welcoming team was about to arrive, but Ling Jia didn't make up or change her clothes. She made a big noise in the room, and threatened her father that if she was forced to marry, she would rather hang herself.

This time, the Zhang family and his wife jumped in a hurry.

Neither beating nor scolding.

"Master, madam, the team to welcome the bride has arrived..."

Mrs. Zhang asked with a mournful face: "Master, what should I do? The wedding party has already arrived at the door. We must not regret this marriage and make people laugh."

Master Zhang said angrily: "But this girl..."

"Father, mother, sister hasn't dressed up yet?"

At this time, the second daughter Ganoderma lucidum came over with an anxious look on her face.

The two sisters are only one year apart, and they look similar in appearance. They are both beautiful, but their personalities are completely different.

The elder sister is narrow-minded and wants to fight for everything. From childhood to adulthood, as long as the younger sister has it, she must have it, and she will get better.

The reason why she didn't want to marry was because she disliked the Yin family poorly, and secondly, she was making small calculations.

If she was the only daughter, maybe she would marry with reluctance. Anyway, her parents only had her as a daughter, and she would come back to ask for property.

But there is still a younger sister in the family. Once she gets married, if the younger sister recruits a son-in-law, won't she get nothing?
So she was not reconciled, and she was not reconciled to letting her younger sister take advantage of it alone.

"Quick, dear daughter, please persuade your sister."

Mother Zhang hurried forward and said.

Ling Zhi stepped forward and knocked on the door: "Sister, open the door, the groom is already at the door, why haven't you dressed yet?"

Lingjia yelled in the room: "If you don't want to marry, I just won't marry. If you want to marry, you will marry me!"

"Sister, how could you do this? You were the one who got engaged, not me."

In the end, the conversation between the two sisters gave Master Zhang a flash of inspiration, and hurriedly whispered to his wife: "Why don't you let Lingzhi marry her sister?"

"Ah?" Mother Zhang was stunned: "But..."

"There's nothing to worry about. The wedding party has already arrived at the door, so it's too late."

So, Zhang's mother went to the second daughter and said, "Ganoderma lucidum, what does your father mean, how about... how about you get married for your sister?"

"Huh?" Lingzhi was taken aback.

She was totally unprepared.

"Good girl, mother please..."

"Ganoderma lucidum, father can't afford to lose this person, so just promise to mother and father, okay? Father will definitely make it up to you, and won't let you be wronged."

"Master, madam, the people who welcome the relatives are waiting outside, should the firecrackers be set off or not?"

The housekeeper in the mansion ran over anxiously and asked a question.

"Of course you have to let it go, you go out and deal with it, just say Ganoderma lucidum...cough, say the bride is still putting on her makeup, she's almost done."

When the servant left, Lingzhi gritted his teeth: "Father, mother, sister really doesn't want to marry, so my daughter will marry on my sister's behalf."

Master Zhang was very excited, "Great, come on, quickly dress up the second lady."

"Yes, sir."

Just like that, Ganoderma lucidum hastily dressed up, put on the phoenix robe that her sister was supposed to wear when she was married, and a sister, Yi Marriage, came and sat in a big sedan chair...

(End of this chapter)

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