Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 185 Different identities, same idea

Chapter 185 Different identities, same idea

Next, Zhou Yu took Luo Jian to screen the students together.

This time, Zhou Yu's requirements were not so strict, mainly to assess his character.Those with poor character will not be accepted, so as not to ruin their reputation.

At the same time, Zhou Yu also told the students about the teaching method of the academy, returning to Confucian orthodoxy, in addition to studying, but also to practice the six arts of a gentleman.

If it's purely for studying and getting fame, then don't invite Gaoming.

As a result, many students who signed up retreated.

This is also understandable, especially for some poor students, obtaining fame is the only chance to change their destiny.

It's not that the academy doesn't mean that you can't test for fame, but if you want to practice the six arts of a gentleman, it will be a waste of money and time for many scholars.

In this regard, Luo Jian and Zhou Yu had a serious discussion.

Luo Ji'an feels the deepest about fame changing a person's fate, because he is the beneficiary.

Before he passed the exam, he was suffering from hunger and cold, fell into despair of life, and had to give up studying in order to survive.

If it wasn't for Die'er's secret help, he wouldn't have had the chance to pick up the books, let alone gain fame.

After passing the exam, everything changed drastically.

Today, he is a respected Juren master.

Therefore, he understands the feelings of those poor students, wishing to spend two days a day, reading, memorizing, and writing whenever he has free time, hoping to use his own efforts to change their destiny.

Zhou Yu naturally understood these reasons.

Therefore, he said to Rogian: "Because of this, it is even more necessary for someone to change this situation.

How heroic and passionate was the former Confucian disciple?

But now?When people mention scholars, the first thing they think of is weak.

Before you pass the exam, even if you already have the fame of a scholar, there are still many people who look down on you from the bottom of their hearts.


Because, people often blurt out such words as poor scholars and poor scholars.

But can this blame the people?


In the era when a hundred schools of thought contended, the common people respected scholars very much, no matter whether they had fame or not.

Because there were no imperial examinations in that era, the purpose of scholars was very simple.

At that time, it can be said that a hundred flowers bloomed, and many scholars traveled abroad for many years to enrich their horizons and expand their knowledge.

At that time, there were many examples of poor students becoming celebrities in the world.

The emergence of imperial examinations certainly provided a platform for students from all over the world to show their aspirations.

But at the same time, a siege was also formed.

Scholars in this besieged city, their horizons become narrow, one by one only staring at the high tower of the imperial examination, scrambling to climb to the top of the tower.

Up to now, how many people really understand the core ideas of Confucianism?
Strictly speaking, today's scholars are no longer Confucian disciples, they can only be called scholars, blindly reading dead books.

And my philosophy is to straighten out the source, do my best, and change the status quo step by step, so that students all over the world can return to the Confucian tradition..."

Hearing these words, Luo Ji'an's mood also became excited.

Finally, Zhou Yu said again: "Ji'an, you have to remember that my founding of this academy is equivalent to creating a sect, a Confucian sect, and strive to bring Confucianism back to its former glory."

After a period of selection, the first batch accepted more than one hundred students.

At this time, two more scholars came and said they wanted to apply for the job.

These two are a pair of best friends, one is Liu Chong and the other is Li Zhiyun.

After talking for a while, Zhou Yu was surprised to find that the knowledge of these two people was far beyond that of ordinary talents.

So, I asked subconsciously: "I heard that the two of you are very talented and talented, why didn't you take the exam?"

Liu Chong smiled: "It is enough to have a scholar's fame and fame. The two of us heard that Mr. said to a group of students that studying is not necessarily for fame and fame, let alone becoming a nerd in people's eyes.

At the same time, students are also required to practice the six arts of a gentleman and return to Confucian orthodoxy.

It is precisely because of this that the two of us feel that Mr. is different, so we made a special trip to visit. "

"I see……"

Zhou Yu couldn't help being secretly happy, it seemed that he had met someone of the same kind.

He could tell at a glance that Liu Chong and Li Zhiyun were fundamentally different from ordinary scholars. They not only had a refined aura, but also a chivalry.

This is the temperament that a true Confucian disciple should have.

Only bookish, that is a scholar.

A Confucian disciple can be called a scholar, but a scholar is not necessarily a Confucian disciple, and may just be a nerd.

After some conversation, both sides are very satisfied.

In fact, before coming here, Liu Chong and Li Zhiyun didn't have too much hope, they were just curious to see what the situation was.

As a result, after a long conversation with Zhou Yu, the two immediately became confidants.

Because the two of them have always adhered to the Confucian philosophy, and they also have a group of like-minded friends who often gather together or make appointments to travel abroad together.

Fame or not is not important to them, and the examination of a scholar is also for the convenience of traveling outside.

If you don't have fame, you can't travel far away at will, you have to report to the government, apply for a guide, and so on.

Otherwise, if you encounter checkpoints on the road, you will easily be treated as refugees.

For Zhou Yu, this was also an unexpected surprise. He finally found a group of people who pursued traditional Confucian ideas.

According to Liu Chong and the two of them, they have met many people outside these years. Among them, there are people like them who are idle and wild, some who have achieved fame, some are officials, and a few are famous Confucianists in the dynasty.

In short, everyone has different identities, but the concept is the same.

This is good news, at least for Zhou Yu, which will help him revive the promotion of traditional Confucianism and create greater glories in the future.

However, first he has to make some achievements, so as to be recognized by others.

In this way, there were two more teachers in the academy.

On this day, Zhou Yu came to the academy under construction to check the progress of the project.

With the strong support of the county government, and Zhou Yu didn't care about spending more money, he invited a lot of skilled craftsmen, so the progress was quite fast, and it seemed that it would take another two or three months to complete the project.

After a while, Logian came over.

Zhou Yu didn't care about it at first, chatting with him while walking.

But after chatting for a while, I felt that Luo Ji'an seemed to be preoccupied, with an expression of hesitation.

"What's the matter Ji'an? Is there something wrong?"

Zhou Yu took the initiative to ask.

Luo Ji'an finally said: "Sir, a few days ago, Die'er said that she would go back to the mountain and visit her sisters by the way, and said she would come back in about three days.

But it’s been five or six days since I’ve been here... I don’t know why I always have a bad feeling in my heart..."

Hearing this, Zhou Yu couldn't help but raised his fingers to calculate, then frowned: "It seems that something happened to her."

"Sir, what should I do?" Luo Ji'an looked anxious: "I only heard that she was practicing in Diecui Mountain, but Diacui Mountain is so big..."

"Don't worry, I'll go to Diecui Mountain to find her right away."

"Sir, I will go with you."

"No need, you just started practicing, and you won't be able to help if you go there, so just wait at home with peace of mind."

"Well, then there will be Mr. Law."

Luo Ji'an made a long salute.

When he raised his head, he found that Zhou Yu had disappeared.


Although Luo Ji'an knew that Zhou Yu was not an ordinary scholar, after all, he had seen Zhou Yu write with his own eyes last time.

However, in the blink of an eye, no one was seen...could it be an immortal?
Thinking of this, Luo Ji'an suddenly felt refreshed, and a glimmer of hope surged in his heart.

Zhou Yu flew directly home, took Zidian Mink with him, and asked Bai Suzhen to go into the mountains to look for Die'er.

"Where are you going?"

Xiaoqing ran over quickly.

"Go save Die'er." Zhou Yu replied briefly.

"Ah? What happened to Die Er?"

"She was destined for such a catastrophe, she probably met her opponent."

"I want to go together too..." Xiaoqing had an expression that could not refuse.

"Okay, let's go!"

The three of them soared into the air and arrived at Diecui Mountain without too much time.

"Husband, this mountain doesn't look small, why don't we look for it separately."


Zhou Yu nodded.

So, the three divided into different directions and began to look for Die Er's trail.

The sable is searching on the ground. This little guy is so fast that you can hardly see its shadow when running, and its senses are also very keen.

However, after turning around a lot, Zhou Yu found nothing.

On the contrary, Bai Suzhen noticed a trace of evil spirit, and immediately communicated with Zhou Yu and Xiaoqing with her spiritual sense.

Soon after, the three gathered in a valley.

Sure enough, as soon as he got here, Zhou Yu also faintly sensed a trace of evil spirit.

There is a large dense forest in the valley, which looks eerie.

"Sister, is Dier in there?" Xiaoqing asked suspiciously.

Bai Suzhen shook her head: "I don't know, let's go in and check the situation first."


So, the three of them walked into the woods with all their strength to hide their breath.

After walking for a while, the three of them finally confirmed that the one who was in the woods was a spider spirit, and his skills should not be shallow.

At this time, Zhou Yu also remembered the story Luo Ji'an told him before.

Die'er was almost caught by a spider spirit back then. Fortunately, Luo Ji'an's father met him and kindly broke up the spider web with a stick for a while, which saved Die'er from death.

Could it be this one?

At the same time, Zhou Yu couldn't help thinking of another spider spirit, that is, the old abbot who was almost suppressed by Fa Hai.

The body of the old abbot is also a spider.

It's just that he was lucky, he opened his spiritual wisdom in the temple, and after more than two hundred years of Buddha's shadow, he finally succeeded in cultivation.

After transforming into a human form, he also devoted himself to the Buddha, hoping to achieve a positive result.

However, the spider spirits in this forest are obviously not kind. There are many bones in the forest, including animals and humans.

It is obviously the masterpiece of this spider spirit.

In addition, the breath in the woods is also very gloomy, obviously too evil.

Xiaoqing now somewhat knows how to distinguish between good and evil, and said angrily: "This damn spider is because of these harmful monsters, which made the people think that all monsters want to eat people."

"Xiaoqing, don't talk, be careful not to disturb that monster."

Bai Suzhen reminded in a low voice.

After walking on for a while, the three of them finally locked onto the breath of the spider spirit.

However, the spider spirit did not find the three of them.

Leaving aside Zhou Yu, Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing have both learned the method of concealing their aura. As long as their cultivation base is not particularly high, they will generally not be able to perceive their aura.

Sure enough, Die Er was really here.

It's just that he has lost his freedom, and was entangled in the tree by the spider's silk.

In addition to her, another woman was also entangled in the tree and could not move.

The spider spirit turned into a man in his 20s, sitting in a clearing in the forest, drinking a little wine, looking at ease.

"Master has a lot of patience, let's see if the two of you can withstand my poison of a thousand spiders."

"Shameless... you let Die Er go quickly..."

The other woman scolded angrily.

It seemed that the second daughter was indeed suffering a bit, her face was blue and black, and there was dense sweat on her forehead.

"Hehe, let it go if you say so? If you had followed the young master, you might still have a chance... Besides, she came here by herself..."

This woman is a flower demon, but her body is a lily. She and Die'er are good sisters.

This time, Die'er went back to the mountain with the intention of coming back to tell Lily about her situation. Unexpectedly, Lily was captured by the spider spirit.

The second daughter and the spider actuarial are old rivals.

But it was okay before, there was another sister in the past, and that sister's strength was relatively strong, which made the spider spirit dare not act rashly.

Later, the sister went to the WTO for experience.

For the sake of safety, Die'er and Lily left the place where they had been practicing, and kept away from the spider spirit.

Unexpectedly, that guy was so determined to find Lily, he managed to sneak attack and kidnapped Lily.

Die Er didn't find Lily when she came back, and found some residual spider silk nearby, so she guessed that Lily must have been taken away by the spider spirit.

Angrily, she quietly came to the spider spirit's territory, trying to rescue Lily when the spider spirit was off guard.

In the end, she accidentally alarmed the spider spirit, but she couldn't be rescued, and she herself was trapped by the spider spirit.

This spider spirit wants to control Dier and Lily physically and mentally, and stay by her side as its concubine.

It's a pity that Die'er and Baihe would rather die than follow suit. In a rage, this guy cast a thousand spider poisons, trying to force the two girls to submit.

"Die'er, I'm here to save you..."

Suddenly, Xiaoqing rushed into the field.


Die'er was a little surprised when Xiaoqing appeared.

Then he hurriedly said: "Xiaoqing, hurry up, this guy is full of tricks..."

The spider spirit was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly: "Hahaha, here comes another one, so we will take all three together."

At this time, Xiaoqing deliberately concealed her cultivation. In the spider spirit's perception, she was not much better than Die'er and Lily, so she was very proud.

Xiaoqing didn't act immediately.

She hasn't played with her hands in a long time, so she wants to have a good time.

"My lady advises you to let my two sisters go quickly, or don't blame me for twisting your head off."

"Just you?"

The spider spirit looked dismissive.

Then he opened his mouth and spat out, and a thin strand of spider silk wound towards Xiaoqing like lightning.

Xiao Qing pretended to be in a hurry to hide.

Seeing this, the spider spirit was even more proud, and opened his mouth again...


Suddenly, someone slapped it hard on the head, causing the guy to grunt in pain, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to cover his head.


The sable fell to the ground, with its hips akimbo, looking very arrogant.


(End of this chapter)

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