Chapter 219
"Don't...don't...I...what I said is true, we...we don't meet with the employer when we take on tasks, we have a special contact method..."

The man in black hurriedly begged for mercy.

Zhou Yu said coldly: "Okay, then you can use your special contact method to contact the employer, say that the task has been successfully completed, and ask the other party to make up the commission."


The man in black was about to say that three of my four legs were broken, and I couldn't even walk, but before I could finish speaking, a wave of energy struck me, and the broken bone marrow miraculously recovered quickly.

"Remember, I can cure you, and I can also make you suffer a hundred times more than before. You only have two days. If you dare to play tricks, you will regret it for the rest of your life."

"Yes, yes, the small ones dare not, the small ones dare not!"

The man in black responded quickly.

Although Zhou Yu didn't say anything, the man in black could guess that the other party would not cure him so easily, and there must be some dark energy in his body.

If he dares to obey the law and disobey the law, when the time comes, the dark energy will break out, and he dare not imagine the consequences.

Although he is a killer and has seen a lot of death and despair, but when it is his turn to face death, it is difficult to face it calmly.


"Thank you for the hero's grace of not killing...just, just..."

The man in black hesitated, hesitant to speak.

"Speak quickly if you have something to say."

"Yes, yes, what I mean is that the small one tells the employer that the task has been successfully completed, but the other party will confirm the confirmation before making up the commission. This is also a rule in the Tao."

"You don't have to worry about this, just do as you are told."

"Yes Yes Yes……"

The man in black ran away without a trace.

As soon as he left, Zhou Yu sat cross-legged, with his eyes slightly closed, as if he had entered a state of meditation.

In fact, at this time, he had already separated two strands of primordial spirit, one strand of primordial spirit followed the man in black to confirm the way the other party contacted his employer, and the other strand flew to Jinwang's mansion.

At this time, King Jin was fast asleep, Zhou Yu fell into a dream with his primordial spirit, and explained the reason to King Jin.

Finally, he said: "Please forgive me for not telling you the truth before, mainly because there are too many people in the daytime, and I am afraid that the prince will not be able to control his emotions, which will alarm the other party.

In short, the prince must keep his mind steady so as not to startle the snake.

Now, I want to find a way to find out who is behind the scenes, my lord, please send someone to the inn immediately..."

Not long after, Prince Jin suddenly woke up.

"My lord, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Concubine Jin was a light sleeper, and was awakened by the movement of the prince to get up, she also sat up and asked a question with concern.

The prince shook his head, looked up and looked around, and murmured: "Strange, I had a dream just now, dreaming that the gentleman who treated the king during the day gave me a dream..."

"Is there such a thing? Then, what did the gentleman say?"

"My concubine, did the master tell you that my king's illness is caused by someone's voodoo?"

"This... my lord, could it be that Mr. told you this in a dream?"

"Sure enough... It seems that this gentleman is not simple, let's not talk about it, the king will send someone to do an important matter immediately."

Prince Jin got up in a hurry, and ordered the servant girl to call a confidant named Ah Qi to whisper a few words.

"Remember, it must be done cleanly and neatly, so as not to make the other party suspect."

"Yes, my lord!"

Ah Qi responded and left.

After Prince Jin returned to the room, Concubine Jin stepped forward and whispered, "My lord, what happened?"

"That's right, Mr. just had a dream, saying that the other party had sent a killer to assassinate him..."

"Ah? Then... the mister will be safe, right?"

Lord Jin shook his head: "Now it seems that he is a real expert. He caught the killer, but let him go and let him report to his employer, saying that the mission was accomplished.

Although he didn't say anything about his future plans, this king guessed that Mr. deliberately let the killer go in order to catch a big fish behind him. "

"So that's the case, the concubine can rest assured."

Princess Jin looked relieved.

On the other side, Zhou Yu quietly left the inn, and found Sun Qi to give instructions in a low voice.

"Remember, don't find too many people. The important thing is to find someone you can trust, so as not to leak the news. There is also the secret control. Don't startle the snake."


Sun Qi nodded solemnly.

Early the next morning, the inn where Zhou Yu stayed was in chaos.

The government also came.

Because there was a murder case in the inn. The deceased was said to be a scholar. After inspection by the government, it was preliminarily confirmed that he was bitten to death by poisonous insects.

The innkeeper had a mournful face, feeling wronged.

In the evening of that day, a man who looked like a clerk came to a remote grove in the south of the city with a blue cloth bag on his shoulders.

I looked around and saw no one, so I walked into the woods.

Not long after, they found a tree with a secret mark, quickly dug a hole, buried the blue cloth in the hole and covered it with soil.

As everyone knows, he was watched as soon as he appeared.

This grove was where the killer secretly communicated with the other party. The two sides did not meet each other, but they communicated through secret notes.

Including the reward, it is buried in a place with a secret mark in advance, and after the killer takes it away, the transaction will be considered complete.

"Master Baihu, do you want to arrest people?"

A Jin Yiwei who was ambushing in the dark asked Sun Qi in a low voice.

"and many more……"

Sun Qi waved his hand.

He came here to set up an ambush at Zhou Yu's instruction, in order to catch the person who came to pay the reward.

However, according to his observation, the person who came should be just a young man, and he might miss a big fish by catching people at this time.

"But if you don't catch this guy, you're leaving."

"Don't catch him yet, but follow him later to see where he goes."


"Be careful not to disturb the other party."

However, it was obviously not the first time that the man who looked like a buddy had done such a thing, and he was quite vigilant. After burying the package, he deliberately walked around in the forest.

Then he walked out from another direction and continued to walk around a few times to confirm that no one was following him before heading towards the east of the city.

Of course, limited by his level, he couldn't even notice that Sun Qi and the others had been secretly watching.

In the end, Sun Qi found out that the other party had walked into a bank, so he left his men scattered around to continue watching, while he himself went to Zhou Yu to report the result.

Hearing what Sun Qi said, Zhou Yu replied: "If you say this, there must be something wrong with the Fangji Bank, even if it is not directly related to the mastermind behind the scenes, at least the two sides have cooperated.

In this way, this matter will not disturb the prince. After all, there are many people in the palace, and it is easy to leak information.

You try to find out the details of this bank, and you must investigate thoroughly to find out who is really in control of the bank. "

"Okay, I'll do it right now."

Sun Qi responded and hurried away.

Zhou Yu went to Prince Jin's Mansion first, and then wandered the streets alone.

Of course, his purpose is not to go shopping, but mainly to get familiar with the environment of the capital, and there is another thing, which is the missing child case mentioned by Sun Qi before.

According to Zhou Yu's estimation, this case is not that simple, maybe it is really related to evil spirits.

When turning to the river to the west of the capital, there was a sudden noise and crying from ahead.

Zhou Yu subconsciously followed the sound, and at first glance, it turned out that a woman ran to the brothel to make trouble.

This kind of thing is very common. There are often some women who come to the brothel to find their husbands who can't leave home, and even have fierce conflicts with the brothel.

But this brothel is not simple, there is a sign of Jiaofangsi on the gate, which means that this brothel is under the jurisdiction of the imperial court, and ordinary people dare not come here to make trouble.

Zhou Yu listened outside for a while, and finally understood the reason.

The woman who came to make trouble was named Feng Xiu, and she was the younger sister of Feng Da, the second tier head of the East Factory.

The East Factory has been controlled by eunuchs since its inception, and almost all the affairs in charge are eunuchs.

The current Dongchang is supervised by Cao Kun, and the four chiefs under him are also eunuchs, all of whom are confidantes supported by Cao Kun himself.

Especially Feng Da, the head of the second gear, was actually a Jin Yiwei before, not a eunuch.

But this guy dreamed of becoming a great success. For this reason, he did not hesitate to kneel down in front of Cao Kun, saying that he wanted to recognize Cao Kun as his godfather.

Cao Kun is so powerful that it is naturally impossible to recognize a godson casually.

So, I said by the way, it's a pity that you are not a eunuch, if you are, our family will accept you.

How ruthless is Feng Da?
He actually thanked him on the spot, begged for a jar of wine and drank it all, then pulled out the knife and eunuched himself...

He was ruthless towards him, and after Feng Da recovered from his injury, Cao Kun entrusted him with a heavy responsibility, and then climbed all the way to the second gear of the East Factory.

As the saying goes, if one person attains the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven.

After Feng Da developed, the whole family followed suit and moved to the capital to live a life of luxury.

Feng Xiu was already married, but in the end she forced her husband to write a letter of divorce. After arriving in the capital, Feng Da arranged for her to marry a rich man.

In fact, that rich young man was unwilling in every possible way.

However, in order to curry favor with Feng Da and cling to Cao Kun, his father also forced his son to divorce his wife and marry Feng Xiu as the main wife.

The rich son was dissatisfied, so he resisted with a negative attitude, often spending time and drinking outside.

For this matter, Feng Da sent someone to beat him up, but the more this happened, the more rebellious the rich man was aroused, and he often stayed out and never returned home.

Recently, the son of a rich family fell in love with a girl named Liu Nian in Yingxianglou.

Liu Nian is one of the popular girls in Yingxianglou. She has a beautiful appearance, a graceful figure, and is good at singing and dancing.

She was originally the daughter of an official family, and her father had excellent medical skills. She was promoted step by step from an ordinary imperial doctor in the palace to an envoy of the Imperial Hospital.

Later, because of a major incident in the palace, he was implicated, and was tried by Cao Kun himself, and finally convicted of beheading and ransacking his home.

Liu Nian was sent to the Jiaofang Division to become a member of music, a daughter of a dignified official family, and unfortunately fell into prostitution.

After the rich man fell in love with Liu Nian, he spent all day with her, and even said that he would find a way to redeem her and take her as a concubine.

Of course, it is not an easy matter to redeem someone from the Jiaofang Division. Unlike other brothels, girls are valuable, as long as they can afford the price.

The Jiaofang Division is affiliated to the Ministry of Rites, and most of the girls in the workshop are family members of some criminal officials, and they belong to the body of wearing a crime.

If you want to redeem people from the Jiaofang Division, you must go through the Ministry of Rites, and the Ministry of Rites will issue a special official document.

Therefore, the most important thing in redeeming people from Jiaofang is not money, but all aspects of relationships.

Maybe the rich man just said it casually, but Feng Xiu was furious when he heard about it.

She didn't find the reason from herself, but pushed all the faults on Liu Nian, thinking that Liu Nian was pestering her husband, making her husband fascinated.

In a fit of rage, he brought his servants to make a scene in Yingxianglou, dragged Liu Nian outside the door, scolded and beat him.

The old lady of Yingxianglou stepped forward to persuade her a few times, but she was also slapped a few times, and she was so scared that she hid aside and did not dare to speak.

After all, although Feng Xiu is not from Dongchang, her brother is the second-rank leader of Dongchang, Cao Kun's right-hand man, who dares to offend?
Even the spectators dare not move forward, and stay far away, for fear of being implicated innocently.


I never thought that there is really someone who is not afraid of things.

The crowd watched in surprise as a man with the appearance of a scholar entered the arena.

This scholar is naturally Zhou Yu.

He didn't show up before to avoid revealing his whereabouts, so that the employer would think that he had really died in the inn, and would pay the reward as agreed.

But now the employer has sent someone to show up, and Sun Qi and the others have also found out the other party's whereabouts, so there is no need for Zhou Yu to hide anymore.

"Yo, is your friend here?"

Feng Xiu subconsciously took a look at Zhou Yu, and then said something jokingly.

Zhou Yu said coldly to Feng Xiu: "In broad daylight, you and others have no law to rule, and play violent acts in the street, who gave you the courage?"

Hearing this, Feng Xiu was delighted.

"Wang Fa? Are you talking about Wang Fa to my old lady? How old are you? Do you know who my old lady is?"

Of course Zhou Yu knew who this woman was, but he purposely said: "Looking at your attire, you're just the wife of an ordinary wealthy family. Could it be that you still treat yourself as a concubine?"

"It's against you! Come here, take it down for my old lady, and slap his mouth!"

Although Feng Xiu didn't know Zhou Yu's details, but she had always been arrogant and domineering, how could she control a lot?

Besides, among the ruling and opposition parties, who would dare to offend Dongchang?Even many disciples of the royal family were afraid of Dongchang, for fear of being caught.

Not to mention court officials.

For example, Feng Shangshu was a dignified Minister of the Ministry of War. As a result, Dongchang arrested him as soon as he said he wanted to and killed him in prison. He also assumed that Feng Shangshu committed suicide in fear of crime.

This shows how arrogant Dongchang is.

It can be said that apart from the emperor, no one can check and balance the East Factory.However, the emperor was fatuous and hid in the harem all day long to have fun.

Even, to some extent, the emperor has been emptied by Dongchang, and has almost become a puppet emperor.

If it wasn't like this, how dare Feng Xiu, a woman without imperial orders and titles from the imperial court, dare to go to the Jiaofang Division to make trouble?

It's nothing more than relying on his elder brother Feng Da to be Cao Kun's right-hand man, just pretending to be a tiger.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Several servants rushed up fiercely, but as soon as they rushed to Zhou Yu's side, they fell to the ground almost at the same time, clutching their stomachs and howling.

" are so brave..."

When Feng Xiu saw several servants fell to the ground in an instant, she couldn't help being shocked, and her face finally became a little frightened.

She never expected that a scholar would have such a good skill?

She didn't see the situation clearly at all, and several of her men were injured and fell to the ground.

"It's you who are bold! Do you know where this place is? The Jiaofang Division here is the imperial court's territory and the imperial court's business place.

You, a savage woman, dare to bring your family to make trouble, so you are not afraid of being thrown into prison and punished? "

"Young Master... Young Master, forget it, this is a misunderstanding..."

At this time, Liu Nian finally came back to his senses, and hurried to Zhou Yu's side to persuade him.

She was afraid that Zhou Yu would not know Feng Xiu's identity, and would really offend this woman severely. Once the Dongchang people came forward, the consequences would be disastrous...

(End of this chapter)

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