Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 223 The Showdown Between Jinyiwei and Dongchang

Chapter 223 The Showdown Between Jinyiwei and Dongchang

In the capital city, a thousand-household office under Beizhen Fusi.

As soon as Sun Qi entered the Qianhu Office, one of his subordinates hurried forward and said in a low voice: "Sir, Lord Qianhu is looking for you, and asked you to go see him."

"Well, I'll go now."

"grown ups……"

"what happened?"

"Master Qianhu's complexion is a bit bad..."

The subordinate kindly reminded me.


The Qianhu Office where Sun Qi worked was transferred to the Fusi Yamen in Nanzhen, where a Deputy Qianhu named Yan Tong is currently in charge.

This person has a close relationship with Dongchang, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a dog of Dongchang.

Therefore, when Sun Qi heard that Yan Tong was looking for him, he guessed that this guy must be suspicious of his recent actions and wanted to beat him up.

"For a humble job, please see Mr. Qianhu!"

As soon as he entered the room, Sun Qi stepped forward to greet him.

With a gloomy face, Yan Tong said to Sun Qi: "Sun Baihu, I heard that you have been investigating cases outside all day recently. What kind of case are you investigating? Why didn't you report it to the official?"

"Back to Master Qianhu, the humble job is investigating the previous case of missing children."

"Ridiculous!" Yan Tong patted the table: "This case has been investigated for so long and I have no clue at all. As a hundred households, is it possible that you don't want to do other things?"

"grown ups……"

"Okay, you don't have to argue anymore, I believe you know better than anyone else what you are doing in private.

As the saying goes, those who know affairs are heroes, don't blame me for not reminding you, you are a small family, don't try to shake the tree, you won't know how you will die then. "

Hearing this, Sun Qi felt angry, and his tone became a little stiff: "The humble official doesn't understand what the lord means.

The humble official thinks he has a clear conscience and is loyal to Daming. "

"Presumptuous!" Yan Tong slammed on the table again, pointed at Sun Qi and shouted: "Sun Qi, I would like to advise you again, if you dare to contradict me again, believe it or not, I will beat you to the end? Don't say it." Baihu, you can't even get a small flag!"

Generally speaking, the sub-thousand households are only half a level higher than the hundred households.

The deputy thousand households belong to the fifth grade, while the hundred households belong to the sixth grade.

Therefore, a sub-Qianhu is not qualified to say anything to Baihu.

The reason why Yan Tong is so arrogant is because he has Dongchang as his backer, and someone has already promised him to help him become a thousand households.

That is to say, although he is now a deputy thousand household, he has already regarded himself as the principal thousand household.

In fact, even a thousand households are not qualified to deprive a hundred households of their official positions. They must obtain the consent of the commander and issue an official document.

"I don't know what Master Qianhu means by Yang Feng Yang Violation? Can you tell me clearly, what mistakes did the humble staff make?"

"Hehe, sure enough, with a backer, your tone is hardened, isn't it?"

"What do you mean, sir?"

"Sun Qi, don't think that I don't know what you've been doing recently and who you've been in contact with.

I don't want to point it out, this is the last warning to you, if you persist in your obsession, don't blame me for being ruthless. "

"The pacifier envoy is here!"

At this moment, there was a shout from outside.

Jinyiwei is divided into south and north town Fusi, each with a town Fushi in charge of each guard.

When he heard that the appeasement envoy had arrived, Yan Tong's heart moved: Could it be that the official document of appointment has been issued?

So, hurriedly went out.

"For a humble job, please refer to Lord Zhenfushi!"

"For a humble job, please refer to Lord Zhenfushi!"

Sun Qi also followed and went out to meet with him.

"Hehe, Sun Baihu is here too, so it just so happens that I'm here to announce something.

In view of Sun Baihu's hard work and achievements, the Commander decided to forcefully promote him. From now on, Sun Qi will be promoted to Qianhu, with the official rank of fifth rank.

This is the letter of appointment, and the official robe..."

Hearing this, Yan Tong was dumbfounded.

what happened?

what happened?

what happened?

Isn't the job of thousands of households his?When did you talk about Sun Qi?

In a hurry, he couldn't help but shouted: "My lord, did you make a mistake? Sun Qi is only a hundred households. In terms of seniority, the humble position is a deputy thousand household. He should be promoted to a thousand households."

"Master Yan, this is the commander's decision. If you have any questions, you can go to the commander. This officer is only responsible for passing orders."

"I don't want to accept my humble position, so I will go to the Commander for my humble position."

Yan Tong was indignant, and immediately walked out the door.

"Congratulations, Master Qianhu!"

"Congratulations, Lord Qianhu..."

For a while, congratulations rang out.

Many people here were originally Yan Tong's confidantes, but now seeing that the wind is not in the right direction, they naturally follow the wind and compete to curry favor with Sun Qi.

On the other side, Yan Tong ran to find the commander, but needless to say, he got his nose dusted.

In the past, the commander's attitude was still a little vacillating, at least giving way to Dongchang everywhere in terms of face.

After having a secret talk with Prince Jin, he finally stopped swaying.

The promotion of Sun Qi was only the first step in the hard work of Dongchang, and there were a lot of good things to do next.

By doing this, firstly, it is to vent the aggrievedness of living under Dongchang for many years, and secondly, it is also to distract Dongchang's energy and attention, so that it is convenient for Prince Jin to do things.

The mountains and rains are coming, and the wind is full of buildings.

Let's say that after Yan Tong had a bad nose, he felt unwilling and went to Dongchang to complain about his hardships.

After that, he began to resist passively again. Not only did he excuse his illness to rest at home, but he also secretly informed some of his confidants that each of them was either ill or ill.

This is clearly to embarrass Sun Qi.

As everyone knows, he lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot.

In the evening of that day, Yan Tong summoned many of his confidants for a gathering at home.

In addition to eating and drinking, they also specially invited singers and dancers to help them enjoy the wine.

When the wine was in full swing, a servant ran over in panic, and stammered, "No, no,'s not good...outside...a lot of officers and soldiers..."

"Inverted!" Yan Tong was furious: "Who is so bold?"

Dongchang did have the guts, but Yan Tong believed that Dongchang would not be able to deal with him.

Jin Yiwei?He is the dignified Jin Yiwei Deputy Qianhu, and the Jin Yiwei will not arrest him.Even if he really wants to catch him, he will definitely get the wind in advance.

So, apart from Dongchang and Jinyiwei, who else in the capital would have the guts to break into his house?

"Master Yan, under the orders of Lord Qianhu, I came here to bring you back for questioning."

Following a voice, a person that Yan Tong never expected walked in.

This person's name is Mo Jian, and he was pulled up by Yan Tong. He was just a small flag at first, but now he has a hundred households.

Originally, Yan Tong also sent someone to notify Mo Jian of the party tonight, but the person he sent replied that Mo Jian had gone to visit a friend and was not at home.

Yan Tong didn't think much about it.

But now it seems that visiting friends is just an excuse.

This guy has already fallen to the other side.

Yan Tong never expected that the cronies he promoted would betray him, and he was even more angry.

"Mo Jian, do you know what you're talking about? Don't forget, I'm also Deputy Qianhu, your immediate boss, how dare you lead someone to trespass?"

"I have an order in my humble position, and I dare not disobey it. Please forgive me, my lord."

"Hahaha, it's a good one with the order. Well, since you have the order, I don't blame you. Take your people and leave immediately. Don't disturb the official's drinking."

Mo Jian frowned and said: "Master Yan, I will repeat it again, I am here under the order of Master Qianhu to bring you back to the yamen for questioning, please don't embarrass me."


Yan Tong was so angry that the muscles on his face trembled, and he slammed the wine glass.

Seeing that the situation was not good, all the guests present got up and tried to escape.

Unexpectedly, Mo Jian ordered: "No one is allowed to leave, anyone who dares to force himself to leave will be punished as resisting arrest!"

Among the guests, several are Jinyiwei, among them there are hundreds of households, and there are general banners.

One of the hundred households couldn't help but said: "Lord Mo, we are all colleagues, why are you so serious?"

"Sorry, I acted according to orders. Please forgive me if I offend my colleagues because of this. Come and take them all away."

"Yes, my lord!"

"My lord, these divas..."

"Let them go!"


All the singers and dancers felt relieved and hurriedly left the place of right and wrong.

"Mo Jian, do you really want to fight against me?"

Yan Tong asked coldly.

"Master Yan, I have made it very clear that I am just following orders."

After finishing speaking, Mo Jian lazily talked to Yan Tong again, turned around and walked out of the courtyard.

He was indeed Yan Tong's person before, and Sun Qi sent Mo Jian on purpose to break Yan Tong's convincing fluke mentality.

At the same time, it also completely forced Mo Jian to his side, so that he had no chance of turning back.

Mo Jian knew this very well in his heart, since he had already offended Yan Tong, he could only offend to the end, or else the two sides would not get along.

The reason why Sun Qi wants to arrest Yan Tong is not because of personal grudges.

Moreover, Yan Tong is the deputy Qianhu after all, and as a Qianhu, he is not qualified to be arrested at will.

This is the instruction from the superior.

Before, the Prince of Jin had discussed with the Commander of Jinyiwei, not to confront Dongchang head-on, but to start from the inside of Jinyiwei to clean up a group of lackeys of Dongchang, so as to weaken the strength of Dongchang.

Regardless of power, Dongchang is far inferior to Jinyiwei in terms of strength and numbers.

Many actions in the East Factory have to rely on the people of Jinyiwei to complete.

On the surface, there are two organizations, but Jinyiwei has almost become a subordinate of Dongchang.

This is also the motivation and confidence of the commander of Jinyiwei to dare to cooperate with Prince Jin and Dongchang.

As long as Prince Jin can withstand the pressure from the palace, he can fight Dongchang freely.

Not long after, Yan Tong and the others were arrested and brought back to the Jinyiwei Yamen.

In fact, it wasn't just Yan Tong and his cronies who were arrested. On the same night, every thousand households of Jinyiwei were arresting people, and almost all of them were inside Jinyiwei.

It can be said that this is the largest action against internal cleaning since the establishment of Jinyi Sanitary Regulations.

The highest rank of the arrested was a commander of the fourth rank, and there were also two thousand households and six deputy thousand households...

This arrest operation was so powerful that it made the capital panic and everyone felt insecure.

Dongchang received the news immediately, and sent people to stop it. After all, all the people who were arrested were closely related to Dongchang.

In the past, as long as Dongchang stepped forward, Jin Yiwei could only bear with it.

But this time, the commander gave the order to die, and those who dare to resist the order, beheaded!
Therefore, it is useless to let the people from Dongchang obstruct it.

East Factory.

After Cao Kun learned of the situation, he couldn't help being furious.

"On the contrary, these Jinyiwei dare to oppose our Dongchang, our family will definitely not let them go."

"Governor, as far as I know, King Jin approached Ding Yuan, and the two chatted for a long time. Presumably, the reason why Ding Yuan suddenly became tough must have something to do with King Jin."

It was Jiang Huai, the head of the East Factory who spoke, and the Ding Yuan he was talking about was the commander of Jin Yiwei.

"Hmph, King Jin... It seems that this old fellow is determined to oppose our family.

That being the case, then don't blame our family for tearing up, and meet him for a while. "

"Duke, Prince Jin is a prince after all, we..."

"Do you think our family is as stupid as yours? Obviously, they are now adopting a method of besieging us, trying to start from our periphery and weaken us step by step.

That being the case, then we can't sit still and must launch a counterattack.

Hurry up and get ready, find a way to arrest any officials who have close contacts with Prince Jin, our family will make him a prince no one can use! "


A struggle ensues.

To the west of the imperial city, there is a large mansion. Those who are eligible to live here are all important officials of the court, and the lowest official rank is the third rank.

When it was dark, a group of Dongchang fans came to a large mansion with murderous looks.

Outside the door, there is a wooden plaque hanging outside, which reads: Xiangfu.

This courtyard is the mansion of the great scholars of the dynasty facing north and south.

Xiangnanbei was the number one scholar back then, and later entered the Imperial Academy, and later became an important minister next to the late emperor.

After Tianzi ascended the throne, he used Xiangbei and South very much at first, but later he was addicted to wine and sex, ignored the government, wrote to the North and South many times, and impeached Dongchang. The emperor ordered him to go home to rest in a rage.

It is precisely because of this that Dongchang has never attacked North and South.

After all, the emperor didn't allow him to go to court, so he couldn't make waves.

But now, Cao Kun decided to retaliate wildly, forcibly planting various charges, and ordered his subordinates to arrest those ministers who opposed Dongchang.

Xiang Bei and Nan, although they don't ask about the affairs of the court for the time being, are highly respected, so Cao Kun took this opportunity to order them to be arrested together.

This also shows how arrogant the eunuchs are.

A majestic university scholar, he will be arrested if he says so.

Just as a group of Dongchang fans were about to forcefully break in and arrest people, suddenly, a team of Jinyiwei rushed over.

This time, it was Feng Da, the head of Dongchang's third gear, who led the team.

And it was Sun Qi who led the Jin Yiwei team.

Just in response to a sentence, it's not that enemies don't get together.

There is an old grudge between Sun Qi and Feng Da.

Back then, when Feng Da was not well developed, it was once the general banner under Sun Qi.

This kid refused to accept discipline, and had disputes with Sun Qi many times, and once almost fought.

Later, he eunuched himself, worshiped Cao Kun as his godfather, entered Dongchang, and rose every step of the way. Naturally, he was ashamed and arrogant.

And it was this guy who led people to arrest Mr. Feng, Shangshu of the Ministry of War.

It can be said that he deliberately targeted Sun Qi, and he knew the relationship between Sun Qi and Feng Shangshu.

Seeing Sun Qi leading the people coming, Feng Da couldn't help but lower his face, and said in a scolding tone: "Master Sun, what are you doing here? Our Dongchang is here to arrest people, and I advise you to leave quickly, or you will face the consequences. "

In the past, Sun Qi really didn't dare to be tough with Feng Da.

But now, he has a thousand households. Although he is not as good as Dongchang stalls in terms of level, he is still similar.

The important thing is that now Jinyiwei and Dongchang have completely broken up and become deadly rivals.

Don't talk about the front, even if Cao Kun is here, he won't buy it.

Moreover, he came this time with an important mission, which is to fully protect the Grand Master Xiang.

In fact, Prince Jin, Ding Yuan had already guessed that Cao Kun would fight back wildly.

So I have made a list of ministers that Cao Kun may arrest. Even if we can't keep all of them, we must try our best to keep some loyal ministers from being killed by Cao Kun.

Xiang Dashi is one of the key protection objects...

(End of this chapter)

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