Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 246 Tang Monk Who Can't Catch Demons

Chapter 246 Tang Monk Who Can't Catch Demons

"May I ask who your Excellency is?"

Yuan Shoucheng asked tentatively.

"It's not important, Mr. just said, this person must have a bloody disaster today, right?"

Zhou Yu glanced at the stunned middle-aged man in front of the stall.

In front of his face, Yuan Shoucheng couldn't deny it, and he was always arrogant, so it was impossible to deny it.

So, with arrogance, he replied: "That's right, I have never made a mistake in my hexagram."

"Hehe, there has never been a mistake? Then what happened to the time and amount of rainfall in Chang'an City a while ago?"

Hearing this, Yuan Shoucheng couldn't help frowning.

After careful study, he did lose that bet, no matter the reason, in fact, the time and amount of rain in the end were different from his forecast.

"that is because……"

Yuan Shoucheng wanted to make a distinction.

Zhou Yu waved his hand: "There is no need to make excuses, you have already seen the identity of the other party, but you are still very conceited.

You think he didn't dare to skimp on rainfall, but he did, because he couldn't swallow it.

Although he suffered the consequences because of this, in fact, you did lose, and your hexagram... didn't work! "

At this time, many people who watched the excitement had gathered around.

After all, Yuan Shoucheng was very famous and was regarded as a half-immortal, so he didn't expect that someone would come to make trouble today?

Hearing Zhou Yu's words, Yuan Shoucheng became a little angry, and couldn't hold back his face.

He would never allow anyone to question his divination ability, even if he lost the bet with Jinghe Dragon King, he still thought he had won.

He insisted that his hexagrams were accurate, but the Dragon King of Jinghe changed the time and amount of rain without his will.

So, he said coldly: "It seems that the master is here to fight the injustice. There is nothing wrong with my hexagram, it is because he acted recklessly and changed it privately..."

"It's you who are daring, right? Fishermen have been fishing in accordance with nature since ancient times.

Just like the cycle of life and death.

But you broke the rules, causing the Jinghe Shui people to suffer a catastrophe.

You leaked the heavenly secret without authorization, do you really think that no one can deal with you? "

Yuan Shoucheng suddenly realized something. He thought that Zhou Yu had something to do with the Dragon King of Jinghe, so he came to trouble him.

So, he smiled disapprovingly: "Hehe, I know Yuan's fate in my heart."

"Very well, it seems that you are indeed very conceited. In this way, we will use the hexagram you just made to test to see if you are really a god or a magic stick."

"What did you say?"

Yuan Shoucheng's expression turned cold.

"What? Want to hear it again? Let me tell you, you're a charlatan, a charlatan."

"You... Presumptuous!" Yuan Shoucheng trembled with anger.

"Hehe, yes or no, there are so many people watching here, let's try it and find out..."

Having said that, Zhou Yu tilted his head and said, "Big fellow, to bear witness, just now, the stall owner gave this old man a divination, saying that he will surely suffer from bloodshed today.

However, in my opinion, not only did this old man not suffer from blood and light, but he also had some blessings. "

The middle-aged man had a bitter face, not knowing what to do.One said yes, the other said no, who should he trust?
"Okay, this man, it's okay, you should go home, go home, do what you have to do, don't think about it.

Come here again tomorrow morning and let everyone see if you are safe and sound. "

"It's… okay."

The middle-aged man nodded and left anxiously.

Actually, Yuan Shoucheng could see it, but Zhou Yu couldn't?This middle-aged man has a bloody evil between his eyebrows, and there is indeed a bloody disaster.

It's just that it's too easy to resolve the other party's catastrophe with his ability, it's as easy as flipping the palm of your hand.

And he is not like Yuan Shoucheng, Yuan Shoucheng naturally does not have much cultivation, and he deduces the secrets completely based on hexagrams, and it is not an easy task to save people from calamity.

Seeing the back of the middle-aged man going away, Yuan Shoucheng felt a little uneasy for some reason.

Is it really going to be planted this time?

When he glanced at Zhou Yu again, he found that the other party had disappeared.

Let's say that the middle-aged man was very preoccupied, and walked slowly towards the house.

When I got to the door of the house, I found that there were many people around.

Looking forward, it turned out that not long ago, a carriage got out of control and ran straight towards the door of his house, and even smashed the steps of his house.

The middle-aged man couldn't help being surprised.

If Zhou Yu hadn't appeared at that time, he would have gone home after divination, counting the time... Maybe he would have arrived at the door just when the carriage hit him.

After returning home, he told his wife what had happened before.

The wife was thankful, but also worried, and asked him to stay in the room and not to come out, and not to touch hard objects.

Not long after, the servants came to report that there was a visitor from a foreign land.

When I went out to see, it turned out to be my cousin whom I hadn't seen for more than ten years.

My cousin said beamingly that he had studied hard for more than ten years, and finally came to the fore, and took up a post in Jingzhao Mansion as a seventh-rank official.

For middle-aged men, this is undoubtedly great news.

After all, he is a cousin, and a cousin is an official in Jingzhao Mansion. Although he is only a junior seventh rank, he is of great help to him.

At least, when doing business in the future, others can't just bully him if they want to.

In the morning of the next day, the middle-aged man came to Yuan Shoucheng's hexagram booth again, and happily talked about what happened yesterday.

Yuan Shoucheng's face became uglier than a pig's liver.

He had already figured out what was going on, and knew that he had met a master.

Soon, Zhou Yu also appeared.

As soon as Yuan Shoucheng saw Zhou Yu, he acted preemptively: "Your Excellency is really a good method. Forcibly changing a person's fate, you are not afraid of being sent by heaven?"

It was fine not to say this, but as soon as he said this, Zhou Yu's face turned cold, and as soon as he raised his hand, Yuan Shoucheng's body flew up and knelt in front of him.

Of course, Yuan Shoucheng couldn't kneel down to him, it was just involuntary.

"Arrogance, do you have the face to say this? Because of your selfishness, greed, and fame, how many lives of aquatic animals have you cheated?

Just you, dare to tell me the word sent by heaven?

It is you who should be sent by heaven the most!Now, I will also give you a divination, within three days, your head will fall to the ground. "

It really worked.

On the same day, Yuan Shoucheng was arrested by the government, imprisoned for two days, and pushed out to be beheaded for public display on the charge of deceiving the public with lies.

It stands to reason that he is Yuan Tiangang's uncle, and Yuan Tiangang is the favorite minister of the emperor, how dare the Jingzhao government arrest him and behead him?
Moreover, after Yuan Shoucheng was arrested in Jingzhao Mansion, Yuan Tiangang never showed his face, let alone begged for mercy.

Because Yuan Tiangang didn't dare.

If he dared to intercede, his head would fall to the ground.

This is because Zhou Yu has already met the King of Tang... With his supernatural powers, meeting the King of Tang couldn't be easier.

Because of the Jinghe Dragon King incident, Tang Wang was frightened and was very upset.

Zhou Yu found Tang Wang and said that the origin of everything was Yuan Shoucheng.If Yuan Shoucheng hadn't leaked the secret, it wouldn't have caused King Jing and Dragon King to be beheaded.

The king of Tang sympathized with what happened to the Dragon King of Jinghe, but when he heard that Yuan Shoucheng was playing tricks, he was furious and issued a secret decree: Yuan Shoucheng must die!
So, how dare Yuan Tiangang touch this bad luck?
If he dared to obstruct it, Tang Wang would definitely kill him in a fit of anger.


On this day, in the sea of ​​clouds.

Avalokitesvara sat on the lotus platform, and a boy beside her said, "Bodhisattva, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty in Nanbubuzhou, went to the underworld and learned the benefits of cause and effect.

Today, the eminent monk Chen Xuanzang is invited to give lectures in the Huasheng Temple and do a water and land conference on July 49 and [-]. "

Empress Guanyin smiled: "Chen Xuanzang is that old friend."

The boy was stunned: "The Bodhisattva knew him?"

"Although he was an old acquaintance, he didn't know it. He was Jin Chan, the second disciple of the Tathagata. He was sent to the world because of his mistakes. It was I who led him to reincarnate."

The boy suddenly realized: "It turns out that he is a Buddhist scripture learner."

One day, Tang Seng was talking with Tang King in the temple. Suddenly, there was a burst of shouting outside: "Sell cassocks, tin rods, five thousand cassocks, three thousand tin rods..."

Hearing the commotion outside, King Tang couldn't help frowning.

At this time, a guard came in and reported: "Reporting to the emperor, there are two monks selling things outside. They said that cassocks cost 5000 taels of gold, and tin rods cost 3000 taels of gold..."


Several ministers in the palace couldn't help but gasped.

What cassock can be worth 5000 taels of gold? 5000 taels of gold is enough to buy a large mansion in Chang'an City.

A minister was curious and stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, I will wait to go out and have a look."

Outside, there were two monks, one holding cassocks and the other holding a tin staff and shouting for sale.

"Wearing my cassock, you will not fall into perdition, and leaning on this tin staff, you will not go to hell..."

Tang Wang was also a little curious, and walked out surrounded by a group of ministers and guards.

"Those two monks, why are your cassocks and tin sticks so expensive? What are the benefits?"

The monk replied: "This cassock has advantages and disadvantages. Some places require money and some don't."

All the ministers couldn't help laughing.

"Then what is good? What is bad? What does it mean to want money, and what does it mean to not want money?"

"Well, wearing my cassock, I won't be stained with filth in the world of mortals, and I'd like to accompany the holy monk to Yushan."

At this time, Tang Seng also came out.

The cassock and tin staff held by the other party looked shabby, let alone 5000 taels of gold, there was no one for a tael of gold.

However, Tang Seng's heart moved, and he faintly felt that these two things were not simple.

Tang Wang seemed to see his intentions, and took the initiative to say: "Since the master likes it, I will buy it and give it to the master."


Tang Seng hesitated.

He really wanted it, but where did he get so much gold?
"Hahaha, this eminent monk seems to have a good eye, so there is no need for money, come, come, see you off."

The two monks happily stepped forward, put the cassock on Tang Seng's body, and handed the Zen stick into his hand.

At this time, a miracle happened. The dilapidated cassock and Zen staff actually released strands of golden light, which amazed all the ministers.

Tang Wang was also shocked.

Just then, the two monks disappeared...

However, there were two more clouds in the sky.

It turned out that these two monks were transformed by Guantong Niangniang and Tongzi.

"Bodhisattva, it turned out to be a Bodhisattva..."

It wasn't until this time that the crowd came to their senses.

"Knowing Guanshiyin Bodhisattva..."

Tang Seng was very excited, and went forward to pay respects: "Greatly merciful and compassionate, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is here to save the suffering. Please accept my disciple's worship."

Avalokitesvara smiled, and the Buddha said: "I salute the Great Tang Lord, there are wonderful writings in the west, and the journey is hundreds of thousands of miles, and the Mahayana is diligent.

This scripture returns to the Kingdom of Shang, can surpass ghosts and go out of the group, if anyone is willing to go, seek proof of the golden body. "

After finishing speaking, he flew away, only the Buddha's voice lingered.

"Congratulations to the Bodhisattva!"

"Congratulations to the Bodhisattva!"

At this time, the king of Tang said with a look of expectation: "I want to send people to the west to seek the Mahayana scriptures. Who will accept my order and go to the west to worship Buddha and seek scriptures?"

Tang Seng immediately went forward to receive the decree: "The poor monk is not talented, and he is willing to go to the west to seek the scriptures."

"Hahaha, okay, okay, I knew the mage would not disappoint my expectations. I wish to become brothers with you..."

In this way, the king of Tang recognized Tang Seng as his younger brother and bestowed him with the title Sanzang.

After everything was ready, hundreds of guards were sent to escort them, and they sent them out of Chang'an City in person.

The Western Paradise to learn scriptures officially begins.

It was okay at the beginning, after all, in the territory of Datang, there were hundreds of guards of the Tang Dynasty escorting them, how could those bandits and bandits have the guts to provoke them?
One by one, they kept away from each other for fear of bumping into each other.

After all, once they make a move, no matter what the result is, it will be a rebellion, which will implicate the whole family.

However, this time, there have been subtle changes.

Because those extraterrestrial monsters have already invaded... They don't care what the Great Tang is or not.

In the evening of this day, a group of people rushed to a valley.

The leader of the guards bowed his hands at Tang Seng and said, "Master, it's getting late, let's rest here. It just so happens that there is a river beach here, so it's convenient for the horses to drink water and eat grass."

"Well, General Lao is here."

"Master, come, I will help you get off the horse."

The group still respected Tang Seng. After all, Tang Seng is not only an eminent monk of the Tang Dynasty, but also a younger brother recognized by the emperor. How dare they take it lightly?

Soon, a group of people began to set up camp and start cooking.

Several guards ran into the woods to hunt with bows and arrows on their backs.There are few people here, so it didn't take long to hunt a few wild animals, and dragged them back happily.

When Tang Monk saw it, he quickly bowed his head and chanted sutras.

He himself does not eat meat, but he cannot ask others not to eat meat.If these guards are vegetarians all day long, how can they have the strength to protect him?

It was slowly getting dark.

A group of guards took turns to watch the night, after all, the barren mountains and wild mountains can't be careless.

In the middle of the night, suddenly, two figures walked over slowly.



"If you dare to take another step forward, you will be killed!"

The guards watching the night spotted the figures, and each of them brandished their knives and shouted loudly.

Unexpectedly, the other party still walked towards them as if they didn't hear it.

"Presumptuous, we are ordered by the emperor to escort Master Xuanzang to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures, how dare you trespass, brothers, come on!"


At this time, the other party let out a strange howl, and rushed over with blood-red eyes.

"not good!"

"There are monsters..."

The sound of panic echoed in the night sky.

Now, the camp suddenly became chaotic.

These guards are all carefully selected, and their force value is very good, but they still have a natural fear of monsters.

Someone hurried to the resting place of Tang Seng and said anxiously: "Elder, there are monsters..."

In their thinking, Tang Seng is a generation of eminent monks with profound Buddhist teachings, and he will definitely be able to deal with monsters.

As a result, Tang Seng's face turned pale...

Apart from being able to chant scriptures, how could he catch demons?

(End of this chapter)

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