Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 245 Great Tang Chang'an City

Chapter 245 Great Tang Chang'an City

Datang, Chang'an.

At the time of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, all nations came to the dynasty.

At that time, the population of many small countries was only a few thousand, and those with tens of thousands were considered relatively strong.

However, in the Tang Dynasty, the population of Chang'an City alone was more than one million.

One can imagine how powerful Datang was at this time.

However, this is not the Tang Chang'an in history.

It's Journey to the West.

Zhou Yu traveled through time and space again and came to the world of Journey to the West.

That is what Chang'e said, a past world.

Journey to the West is a big chess game, and almost all gods and Buddhas in the sky are actively or passively involved in it.

Because it's a battle of sides.

It is the conflict between Taoism and Buddha, or in other words, the heavenly court headed by the immortal world and the Western Heaven Buddhist world... territory, believers, and incense.

Both sides eventually made their own concessions.

In the end, it led to the journey of monk Tang and his disciples to learn Buddhist scriptures from the west.

On the surface, this is a happy event for all, after all, mutual help and win-win.

But Chang'e told Zhou Yu that something went wrong when traveling westward to learn Buddhist scriptures, and because of this, hidden dangers were planted, leading to a catastrophe in the fairy world, and the Buddhist world in the Western Heaven was not spared.

Although it was remedied later, the catastrophe had already come, so we could only try our best to resolve the catastrophe.

Unexpectedly, those monsters from outside the territory actually opened up the space-time tunnel under the defeat, intending to go back to the past to reverse the defeat.

Once they are allowed to succeed, it will be a catastrophe not only for the heavenly court and the Buddhist world, but also for the human world.

But the problem is that Mantian Gods and Buddhas have no way to go back to the past... It's not that they don't have supernatural powers, but that they are limited by laws.

Because they themselves existed in the past, unlike those extraterrestrial monsters.

Therefore, the best candidate is Zhou Yu, who also comes from a different time and space, and can travel through time and space at will.At the same time, he has enough strength.

But there is one thing, after coming to the world of Journey to the West, the Mantian gods and Buddhas didn't know about the invasion of foreign monsters at all, and it wasn't time for them to deduce the great catastrophe of the world.

Zhou Yu couldn't tell them in advance, that would be a leak of the secret, which would lead to irreversible and serious consequences, and he himself might suffer huge karma.

Fortunately, there is another person who will help secretly: Li Shan's old mother.

Since gods and Buddhas all over the sky can't go back to the past, why can Li Shan's old mother?

This is not to say that Li Shan's old mother is stronger than all the saints, it can only be said that everyone is good at different fields.

What Li Shan's old mother is best at is the supernatural power of time and space, which can travel to different time and space, even the past and the future.

However, by the same token, she also cannot reveal the secret to others.

Therefore, they could only secretly provide some help to Zhou Yu.

Besides, Zhou Yu came here with a heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

Because, the trip to the west to learn scriptures is a foregone conclusion. It can be said that this is a big chess game played by the gods and Buddhas for thousands of years. It is difficult to reach an agreement. How can it be cancelled?

However, according to what Chang'e said, there are actually some problems in learning scriptures from the West.

She didn't say what the specific problem was, maybe some secrets were involved.

However, according to Zhou Yu's memories of his previous life and various legends, the problem Chang'e mentioned may be a lie.

In some myths and legends in the previous life, it is said that it is not the real Monkey King who is finally named the Holy Buddha of Fighting, but the six-eared macaque.

That guy is a bug, and I don't know why, but he looks exactly like Monkey King, even his supernatural powers are exactly the same.

So much so that even Tang Seng and Avalokitesvara have no way to distinguish the true from the false.

It's a mystery.

After all, supernatural powers can be imitated, and immortals can be learned secretly, but how can some special skills and physical abilities be imitated?
Sun Wukong made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, stole countless golden pills from the Taishang Laojun, and was thrown into the Eight Diagrams Furnace to refine them for 49 days.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. This tempering made him fully absorb the power of the golden elixir, and he cultivated the golden eyes, copper skin and iron bones, almost reaching the state of physical sanctification.

That being the case, how did the six-eared macaque do this?

According to various signs, later generations speculate that it is very likely that the fairy world and the Buddhist world joined forces to secretly copy a Monkey King, that is, the six-eared macaque.

Whatever Sun Wukong has experienced, the six-eared macaque has to experience it once.

Even, including the Dinghaishen Needle, that is, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, I am afraid that there will be great powers in the fairy world to join hands to copy it.

This is the same as backing up data in later generations, try to make it seamless, so that the real ones can be confused with the fake ones.

This may also be because the gods and Buddhas in the sky are worried about Monkey King.

Because Sun Wukong's personality is too wild, they don't have the confidence to make him submissive, even if they wear a magic spell, they may not be able to really restrain him.

If this guy ran halfway... In fact, Sun Wukong did run halfway a few times.

Therefore, it is very necessary to create an identical Monkey King, but also obedient.

Although most of these conjectures are conjectures, based on what Chang'e said, Zhou Yu speculates that this matter is probably close to ten.

The real Monkey King may have been completely suppressed... and the one who was finally named the Holy Buddha of Fighting Wars was actually a six-eared macaque.

This method seems to be seamless, but after all, hidden dangers are buried.

The way of heaven cannot be deceived, even if it is full of gods and Buddhas.

What's more, I can hide it from everyone, but I can't hide it from a special saint: Empress Nuwa.

Because Sun Wukong was conceived by the divine stone of mending stone, and the divine stone of mending the sky contains the painstaking efforts of Empress Nuwa.

Although Sun Wukong cannot be called her child, he also has a delicate relationship.

No matter how similar the six-eared macaque looks, it can never be hidden from Nuwa's perception.

She didn't say anything, but she just kept the overall situation in mind and didn't want to turn against Mantian Shenfo because of this incident.

However, there is bound to be a grudge.

Perhaps this is another hidden danger buried in the fairy world.

In short, no matter what the reason is, Zhou Yu is here to ensure that there will be no hidden dangers in the study of the Western Paradise, and at the same time, he must also take the opportunity to eradicate those foreign monsters.

This time, it can be regarded as the final battle.

As long as he wins, this catastrophe will be considered over.

And he will also obtain supreme merit, not to mention becoming a saint in one step, it is absolutely no problem to become a Daluo Jinxian, and it is not impossible to even step into the quasi-sage realm.


In the morning of this day, Zhou Yu came to a hexagram stall in West Market.

The stall owner spoke loudly, and on the banner cloth in front of the stall it was written: Knowing Yin and Yang can determine life and death.

Of course, this is also a common problem of fortune tellers. Any fortune teller who goes outside will dare to call him an iron-mouthed hexagram, a certain half-immortal.

Otherwise, how to deceive people?

However, this stall owner has real skills. His name is Yuan Shoucheng, and he is the uncle of Yuan Tiangang, Mr. Taizheng, the Qin Tianjian.

There is a group of fishermen who live by fishing on the Jing River outside Chang'an City. As long as they honor Yuan Shoucheng's big golden carp, Yuan Shoucheng will guide them when and where to cast their nets.

According to his guidance, a group of fishermen can be said to have made a lot of money without fail.

Because of this, Yuan Shoucheng became famous.

When Zhou Yu was looking, there happened to be a middle-aged man telling his fortune in front of the booth.

Yuan Shoucheng made a divination, and couldn't help frowning: "According to the divination, you must have a bloody disaster today."

Usually, fortune tellers seldom say the specific date, but say that you will have bloody disasters in the near future.

But how long has it been recently?This is not fixed.

But Yuan Shoucheng was straightforward, saying that the middle-aged man suffered a bloody disaster today, which shows that he has enough confidence in his own ability.

The middle-aged man's face was startled, and he said anxiously: "Is there a way to resolve it, sir?"

"Well..." Yuan Shoucheng was pondering.

At this time, Zhou Yu stepped forward to the middle-aged man and said, "Brother, from my point of view, you didn't have any bloody disasters today, so you must be safe."


Yuan Shoucheng couldn't help frowning and glanced at Zhou Yu.

The middle-aged man also looked surprised... After all, this is considered a face-to-face behavior, right?

That's right, Zhou Yu's visit here is to spoil the situation.

Because he wanted to smash it a long time ago, but he didn't have the chance before.

This Yuan Shoucheng was just a mortal, and indeed he had abilities, but he was too arrogant, he didn't pay attention to the laws of heaven, and thought that there were no omissions.

He guides fishermen to catch fish with nets, which has violated the laws of nature.

Since ancient times, fishermen have relied on experience, weather and other factors to fish in accordance with nature.

However, Yuan Shoucheng's behavior violated this law, causing the Jing River's aquatic population to decrease dramatically.

Because of this, it aroused the anger of Jinghe Dragon King.

He has never stopped fishermen fishing in the Jing River, because hunting and fishing have been a basic means of livelihood for people since ancient times.

If he wants to forcibly interfere, that is to destroy the laws of heaven.

But now, things have turned upside down, and it is Yuan Shoucheng who is breaking the rules.

Therefore, the Dragon King of Jinghe came to Chang'an in the form of a white-clothed scholar, and asked Yuan Shoucheng for a hexagram, how about the cloudy weather in the sky?
Yuan Shoucheng made a hexagram, and concluded: "The top of the mountain is lost in clouds, and the top of the forest is covered in fog."If you occupy Yuze, it must be in the Ming Dynasty.

It means that it will rain tomorrow.

Jinghe Dragon King couldn't help sneering secretly.

He is the Dragon King, the dragon god who is responsible for the rain, and he personally does all the rain distribution.

How could Yuan Shoucheng know that even he hadn't received the rain order from the Heavenly Court?I'm afraid it's nonsense.

So, he asked again: "When will it rain tomorrow? How big is the rain?"

Yuan Shoucheng replied: "Tomorrow, there will be clouds at the hour of the morning, thunder at the same time, and rain at noon, but it will not rain enough. The total water will be three feet three inches and forty-eight points."

The Dragon King of Jinghe smiled: "This remark is not for jokes. If it rains tomorrow, according to the number of hours you can stop, I will give you 50 taels of tuition money as a thank you.

If there is no rain, or if the number is not counted according to the hour, I will smash your facade and drive you out of Chang'an immediately. "

Yuan Shoucheng had already guessed the identity of the Dragon King of Jinghe, but he was confident in his hexagram, so he accepted it without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the Dragon King of Jinghe returned to the Dragon Palace, the Jade Emperor issued an order to order rain to fall in Chang'an tomorrow, and the time and amount of rain were exactly the same as what Yuan Shoucheng said.

After receiving the rain order, the Dragon King of Jinghe couldn't help but turn pale with fright.

He couldn't figure it out, how could a mortal calculate so accurately?He even learned the time and amount of rain when he was ahead of him.

No, never lose.

The Dragon King of Jinghe wasn't doing it for face, once he lost and Yuan Shoucheng was allowed to go on like this, the Jinghe aquarium might be doomed.

So, he decided to do things according to the order, but quietly changed the time of rainfall, and slightly deducted some rainfall.

After the rain, the Dragon King of Jinghe turned into a white-clothed scholar and ran to find Yuan Shoucheng, saying that Yuan Shoucheng had lost.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Shoucheng sneered and said, "You know best whether I lost or not.

I recognize you. You are the Dragon King of the Jinghe River. If you changed the time without permission and withheld the amount of rainfall, you violated the rules of heaven. I'm afraid you will die! "

Now, Jinghe Dragon King was a little scared.

After thinking about it, I am afraid that only the Emperor of Tang can save him.

So, at night, after King Tang fell into his dream, Dragon King Jinghe sneaked into King Tang's dream and shouted, "Your Majesty, save me!"

The king of Tang was taken aback and asked, "Who are you and why do you ask me for help?"

Therefore, the Dragon King of Jinghe talked about the cause and effect.

Finally, he said: "Because this violated the rules of heaven, Wei Zheng should be executed. Therefore, I come to pray, and hope that His Majesty will be merciful and save my life."

King Tang thought to himself that the Dragon King of Jinghe's move would not have any effect, and he was also trying to save the lives of all the aquatic people.

He also thought that since Wei Zheng was the one who executed him, he would have a way to save the Dragon King of Jinghe.

So he agreed.

After waking up, King Tang remembered what happened in his dream, and decided to keep Wei Zheng by his side for a day tomorrow, and not let him go out of the palace, so that the Dragon King could be saved.

So, when the time came, he made an excuse to discuss matters and asked Wei Zheng to be by his side.

When the conversation was about the same, Wei Zheng was asked to play chess with him.

Unexpectedly, Wei Zheng fell asleep while slumping.

King Tang wished him to sleep, and it would be best to sleep all day.

But I never thought that just falling asleep in a daze that night, in the dream, the Dragon King of Jinghe ran to find King Tang with his bloody head and asked him to return his life.

King Tang was taken aback.

After the Jinghe Dragon King explained, it was only then that Wei Zheng beheaded the Jinghe Dragon King in his sleep.

The Dragon King of Jinghe kept saying that the King of Tang was speechless, and wanted to take him to the Palace of the King of Hell for an evaluation.

After that, Yeye came to disturb him, making Tang Wang's soul restless.

In the end, he was forced to go to the underworld to confront him.

But no matter what he is, he is also the emperor of the world, and the Palace of the King of Hades must protect him of course.

After returning to life, the king of the Tang Dynasty held a water and land conference to save lonely souls in the underworld, and invited Xuanzang, a famous young monk in Chang'an City, to preside over the ritual and open scriptures.

This passage can be regarded as the apparent origin of learning from the Western Paradise.

Before that, Tang Wang almost didn't believe in Buddhism, but believed in Taoism.Perhaps it is also because the layman's surname is Li, the ancestor of Taoism.

But this water and land meeting, the king of Tang invited many monks.

Soon after, Guanyin Bodhisattva came to Chang'an to look for Buddhist scriptures, found Xuanzang, and instructed him to go to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures.

The king of the Tang Dynasty was overjoyed, recognized Xuanzang as his younger brother, bestowed the title Sanzang, and personally sent him out of Chang'an...

Of course, Xuanzang has just entered the palace to give lectures, and Guanyin Bodhisattva has not appeared.

Taking advantage of this spare time, Zhou Yu went around the city of Chang'an to appreciate the style of Chang'an in the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

Of course, it was inevitable to clean up Yuan Shoucheng.

It's not that he looked down on Yuan Shoucheng, Zhou Yu himself was once a mortal.

But mortals should have the consciousness of mortals, even if they have seen through the secrets, they can't speak freely.

Not to mention destroying the laws of heaven... In the words of later generations, it is called destroying the ecological balance.

"Why? Do you think I'm wrong? Or do you have absolute confidence in your divination?"

Zhou Yu said calmly to Yuan Shoucheng.

Yuan Shoucheng has always been very accurate in seeing people, just like the Dragon King of Jinghe, even if he becomes a scholar, he can still tell the identity of the other party.

But now, he couldn't see through Zhou Yu at all.

Therefore, his face couldn't help but become dignified...

(End of this chapter)

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