Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 251 Black Wind Mountain

Chapter 251 Black Wind Mountain

It was a nine-headed worm who was fooling around with the Halloween princess.

This monster looks very ugly, even if it turns into a human, it is also ugly.And Princess Wansheng is also a princess of the dragon clan after all, and a famous beauty of the dragon clan.

But, for some unknown reason, he actually likes this guy.

Therefore, vegetables and radishes have their own advantages.

The two were enjoying themselves, when Xiao Bailong suddenly kicked the door and rushed in.

Halloween Princess was taken aback, and hurried forward to defend herself.

However, the lonely man and widow were in the same room, and the door was still closed.

The important thing is that both of them are can this be justified?Could it be that we are making an adventure game?

Xiaobailong kicked the Wansheng princess away, and fought with the Nine-Headed Insect.

The two beat out the door from the room, and then hit the main hall, alarming the entire West Sea Dragon Palace.

After all, this is Xiaobailong's territory, the Nine-Headed Insect saw that the situation was not going well, and slipped away.

Xiaobailong went out to chase for a while, but failed to catch up. When he came back, he dragged Princess Wansheng and beat him again.

In a rage, Princess Wansheng also fought with Xiaobailong.

Unexpectedly, during the fight, Xiaobailong broke a pearl in the Dragon Palace.

This pearl was bestowed by the Jade Emperor, and the Dragon King of the West Sea regarded it as a treasure. After all, it was an honor.

Ever since, the Dragon King of the West Sea actually sued his son to the Heavenly Court...

In this way, the sad Xiao Bailong was caught in the Heavenly Court, where he was whipped and said that he would be executed.

Obviously, that's on purpose.

Even if Xiao Bailong smashed the pearl, it was not on purpose, no one can be calm when encountering such a thing.

However, the Jade Emperor wanted to execute him.

Just when the execution was about to be executed, Master Guanyin came and interceded for Xiaobailong, demoted him to Yingchoujianhou, and then escorted Tang Monk to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures.

In fact, this is full of routines.

Those who learn the scriptures, including Tang Seng, are actually all designed.

Tang Seng was Jin Chan, a disciple of the Tathagata back then, and he did not know what mistake he made, so he was demoted to the mortal world, and was reincarnated one life after another.

In the end, the ninth life was reincarnated, and this life is added to the tenth life.

Once the merits and virtues are complete, it will be a good person of ten generations.

Sun Wukong, needless to say, was trapped in various ways by the Heavenly Court, and in the end he rioted in the Heavenly Palace in a fit of rage, and was crushed under the Five Elements Mountain. Guanyin came forward again, saying that as long as he escorted Tang Monk to the Western Paradise to learn scriptures, he would be able to get out of trouble.

Zhu Bajie, who turned out to be the majestic Marshal of the Canopy, was demoted to the mortal world for molesting Fairy Chang'e after drinking.

In the end, I don't know why I was voted into a pig fetus.

Then he was also enlightened, saying that he was escorting Tang Seng to the West to learn scriptures.

Drifting Monk is also the same, although his status is not as high as Zhu Bajie, but he is also a rolling shutter general, and he also made a mistake and was demoted to Liusha River...

After all, from Tang Seng to Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, to Drifting Monk, to Little White Dragon, they are all doomed chess pieces, and their destiny has long been doomed.

After subduing the white dragon horse, Tang Seng was overjoyed, and after a short rest, he continued on his way.

In the evening of this day, I came to a small village near Heifeng Mountain.

As soon as he entered the village, he heard a noise, crying.

Tang Seng frowned, turned his head habitually and said, "Wukong, go and see what happened."

"Yes, Master."

"Wait, let me go."

Zhou Yu summoned Sun Wukong.

After all, Tang Seng didn't go all the way, and Monkey King ran over alone, which might scare the people in the village, thinking it was a monster.

So, Zhou Yu entered the village and saw that there was a village tyrant who was bullying the villagers.

Although Zhou Yu has not yet understood the situation, but with his current strength, he knows the number of people.

The village tyrant was very hostile at first glance, with a fleshy face and sputtering mouth, and he was yelling at several villagers:

"Don't meddle in your own business, whoever keeps talking, don't blame me for beating you together."

On the ground, lay an old man with blood all over his face.

The villagers did not dare to say anything.

The village tyrant stepped forward and kicked the old man again, and said viciously: "Old man, if you dare to go to the temple to make trouble again, I will kill you!"

After speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave.

"Whose life do you want?"

At this moment, a cold voice came from behind.

The village bully turned around with a surprised face, as if he had just discovered Zhou Yu, looked him up and down, and said with a sneer, "Where did this guy come from? How dare you control me..."


Before he could finish speaking, he was kicked away.


Zhou Yu drank two words, then turned around and stepped forward to help the old man up.

"Old man, are you alright?"

Unexpectedly, the old man seemed frightened by the beating, he kept silent and waved his hands repeatedly.

The villagers also dispersed.

"Who dares to hit our A Zhu?"

Suddenly, a "tiger roar" came.

In fact, it was a woman's roar, but this woman's voice was really scary, like howling a tigress.

Her figure is also very exaggerated, tall and fat, and she walks with a "dongdong" sound. It seems that even two or three men are not her opponents.

"It's you?"

The tigress came over, glared at Zhou Yu and said viciously.

"What if it is? What if it isn't?"

"court death!"

Unexpectedly, this woman was as obstinate as her man, and she swung her fat palm towards Zhou Yu.


Unexpectedly, Zhou Yu slapped him twice, and then fell to the ground with a "plop", causing the ground to tremble three times.

At this time, Monkey King and Tang Seng also walked into the village.


When the villagers saw Monkey King, they screamed in fright.

"All benefactors and benefactors, don't be afraid, the poor monk came from the Tang Dynasty in the east, and went to the west to worship the Buddha and ask for scriptures.

Although my apprentice looks a bit ugly, but he has a kind heart..."

Sun Wukong: "..."

He couldn't complain anymore.

Basically, whenever there are people, Tang Seng will say this again, and he is used to it.

"It turned out to be a great Tang monk!"

"Meet the holy monk!"

People in the village came forward to salute one after another, calling the holy monk.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the village bully and his wife left in desperation.

Finally, a villager warmly invited the three Tang monks to stay at his house.

There are five people in the villager's family, two elderly people, a husband and wife, and an eight-year-old boy.

The whole family was very enthusiastic. They not only prepared delicious vegetarian meals for Tang Seng and his disciples, but also specially prepared some meat for Zhou Yu.

The little boy was a little afraid of Monkey King at first, but later he saw that Monkey King was actually quite cute, and sometimes he secretly made faces at him.

So, he began to boldly step forward and get close.

It is also rare for Sun Wukong to play with children. It seems that the childlike innocence has grown out of him. He took the little boy to the yard to play, and took out his own golden cudgel. Shout out to the gods.

This little guy is so ghostly, he even accepted his head and worshiped, saying that he would worship Sun Wukong as his teacher.

Unexpectedly, such an unintentional move would lead to a romantic relationship.

Although Sun Wukong did not agree to be a master, he also taught the little boy some methods of cultivation.

Although the little boy's comprehension ability is limited, even if he comprehends a little bit, he will benefit endlessly...

In the house, Zhou Yu chatted with the family.

Before I knew it, I talked about the conflict that happened before.

The old man sighed, and said: "The couple before were well-known in our village, the man's name is Azhu, he has been lazy since he was a child, and he pissed off his parents to death.

Later, they went around cheating to eat and drink.

I don't know how I got to know his current wife. That woman's natal family is rich and has land and cattle and sheep, but she looks...

You have also seen that most people dare not marry.

Azhu was greedy for the woman's family's money, so he married that woman, and became a wealthy family in our village..."

Hearing this, the old man's son Ah Man couldn't help but said: "Actually, that woman's family was also very poor before. The reason why their family became rich is entirely because..."


The old man seemed to have some scruples and interrupted his son's words.

Zhou Yu didn't continue to ask, knowing that there must be something hidden in it.

Turning around, I found Ah Man alone to inquire about the situation.

Ah Man smiled wryly and said: "My father is afraid of making mistakes, and Elder Tang was there before, so he can't say much."

"Oh? What is the reason?"

"It all starts with the Guanyin Temple near us.

There are quite a few monks in the temple, most of whom are villagers from our neighborhood who joined the temple as monks.

Once you enter the temple, your status will be different, and no one dares to provoke you.

The villagers in the vicinity have to pay tribute to the temple for property and food.Moreover, the temple itself has a lot of property..."

"Tribute? You mean, you have to pay it?"

"Yes!" Ah Man sighed: "On the surface, there is no mandatory requirement in the temple, but if anyone refuses to pay...

Uncle Ado in the village was beaten up by that A Zhu because his family really had no food left over.

Uncle Addo couldn't swallow that breath, so he went to the temple to make a fuss for a while, but you saw it too, and got beaten up again. "

"Is there such a thing?"

Zhou Yu frowned.

"So, what is the relationship between that Ah Zhu and the monastery?"

Ah Man replied: "That's right. Wasn't his wife's natal family very poor before? Later, someone from their family became ordained in the Buddhist monastery.

Since then, the family has grown richer and richer.

After Azhu married his wife, he gained a lot of fame and often helped the temple. "

"So it is."

"The most hateful thing is that many people not only forcibly seize the property, but even forcibly seize the wives and daughters because of their relationship with the Buddhist monastery..."

"Anything like that?"

"That's right, there is a poor man in our village named Ah Shan. You can ask him. Not only was his wife taken away by force, but his legs were also crippled..."

Ah Man talked about the whole story.

Ah Shan is an orphan. His parents passed away early, and he supported a family alone at a young age.

The villagers sympathized with him and helped him from time to time.

Fortunately, Ah Shan is also competitive and hardworking. He makes a living by opening up wasteland and farming. In his free time, he also learns some crafts from others, and travels from time to time to do odd jobs for others.

One day, on his way home, Ah Shan suddenly found an old man fainted by the side of the road.

So, he stepped forward and carried the old man to a family. After some treatment, the old man came back to life.

After waking up, he was naturally grateful to Ah Shan, and fell in love with his character, so he proposed to betroth his daughter to Ah Shan.

Ah Shan didn't think too much about it at the time, and agreed immediately.

In the end, he picked up a treasure. The old man's daughter is named Zana, who looks like a flower and jade, and sings like a lark.

After marriage, the husband and wife are affectionate and loving, they are diligent and thrifty in managing the house, and their lives are getting better and better.

Unexpectedly, misfortune fell from the sky.

One day, one of Zana's cousins ​​got married, and Ah Shan accompanied Zana to congratulate her. Unexpectedly, an accident occurred on the way.

A guy named Ah Qi saw that Zana was pretty, so he had a wrong idea.

This guy is a well-known local bully. His elder brother became a monk in Guanyin Temple and is a monk in charge of affairs.

Therefore, no one dared to provoke him.

Ah Qi brought two of his subordinates, but ignored Ah Shan, and approached Zana, who was very angry and scolded Ah Qi.

Ah Shan naturally couldn't hold his breath, and stepped forward to argue with the other party.

Unexpectedly, Ah Qi ordered his subordinates to beat Ah Shan severely, crippled one leg, and kidnapped Zana.

Afterwards, Ah Shan went to the temple to argue several times, but every time he went, he was kicked out...

"To be honest, the people in our area have really been bullied... My family is a little bit better. My ancestors were monks in the Guanyin Temple, so they should show some face."

After hearing these words, Zhou Yu couldn't help but shook his head: "I never imagined that the holy land of Buddhism would become a talisman for a bunch of bullies."

In fact, he knew a little bit about the specific reason, the main reason was that the upper beam was not straight and the lower beam was crooked, and Elder Jinchi of the Zen Academy was not a good person.

However, this old guy has lived for nearly 300 years, which is why the people are afraid, thinking that he has achieved a true fruition.

In fact, the reason why this old guy can live for such a long time is related to a black fur monster in the Batu Cave in Heifeng Mountain.

To say that this black bear monster does have some tricks, even Monkey King can't do anything to this guy for a while.

It's not that I can't beat it.

On the way to the west, there are only a handful of goblins whose strength can really rival Monkey King, and I am afraid that apart from the six-eared macaque, there is no second one.

Including the domineering Golden Winged Roc.

So here comes the question, why does Monkey King always suffer losses along the way?Basically, most of the monsters were not subdued by him himself. He either borrowed a magic weapon or found an expert to deal with them.

This involves two directions, one is the technique, and the other is the magic weapon.

Although Sun Wukong can change 72 times, he can do somersaults, he can hold the body and so on.

However, the spells he can use in battle are almost none, or in other words, have little power.He fights with others, relying entirely on his own strength.

In other words, it belongs to the standard melee type and is good at physical output.

However, those monsters, except for a very few like the Bull Demon King, are also of the melee type.The vast majority are mage types who know various spells.

Most importantly, each one has a special magic weapon.

It is precisely because these magic weapons restrained Sun Wukong's power that he was unable to exert his full strength, and sometimes even suffered a bit.

Another point is that most of these monsters are not small, such as the mount of the Taishang Laojun, the boy of a certain great god, and so on.

To put it bluntly, it was clearly arranged on purpose, otherwise, with Monkey King and others around, how can we make up the ninety-nine-eight-one difficulty?
Afterwards, Zhou Yu went to find Ah Shan, and after questioning, it was indeed the same as what Ah Man said.

So, Zhou Yu went to find Tang Seng again, and asked Tang Seng to find Ah Shan again, and asked Ah Shan to tell his experience again.

After hearing the reason, Tang Seng was a little dazed.

At the beginning, he still thought that there was a Guanyin Temple nearby, and he must go to worship it, but in the end, how could this happen?

(End of this chapter)

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