Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 250 Little White Dragon's Life Experience

Chapter 250 Little White Dragon's Life Experience
One day, Zhou Yu, Tang Seng, and Monkey King came to a mountain market town.

This place already belongs to the boundary of Xiniu Hezhou, so the customs and customs are very different from the Central Plains, and it has a different kind of exotic style.

Monkey King was a little excited, looking around non-stop.

After all, he has been under the mountain for 500 years, and he hasn't seen such a lively scene in the world for a long time, so it is inevitable that he feels a sense of freshness.

However, when the passers-by on the street saw his shaggy face, they ran away in fright.

A child even cried in fright, shouting that there are monsters.

Sun Wukong cursed angrily: "You are the monster, and your whole family is monsters."

Tang Seng had no choice but to persuade: "Wukong, they are all mortals, don't argue with them."

Then he clasped his palms to passers-by: "Amitabha, the poor monk came from the Tang Dynasty in the east, and went to the west to worship the Buddha and ask for sutras.

Don't be frightened, benefactors, although my apprentice looks a little ugly, but he is kind-hearted, has great supernatural powers, and can subdue demons and eliminate demons..."

Sun Wukong: "..."

Is this praising my grandson or belittling my grandson?

However, when Tang Seng said this, the common people became bolder and rushed forward to salute.

It's not that he is famous here, the key is that Xiniu Hezhou was originally the boundary of the Buddhist world in the Western Heaven, and most of the people believed in Buddhism.

Moreover, the Great Tang Dynasty in the East is located in Xiniu Hezhou, which is a well-known kingdom of the heavens, and many people yearn for it.

That's why Tang Seng habitually said that whenever he went to a place, the poor monk came from the Eastern Tang Dynasty...

"The three elders have worked hard all the way. If you don't mind, you might as well go to the humble house to have a cup of tea and eat some vegetarian food."

A middle-aged man stepped forward and extended a warm invitation.

Tang Seng wanted to beg for alms along the way, so naturally he didn't refuse, thanked him, and followed the middle-aged man to a small courtyard not far away.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Zhou Yu looked around, and sure enough, the style of the courtyard included both local and Middle-Earth styles.

Before, he could guess from the middle-aged man's appearance and tone of voice that he must have Central Plains blood.

After sitting down, I asked, and it was true.

"My surname is Chen and my name is You. My late father was from the Central Plains. Back then, my late father was traveling with a caravan. The caravan was suddenly robbed by bandits. My father was seriously injured and was thrown by the side of the road.

Fortunately, my father-in-law passed by, rescued my father, and took him home to recuperate.

During the healing period, my late father and my mother fell in love at first sight and got married.

Although my late father was a businessman, he read a lot of poetry and books since he was a child. Under the influence of my late father, I also learned a lot of Central Plains culture.

Later, my late father asked someone to bring some books from the Central Plains..."

"So it is."

After chatting for a few words, Chen You suddenly said: "By the way, you must be careful when you go forward, not far ahead is the Snake Mountain, and the mountain road is rugged and winding.

There is a stream in that mountain, named Yingchou Stream.There is a white dragon in the stream, which often comes out to make trouble.

Although it doesn't hurt people, it likes to devour the horses of passers-by..."

Hearing this, Sun Wukong said disapprovingly: "A mere white dragon is nothing to worry about, if you dare to make trouble, my old Sun Fei will skin it."

"Wukong, don't be rude!"

Tang Seng scolded.


At this time, a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old walked in.

"Lin'er, hurry up, come and pay respects to the three elders."

"Meet the three elders."

The young man saluted respectfully.

Chen You then introduced, "This is a dog."

"Not bad!" Zhou Yu took a look at the young man and nodded slightly, because he found that the young man had a talent for reading.

The key is that there is already a certain foundation.

So, Zhou Yu asked a few more questions, and the young man answered fluently, it seems that he has a good foundation.

At the same time, the boy was also a little overjoyed, and asked: "I didn't expect the elder... No, I didn't expect that the master also likes to read."

Zhou Yu smiled: "I'm just a scholar."

"Oh? Then, sir, can you tell me about the current situation in Datang? Back then, when my grandfather was alive, I was still young..."

The young man was very excited and began to chat with Zhou Yu.

So, Zhou Yu called the young man to the courtyard, first told him about the current situation in the Tang Dynasty, and then talked about poetry, songs, Fu, Four Books and Five Classics.

After this chat, the young man was fascinated.

After all, although he has read a lot of books, he is in a foreign land after all, so he doesn't have a deep understanding.

Now he finally has a person who is proficient in Confucian culture to explain it to him, and naturally he has benefited a lot.

When the speech was almost over, Zhou Yu wrote a long poem and presented it to Chen Shaolin. At the same time, he also gave him a set of Confucian classic books, as well as the Confucian practice of breathing and breathing that he created himself.

"In the future, study hard and practice hard. Once you enter the door, your life will be completely changed, and your lifespan will also break through the shackles of ordinary people."

Hearing this, Chen Shaolin was very pleasantly surprised, and immediately nodded and bowed: "Thank you, sir, for your enlightenment, thank you, sir, for your enlightenment."

In this way, Zhou Yu planted the first seed in Xiniu Hezhou, and it can be regarded as accepting the first student.

After resting at Chen's house for one night, the next morning, when the three of them were about to leave, the town suddenly became chaotic.

"That evil dragon eats people..."

"Everyone, don't go into the mountain, that white dragon is crazy..."

"I heard that a caravan camped overnight in the mountains, but they were all eaten by the white dragon..."

Hearing the rumors from the people, Tang Seng was startled.

"Wukong, what should I do? Or, go and find out if there is another way around."

Sun Wukong didn't think so, and said: "Master, what is a mere little dragon afraid of? My old grandson made a big disturbance in the Dragon Palace back then, and even the dragon kings of the four seas were afraid of my old grandson."

This is not bragging, Sun Wukong not only made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace, but also made a big fuss in the Dragon Palace.

How could he be afraid of a little white dragon?

Zhou Yu also felt a little strange. It stands to reason that Xiaobailong has been enlightened by Master Guanyin and is waiting for Tang Seng to go to the West to learn scriptures at Yingshoujian.

How could he make such a big mistake?

So he said: "Elder Tang, what Wukong said is right, we don't need to be afraid. Besides, if the evil dragon is really causing trouble, we should also eliminate the harm for the people, right?"

Having said that, Tang Seng felt relieved.

A group of three people left the small town and entered Shepan Mountain.

The reason why Snake Pan Mountain is called Snake Pan Mountain is because the mountain path on this mountain is winding like a giant snake circling.

There is a stream in the mountain, known as Yingchou Stream, which is so huge that it is said that even eagles cannot fly, so it is named Yingchou Stream.

The three entered the mountain and walked along the mountain road.

On the first day, nothing happened, even if we encountered some ferocious beasts, it would be a piece of cake.

In the afternoon of the next day, I finally came to the vicinity of Yingshoujian.

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, there was a violent fighting sound.

"Wukong, hurry up and see what's going on in front of you?"

Tang Seng gave a command with a look of shock.

"Yes, Master."

Monkey King responded, flew into the air, set up an awning to look at it, and then flew down.

"It's just right, to save my old grandson from making a move, there are two white dragons fighting over the stream over there."

Two white dragons?

Zhou Yu froze for a moment, this style of painting is not right.

Is it...

He suddenly realized that a monster from outside the territory might have appeared, wanting to destroy the real little white dragon, and then pretend to be little white dragon?
"I'll go check the situation."

Zhou Yu hurriedly dropped a sentence, and his figure disappeared into the air in a flash.

In the blink of an eye, he flew over Yingchoujian.

This stream is indeed very big, but it would be an exaggeration to say that even eagles can't fly over it, but the common people feel that it is very big, so they took it for granted that it was named Yingshoujian.

Of course, if the ravine is not big enough or deep enough, how can a dragon be able to occupy it here?

Zhou Yuyin observed in the dark for a while, and finally confirmed that among the two white dragons, one is indeed a little white dragon, and the other is a fake.

Just when Zhou Yu was about to attack secretly, Xiao Bailong suddenly flew to the side.

Another white dragon chased after him.

It seemed that the real little white dragon couldn't beat the fake little white dragon and was already injured.

On the other side, Tang Seng was observing the surrounding environment, when suddenly a strong wind hit him, knocking him down.


Monkey King quickly pulled Tang Seng aside.

In the sky, a huge white dragon swooped down and swallowed the panicked horse in one gulp.

It was Xiao Bailong who swallowed the horse.Because it was injured, tired from fighting, and consumed too much, it urgently needs to be replenished.

Behind him, another white dragon chased after him, and the two dragons fought into a ball again.

Monkey King was furious, and shouted at Tang Seng: "Master, you hide yourself, my old grandson will go and deal with those two dragons that don't have eyes."


Just as Monkey King flew into the air, Zhou Yu suddenly appeared.

"Great Sage, go down and protect Elder Tang, leave this to me."

"Alright, thank you, Shangxian."

Sun Wukong responded and flew down again.

After all, he was also a little uneasy.In case some little demon appeared and took Master away, that would be a troublesome matter.

This time, Zhou Yu no longer concealed his figure, and directly cast the space teleportation technique, teleported to one of the white dragons, grabbed the dragon's horn, and swung it like a whip.

Xiao Bailong was startled, and hurriedly dodged far away.

Too scared of dragons.

Who is this man?So powerful?
To say that Xiaobailong's strength is not weak, at least he can fight with Monkey King for a while.

But he was also a little powerless against this fake white dragon.

Now, that dragon looked so powerless under Zhou Yu's hands, like an earthworm.

In fact, Zhou Yu also took advantage of the fact that the opponent was fighting fiercely and suddenly teleported, grabbing the opponent's vital parts.

Just like a snake, no matter how fierce a snake is, it will lose its resistance as long as it is pinched seven inches.

"Clap clap clap..."

There was a sonic boom in midair.

This is Zhou Yu shaking the dragon like a rope whip, directly shaking the opponent's skeleton, and changing back to its original shape.

It turned out that it was a black snake similar to Jiao.


In the end, Zhou Yu punched the black snake's head to pieces, and fell from mid-air into the valley.

Xiao Bailong was so frightened that he turned around and wanted to fly to Yingshoujian.

"Little Bailong, don't be afraid, come back."

Zhou Yu called out.

Xiao Bailong was stunned for a moment, but finally turned into a human form, flew to Zhou Yu's side and cupped his hands, saying, "Thank you, Shangxian, for saving me."

On the other side, Guanyin and a boy were also in the air.

The boy looked puzzled: "Bodhisattva, what's going on? How could a black snake come out?"

Master Guanyin sighed: "Sure enough..."

"What's the matter?"

"You don't need to ask too much. In short, the origin of this black snake is not simple. We didn't expect it at all before."

"Then...Bodhisattva, what happened to that Shangxian surnamed Zhou? Why did he walk with Tang Monk as a teacher and apprentice?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't."


In fact, so far, the entire Western Heaven Buddhist world has doubts about Zhou Yu's origin and purpose.

It's just that Li Shan's old mother also sent a boy to pass on the message, or just let it be.

Afterwards, Tathagata went to the Heavenly Court in person, discussed with the Jade Emperor, and finally decided to observe the situation secretly.

After a while, Guanyin appeared in mid-air with the boy.

Tang Seng was very pleasantly surprised, and hurried forward to pay respects.

Sun Wukong also stepped forward to pay homage in an orderly manner.He has always been fearless, he dared to call Jade Emperor Lao Er directly when he saw Jade Emperor, and also dared to call Tathagata Lao Er directly when he saw Tathagata.

Among the gods and Buddhas in the sky, I am afraid that only Monkey King dared to call that, and he still called it in front of his face.

However, Monkey King has always respected Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Zhou Yu also went forward and bowed his hands: "Next Zhou Yu, I will meet Master Guanyin."

"Hehe, no courtesy."

Guanyin smiled and raised his hand.

Then he said: "I came here to enlighten the little white dragon, but unexpectedly, an accident happened. Fortunately, the immortal friend took action in time and wiped out that evildoer."

"The origin of that evildoer is quite strange, and I am afraid that similar evildoers will appear in the future."

"Well, Tathagata Buddha and Jade Emperor have already known about this matter and are discussing countermeasures..."

After chatting for a few words, Master Guanyin said to Xiaobailong again: "Little Bailong, you have to work hard to repay your karma, escort Tang Monk to the west to learn scriptures, and return you a golden body and fruit after you succeed..."

"Thank you Bodhisattva!"

In this way, the little white dragon became a white dragon horse.

Actually speaking, he is also very sad.It turned out that he was the third prince of the Dragon King of the West Sea, an upright god of heaven.

Later, he married Princess Wansheng, the daughter of the Dragon King of Wansheng.

Princess Halloween is a well-known beauty, and among all the princesses of the dragon clan, she is also recognized as a beauty.

Therefore, Xiao Bailong is naturally very happy to be able to marry such a beautiful wife.

But what he never expected was that his newlywed wife betrayed him just a few days after they got married.

That day, Xiao Bailong returned from going out, thinking of giving his wife a surprise, he quietly sneaked back to the Dragon Palace and returned to his bedroom.

Unexpectedly, when he walked to the door of the room, he heard a burst of laughter from inside.

At first he thought it was his wife and maidservant joking, but the voice that reached his ears was not right, it was clearly a man's voice talking to his wife.

Moreover, what the wife said... turned out to be so...

Now, Xiao Bailong finally understands why his wife treats him a little coldly after getting married, and at night... seems a bit reluctant.

I thought it was because she was not used to it, and it would be fine after a while, but it turned out that she had another new love.

This kind of thing is undoubtedly a great shame for a man, not to mention that he is still a dignified Dragon Prince.

Under the rage, Xiao Bailong kicked open the door...

Sure enough, the scene in front of him was unsightly.

The wife who treated him coldly was actually half naked, lying in the arms of an ugly man...

This time, Xiao Bailong became even more furious.

It's understandable to say that the other party is more handsome, but my wife who is so ugly...

This anger is naturally a big fight.

(End of this chapter)

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