Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 254 Pig 8 quits marrying a wife

Chapter 254 Zhu Bajie Marries a Wife
After these changes, Tang Seng seems to have some changes.

In the past, whenever I had free time, I would sit on the ground and chant scriptures silently.Now, he frowned slightly from time to time, as if he was full of thoughts.

This is actually a good thing.

Because it means that he is changing from a nerd to a person who learns to think independently.

In fact, Zhou Yu didn't want to completely change Tang Seng, let him leave Buddhism or something, mainly because his thinking was too rigid.

Some things have to be judged in combination with the environment and various factors, rather than blindly following the rules.

After all, rules are dead, but people are alive.

Unknowingly, the three of them came to Gao Lao Village located in the territory of Uzang.

Gao Laozhuang is the place where Zhu Bajie was subdued.

This Zhu Bajie was originally the canopy marshal of the fairy world, in charge of the Tianhe [-] navy.

It's a pity that this guy is greedy and lustful.

One day after getting drunk, he actually molested the fairy in fairy palace.The fairy was ashamed and annoyed, and yelled loudly, which finally attracted the picket spirit officer.

If it's just like this, it's not a big deal, after all, the identity is there.

But it was also this guy who took advantage of being the marshal of the canopy to fight with the picket Linggong... and finally annoyed the Jade Emperor.

Later, because Taibai Jinxing interceded, he was demoted to the mortal world.

I don't know why... After Zhu Bajie was reincarnated, he found that he had been reincarnated as a pig.

In a fit of rage, he bit the sow and killed the pigs.

Later, I somehow recruited the second sister Mao who came to Yunzhan Cave in Fuling Mountain.

A year later, Second Sister Mao died, leaving only a cave for him.

Zhu Bajie lived in Yunzhan Cave, and called himself "Pig Gang Mane", and even devoured passers-by.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva sent Mucha to fight with him, defeated him, persuaded him again, ordered him not to do evil again, and waited for the arrival of the Buddhist scriptures.

One day, Zhu Bajie came to Gao Laozhuang in human form, and heard that Mrs. Gao was recruiting a son-in-law for his third daughter, so he came to recommend himself.

At that time, this guy was considered smart, and his changed appearance could not be said to be handsome, but he was tall and burly.

Seeing that Zhu Bajie was so powerful that one person could hold up to ten people, Gao Taigong was also very pleasantly surprised, so he recruited him to be his son-in-law.

Unexpectedly, after a long time, Zhu Bajie will inevitably show some signs, and people outside have also spread rumors that Mr. Gao recruited a monster to be his son-in-law.

Taigong Gao was terrified, so he quietly asked a mage to come to subdue the demon, but how could those people be Zhu Bajie's opponent?
By the way, Grandfather Gao has three daughters named Xianglan, Yulan and Cuilan.

The three daughters are all like flowers and jades, and everyone praises the grandpa's good luck and gave birth to three fairies.

However, Mrs. Gao and his wife felt bitter and could not tell.

After all, there was no male in the family, and Mr. Gao was single, so he failed to give birth to a son. Doesn't it mean that the Gao family lost their incense?

The eldest daughter, Xianglan, married the son of a merchant, and the family was very rich.

The second daughter, Yulan, married into an ordinary family, and her husband was named Yu An.

In fact, Mr. Gao strongly opposed this marriage at the beginning, because the two families were inappropriate and the households were wrong.

But Yulan is determined not to marry unless she is Yu An.

When she arrived at Cuilan's place, Mr. Gao refused to let her marry outside, saying that he had to find a son-in-law, and that the children born to his daughter would also have the surname Gao to continue the incense for the Gao family.

There is no other way to do this.

Gao Cuilan has always been filial, so she obeyed her parents' wishes.

After Zhu Bajie came to the door, the husband and wife were still in love.

This also made Zhu Bajie like it more and more, and worked harder.

In fact, Gao Cuilan had vaguely guessed Zhu Bajie's identity. After all, the two are so close, it's impossible for her not to feel it at all.

She was also a little panicked at first.

But people's hearts are full of meat, and she can tell that Zhu Bajie treats her sincerely, so gradually he doesn't care what others say.

But Mr. Gao cares.

He is the famous Gao Taigong in Gao Laozhuang, people outside gossip that he recruited a monster as his son-in-law.

Many people have to go far away when they see him, which makes him feel ashamed.

Therefore, the mage was quietly asked to catch the demon.

But looking at it from another angle, Mr. Gao was conflicted in his heart.

Because Zhu Bajie is too capable.

Ever since Zhu Bajie came in and became the son-in-law of the Gao family, Mr. Gao has dismissed the long-term workers in the family one after another, leaving only the maids who do chores.

Although Zhu Bajie has a great appetite and can eat, he is also very capable.

This guy likes to sleep during the day and work at night.

He went out to plow the land that could not be plowed by a few cows in one day, and plowed it in one night.

He can easily pull a cart that can't be pulled by oxen.

In the past, if dozens of long-term workers had to add a few cows to complete the work, he could do it alone.

It is precisely because of this that people will be regarded as monsters.

Man, how could it be possible?

Therefore, Gao Taigong was very conflicted.He is afraid that Zhu Bajie is really a monster, but at the same time he is reluctant to part with such a good labor.

One day, the eldest son-in-law Atuo suddenly came to the door.

He found Mrs. Gao secretly discussing.

"Father-in-law, do you know the real identity of Zhu Ganglian?"

Grandpa Gao's expression changed: "Is he really a demon?"

A'Tuo nodded: "That's right, he is a pig demon. He used to be king in the Yunzhan Cave of Fuling Mountain and ate many people..."


Grandpa Gao was taken aback.

If he was a little reluctant before, then now, he no longer dares to take chances.

Because, no matter how big the family business is, what about it?What if it really caused trouble for the family and was eaten by that pig demon...

"Father-in-law, this matter is absolutely true, you can no longer protect him. Once you provoke this guy's viciousness, it will be too late to regret."

"Then, what should I do..."

Mr. Gao lost his mind at all.

Seeing this, Ah Tuo couldn't help sneering secretly.

Taigong Gao has always been aloof.

Although Atuo's family is rich, they are nothing compared to Gao's family.After all, Gao's family has a lot of land property, and they are the most wealthy households in a radius of tens of miles.

A Tuo has always been greedy for his father-in-law's family property, but suffers from no chance.

Later, Zhu Bajie was recruited as the door-to-door son-in-law, which made Ah Tuo give up his heart even more.

Until there were rumors that Zhu Bajie was a monster, his heart began to stir again.

Moreover, this guy not only wants to occupy the property of his father-in-law's family, but also wants to occupy Gao Cuilan.

Not long ago he met Gao Cuilan, and his soul almost flew away.

Because he found that after Gao Cuilan got married, she looked more and more charming, and she seemed to be able to pinch water out of water, which made people unable to look away.

It was at this time that a mysterious man came to him and told him that Zhu Bajie was a pig demon, and that as long as he cooperates, he can help him achieve his wish and gain both money and man.

So, this guy came to his door.

"Father-in-law, my son-in-law has also spent a lot of brainpower on this matter. After all, my son-in-law can't just watch my father-in-law's family being harmed by that monster.

Therefore, the son-in-law searched many times and finally found an expert.

The expert gave me a medicine. At that time, my father-in-law can quietly put it in the wine and try to get him drunk. Not only can he show his original shape, but he can also lose his mana...

At that time, it would be easy to clean him up. "

This time, Grandpa Gao agreed immediately without any hesitation.

But I was a little worried: "Is this medicine really effective? Will it anger the monster?"

"Don't worry, that expert is a god in the sky. He said that this medicine will definitely work."


Mrs. Gao nodded.

As everyone knows, these words were overheard by a maid.

This maid is Gao Cuilan's personal maid, Gao Cuilan has always treated her very well, like a sister.

After thinking about it, she felt that it was necessary to talk to the young lady and let the young lady make up her mind.

Because she also knows that Miss and Uncle have always been very affectionate.

Even if my uncle is really a demon, he has no intention of harming others, and he treats Miss sincerely.

So, the maid hurriedly found the lady and whispered.

After hearing the reason, Gao Cuilan was taken aback, and felt confused.

The servant girl persuaded: "Miss, you must make up your mind quickly on this matter, whether to break up with my uncle,'s too late, but it's too late."

"I see, let me think about it..."

Gao Cuilan waved her hands weakly.

"Okay lady."

The maid retreated.

At this moment, Gao Cuilan's mood was really chaotic.

If she knew in advance that Zhu Bajie was a demon, she would rather die than marry.

But now...there is already a relationship between husband and wife, and Zhu Bajie has treated her very well, so her mentality has changed subtly.

So what about the demon?
Doesn't it hurt people when they become bad?
After all, she still recognized her as a demon even though she knew she was a demon.

At this moment, Zhu Bajie suddenly ran back excitedly: "Cuilan Cuilan..."

Gao Cuilan greeted her with a forced smile.

"Look, I made a garland for you, isn't it pretty?"

Zhu Bajie showed off a colorful garland from behind.

"Ah? Are you still making up this?" Gao Cuilan looked surprised.

"Hey, someone is actually selling it. I saw a girl who looked good in it, so I bought one for you."

Gao Cuilan didn't know what was going on, and asked sourly: "Do you think the girls are more beautiful, or the wreaths are more beautiful."

"It's all beautiful, it's all beautiful..."


"No matter how good-looking she is, she's not as good-looking as my wife..."

A wreath and a pleasant word completely melted Gao Cuilan's heart.

She suddenly felt that as long as she could be with this man for the rest of her life, so what if he was a man or a monster?

So, she raised her head and said, "Master, why don't we leave the Gao family?"

"Ah? Leave Gao's house?"

"Well, anyway, you have plenty of strength. Let's go to the mountains to open up wasteland and farm by ourselves, and build a house. I will cook for you at home, and you will work outside, okay?"

Zhu Bajie frowned: "Is it because the people in the village are talking nonsense again? Just ignore them."

"No...I...I actually don't care what other people say, but I really don't want people talking about you behind your back.

Mr. Xianggong, let's go, let's go now. "

Seeing his daughter-in-law's anxious look, Zhu Bajie could guess in his heart that someone outside must be talking about him.

And the father-in-law and mother-in-law may also start to dislike him.

That being the case, then take the beauty back to the mountains.

So, he responded, simply packed some things, and left with the maid Qing'er.

Originally, Zhu Bajie wanted to say goodbye, but Gao Cuilan refused.

Because she doesn't want Xianggong to meet her father now, she is afraid that Zhu Bajie will know that his father and brother-in-law conspired to poison him.

That way, things can get out of hand.

"My lord, my lord, it's not good, the uncle took the young lady, and Qing'er left home with a package on their backs."


Grandpa Gao was taken aback.

A Tuo was also there at this time, and when he heard about it, his expression changed: "No, I'm afraid that monster will find out about it."

"Ah? So what should I do? What about my daughter? No, come on, come and chase Miss back..."

"Father-in-law, don't worry, the monster has gone to Yunzhan Cave in Fuling Mountain again, and my son-in-law is going to meet the fairy master to see if there is any way to deal with the monster and save Cuilan."

"Okay, okay, you go quickly."

It's ridiculous that Grandpa Gao doesn't know that all of this is A Tuo's conspiracy, and he still thinks that he is kind enough to help.

In fact, Ah Tuo was quite pleasantly surprised at the beginning. Once Zhu Bajie and Gao Cuilan left, wouldn't he have a chance to get the Gao family's property?
As for the second son-in-law Yu An...can he compete with him?The big deal is not to do anything, but to die together, and then all three sisters will belong to him...

I have to say, this kid has a good dream.

But after thinking about it again, things might not be that simple.

After all, Yunzhan Cave in Fuling Mountain is not far from Gaolaozhuang. God knows when that pig demon will return?

Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of the pig mane once and for all.

Ever since, Ah Tuo ran to find the mysterious man again.

"The pig demon actually left Gao's house?" the mysterious man asked in surprise.

"That's right, Gao Cuilan and the maid beside her were also taken away."

Ah Tuo looked jealous, as if Zhu Bajie took away his wife.

"So, we have to change our plans..."

It was at this time that Zhou Yu, Tang Seng, and Monkey King came to Gao Laozhuang and stayed at Gao Taigong's house.

At first, Gao Taigong was also terrified when he saw Monkey King.

Tang Seng's mantra came again: "Don't be afraid, benefactor, my apprentice is ugly, but he is kind-hearted..."

Later, when Taigong Gao heard that Monkey King had great powers and the ability to subdue dragons and tigers, he couldn't help being pleasantly surprised and said: "That's great, I just encountered a troublesome thing recently, a pig demon kidnapped my daughter."

Upon hearing this, Tang Seng was startled: "Old man, what's going on?"

"Hey, this story has to start a year ago..."

Grandpa Gao explained the reason.

"Before, the old man suspected that he was a monster, but he was not sure. Fortunately, the eldest son-in-law asked someone to check it out, and it was confirmed that the guy was indeed a pig monster.

In the past, that pig demon was entrenched in the Yunzhan Cave in Fuling Mountain, and it ate many people..."

Upon hearing this, Tang Seng immediately said: "Wukong, why don't you go to the Yunzhan Cave in Fuling Mountain to subdue that pig demon and rescue Miss Gao."

"Yes, Master."

Sun Wukong responded.

Zhou Yu stood up and said, "Great Sage, how about I go with you to check the situation."


So, the two set off together to go to Yunzhan Cave in Fuling Mountain...

(End of this chapter)

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