Liaozhai: A scholar should draw a sword

Chapter 258 The Treasure Elephant Country

Chapter 258 The Treasure Elephant Country

Fortunately, although Immortal Zhenyuan was angry, he was close to a saint after all, and it was impossible to do anything to Tang Monk and his disciples just because the ginseng fruit tree was destroyed.

Mainly, he needs an explanation, an apology.

But Sun Wukong has a stubborn temper, and he really doesn't know the origin of Zhenyuan Daxian.

It is not an exaggeration to say that even if Tathagata saw Immortal Zhenyuan, he would have to take the initiative to come forward and greet him.

Fortunately, Guanyin appeared in time and used the water in the jade bottle to save the ginseng fruit tree, which resolved the grievances between the two parties.

Of course, this may also be a deliberately arranged scene, a deliberately arranged disaster.

With the ability of Great Immortal Zhenyuan, couldn't he save the ginseng fruit tree?
On the other side, Zhou Yu temporarily left Chang'an and came to Baihuling.

Baihuling has overlapping peaks and rocks, surrounded by ravines and bays, and the terrain is dangerous.

In the mountain, there is a cave named: White Bone Cave.

On this day, Zhou Yu appeared near the Bone Cave.

The two female demons were fetching water from the stream, when they saw a handsome scholar smiling Mimi walking towards them, they couldn't help but look at each other in surprise.

As far as Baihuling is concerned, people often pass by here.

But the White Bone Cave is located deep in the mountainside, surrounded by ferocious beasts, it is impossible for ordinary people to come here.

So, be vigilant.

"Hey, who are you?"

"How did you break into our wife's territory without authorization?"

"Oh? Who is your wife?"

Zhou Yu smiled and Mimi asked.

"Can't you see?"

One of the maids pointed to the words on the cave: "This cave is called Baigu Cave, and my wife is called Mrs. Baigu."

"So that's the case. I wonder if the two girls can take you down to meet your wife?"

"Who are you? Why do you want to see my wife?"

"Next Zhou Yu, the Great Tang Imperial Teacher."

"Master of the Tang Dynasty?"

The two maids looked surprised.

Of course they have heard of the famous Datang.It's just, what is the Great Tang Imperial Teacher doing here?
Is it...

The expressions of the two maids changed at the same time, and each of them took out a sword out of nowhere: "Whoever you are, leave quickly, or don't blame us for doing it."

At this moment, a gust of wind blows...

At the entrance of the cave, a woman in a long white dress with fluttering hair appeared.

Judging from the appearance alone, he is about 30 years old, cold, aloof, and mature.

Of course, for demons, ghosts and gods, you can't judge their age by their appearance. Some of them look like children, and they may be tens of thousands of years old.

Zhou Yu smiled and cupped his hands: "Surely this is Mrs. Bone?"

"That's right, I don't know what the national teacher is doing here?"

Presumably, the Bone Demon also heard Zhou Yu's previous introduction.

Zhou Yu smiled: "Is this how madam treats guests?"

Bone Demon frowned, and finally stretched out his hand: "National Teacher, please go to the cave to have a talk."

"Thank you ma'am!"

Zhou Yu swaggered into the cave.

"Come here, serve wine and food."

"Yes, ma'am!"

It is said to be wine and vegetables, but it is actually wine and some wild fruits in the mountains.

"Master, I offer you a toast."

"Ma'am, please!"


After drinking a glass of wine, Bone Essence asked Zhou Yu again why he came.

Zhou Yu smiled and said, "I guess, madam has heard that Tang Seng went to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures and was going to pass by Baihuling, right?"

Bone Demon's face changed, and he said coldly: "Why, is it possible that the national teacher came to ask for a crime?"

"No, I'm just curious, where did Madam hear the news?"

"Hehe, is it possible that the national teacher also wants to share a piece of the pie? If the national teacher is willing to cooperate with my wife, then he can stay in the cave to enjoy it and live forever."

In the end, Zhou Yu shook his head: "This national teacher has already transcended life and death..."


The Bone Demon couldn't help but frowned, as if he was trying to discern the truth of what he said.

In fact, Zhou Yu did not brag, and with his current state, he could already be regarded as immortal.

"Actually, Madam is good at cultivation, so she can live forever."

The White Bone Demon sneered and said, "Immortal? It's easy to say, but does the national teacher know how many catastrophes a goblin will experience in his life?"

"Of course I know. In fact, it's not just monsters. How is it not the case in human cultivation? All kinds of battles, breakthroughs in realms, inner demons, etc., are all bottlenecks of restriction."

"That's better than cultivating as a demon. If you're not careful, you'll be struck by thunder."

"Hehe, it turns out that Madam is also afraid of thunder disasters."

"Aren't you afraid?"

"It's not a question of whether you're afraid or not, Madam, why don't you think about it from another angle, Thunder Tribulation is actually a kind of experience.

If a monster has never had a lightning calamity in its life, then it has absolutely no chance to grow..."

Hearing this, Bone Demon was also touched.

The demon, what he fears and hates the most is Thunder Tribulation.

However, when the strength reaches a certain level, if there is no thunder robbery, it will be difficult to achieve a positive result.

Because if a demon wants to achieve a positive result, he must rely on thunder to cleanse the golden core, so that he can have a chance to prove the way.

However, there is another way, which is to practice evil methods and completely fall into the devil's way.

"The national teacher came this time, is it possible that he came here to preach? But my wife and the national teacher have never met, how could the national teacher think of talking to my wife about this?"

"Madam's words are wrong. Although I have never met, I have heard of Madam's name for a long time.

I really don't want to see Madam go astray..."

"What do you mean?"

"Madam, do you think that you can live forever if you eat Tang's monk meat?"

"Isn't it? It is said that Tang Monk is the reincarnation of Jin Chan, a good man of ten generations, and eating his meat will make him immortal."

Hearing this, Zhou Yu couldn't help laughing.

I don't know who spread such ridiculous rumors.

"Ma'am, since you also know Tang Seng's life experience, you know that he is the reincarnation of Jin Chan. Back then, he was a disciple of the Tathagata, reincarnated for ten lives.

You catch him to eat meat and drink soup, not to mention whether the Tathagata will cause trouble for you, even if it is the way of heaven, it will never allow you.

How much karma will be incurred for eating a good person of ten lifetimes?Hasn't Madam thought about this problem? "


It's not that the bone spirit has never thought about it, but the temptation of immortality is too great for her.

"I don't know who is spreading the immortality by eating Tang monk's meat. But I would like to advise Madam to be sober and not to ruin a lifetime of cultivation just because of a rumor."

Hearing this, Bai Gujing couldn't help frowning.

At this time, Zhou Yu raised his hand, and an invisible force was released suddenly, making the Bone Essence sore and limp, unable to move.

Shocked and furious, he couldn't help shouting angrily: "You dare to attack Mrs. Ben?"

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Yu withdrew his strength again, and said with a smile: "I just want my wife to know that it is so easy to stop you.

However, I don't want to do that, so here's what to enlighten you about. "

The Bone Demon looked pale.

She had already fully felt Zhou Yu's magic power, which was far beyond her comparability.

In fact, at the beginning outside the cave, she had the feeling that Zhou Yu was unfathomable, otherwise, she would not have invited Zhou Yu into the cave.

"Dare to ask why the national teacher wants to help me?"

"As I said before, I don't want you to be confused and ruin your life. Madam can also be understood as a kind of sympathy."


Bone Demon was a little ashamed.

If anyone had said such things to her, she would have gone into a fit long ago.

After all, the word sympathy is a vocabulary for the strong to the weak.

But... the truth is true.

"I don't know the national teacher before, how can I sympathize with him?"

"Dare to ask Madam, why did you turn into a bone?"

As soon as this matter was mentioned, the White Bone Demon suddenly became angry, and his eyes became blood red.

This is a sad story for her.

Although thousands of years have passed, it still haunts me today.

At that time, she was still an individual, the daughter of a wealthy family.

The family originally wanted to find her a good and well-matched family, but she just fell in love with a craftsman who went from village to household to repair furniture for others.

She didn't want to think about that person's name anymore, so she called him Agou for the time being.

Her parents strongly opposed it, not only because the other party was poor and had no fixed place to live, but also because her parents thought that Agou was unsteady and glib.

But it was also because of Ah Gou's glibness that the bone spirit of girlhood refused to turn back, stole some gold and silver from home, and eloped with that guy.

I thought that after this walk, I would be able to live a happy life as a couple.

Unexpectedly, the reality is too cruel.

A Gou took her away, saying that he was going to Baoxiang Country to live a down-to-earth life.

The two crossed the White Tiger Ridge together.

The reason why Baihuling is called Baihuling is because there are several ferocious white tigers in the mountain, each occupying one side and devouring passers-by.

But this ridge is the only way to the treasure elephant, so even if it is dangerous, there are still groups of people passing by.

Agou doesn't know how powerful he is, he dares to cross the mountain with a woman.

As a result, I met a fierce tiger and brought a few tiger cubs with me.

The Bone Demon of girlhood was terrified and hid behind Agou. This was an instinct. After all, Agou is a man and should protect her safety.

Unexpectedly, Ah Gou's actions made her terrified.

Not only did he fail to protect her, but he also forcibly grabbed her and pushed her in the direction of the tiger. Before he forgot to grab her package, he turned around and ran away.

I don't know whether he escaped the Bone Demon in the end.

All she knew was that a few tiger cubs rushed up, and under the guidance of the big tiger, when she used them as training objects to pounce and bite...

It's okay to bite to death.

But it didn't.

Helplessly and desperately, she cried, called for help, and wailed...

She could clearly feel that the blood on her body was continuously flowing, and the flesh was being torn off piece by piece by the tiger cub.

It was a torment like hell. Looking back on it until now, it would make her feel angry and hateful.

In the end, all she had left was a pile of bones.

The wind and sand buried her bones.

The years passed slowly.




There used to be many bones around her, but they all decayed with the years.Only her bones, not only did not decay, but became somewhat crystal clear.

Finally one day, she stood up again.

Her unyielding, unwillingness, and tenacious will caused this bone to mutate, and finally, it became a skeleton spirit.

She called herself Mrs. Bone, and practiced painstakingly until she could change at will, and then she began to take revenge.

She killed all the tigers in Baihu Ridge, opened a bone cave, and took some little demons as maids.

"Well, Madam Lai also has a painful past, but no matter what, whether it's a human or a monster, you should face the future instead of dwelling on the past.

Now, madam can be considered to have achieved a small amount of cultivation, if she goes astray at this time, ruins her whole life of cultivation, and becomes a pile of dry bones again, this is probably not the result that madam wants, right? "

Bone Demon sighed, stood up and gave a blessing: "Thank you for your enlightenment, Master Guo."

"Cultivate hard in the future, strive to achieve positive results as soon as possible, and read more classics in your spare time..."

Zhou Yu left behind a lot of books, and then drifted away.

He believed that after his enlightenment, it would be impossible for the Bone Demon to provoke Tang Seng and his party again, and there would be no story about three dozen Bone Demons.

On the surface, it seems that this destroys a difficulty on the way to the west. However, the nine-nine-eight-one difficulty must be assembled in the end. If this difficulty is missing, there will be one more difficulty in other places. From the overall situation, it is nothing Influence.

Sure enough, within a few days, Tang Seng and his disciples passed by Baihu Ridge. Except for encountering a few beasts with no eyes, they crossed the mountain safely.

After walking for another day, they saw a tall and magnificent city.

Of course, being tall and majestic is only in relative terms. Compared with most countries in Xiniu Hezhou, this city is considered relatively large.

This city is the royal city of Baoxiang Kingdom.

Most of the countries in Xiniu Hezhou are also one city and one country, and Wangcheng is almost half of the population.

As soon as he entered the city, Zhu Bajie's eyes sparkled, his mouth watered, and he was greedy.

One is the smell of meat, and the other is that there are many beauties on the street...

Of course, in the eyes of the old pig, I am afraid that an aunt is also a beauty.

However, the looks of Monkey King, Zhu Bajie, and Sand Monk frightened the people, and some even called them monsters.

Tang Seng quickly explained: "Everyone, don't panic, the poor monk came from the Tang Dynasty in the east, and went to the west to worship Buddha and ask for scriptures.

These three are disciples of the poor monk, although they are ugly in appearance, they are kind-hearted..."

Soon after, the master and apprentice came outside the palace.

"Amitabha, the poor monk came from the Tang Dynasty in the east. He went to the west to worship Buddha and ask for scriptures under the imperial order of the Tang king. He passed through your country. He came here to pay homage to the king and change the Guanwen..."

When the guard heard that he was an eminent monk of the Tang Dynasty, he didn't dare to neglect, so he hurried in to report.

Not long after, someone came out to welcome Tang Seng and his party to the main hall.

"Is this the Great Tang Sage Monk?"

"Those three...are they monsters?"

"I heard that they are the three apprentices of the holy monk."

"Why does it look so weird, can't it be a monster?"

As soon as the master and apprentice entered the palace, it aroused discussions among the ministers.

The king also looked a little frightened.

As a last resort, Tang Seng explained again.

Next, the king ordered people to serve wine and food, and entertained the four masters and apprentices graciously.

Tang Monk always kept the rules and only ate fruits.Monkey King and Zhu Bajie don't care so much. Although meat is not eaten face to face, wine must be drunk.

After the banquet was over, the king took Tang Monk to the back garden to drink tea and chat.

He was more interested in the customs and customs of the Tang Dynasty, and asked about the monk Tang Dynasty.

"The queen is here."

Not long after, with a shout, the empress queen came to the garden accompanied by several maids.

"Amitabha, I have met the Queen."

Tang Monk clasped his hands together and saluted.

The queen returned a salute: "You don't need to salute too much, the holy monk, please sit down."

"Thank you, Madam Queen."

After chatting for a while, the empress could not help but sigh: "Speaking of which, my daughter always wanted to have a chance to visit Datang, but it's a pity..."

Speaking of this, I couldn't help crying.

(End of this chapter)

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