Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1076 Suppression

Desperate hunting, burning your own blood, in exchange for a sniper's deadly skill with super destructive power, this is a skill that a sniper will only choose when he is in a disaster, either you die or I die. %&*"; Of course, it is not at the point of such a disaster, but this does not prevent Lin Shuang from trying the power of desperate hunting on this unlucky guy.

Originally, Lin Shuang's upper limit of hp was about 20.00, which was not worth mentioning compared to armored fighters. However, this number was quite scary in the sniper profession. However, because he changed to a hunter, The upper limit of blood volume has been reduced by 6000%, leaving only more than [-] blood.

More than 6000 blood volumes were all burned in an instant, and each point of blood volume was converted into five points of basic attack, plus the original attack power of the body, the attack power of equipment and the power of attribute bonuses. At this moment, Lin Shuang's attack power Reached an extremely abnormal level.


The bullet sprayed out from the barrel, and the target was the figure of the old ghost, the leader of the ghost clan below.

The bullet roared ear-piercingly, and in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of the old ghost. The ferocious and sharp bullet passed directly over his head, and with a bang, the entire round head exploded instantly, and everything on the neck, They were all destroyed in an instant, and the whole person turned into a headless corpse.


26, an absolutely terrifying number appeared.

Headshot, weak point attack, Deadly Hunt's own 30.00% crit chance, plus Lin Shuang's own crit rate of nearly 26%, the damage caused is simply terrifying. Under one bullet, it will immediately be 26 terrifying After the damage, blood transformation, and attack bonus, the basic attack should be around [-], plus the critical strike damage and weak point attack, the total damage is quadrupled, directly hitting a terrifying number of [-]. %&*";

Even Lin Shuang was taken aback by the power of this skill. Although he had already guessed that the destructive power of Deadly Hunt was extremely strong, Lin Shuang could not have imagined that the real power would be abnormal to such an extent. Unfortunately, the cooldown The time is too long, otherwise, there is no limit to using this skill, even the epic boss Lin Shuang*** would dare to single out, wouldn't he?

Of course, this kind of thought can only be thought about. Epic-level bosses are not so easy to deal with, and Desperate Hunting is not something that can be cast casually. Although it does not consume MP, it consumes blood. , the blood bar is immediately empty, and any attack can kill Lin Shuang, and the cooldown time is super long.

This is the weakness of super skills. Although the attack is very strong and powerful, the side effects are too large and the cooling time is long.But in the face of that perverted power, all weaknesses are actually not a problem!

Killing the old ghost with one move, Lin Shuang immediately spread his wings behind his back and flew into the air. He didn't dare to stay here any longer. If a stray bullet came, he would die in peace.

However, although it consumes a lot, Lin Shuang already has enough understanding of the power of this move. This move is definitely a killer move among powerful players, even in the face of a boss. have a great effect. Bosses usually go berserk, and they do so when their blood volume is about to be empty, and they are very powerful. If you start a desperate hunt at this time, the chance for the boss to go berserk will be deprived immediately.

The players who used to be ghosts, under the leadership of the old ghost, the gang leader, could barely resist, but now, the old ghost died, and the entire army was immediately leaderless, and it was no longer possible to organize a large-scale counterattack. Gradually, in three directions Under the spread of the legion, together with the [-] snipers in the rear, a tight encirclement was formed, which perfectly blocked this area and completely lost the chance of escape.

The bloody massacre had already begun. At this moment, Lin Shuang finally saw the wildness belonging to the Berserker Legion.

It was a kind of wildness that didn't care about one's own life. Facing the opponent's bullets and counterattacking against the opponent's energy spell, each player didn't care, and charged up, and the steel knife in his hand slashed at the opponent. It seems to be disorganized and fighting independently, but every player knows what he should do and knows his position.

Armored warriors guard their companions behind them, energy controllers cover group attacks, and gunmen point kills. Everyone knows what they should do. Even in the face of fierce counterattacks from the opponent, they will never retreat. Players one by one They were all flushed, with a kind of scarlet wildness in their eyes, and started killing wildly in the crowd. No one cared whether they would die, they didn't care about death at all, even for this battle They don't care whether they can win or not. What they really care about is the battle, that is, how many players will die in their hands in this battle.

This is a group of outright lunatics. Once they enter the battle, they are as wild as a pack of wild wolves.

The snipers at the back also seemed to feel that a large number of enemies were being robbed of their heads, and they were dissatisfied. They appeared from a hiding place, held a sniper rifle in their hands, and rushed into the battle line. Although it is easy to die, it is easier to find Hostile figure.

The sound of shouting and killing, the sound of wild laughter, came to my ears.

Players started a bloody killing like a group of lunatics.

Not an opponent at all.

Although it is a bit embarrassing, it can even be said that it is vulnerable to the siege of the Berserker Legion.

Is this the gap among the super guilds?

It is hard to imagine that the gap between the two super guilds can be so terrifying.

In fact, this is normal. Lin Shuang has been ignoring one thing, that is, there are a lot of super guilds in the game, but that is for small guilds, medium and large guilds, even if they are both super guilds. The gap is also irreparable.

As the top existence among the super guilds, the Berserker Legion is undoubtedly strong in combat. If they all have the same number of players, no guild in the game dares to say that they are opponents of the Berserker Legion.The Berserker Legion is a group of well-known lunatics in the entire game. They are bloodthirsty and warlike all their lives. Fighting seems to have become everything to them. Most of the time is different, for these people, fighting is the most important thing for them.

For various reasons, the level of players in the Berserker Legion has not been high, and their equipment has not been good, but there is no doubt that that kind of combat power is definitely the craziest existence.

No one can ignore the power of Berserk!

One hundred thousand against one hundred thousand, the old ghost is definitely not the opponent of these lunatics, and it is definitely an overwhelming advantage, not to mention that the number of people fighting madly now is half more than the old ghost and the others.

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