Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1077

The old ghost also knows this situation, and the ghost monster players also know this situation. They have fought with Berserk in other games before, and they were wiped out every time, which has left a deep impression on the ghost monster players. Shadow, so when they came to make trouble this time, they were also cautious. They originally thought that the other party only had 5 people. With the [-] brothers on their side and the sudden attack, they might be able to eat them up. It's a shame, but Who would have thought that he would actually fall into the other party's trap. %&*";

This time, the nightmare of the past returned immediately, and the ghost player lacked the courage to fight the Berserker Legion. Otherwise, although they would definitely not win, they would not have fallen into such a miserable situation.

Looking at the chaotic, but noisy and uproarious battlefield below, Lin Shuang even felt a urge to move in his heart. It has to be said that this kind of chaotic battlefield has the most deadly attraction for male players.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Lin Shuang's body suddenly swooped down, even though he had just recovered for a little while, he also threw himself into the fierce killing.

This large-scale confrontation lasted only a few short 10 minutes, and soon, there was no enemy figure on the battlefield, and there was blood everywhere around, and large pieces of equipment were scattered.

"Haha, I killed eight people today..." A sniper raised the sniper rifle in his hand and screamed strangely, looking like a terrorist.

"Damn, you're so damn good at killing, I'm bored, I haven't killed a single person, fuck it..." An armored soldier was displeased, and he wanted to kill, but he couldn't help it. As for the armored warrior, he managed to rush in front of an enemy, and that kid was immediately killed by a sniper behind him. %&*";

"It's noisy, there are so many equipments on the ground, why don't you hurry up and pick them up, haha, this is cool, last time we fought, I lost a few pieces of equipment, now all of them are back..."

All kinds of different voices gathered in the battlefield, listening to Lin Shuang's ears, with a different feeling, although noisy, but warm.Is this the gang?

"How about it, is our gang okay? Hehe, you will get used to it gradually, brothers are like this..." At some point, Li Shang came to Lin Shuang, patted Lin Shuang on the shoulder and smiled. .

Shaking his head, Lin Shuang said: "Although I don't quite get used to it, I don't hate that feeling. By the way, how are you doing in reality recently? Have you ever had anything to do with that little girl?"

"Get out... Am I that kind of person? I'm very pure, okay?" Li Shang touched his face and said rather narcissistically.

"Go away, you are pure, then there will be no impure guy in this world..." Lin Shuang scolded with a smile: "Have you encountered any trouble recently?"

Li Shang also fell silent, of course he knew what the trouble Lin Shuang said meant: "It's nothing, it's very calm, I can't get used to it, since the last incident, nothing happened, I thought it was because I was overthinking myself..."

"Ji Congliang..." Lin Shuang broke out a name.

"What? Chicken Congliang? What do you mean?" Li Shang didn't know why.

"Ji Congliang, it's this Ji, you check this person, if I'm not wrong, if you didn't take Fang Xiaowei away immediately last time, this person might have found you, this person is about the same age as me, if you really want to After all, he was a high-achieving student at the Central Police Academy 20 years later than my father, the rookie king... He should have investigated what happened there, but he didn't know whether this guy was an enemy or a friend, and he couldn't be contacted in the game... Lin Shuang shook his head and said.

I was a little worried. The rookie king of the Central Police Academy knew that this guy was definitely not an easy character to deal with based on his name alone. His strength was definitely terrifying. If this guy was an enemy, it would be a nightmare.

"Okay, brothers, withdraw the troops, everyone go home... Haha, we are definitely the first to get it done, and we can laugh at others when we go back..." With the non-stop yelling, the battlefield was cleaned up Clean, each player immediately went home.

"Hey, Angel, are you cheating on me?" Bloody Romantic cursed at the angel next to him with a smirk on his face full of displeasure.

"Who deceived you? Tell me, and I will help you avenge..." the angel promised, patted his chest.

"Find it yourself, you are the one who is talking about it, didn't you say that the hostility between your angels is a ghost? Then why did you bring me here to trouble Sirius Mieshi?" Bloody Romantic rolled his eyes and asked.

The angel blinked, with an innocent face: "That's right, the hostility of our angels is ghosts, and the players in the whole game know this, but this time our opponent is Sirius Mishishi, otherwise there is no meat to eat." , the ghost was snatched away by the Berserker Legion..."

"****, I didn't say it earlier..." Bloody Romance was very upset, feeling like he was in trouble.

"Forget it, don't be a mother-in-law, hurry up, if you don't go up, the enemy will be killed..." Xiaoqi next to him said with a smile.

In fact, sometimes, it is not a bad thing for members of the team to be separated for a period of time. This time, Xiaoqi chose to do so. He did not choose to stay with Lin Shuang in the Berserker Legion. Everyone has their own opportunities. In the team, you can enjoy the warmth of the team, but in comparison, the entire game life will be much less fun.

The experience of gang life is actually a good choice.

Sirius Mieshi, one of the large gangs in the game, once split from the wolf clan, after several years of development, it has now become a large gang with more than [-] players.However, the gap between large gangs and super guilds is still irreparable. Although the Angels are not as good as the Berserker Legion, the combat effectiveness of the players is not weak at all.

Hundreds of thousands of players surrounded it, but Sirius Mieshi only had [-] players, who were not opponents at all, and kept retreating.

Feng Yu's face was calm, and he didn't feel the slightest fear because of the enemy's sneak attack. He didn't expect that the enemy would not appear, but when he appeared, there were such an astonishing number of legions. It seemed that the trouble was almost over.

While organizing the members under him to resist the opponent's attack, they retreated quickly. After leaving about [-] armored fighters and blocking the footsteps of the opponent's members, the large force took the opportunity to withdraw safely.It can also be seen from this that Feng Yu is definitely a ruthless character.

For the Berserker Legion, if 5 players were surrounded by the opponent, they would never retreat. Even if all [-] players died, they would definitely not retreat.However, Feng Yu chose to abandon the car to protect the commander. Although it was a bit embarrassing, and although he was a little dissatisfied with the dead guard brothers, at least he preserved most of the guild's strength.

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