Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1102 Instant Kill

A flaw in the invisibility technique!

There is no perfect skill in this world, even invisibility is no exception!Looking back, when I was hiding my figure, what was I most afraid of?

Perception, on the one hand, is the perception of a super powerful opponent. That kind of perception ability is extremely perverted, and Lin Shuang has not yet completely concealed his figure, so super strong perception is the nemesis of invisibility. i^It's just that this Fan Oka didn't know how to do it, and actually completely concealed his own breath, not even leaking out the slightest bit.

Then you can only rely on the second point, invisibility, as the name suggests, is to rely on various abilities to hide one's figure, but even so, there is still a flaw in invisibility, that is, although the figure is hidden, the body actually still exists ... that is to say, it is just to make others invisible, but from a physical point of view, the body is still preserved in oneself, there is no doubt about it.

Since the body is still there, it is inevitable that some gaps will be left between actions.

For example, when walking on the grass, you can judge the location of the enemy according to the fall of the grass; when in the desert, you can judge the opponent's area based on the footprints on the ground; The trace of the other party, in short, as long as it still exists, it can find the location of the other party's body.

But here is neither a grassland nor a desert, but a prison. The ground is extremely thick, let alone walking lightly, even if you step hard on the ground, you may not be able to leave a footprint.Since the conditions do not allow, then come and create a condition yourself!

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Shuang's mouth, and the next moment, Alice's figure appeared immediately, and before the opponent could attack, the demon mark in his hand immediately slashed towards the front with terrifying flames. %&*";

Slash inversely!


With a violent roar, the entire prison cell was plunged into a violent tremor. With the heroic demon mark, coupled with the more powerful skills that became more powerful as Alice's level increased, the blade instantly extended from the ground, wherever it went, Pieces of ground instantly churned, large pieces of gravel and soil debris floated in the sky, and the entire space was instantly filled with terrifying smoke and dust.There seems to be a canyon on the ground, with terrifying fragments everywhere, extending down, everything is completely blocked.

"The opportunity is here..." A slight laugh sounded, the opportunity finally came.

Following the dim yellow light, Lin Shuang's eyes immediately swept over, looking for the trace that he wanted to find in his heart. Under this kind of smoke and dust, there were scattered dust everywhere.Even Fan Oka may be able to avoid this direct attack, but he definitely cannot avoid the dust flying all over the sky.

Sure enough, soon, the smile on the corners of Lin Shuang's mouth widened rapidly, and in the midst of the smoke and dust, a silhouette of a human figure appeared... It was a silhouette gathered by the smoke and dust...

The figure is hidden, but the body itself still exists, and the dust will still fall on Fan Oka's body. As long as the smoke and dust float into the air and never fall again, Lin Shuang has already found his enemy. where.

The opportunity came.

The body was slightly tilted, and instead of directly attacking Fan Aoka, he fired at the side.It was deliberate paralysis, and as expected, under that kind of paralysis, Fan Oka's body really paused a little, as if he breathed a sigh of relief.

Watching seven bullets ejected from Lin Shuang's gun, just when the wall in front of him was about to collapse, the gap between the bullets suddenly turned [-] degrees, and the bullet marks almost scratched the wall. , and shot straight at that outline.

This time, things were completely beyond Fan Oka's expectations. Fan Oka never thought that such a thing would happen. The speed of the bullets was so terrifying that there was no time to dodge. Seven bullets had already hit the target one after another.

Every bullet is tens of thousands of points of damage!

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to player Wushuang for successfully beheading the level [-] hero-level boss Fan Aoka and gaining experience points..."

With one move, Fan Oka was directly killed in seconds. This situation made Lin Shuang blink his eyes twice in disbelief. What's going on?This guy was actually instantly killed by himself, a heroic boss, how could he be so parallel.Even though Qixing Lianzhu is amazingly powerful, it's not so perverted. It's a bit painful to be able to kill a hero-level boss in one move.

When Fan Aoka's body fell to the ground with a thud, Lin Shuang and Liuli finally came to their senses, and at the same time, they also had some understanding of the situation. Fan Aoka's blood volume was only 100 million, but the extreme The perverted invisibility ability is Fan Aoka's strongest strength, super invisibility, even Lin Shuang and Liu Li can't see through it, one can imagine how perverted it is.But he is extremely fragile, completely unworthy of a heroic boss.

Quickly cleaned up the equipment on the ground, Lin Shuang and Liuli dealt with this powerful enemy, each of them couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, and immediately walked inside, killing Fan Oka, this is just a In the beginning, the boss behind will definitely not be obliterated so easily.

Immediately, the two pushed away from the room, and the scene they saw caused their expressions to change wildly.

What appeared in front of him was a rather chaotic scene. On the seventh floor, which was the last floor of this prison, it was an extremely terrifying scene.A tall guy in a black shirt, with bare breasts and breasts, was obviously Blackbeard.Only now, this guy is being pestered by another master.In addition, beside the black beard, there was an ugly woman with an equally strong figure and a fleshy face. The two of them besieged the opposite master together.

As for the only cell inside, Whitebeard is being locked inside, and the shoulder blades are completely pierced by the chains made of Hailou Stone. Although Blackbeard had sneaked before and cut off Whitebeard's devil fruit ability, but in Whitebeard Under Huzi's counterattack, he still suffered serious injuries.

But Blackbeard doesn't care, what he cares about is the trembling fruit in Whitebeard's body, which is one of the most powerful fruits of the natural system, as long as he devours that devil fruit, that Blackbeard will become the only one in the whole world with double A devil fruit master.It's just that last time, there were many masters present, and Blackbeard didn't have time to devour Whitebeard's devil fruit, so this time, Blackbeard will never let go!

Note to readers:

--Xiao 7's new book is looking for guest appearances: 125903646 Brothers and beauties, please join us. This book is not finished yet. Open another one to support your family.

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