Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1103 Blackbeard

At this moment, White Beard looked extremely miserable. i^

Whitebeard's body itself is not good, because of age, Whitebeard's body is full of dark wounds from his youth, but these injuries can't break Whitebeard.But now, Whitebeard's shoulder blades were completely penetrated by the terrifying chains, and his body was covered in cuts and bruises. Obviously, when Whitebeard had no ability to resist, he suffered quite miserable torture.

It's just that this kind of torture is still not a problem for this master who is known as the world's number one man. His body is still straight, and he is watching the battle on the opposite side without being moved. There is a trace of disdain in his eyes that once looked down on the world.Even though he is in prison and may be decapitated at any time, this man still retains the pride of being one of the Four Emperors.

In addition to Whitebeard and Blackbeard, the other two characters are also extremely powerful masters, countless times more terrifying than Fan Oka. Among them, the ugly woman, named Wakazuki Hunter, is known as the most powerful pirate in the entire history of pirates. The fierce female pirate Dibo was originally one of the criminals imprisoned on the sixth floor, but after being released from the seal of Hailou Stone by Blackbeard, she followed Blackbeard and became a member of the Blackbeard Pirates.

As for the other man, it is the chief of this prison, Magellan, the highest leader in the entire Impelton prison, with extremely abnormal strength, even more terrifying than the three generals...

Magellan, the top master who owns the poisonous gas devil fruit owner, can exhale poisonous gas from the mouth, and can also release a large amount of highly poisonous liquid from the body.It can even transform into a poisonous dragon and pounce on the enemy. The poisoned person will not die of the poison on the spot, but will die after suffering for a long time, because his whole body is full of toxins, so even his subordinates dare not get too close to him , even visitors have to put on a gas mask beforehand. %&*";

It can be said that this is a top expert who is full of terrifying toxins all over his body. He is powerful. When fighting this perverted expert, it is almost impossible to fight hand-to-hand, because if he is not careful, he will be poisoned and eventually die.Once with an absolute advantage, hundreds of Luffy, the Shemale King, and even other members of the Blackbeard Pirates had great power and had the right to execute all criminals in the entire prison at will.

At the same time, this is also a rather arrogant and narcissistic master, the suitor of the pirate emperor Boya Hancock, who once killed a criminal who disrespected Hancock in seconds.

However, even such a terrifying master, in the face of Blackbeard and Dibo's frenzied attack, is also at a loss, and it is obviously difficult to resist.First, Blackbeard's master is not inferior to Magellan at all. Second, the dark fruit on Blackbeard's body can effectively eliminate the terrifying poisonous gas on Magellan's body, making Magellan unable to exert his strength at all. It can be said that facing a man like Blackbeard Master, that is Magellan's unlucky, not to mention that there is a shrew around him participating in the siege.

The situation is already quite dangerous. Under the suppression of the ability of Blackbeard's Dark Fruit, Magellan can't show his strength at all. Under the encirclement and suppression of the two masters, his body has been injured in many places. It looks extremely miserable, but he still protects him. In his last position, as long as he still has breath, Magellan will never allow these lunatics to make trouble in his territory. That is Magellan's pride and responsibility as the warden.

Of course, this situation will only occur when there are outnumbered people. Otherwise, with Magellan's terrifying strength, even Blackbeard may not be able to defeat it. Moreover, the poisonous mist spreading around, even if it is Dark Fruit It can't disappear completely. When fighting, you must pay close attention to the influence of the toxin. Otherwise, if you are a little careless, you may be completely killed by this guy's perverted toxin.

"Ahaha, two more boys came in... Tsk tsk, if I remember correctly, these two boys saved Fire Fist Ace in the last incident, right?" It opened, revealing a row of big yellow teeth, and the missing two teeth looked quite funny and weird, which was made into this shape by the red-haired Shanks.

"Come to rescue Whitebeard? Damn it, this prison is my world, no one can break my rule..." Magellan roared more and more gloomy and angry, and poisonous clouds around him quickly dissipate.Floating directly in mid-air, the targets were Lin Shuang and Liuli.

Heibeard intentionally showed a flaw, letting the poisonous clouds fly by in front of him without stopping them. It was obvious that this guy wanted to catch up with the poisonous clouds and kill Lin Shuang and Liuli, the two uninvited guests.

The terrifying poisonous mist spread rapidly. Wherever it went, there were bursts of chi chi la la sounds on the ground. Under the action of severe corrosion, large mottled marks appeared on the ground immediately. Under the terrifying toxin, The ground immediately became uneven, and the solid ground was completely corroded by the poisonous mist in an instant.

That kind of terrifying ability makes people shudder.

Magellan, level [-], Blackbeard, level [-], Dibo, level [-]... none of the three guys are easy to deal with, maybe not as good as the Warring States of Buddha, but there is no doubt that these three guys The strength is the same abnormality.

"Nanoye, Huangxia Storm..." Lin Shuang's face remained unchanged, and he waved a call, and a large number of pets around him immediately appeared, and the magic wand in Naye's hand immediately began to dance, and a large piece of flame quickly rose on the ground, with terrifying power Underneath, a fierce cry of a firebird appeared in the flames, and with a mournful cry, the Huangxia Storm immediately unfolded.

Rumbling... stab la la!

All kinds of weird sounds appeared in an instant. The poisonous mist in the air was invaded by flames. It was like natural gas. The nemesis of the fog relies on the super high temperature to directly destroy the composition of the poisonous fog and directly purify it.

Hell Salamander Calls!

Alice danced wildly with the saber in her hand, and with a bang, it exploded directly on the ground. With a burst of chirping, a crazy roar from hell appeared, and the ground split in an instant. The terrifying giant beast was coming from Appearing from the ground, the thick and sharp claws shone with a ferocious luster under the flames. After killing the planet Raquel salamander and the ruined bullfrog, he obtained a super summoning ability, the hell salamander, with a salamander The attack and speed of the newt king's flame, and the terrifying toxin from the bullfrog, this is Naye's most perverted trick at present, and it finally begins to show its own power.

Note to readers:

--Small 7's new book asks for a cameo name: 125903646 The new book will be released soon today, it's not good if you're not happy, right?

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