Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1127

"We will live together in the future, I think as time goes by, you will gradually understand..." The smile on Lin Shuang's face became more and more seductive: "Hey, of course, now that the enemy is coming, I don't know if you are here Can you help me kill those enemies?"

Just when Lin Shuang finished speaking, hundreds of players appeared in front of him. These people were all elites of the Dog Club. Five hundred masters rushed over immediately after receiving the news of the death of the boss. , What I saw was the war pet that originally belonged to the boss, but at this moment, it fell into the pocket of the Chinese. As for the boss's body, it was standing alone beside him motionless. |i^

"Damn it, you despicable Chinese, you actually snatched our boss's things. If you are sensible, hand over the royal pet chain, otherwise, our boss will make you look good..." A leading player saw this situation , suddenly his eyes were about to split, and he roared angrily.

Immediately there was a burst of angry noise nearby, and the players roared crazily, as if they wanted to kill Lin Shuang, the bastard who killed his boss and snatched his treasure.

Raising the chain in his hand, Lin Shuang's face was not without complacency: "The imperial pet's chain is here, come and grab it yourself if you have the ability..."

Immediately, Lin Shuang turned around quickly, shrugged at the three pets who had just been acquired next to him and said, "It's up to you now, if you don't want to follow me, then it doesn't matter if I return this chain to them. If you are willing to stay with that short man, I have no objection..."

This sentence made the faces of the three battle pets change wildly. No matter if it was Lei Ting, the empress, or Shana, no one wanted to stay with the little dog any longer. They had to endure boundless scolding every day, and even were often harassed. If you don't obey, you will even have to bear the punishment of the imperial pet's chain, which is simply cruel and inhumane abuse. k";

Thinking back to the previous days, the three pets were immediately terrified.

A few seconds later, Shana bowed slightly: "Master, from today onwards, you will be Shana's master. If the master treats Shana well, Shana is willing to give all her strength to assist the master..."

"The same is true for the concubine, as long as the master treats the concubine well, the concubine is willing to do her best to assist the master..." Snake Ji also bowed slightly, and said tenderly.It has to be said that this Snake Girl is full of temptation, even her voice.

"Me too..." Lei Ting said briefly.

As a warrior under the goddess, with a lofty sense of honor, it is simply a shame to become someone else's favorite in battle, and Lei Ting himself belongs to that kind of taciturn type.

"Okay, now it's up to you, I want to know your strength..." Waving his hand, Lin Shuang said in a deep voice. He knew that he had temporarily subdued these three battle pets, so he wouldn't worry about appearing with the little dog. Such a situation.

The three battle pets nodded almost at the same time, and their bodies rushed towards the rear quickly. With a touch of their toes, Snake Ji's body appeared in midair. The large snow-white skin shone with a seductive luster, which immediately attracted the attention of a large number of players. The eyes, each one is full of desire and greed.

"Sweet and sweet!"

With a yell, the heart-shaped light quickly spread around, covering a small half of the battlefield in a blink of an eye, and a large area was covered by the sweet wind. This time, Lin Shuang finally saw Tiantian Wind horror effect.The deadly light flew across the air, and wherever it went, the bodies of each player suddenly became stiff, visible to the naked eye, from head to toe, the entire body quickly petrified, and in less than ten seconds, the entire body was already dead. turned into solid stone.

This is the terrifying effect of Tiantian Ganfeng, which made Lin Shuang wipe off a cold sweat involuntarily. Fortunately, he reacted in time before, otherwise, he might become similar to these people now, turning into a hard rock.

The effect of petrification lasts for 12 seconds. During this 12 seconds, the player cannot act and doubles his own defense, but he has no ability to counterattack. Although he will not die immediately, he will have to endure continuous attacks.

"True red... Feiyan!" With a soft shout, Shana also started to move, the saber in her hand danced quickly, and the large flames formed a wave like a sea tide, rushing towards the front quickly, the blade, the flame, became The only scene in front of me.


The ear-piercing sound, pieces of flames, quickly exploded in the crowd, those targets that had been petrified for a long time, immediately withstood all the attacks, and there were countless damages on the top of their heads. Thousands of numbers.

In the state of petrification, although the defense power is doubled, most of the players are still unable to resist that terrifying power, their bodies cracked rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, dozens of players' bodies were directly shattered into fragments and disappeared without a trace , except for those armored fighters, relying on super high blood volume and defense to barely block the terrifying attack, all other players died.

But even those armored warriors couldn't escape the fate of death. Sister Lei Ting, the most powerful of the three pets, finally made a move. The two swords flashed rapidly in mid-air, and her graceful body seemed to be dancing. Like a beautiful waltz, her tender body flickered rapidly, and a large piece of sword light descended from the sky with terrifying lightning.


An ear-piercing sound appeared instantly, and the terrifying force completely exploded in the crowd.

When the lightning finally completely disappeared, the hundreds of players who had been petrified before were all dead, and there was not one left. Five hundred players just appeared, and in less than ten seconds, there were already hundreds of casualties. The terrifying attack power is absolutely abnormal.

Enjoying the pleasure of experiencing soaring experience points, Lin Shuang also began to judge the strength of these three battle pets.

There is no doubt that the strength of these three pets is absolutely tyrannical, and each is the strongest pet.

Among them, Shana's strength is slightly weaker, but even so, she still has the fighting power to compete with Alice. Even Naye can't match Shana's strength. On a par with Icarus.

Sister Lei Ting, this sturdy woman endowed with power by the goddess, is even stronger than the Empress. As for whether she can compete with White Beard, it is not yet known. Now Lin Shuang is even a little thankful that Xiaogou does not know how to cherish these powerful battle pets. If the puppy really treats these battle pets kindly, it has to be said that this is definitely a powerful enemy!

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