Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1128 Looting of Battle Pets

Three powerful battle pets, just made a move, and immediately wiped out hundreds of enemies. These are elite players, and each of them has a very good combat power. They may not be as good as the elite players in China, but they are not far behind. But in Under the destruction of three powerful battle pets, there is not much strength to contend. |i^

It's just that the crazy ear killing caused dissatisfaction among the pets who had followed Lin Shuang. Naye, Vita, Signor, and Alice were all top pets who had been following Lin Shuang. All of them are quite proud, seeing the three newcomers actually stealing their limelight, they are naturally quite dissatisfied.

There was no need for Lin Shuang's order at all, the dimensional teleportation suddenly appeared, and appeared directly behind the crowd with four battle pets.

Flying Dragon Nine Flashes!

Huangxia Storm!

Meteor Volcano!

Splitting God Hammer!

Four terrifying attacks appeared immediately, and the entire battlefield was plunged into dire straits, with terrifying fluctuations and violent tremors everywhere, as if the end of the world was coming, large pieces of flames continued to fall from the sky, destroying countless people below. clear enemies.

After every move, countless players fell, and the power of terror exploded completely.

This time, there are three super strong nine-star battle pets in the front, two nine-star war pets in the back, and two eight-star war pets. They are attacked from the front and back. They are not opponents. Now that they are making such a fuss, the fate of these guys has become even worse. Miserably, they were not the opponents of these powerful enemies at all. Under that kind of violent attack, they screamed again and again, suffered heavy casualties, and countless lives fell every second.

Destroyers, each of these war pets is a destructor, and there is no good ground in the place where they are located, and even the surrounding vegetation has been brutally and inhumanly destroyed. k";

Looking at the pet in front of him, the smile on Lin Shuang's face became more and more blooming. The stronger the pet was, the happier Lin Shuang was.As for the so-called relying on pets to win, so what?Being able to get these super pets, whether it is luck or other reasons, is all part of strength. Here, it is just a game.

However, Lin Shuang didn't seem to know that when he was staring at the battlefield in front of him, the puppy behind him, who had already died, suddenly opened his eyes, looking at the chaotic battlefield, his eyes were full of madness and hatred, These three damned women, when they were by their side, were never willing to fight hard, but now they are in the hands of the new owner, and they actually show themselves so hard.

Damn it, when I get back the royal pet chain, it will be the time for these guys to be unlucky.

The little dog was full of resentment at this time. He was killed by Lin Shuang before. When his subordinates came over, a medical soldier immediately revived him. Get up, worried that you will be killed by Lin Shuang again.

But now, the opportunity has finally come!

Now this guy is concentrating on watching the battle ahead, there is almost no defense behind him, a great opportunity is in front of him, as long as he suddenly launches a sneak attack, he will definitely be able to kill this guy, absolutely, by that time, Yu The pet chain will return to your own hands again!

"Angola, come out, just swallow this guy... After I go back, I will reward you well..." I whispered to Angola in the battle pet space in my heart, and immediately, the puppy slowly summoned Angola, with a huge body, Appeared behind Lin Shuang, with his mouth open.


A roar, earth-shattering!

The little dog almost went mad with anger, damn it, I let you sneak attack, okay, what the hell is your name, you idiot, you...

At this moment, Lin Shuang finally turned around with a sly smile on his face.

In fact, Lin Shuang knew just when the puppy just recovered its breathing, but this guy has been silent, and Lin Shuang didn't bother to pay attention to it, and deliberately made an undefended state, just to lure this guy to attack.

And the puppy's own strength is rubbish, if you want to sneak attack, you can only rely on the pet Angola.

That's right, this is Lin Shuang's goal, the nine-star war pet Angola.How could such a powerful and flamboyant battle pet be left to this idiot-like little devil? Now that he has met this guy, it is natural that he will not leave a penny to this guy. Are the special attributes of the pet plunder above left there for nothing?

How could it be possible, what Lin Shuang was waiting for was the last moment, turned around suddenly, and the imperial pet chain wrapped around his wrist was extended rapidly, and in a blink of an eye it had become a shackle more than ten meters long, directly buckled on Angola's head.

Battle pet plunder, launch!

With a roar, a fiery flame ignited on the royal pet chain, and the puppy's eyes widened. He could clearly feel that the connection between himself and Angola was rapidly weakening.Xiaogou never thought that this skill that made him crazy would appear on him.

Angola, that is the puppy's last hope. Seeing his last hope disappearing quickly, the puppy is almost desperate.

"Do not……"

With a hoarse roar, when Angola was about to disappear, the puppy finally understood what despair was, and the puppy finally understood how important these war pets were to him.If you don't have these battle pets, then you are an out-and-out waste, a garbage.

However, although Xiaogou understood such a truth, it was... too late.

The plundering of pets has been launched. Although Xiaogou and Angola have been together for nearly half a year in the game, the intimacy is only less than [-] points. They can't stand the deprivation of plundering pets. has disappeared.

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Wushuang for successfully launching the battle pet plunder, and obtained the nine-star battle pet Angola. The battle pet plunder can be used twice."

With a sound from the system, Angola has become Lin Shuang's favorite.

The next moment, the huge body was summoned by Lin Shuang, pointing his palm at the puppy in front, Lin Shuang sneered and ordered: "Angola, this guy in front, I'll leave it to you..."

hold head high……

With an angry roar, Angola's body rushed over, a pair of dragon claws quickly tore apart the puppy, and with a snort, the puppy's entire body was directly torn into pieces. In the hands of his pets.

Angola, another nine-star war pet became Lin Shuang's vassal, and the strength of this nine-star war pet is even stronger!

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