Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1142 The Second Zodiac

Repelling the black man, Shaka calmed down. k"; Shaka, this name comes from the name of the virgin palace among the saints, and it is also the name of the boss of the virgin palace of the first guild in Japan, but this is a little girl with a childlike face and big breasts. But a girl, can To master such a huge organization, one's own strength should not be underestimated.

Japan area?A joke, this is a rather despicable nation. The national pride seems to be extremely strong, but it is actually vulnerable. They only respect the strong, and they don't even have political autonomy.I have always looked down on the country that I once invaded on the opposite side. The failure more than ten years ago has been cited as the country's greatest shame, and I am always thinking about regaining my former dignity.

But what can an island nation do?The small area restricts its own development. No matter how glamorous the appearance looks, it cannot conceal the almost decayed essence.

This is this country, a country that is quite fragile, even so fragile that it is dismissive and vulnerable!

Moreover, I am not a Japanese, so what does life and death in Japan have to do with me?The reason why I appear here is only to plunder wealth, that's all, do other things have anything to do with me?As long as one's own strength is strong enough to control such a small island, there will be no pressure at all, and no one will dare to disobey his orders.

But now, finding the guild base token is the most important thing.Moreover, six people, kill three?What a joke, Shaka is not an idiot. Those six people are very strong, but they are definitely not the opponents of so many players in Japan. It is quite normal to be killed by three, but in Shaka's opinion, those three people may not be Killed by those idiots from the Montenegro Society and the Inulang Society, they don't have that ability. If they really killed those three guys, I'm afraid they couldn't wait to take pictures and show off their trophies on the official website. It won't be like it is now so peaceful. k";

In other words, the so-called killing three is just an appearance.

But those three people were indeed dead, most likely by the hands of monsters, but although three died, there are still three left, Wu Shuang, Xin Yi, and Bloody Romance!These three can be said to be masters standing at the top of the Chinese region. How powerful they are is far beyond the comprehension of these guys in the Japanese region.

Their strength is too strong. If they use all the strength of the Virgo Palace, it is of course possible to kill these three people, even if they can fly freely in the sky. Forbidden energy magic crystal is a special product in Japan , With this thing, it is relatively simple to restrict the flight of these three people, but there is no need for me to cause those troubles.

Now is the critical moment of building a base in the Virgo Palace, there is no need to provoke those troubles, and add obstacles to the road of building a base for yourself. Although these people are said to be enemies of the Zodiac, they are left to the emperor to deal with, and manage Japan by themselves District, there is no need to help the emperor to share the task.


That's right, the Zodiac!

Shepherd, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.The twelve mysterious organizations named after the twelve constellations in the sky... No, or it can be said that this is a mysterious organization, but it is divided into twelve parts.

The Zodiac, can be said to be the largest underground force in the history of the entire earth, those seemingly arrogant mafia, or Mexican drug dealers, the armed forces of the Golden Triangle... On the surface, it seems to be magnificent, but behind the scenes, No one dared to provoke such a terrifying and huge force.

This is a suffocating and hopeless terrorist organization... This is the official definition, the power of the zodiac sign spreads all over the earth, but many small countries don't even know that there is such a terrorist organization in the world , They don't know the horror of this organization at all, the armed forces it possesses, and it can even overthrow the regime of a small country. It's hard to say that the subversion of some countries in the world is not caused by the zodiac.

Although there is extreme terror that makes countless people feel desperate, the situation of the zodiac signs is quite low-key. Although they are defined as terrorists by some big countries, to be honest, they have never done any terrorist attacks or human flesh. Bombs, car bombs, terrorist attacks like 911, they are well-behaved, their goal is simple, plundering wealth, plundering wealth crazily, they are the richest group of people in the world.

It's just that the way they plunder wealth is mostly illegal profiteering industries, drug trafficking, prostitution, smuggling, arms, food... as long as it is an industry that can make money crazily, it is their goal.

The twelve signs of the zodiac are Sheep, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.A total of twelve forces are scattered all over the world, and their minions are blooming everywhere, and the footprints of the zodiac signs are everywhere.

Among them, the Shepherd Palace is the first palace of the zodiac, and it is also the largest of the twelve forces. It is rooted in China, and the leader is the emperor.Taurus is rooted in Russia, Gemini is rooted in America, Cancer is in Britain, Leo is in Australia, Virgo is in Japan...

Every organization has a headquarters, and then along the location of the headquarters, it extends to the surrounding area, and the place where it takes root is an extremely important place in the world, and every leader is rich in money.That's not to mention, the rich wealth also brings a desire for politics, or they need some people who can play some political power to protect their business.

Under such circumstances, under the siege of sugar-coated shells, an unknown number of high-ranking politicians have been bribed and become the umbrella of the zodiac.

This is an extremely large organization, so large that it is even daunting. Among the confidential documents of a large number of high-end countries in China, the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, the zodiac signs are the most critical. confidential.

It was only during the Third World War that the trajectory of the zodiac signs was noticed. During the Third World War, the three parties in the melee suddenly discovered a mysterious force, which stretched out at this time. The transactions of palms and arms have reached an unprecedented level. All kinds of transactions such as arms, intelligence, etc. are officially prohibited, but they appear on the black market one by one!

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