Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1143 Black Hand

Those are all high-end weapons that are strictly prohibited by the official orders of various countries and strictly sold to the outside world, but they appear on the market one after another. The power of the zodiac signs gradually surfaced. k";

That is a far more powerful force than Brother Laden. Brother Deng used to be just a force cultivated in the zodiac. That's all. It was specially used to carry out terrorist attacks. There are many similar terrorist organizations. But they are perfectly separated from the zodiac signs.

War, let the zodiac signs see the hope of making a fortune, war is always the favorite thing of businessmen, making war fortune is definitely the best opportunity for some businessmen to make a fortune.At the beginning, the zodiac sign was still cautious, but as time passed, the zodiac sign became more and more unscrupulous, and started large-scale transactions and crazily amassing money.

As a result, some countries were made aware of such a force.

Selling information, smuggling weapons, these are absolutely unbearable situations for the country, so the cleanup against the Zodiac was launched. That attack can be said to be the most fatal blow to the Zodiac, even if it has There are a lot of protective umbrellas, but these umbrellas are not stupid, and they are just normal. At this critical moment, I am still hiding and tucking in. Isn’t it courting death, so I sold the zodiac signs one by one immediately. At this critical moment, Preserving one's own life is the most important thing. If you take the initiative to admit your mistakes and have a good attitude, you might be able to save Wu Shamao.

Therefore, the Zodiac has tragically become the target of betrayal, a large number of members were captured alive, or directly obliterated, the losses of the high-level, middle-level, and bottom-level are almost incalculable, a large number of goods were confiscated, and some were directly destroyed . k";

It was a nightmarish year for the Zodiac, but it was that year, because of the short-term cooling of the battle, the two sides in the scuffle finally calmed down and had a good talk. The cleaning of the palace led to the ceasefire of World War III. Otherwise, it might really turn into a nuclear war in the end. If it really came to that time, it would be a disaster for all mankind.

That severe blow made the twelve palaces of the zodiac silent for five or six years. A total of twelve palace masters were killed and injured more than two-thirds. Only four barely survived, and the others all died. The internal high-level members of each force have also undergone large-scale reductions in staff, and the bottom-level members have suffered heavy casualties, and there are not many left.But the mysterious man behind the scenes still hasn't disappeared, that guy is too mysterious.

Dijun and Shaka are all newly added members. Because of their talents, coupled with the terrifying sufficient funds of the mysterious mastermind behind the scenes, these zodiac signs that have been destroyed by war are like a weed. , tenacious and tenacious unceasingly grow up again.

The mysterious man behind the scenes?A slight fear appeared on Shaka's face, that guy was too mysterious, he didn't even know who that guy was, and he never even showed up in person, every time he only contacted him by phone, that weird metal-like The same voice cannot be imitated no matter what, but when I dial the phone number, the empty number will be displayed immediately.

That is an extremely mysterious guy, but he holds all the power of the twelve signs of the zodiac!I don't know much about other information about him, but one thing is quite clear, this guy is very rich, so rich that he can't even count... The creation of the Zodiac and the rebirth of the Zodiac are all far away. Don't open this guy's funds.

Another point, which is quite clear, is that beside this mysterious person, there is a quite terrifying force, which should be a force that belongs to this black hand alone. It is a team of killers, specially used to clean up the Zodiac Twelve There are members with different intentions in the palace, including the palace lord.

In the past, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius Sangong seemed to feel that the huge funds they earned every year would be handed over to this mysterious behind-the-scenes hand in accordance with a 50.00% share. Moreover, this guy seemed to have a good understanding of his transactions. When I came down to collect funds at one time, it was 50.00% of the standard, not even the slightest mistake, and there must be people arranged by that guy in some important positions around me.

Therefore, the three palace masters discussed that they were not going to continue to follow the command of that naughty black hand, find out the spies planted around them, and kill them directly, announcing that they would leave the zodiac and set up their own family... But just when they announced On the second day of self-establishment, all three of them died. Together with their cronies, there were a total of thousands of people. By the time it happened, the rebellion was over, almost to the point of heinous.

It was that incident that made Shaka know the power of this black hand. It was terrifying. The power of the zodiac signs is not much different. Since that guy can kill Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius silently, he naturally has the strength to follow suit. Kill yourself casually, if that's the case, then it's better for you to be honest.

This is Shaka, a girl, a girl who holds funds that are more terrifying than the wealth of most men in the world combined. She is in charge of countless dead men, and she can determine the death of an unknown number of people with one order. Girl... It's hard to imagine that such a terrifying power would be in the hands of such a little girl.

"Hee hee, brother Dijun, didn't you always say you're boring? If that's the case, I'll leave these toys to you, and I won't snatch them from you..." The little girl seemed a little distressed: "But it can't be a little If you don’t do anything, the Japanese may be dissatisfied with it... It’s such a troublesome thing... Hehe, it’s good..."

"Ding, the whole district announces that I, Shaka, the guild leader of Virgo Palace, the first guild in Japan, is temporarily unable to deal with these intruders due to the fact that the guild is busy building a base. However, as long as anyone kills these intruders , the leader here guarantees that anyone who relies on valid certificates to prove that any of the intruders were killed by you can receive one billion yen as a bonus in the Virgin's Palace... These bonuses, even if it is Regarding the rewards for the warriors, warriors, what are you waiting for?"

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