Beauty Pet Corps

1149 Collision

Turn the ship around!

At that moment, a picture appeared that frightened countless Japanese players. Whether it was for this spaceship or the spaceships behind, there was an extremely terrifying scene in front of them. No one could act. Thrilling, the banshee tactical transport ship, which was originally staying in mid-air, suddenly seemed to receive some order, and the entire huge body began to squirm slowly. |i^

Although the speed was not fast, an extremely terrifying hurricane still formed under that huge body, and waves even set off waves on the sea.

A few seconds later, the Banshee tactical transport ship completely turned its bow, and the target pointed to the Banshee tactical transport ship behind!

"Damn, what's going on, how did you operate it? We are going to land on Kyushu Island, not return to Honshu Island..." Heishi's face was full of ferociousness. He was not a good-tempered person in the first place, but now he The patience stimulated by this incompetent captain almost completely disappeared. Seeing that the Banshee tactical transport ship began to move towards the way back, Heishi immediately took a step forward, grabbed the captain by the collar, and cursed angrily.

"Let go, let go..." The captain struggled violently: "Quickly let go, Baga, I don't know what's going on, I didn't suffer from hackers at all from the operation, the program code in the spaceship." Invasion, the program inside has been completely changed, and now I don’t accept my manipulation, what can I do, I remind you, if you don’t want to die, then quickly jump out, maybe there is still a glimmer of life, otherwise..."

The captain managed to save his collar from this rude guy, straightened his clothes, and then said in a cold voice: "Otherwise, you will die. Although the spaceship is stationary now, the Banshee Tactical Transport Ship will definitely It is the fastest type of transport ship. From static to maximum speed, it only needs a distance of less than 1000 meters and an acceleration time of less than five seconds to reach the fastest speed. If you turn back in this direction , There is no chance to reverse the direction at all, see for yourself, where is the bow of this ship pointing to?"

Following the captain's gaze, Heishi's face immediately became extremely ferocious, even carrying a trace of unspeakable fear!Behind, less than 2000 meters away, it was the Banshee tactical transport ship that my boss was riding on... Damn, their goal was to use this Banshee tactical transport ship to hit another!

Heishi is not an idiot, he reacted immediately. According to the captain, although he still doesn't understand what is going on, it is obvious that the two bastards below have completely controlled the situation by some means. A battleship, and that's all, they didn't directly command this battleship to sink to the bottom of the sea, but they had an even crazier plan, they actually wanted to operate this battleship to hit the battleship behind them. k";

If two huge transport ships collide in mid-air, even if the battleship has an energy shield on it, but at this super fast speed, coupled with the terrifying weight of the impact, no matter what kind of The energy shield is estimated to dissipate in an instant. That kind of terrifying power is not a perverted power that players can resist at this stage. Even the same Banshee tactical transport ship cannot resist such a violent impact.

Once two equally huge Banshee tactical transport ships collide in mid-air, the ending will be absolutely devastating.

At this time, the captain had already broken free from Heishi's palm, appeared directly at the temporary escape window, jumped into the boundless sea.

Damn it, these system npcs are really unreliable. Once they encounter any danger, they will immediately slip away by themselves.

"Boss, hurry up and get your battleship out of the way, our battleship has been controlled by the enemy, and it is hitting your Banshee tactical transport ship, hurry up and get out of the way..." Heishi's mournful voice came into Yamamoto 56 ears.

Originally, Yamamoto 56 was still a little dissatisfied, fuck, what is his identity, is he the boss?

But soon, the next sentence appeared, which immediately made Yamamoto 56's face change wildly!

Damn it, how did these bastards manage to allow the enemy to take control of the Banshee tactical transport ship? Damn it, if it really hits it, it will definitely be a devastating ending.

If the two battleships really collide, they will die together immediately. By then, 200 players will die... Bah, the death of 56 players is nothing. What's the big deal?But what frightens Yamamoto 200 the most is money. Yes, it is money. If one of these Banshee tactical transport ships is lost, they will have to pay ten times the rental fee. If two ships are lost at once, it will be [-]. One hundred million yen is in vain.

Although 56 Yamamoto is very rich, it can even be said that he is poor and only has money left, but this guy is a greedy and stingy person, and he will never waste his banknotes in vain. Hua... If Yamamoto 56 had to pay [-] billion in compensation, it would be better to let him die.

"Captain, hurry up, fly to the side, hurry up, hurry up, the battleship on the opposite side is about to collide..." After Yamamoto 56 reacted, he immediately roared while hanging on to the captain, even without Yamamoto 56 Going to roar, the captain could also see the severe danger, and immediately began to adjust the flight direction of the spaceship, and had already dodged to the side.

boom boom boom...

The roar of anti-aircraft guns and the roar of machine guns, just as this spaceship was about to evade, the opposite spaceship that had been completely controlled by the enemy started a crazy attack. In the hands of Fu, although high technology has great advantages and power, once it falls into the hands of the enemy, it is equally powerful.

Although the machine guns and anti-aircraft guns are not too powerful, the dense attacking shells exploded on the energy shield, which also made the Banshee tactical transport ship tremble violently, and its moving speed became slightly slower.

At this moment, the speed of the warship on the opposite side soared, and it had reached the most terrifying speed. In less than a second, under the strange eyes of Lin Shuang and Xin Yi below, two huge transport ships in mid-air is fast approaching...

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