Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1150 Demon King?

"Do not……"

Yamamoto 56, Black Stone, and countless Japanese players screamed at the same time. The time was too short. They had no time to leave this spaceship. They could only watch the two spaceships approaching quickly in mid-air. The time of the clock is not enough for these huge transport ships to reverse their direction in mid-air!

It was an absolutely terrifying picture. Through the glass, one could even see the rapidly approaching and growing face of Heishi on the opposite side. Both of them were in the cabin of the spaceship. At this moment, the horrified expressions of the two people completely Greeted each other's eyes. |i^


The thick glass made a close contact, and I couldn’t feel the passage of time at all. Everything seemed to happen in an instant. The violent impact turned the glass into powder instantly. At the same time, the two of Heishi and Yamamoto 56 Face to face, there is also a face-to-face intimate contact, mouth to mouth, nose to nose... spit...

That was their last impression. In the next second, before the two of them even had time to feel the pain, their bodies were crushed into pieces under the terrifying squeeze.

With a violent roar, two Banshee tactical transport ships met in mid-air, and immediately there was a violent explosion. The destructive energy spread wildly around, and a dazzling fireball was born in mid-air. The two spaceships collided. What a freak! What's more, the violent collision under the ultra-high-speed advance, how abnormal the power is, everything is almost destroyed in an instant. k";

It was an indescribable picture, the sky was fiery red, and in the bloody and romantic eyes in the distance, it was a beautiful cloud of fire, like blood!For the Japanese on the spaceship, it was actually not a too uncomfortable experience. Compared with the huge psychological fear when the two spaceships in front of the host were approaching rapidly, at the moment the spaceship exploded, all the fear It completely dissipated, as if it had been liberated, and I couldn't even feel the pain, I only felt a violent shock across the body, and immediately fell unconscious...

Huh... what is that, that thing that is burning violently... Heh, is that my thigh...

It seems very long to say, but the real thing ended at the moment when the two spaceships collided. Both spaceships were destroyed, and there was no one left. All of them were destroyed under the violent explosion. Together with the [-] players inside, all died.

The wreckage of the spaceship fell from mid-air with violent flames, and finally fell into the sea water.

Impacted by the violent explosion in mid-air, a tsunami finally appeared. Shocking waves with a height of tens of feet were rushing towards both sides of the bank with terrifying force. As for how many dead bodies could be brought out? It is not something that the two of them can care about.

In short, this time it can be said that there were heavy casualties, none of the [-] players survived, and the number of players on the sea below was even higher, not to mention some players who were swallowed by the tsunami at the beach. Because of this incident, the players who died directly or indirectly The number is definitely an extremely frightening and terrifying number.

"Haha, cool..." Less than a few minutes after the spaceship exploded, there was an additional video on the official forum, the video of the moment when the two spaceships exploded. After seeing that scene, it was like Star Wars. Sexual scenes, players who watched this video couldn't help but admire.

These days can be said to be the day with the least number of players and the lowest online rate in the entire China region...

There are compatriots from the Chinese area who have gone to the Japanese area?This is a big deal. Countless players guard the forums of the official website and pay close attention to the development of the matter, especially a few students studying in Japan, or businessmen in Japan, who are responsible for the live broadcast of the news , the latest news spreads back every moment.

"The latest news, the latest news, Xuanyuan Bitian, Liuli, and Desperate were chased and intercepted by Japanese players, surrounded by hundreds of thousands of players, and finally sacrificed their battle pets, destroyed thousands of enemies, and jumped into the ocean one by one In the sea, even if you are buried in the belly of a fish, you will not die in the hands of a little devil..."

"According to the latest statistics in Japan, Xuanyuan Bitian killed 240 little devils, and killed 1 players in Japan. Of course, this does not include me. A broadcast guy, although I landed in the Japanese area, but I am not Japanese... Please pay attention to this point... It's a pity that I don't have the strength, otherwise I will definitely save the three heroes... By the way, The last heroine, Liuli, who is a heroine, killed 640 players by one person, the one who killed the most little devils among the three heroes who died..."

A piece of news is almost always broadcast live. Whenever there is the latest news, it will immediately appear on the official forum in China. Immediately, some players will enter the game and notify the players in the entire China region of these news, causing the whole There was an uproar in China.

Who would have thought that how many players who watched the video would cry when they saw the three masters Xuanyuan Bitian, Liuli, and Desperate, after brazenly letting their pets die, jumping into the vast ocean? ?And who knows how excited the players in China were when they saw the series of killing numbers?

A person who has killed many players in his own country may be feared by everyone, and eventually he will be called a murderer.For example, Lin Shuang, but if a person kills tens of thousands of Japanese on the territory of Little Japan, no one will say that this is a psychopath, and everyone will only look at this player with the most admiration!

"The latest statistics show that among the three masters who are still alive, the top killer Bloody Romance has slaughtered more than 5000 Japanese players... Haha, it's cool to have a flying battle pet, just click and kill the enemies below at high altitude , but the killing efficiency is a bit slow this way, we look forward to a more wild performance of Blood Romance..."

"The latest news, the latest news, the two major guilds in Japan, the Inulang Association and the Montenegro Association, have leased ten Banshee tactical transport ships from the system at a huge price. This tactical transport ship has a huge loading capacity and is quite impressive. The defensive power, but also has a pretty good offensive ability, I don't know if our hero can escape this disaster..."

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