Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1152 Heavy Task

The screen turns to the Japanese area. At this moment, Lin Shuang and Xin Yi have already escaped from the site of the big bang. It can even be said that when the big bang occurred, the two had already left, and no one wanted to die. The two Banshee tactical transport ships The collision, and finally the violent explosion caused by it, is definitely comparable to the destructive power of an asteroid hitting the earth. k";

In the face of that kind of terrifying and desperate power, even Icarus' absolute defense circle couldn't bear it, so at the moment of the explosion, the two of them immediately relied on Signor's dimensional transmission to escape the danger Space.

This time, the dimensional teleportation was also affected by the terrifying energy produced by the explosion. It failed to meet the bloody romance at the scheduled location. There are even icy snowflakes falling from the sky.

"Mount Fuji?" Looking at that scene, Lin Shuang couldn't help frowning. He didn't expect that a dimensional teleportation would transport him and Xin Yi to the vicinity of Mount Fuji. The peak of the mountain, that is really too explosive.

It's a pity, I don't have that kind of ability now, even if I and Xin Yi combined, plus all the battle pets, I can't destroy this mountain.

Originally, I was going to rendezvous with Bloody Romance, but I didn't expect that instead of officially reuniting with Bloody Romance, the distance between the two parties became farther and farther. Now Bloody Romance is still on the island of Kyushu, but the two of us have already gone to Mount Fuji superior.

"You two, are you amazing enough, or is the dry wood and fire itself more awesome..." Soon, a slightly teasing voice from Bloody Romance came from the team chat channel. |i^

This sentence immediately made Xin Yi's face blush, and this bloody romantic spoke too ignorantly to restrain himself.

"Come on, the two of us have left Kyushu Island, and now you are the only one left on that small island. Be careful yourself, and don't cry if you hang up..." Lin Shuang scolded with a smile. After destroying the two Banshee tactical transport ships, Lin Shuang also felt quite comfortable. He actually completed such an almost impossible task. Those little Japanese are going to cry to death, not to mention the loss of [-] players on board the Banshee tactical transport ship, not to mention the shock and tsunami caused, how many players were killed, the cost of the two Banshee tactical transport ships alone It's definitely not cheap.

"Don't worry, it's not that easy for me to die. It's fine if the two of you leave. If you make such a big commotion, you must have become a thorn in the side of Little Japan. Maybe you can attract the attention of more Japanese players. The pressure on my side will be relatively lower...Damn it, I was originally going to be with Xuanyuan Bitian and the others, but those three unscrupulous guys kicked me away and went to be a hero by myself Yes, but since that's the case, I won't be polite, and the mission of the three of them is on me... you two, be careful..." Bloody Romance said in a deep voice.

Immediately hung up the contact, looking at the players surrounded again, Bloody Romance let out a long breath.

There are too many players here. After all, the six people were all concentrated on Kyushu Island before, so they attracted a large number of players. Now that Lin Shuang and Xin Yi have left, they should be able to attract many players, but those who stay here are still the same. It is not a small number. It is roughly estimated that there are at least millions of Japanese players on Kyushu Island. These players are all the targets of their own massacres.

Of course, if you want to kill these players, the first thing you need to do is to save your own life.

My own coordinates will appear in front of these little Japanese every once in a while. This one is really painful, so that there is no place to hide in the bloody romance, and there is no chance to rest.But now is not the time to rest, if you waste time at this time, even Scarlet Romance will not forgive herself.

Huh... Raise the sniper rifle, aim at the enemy in the distance, quickly pull the trigger, and the bullets are shot out immediately, each target cannot escape the bloody and romantic spot kill, as one of the strongest sniper in China One, the strength of Scarlet Romance is absolutely terrifying. Although it does not have the strength of mass destruction, the terrifying bullets, every bullet, can take away the fresh life of a player.

500 meters, 300 meters...

The distance between the two sides is rapidly approaching, leaving an unknown number of corpses along the way.

With a flash of white light, the level of the battle pet Phoenix Girl behind her rose again, reaching level 61.Now Bloody Romance itself is only level 58, but the battle pet Phoenix has reached level 61, Bloody Romance allocates [-]% of the experience points to Phoenix Girl, and only saves [-]% of the experience.

In this way, although the speed of her own upgrade has been severely reduced, the level of Phoenix Girl has doubled, and even the eight-star battle pet tx has been completely abandoned by Blood Romance. Now Blood Romance's goal is to quickly improve the strength of Phoenix Girl , Phoenix Girl can soar in the sky, which brings him great mobility. Moreover, Phoenix Girl's group attack and lethal ability can't be compared with his own flattery.

"Phoenix, it's your turn, kill those targets in front, and then come back..." While shooting quickly, Bloody Romance ordered in a deep voice.

There was no sound, the Phoenix girl directly spread her wings, and with a terrifying flame, her body quickly appeared in the sky. As a large piece of flame descended from the sky, there were bursts of shrill screams on the ground immediately, the Phoenix devoured the sky flames, the Phoenix Phoenix Girl's attack method is quite simple, she appears directly above the crowd, launches the most violent group attack, destroys a large number of enemies on the ground, and then continues to destroy the enemies on the ground with the fire energy technique of the group attack.

The fire energy technique was absolutely violent, and the surrounding enemies were quickly wiped out. Immediately, the Phoenix girl hurried back, surrounded Bloody Romance with both hands, soared into the air, and quickly left this area. Not long after Bloody Romance left, a large number of people nearby The enemy quickly surrounded it, but the place is already empty!

The goal of Bloody Romance is very simple, that is to kill enough small Japanese, Xuanyuan Bitian and others died, but he survived. If so, then he will take over the task of Xuanyuan Bitian and others...

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