Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 1153

This is a very heavy task. Although the hunter is flexible, the number of enemies is too many. No matter where you are hiding, your coordinates will be displayed in front of those little Japanese, and they will quickly outflank them. Want to kill myself. k";

The goal chosen by Bloody Romance is also very simple, that is to find a direction that is not too far away and can quickly evacuate, to kill those snipers from a long distance, and then let Phoenix Girl quickly go over and clean up those ordinary players, and then leave by herself Here, look for the next target.

Although this will waste time, it guarantees the safety of my own life. Once my life is lost, then don't say anything about killing Little Japan... Xuanyuan Bitian and others will not die in the hands of the Japanese, and I will definitely not die in the hands of the Japanese. Won't!

On the other side, Lin Shuang and Xin Yi are also temporarily separated. The two of them have too many goals together, and they are easily surrounded by players in the Japanese area. At that time, it will be more troublesome. Although there are not many players who can fly into the sky, it is impossible to guarantee that there will be none. In addition, sniper rifles can shoot from a long distance, which is also a threat to them. It is better to disperse them. Although they can only fight alone, the number of enemies they encounter is also less and more flexible.

Xin Yi has the super-fast flight of Icarus, and Lin Shuang himself has the dimensional transmission of Signor, so even if he encounters any danger, he can guarantee his life safety.

Level [-]!

The level soared directly to level [-]. When the spaceship exploded, the experience points of the players inside the spaceship were shared equally between Lin Shuang and Xin Yi. The experience value of [-] players is definitely a rather terrifying number, directly making Lin Shuang's level Reaching level [-], this is still when the experience is shared equally among the eight battle pets, and Lin Shuang himself can only get one-ninth of the experience value, otherwise, this statistic is definitely even more terrifying. k";

As for battle pets, since the experience value required is slightly less than that of players, the level rises faster. Angola, Shana, Thunder, and Empress, the four new battle pets, have all reached level 65. As for Naye, Vita, Signor, and Alice, the levels are far higher than that. Alice, the highest level, has reached level [-].

As a battle pet, the highest level is ten levels higher than that of the master, and Alice has already completed half of this limit!

With a few battle pets, they quickly flew across the sky. Several war pets dropped a large area of ​​​​horrific attacks. Regardless of whether there are targets below, just drop the bomb first. One is killed, and two are killed. It's a pair~!

It seems that there are no masters in the Japanese area. Up to now, the only stronger enemy Lin Shuang has encountered is that little dog, but that guy is just a little bit of a pet, and his own strength is extremely rubbish.

Boring, a lonely life is really boring, killing all the time, Lin Shuang even felt a little bored!


Just when Lin Shuang was bored, a weird voice suddenly came from below, which immediately woke Lin Shuang up. Although Lin Shuang was arrogant, Lin Shuang still retained absolute reason.

Afterimage technique!

That's... a sniper!

That's right, a powerful sniper.Seize the moment when you fly through the sky, and attack directly from the ground.

It's been a long time since I met a powerful enemy, and Lin Shuang was filled with intense excitement. The pet was put away instantly to prevent the pet from being wiped out by the opponent's bullets because it was too late to dodge. Since that guy can accurately grasp his own trajectory, Absolutely powerful.Lin Shuang didn't dare to neglect, his body flashed away in mid-air, and the next moment, the figure had disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, a picture has appeared in his mind, which is exactly the trajectory left by the bullet when it passed by just now. According to the trajectory, Lin Shuang is quickly calculating the position of the target.

At twelve o'clock, the distance is 560 four meters...

In less than a second, Lin Shuang immediately calculated the position of the opponent, the muzzle of the gun was raised instantly, and the bullet was shot directly from the barrel.

The body was like a cunning rabbit, that figure flickered quickly, and the bullet shot directly on the ground, bringing up a large cloud of smoke and dust.

The next moment, two super-powerful snipers started a war between snipers. Bullets were flying in mid-air, and there were bullet marks everywhere. They were in mid-air, without any cover. , Lin Shuang was in a relatively unfavorable situation, but the wings behind him gave Lin Shuang a more sensitive dodge.

Master, that is definitely a master!Lin Shuang was extremely excited. This guy's strength is quite tyrannical. He tossed and moved his body without the slightest stagnation. Every time he moved, he could perfectly defeat his attack. Up until now, he hadn't suffered any damage. injury.

This is a real master that Lin Shuang met after he came to Japan, and he is also a very powerful sniper!

The sniper on the opposite side also had a gloomy face. This is a top expert. He doesn't care about driving out the intruders. The Japanese have not been killed yet, so the sniper couldn't help scolding trash.

Just in time, seeing Lin Shuang swaggering through the sky, he immediately launched an attack out of displeasure.

Soon, this person realized that he was wrong. This Wushuang is indeed the top sniper in China, and his strength is quite powerful.

However, I am not bad either!

His face was cold, and his palms were shaking rapidly. The next moment, the sniper rifle in his hand seemed to turn into a heavy machine gun, and a series of violent roars appeared. In an instant, countless terrifying bullets flickered violently in mid-air. , It actually formed a barrage-like envelope, and all the bullets appeared almost at the same time.

The air is densely packed, and there are tall and long armor-piercing bullets everywhere, and the number cannot be counted. The scene looks extremely horrifying, and compared with ordinary sniper rifles, the shooting speed of these bullets is even more terrifying.

Damn, what skill is this?

When Lin Shuang saw the terrifying scene in front of him, Lin Shuang couldn't help jumping a few times in his heart, hey, when can a sniper shoot like a machine gunner?How much does it cost for so many armor-piercing bullets?

They are densely packed, and within a radius of [-] meters, they are almost completely covered by the bullets of sniper rifles. With this move, even Lin Shuang couldn't help but feel unable to resist.


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