Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 424 Volcanic Eruption

The entire mountain peak is 3000 meters high. After climbing 5000 meters, the four finally stopped on the mountainside. This height is enough. .And the most important thing is that after such a long time, no players from below invaded. Yunling's subordinates seemed to disappear without a trace and never came out again.

Things seem to be getting weird.

It seems that Yunling's subordinates have a kind of fear of this place, and they will never climb up again.Lin Shuang and the others could also feel that the situation was not right, and one by one temporarily stayed on the mountainside, discussing the next sneak attack. ***, this is guerrilla warfare. If you don't come to me, I will come to you.Toss until you don't have the slightest physical strength.

Of course, this matter cannot be completed now. After such a long time, the four members of the team are a little tired, so they just take this opportunity to take a rest.

"Hold up your love with two legs? I'm Wushuang!" Lin Shuang waved his legs and crossed up the mailbox of your love.

"What's the matter?" Although Lin Shuang tried her best to pretend to be calm, Lin Shuang could still feel the slightest fluctuation hidden by the voice of love with her legs crossed.

Recalling the madness of the two in the underground palace before, Lin Shuang couldn't help throbbing in his heart, barely calmed down the desire in his heart, and pondered for a while, Lin Shuang said: "Soon, you will have a decisive battle with the Blood Fiend League, But let me tell you, this matter is not that simple. Blood Splattered Sanzhang brought in a good friend of his, Yun Ling, who is super powerful, and has [-] powerful players under him. Said, moreover, the battle location chosen by Blood Splattered Three Zhangs is very likely to be the place where they trained."

"I know this, and I know that Yunling, but you don't have to worry, I can deal with them naturally." Said Ai with her legs crossed with confidence.

"But there is one thing you don't know!" Lin Shuang said in a deep voice, "The visibility in this place is extremely low. Even a sniper can only see about a kilometer away with a mirror, and he can't see clearly. It's blurry. , if it is an ordinary player, they will not be able to see anything at a distance of up to 300 meters. If they are familiar with the terrain and then wait for an opportunity to attack in the wind and sand...then I am afraid that your sisters will suffer heavy casualties."

After a pause, Lin Shuang continued: "Besides, the environment in this place is harsh, and they are familiar with it, but your subordinates are all big girls, and they are not familiar with the environment here. When you are new here, the combat power will definitely be weakened a lot, you Be prepared in advance."

Hearing this news, your love with legs crossed was also slightly taken aback, this was something she hadn't thought of: "I know that place, and I've investigated it, but I didn't expect the environment to be so bad. It seems that the blood Splashing Sanzhang is really cunning, I have to think about it, by the way, where are you now?"

"Us? We are halfway up the mountain now!" Looking around, Lin Shuang replied casually.

"What? Halfway up the mountain, you are not halfway up the volcano, are you?" Ai suddenly exclaimed with her legs crossed.

"It's here, what's the matter?" Lin Shuang suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, as if something terrible was about to happen.

Sure enough, the voice of your love with your legs crossed instantly rang out: "Hurry up, get down the mountain, that volcano will erupt every 10 minutes, go down quickly..."

hum!Lin Shuang only felt his head buzzing, what, the volcano will erupt in 10 minutes?Looking at the teammates around him, all of them were still sitting on the ground, taking the time to rest, Lin Shuang's head exploded instantly.

"Hurry up, hurry down the mountain, the volcano is about to erupt..." Lin Shuang let out a roar, and the team members were stunned. Before they could react, Lin Shuang had already pushed a few of his companions twice, Started to flee down the mountain.

what happened?Volcanic eruption, not so bad luck, right?Besides, how do you know the volcano is about to erupt?

Suddenly, Xiaoqi, Liuli, and Crazy World three felt their bodies shake violently, and their faces changed wildly. The entire mountain peak seemed to have fallen into a violent tremor, and the whole world seemed to be in an instant. Kung fu, like falling into a destructive fluctuation.

Damn it, the volcano is about to erupt!

It's day!

Cursing crazily in their hearts, they fled down the mountain one by one. The moment they left the spot, the towering mountaintop had already started to explode, and a large expanse of flaming magma erupted in the sky, turning into beautiful fireworks. The sky exploded, fiery energy spread crazily around, and astonishing heat waves surged down from the top of the head.

volcanic eruptions!

The surrounding area was instantly filled with the smell of sulfur, and at the same time, there was a violent tremor like an earthquake, and the destructive fluctuations made people shudder.

The magma has already begun to flow down the grooves on the top of the mountain. Wherever it goes, there will be a large cloud of smoke and dust immediately. The whole world is full of gray and white, covering the entire sky near the volcano. The smell of suffocation began to spread around.

Damn you, what kind of bullshit volcano is this?

As the saying goes, going up a mountain is easy and going down a mountain is hard!

Although it is only 500 meters high, it is extremely steep and full of rocks, making the way down the mountain extremely difficult.

"Damn it, crazy traveler, do you know the wind travel technique?" Lin Shuang took the time to look back while running in a hurry. Right behind him, a large piece of magma had already sprung up. Under the effect of gravity, the magma flowed The speed is quite terrifying, and nothing can stop the footsteps of the magma. Wherever it goes, everything is instantly destroyed.The distance was less than 2000 meters. In the blink of an eye, they only fell less than 100 meters, but the magma had already fallen 500 meters. If they continued like this, their bodies would have been swallowed by the magma before they got down. .

"Feng Xing Shu? I will!" Crazy World quickly replied.

"Well, Xiaoqi will leave it to you, Liuli, come with me!" Lin Shuang said quickly, with the soles of his feet on the ground, his body that stopped quickly stopped instantly, and at the same time his body appeared beside Liuli, hugging her Hold Liuli's slender waist, and at the same time bend his legs, as if compressed to the top of the spring, the next moment, he exhaled loudly, and his body jumped down the mountain in an instant.

Jumping, like jumping off a cliff, the entire mountain peak is almost vertical, and the body suddenly rises high into the sky. In the sky, the horror on Liuli's face disappeared in a flash, and then calmed down immediately, but one arm was involuntarily He firmly grasped Lin Shuang's palm.

"Light Feather!" In mid-air, Lin Shuang immediately activated the Light Feather Technique, and the speed of the original rapid decline suddenly slowed down a little!

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