Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 425 Magma Monster

The body seems to be floating in mid-air. Although the speed of falling is not as fast as the falling speed of magma, it is not known how many times faster than the original slow climbing down. The body is like a feather. Fluttering down from the mid-air, the strong wind caused by the landing, blowing the clothes on the body, made a loud noise. . That kind of appearance looks like a couple of gods and immortals, which is enviable.

On the contrary, he was running madly, with black lines all over his forehead, and scolded Lin Shuang half to death in his heart. He was a damn brat, holding a woman in his arms, only caring about his own romantic pleasure, and ended up calling this dishonest person a fucking Push it to yourself.Especially seeing Xiaoqi's weird and teasing smile on his face, Crazy World was even more upset.

I intend to ignore this guy, but I can't help it. Who makes this kid still my companion now?

It's just that the thought of actually having to hug a man makes her feel uncomfortable. ***, it's not like I'm carrying a mountain on my back, but now I want to hug a man, is there such a pain in the ass?The goosebumps on my body can be swept out in large swaths when they fall off!

It's just that there is no way, now that kid Wushuang has already hugged the beauty in his arms, only Xiao Qi is left alone, looking at him with a silly smile, he is suddenly angry.

Suppressing the nausea in his heart, he grabbed Xiao Qi's wrist, and immediately, the hurricane surged all over his body, and the wind travel technique had already started.

Feng Xingshu, a skill similar to Qingyu, but more powerful than Qingyu, although it can't make people fly, it is enough to glide down in the sky.

The four figures floated down from the sky almost at the same time. The large expanse of magma surged crazily behind them, and fiery bubbles burst out one after another. When the bubbles burst, the heat wave inside spread out instantly, and the surrounding temperature soared instantly. All around the volcano, it was hot all of a sudden, and the astonishing heat wave was chilling and unbearable. .

After all, the power of Light Feather Technique is not comparable to Fengxing Technique. After falling a full distance of about 100 meters, his body was about to fall, but Lin Shuang didn't care. He bent his feet, and at the moment of falling, he suddenly landed on the ground. With a flick, the body was ejected again and landed on the ground.

After bouncing more than three times, the two finally landed on the ground, their bodies rolled along the ground, and the two of them immediately rolled out a long distance, looking ashamed and embarrassed.There are dirty marks all over the body, it looks tattered, like a beggar.

As for Crazy World and Xiao Qi, it was the same. In mid-air, the Fengxing Technique had lost its effect, and with two thuds, the two of them fell to the ground like a pile of arhats, and they were even more embarrassed than Lin Shuang.

"Go, go, Crazy World, get up for me, where's your sports car, damn it, we can't run through lava..." Lin Shuang ignored the pain on his body, and quickly pulled Crazy World up, urging road.

"It's too late, my little life, sooner or later I will be tossed to death by you!" Crazy World is also quite unhappy, cursing in his mouth, summoning the gt400, but his whole body is falling apart, the body of an energy master, compared to a sniper The hands are even more fragile, and it is difficult to even move them now, let alone driving?

"I'm coming!" Seeing the appearance of Crazy World, Liuli said in a deep voice. Under Lin Shuang's protection just now, Liuli was definitely the one who suffered the least damage. Get on the train.Immediately, only a roar was heard, and the gt400 roared towards the rear immediately, and returned the same way.

Damn it, it's no wonder Yunling and those people didn't chase them up. Those guys, who have stayed here for so long, how could they not know that this volcano may erupt at any time?Those guys, it's not that they can't catch up with themselves, but they are determined to push themselves to a dead end.

It has to be said that this plan is quite insidious, just as the gt400 roared out, in less than ten seconds, a large piece of magma fell from the sky, setting off a large piece of flaming red magma like waves, in the beauty There is a desperate power in it.

volcanic eruptions!

This is the power of nature, the power of extreme tyranny!

In the face of the power of nature, no matter how high your level is, no matter how good your equipment is, no matter how strong your strength is, after all, you are no match for the power of nature. can only perish.

"It's finally here..." The earth-shattering sound echoed in the ears, the head was lifted slightly, and in the eyes, there was a fiery red, volcanic eruption, hot energy, and crazy explosions in the distance, even if you are thousands of miles away Meters away, I can still feel the palpitating violent energy.

Intense power, terrifying and outrageous!

The volcanic eruption, the entire volcano is surrounded by thick clouds, no, those are not clouds, it is the smoke and dust formed during the volcanic eruption, and finally turned into heavy and violent thick clouds, covering the surrounding large areas, the entire world In between, it was gloomy.

The violent impact, one after another!

A gloomy smile could not help appearing on Yunling's face, hehe, even if you are powerful, you will never be able to escape the power of the volcanic eruption. The hot magma is enough to kill Wushuang and the flesh and bones on their bodies. Completely turned into powder.

Even if they could escape the power of the magma, after the volcanic eruption, a large number of magma monsters, forty-level elite monsters, numbered in the tens of thousands, were enough to drown these people.

There is no need to do it yourself, these people will be completely wiped out.In the game, no matter how powerful you are, there is always a way to kill you. You don't have to do it yourself. This is what a wise man does. Fighting and killing is just the most inferior way.

"Guard this line, if they escape by chance, kill them without mercy!" Yun Ling gave the order in a deep voice, her eyes were cold.

Run, run, run!

Magma was chasing after him, chasing fiercely, as if he had identified the off-road vehicle in front of him, and seemed to want to completely wipe it out.

Waves of fiery energy continuously came from behind, which was the power of magma, and the entire body, also affected by that heat, became extremely hot.

Not to mention that, under Lin Shuang's surprised eyes, the magma wriggled continuously, and ugly, strange, stone-like monsters appeared in the magma.The whole shape is like a model of a human being, only thicker, and there are lingering flames all over the body.

No eyes, no facial features, only a torso, only a head, only limbs, the magma monster finally appeared.

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