Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 426 A dead horse as a living horse doctor

The magma monster, perhaps it should be said that the flame stone man is more appropriate, but there is no doubt about the tyrannical strength of this monster. .

Magma monster: Elite monster (the spirit body in the volcano, with the eruption of the volcano, absorbs the power of the magma, and finally erupts with the volcano, has an extremely tyrannical physique, infinite strength, and is absolutely immune to fire attacks , to absorb fire damage and turn it into their own supplement. It’s just that their slow speed has become their biggest weakness. They have the power to manipulate magma.)

Level: Level [-]

HP: 52000/52000

Attack: 987-1245

Skills: Bash, Fire Absorption, Magma Manipulation

If there is only such a magma monster, there is no problem at all. It is just a matter of minutes to be eliminated in front of this powerful team, but the scary thing lies in the number of such magma monsters.As far as the eye can see, on the entire Gobi covered by magma, there are terrifying figures of magma monsters everywhere, wriggling one by one, crawling out of the magma, although the speed is slow, but the body surges with the magma, the speed It's not slow at all, it's even more astonishing.

Yunling once suffered a big loss in the hands of these magma monsters, otherwise, he would not have lingering fears about this place. This kind of magma monster is powerful, not to mention infinitely powerful. Defense, also has a very strong defense, this is not counted, because it grows in the magma, it completely absorbs the flame, that is to say, the flame attack, not only cannot cause any damage, but will become a bandage for these monsters, replenishing blood quantity.

Of course, the weakness is also quite obvious. After the magma recedes, the speed is slow, which becomes the most fatal weakness. In addition, for the water energy attack, it has to bear double the damage. .

But now, in front of these tyrannical monsters, there is no ability to resist at all. I am not worried about the strength of these monsters, but more worried about the power of magma. Once the magma catches up, the whole car will explode in an instant. Becoming part of the Golem, poor fellow.

Thousands of miles to kill!

"Turn!" Lin Shuang, who had been paying attention to the situation ahead, suddenly said.Just over 1000 meters ahead, sports cars appeared one after another. Although the visibility was extremely low, they could still be vaguely felt.

Liuli subconsciously turned the steering wheel suddenly, and the whole body immediately swayed violently, and the speed slowed down a little, but because of these small gaps, the whole car was almost overtaken by the magma. It is about to explode directly.

"What's going on?" Liuli asked in a deep voice, while avoiding the attack of the magma, while heading towards the rapid situation in the side direction.

"In front, Yunling and the others have already ambushed. Dozens of sports cars are guarding there. We will surely die if we pass by now." Lin Shuang said in a deep voice, his eyes did not relax in the slightest, and he kept staring closely at the scope.

"Then what should we do now? We've laid an ambush in the front, and the magma is chasing after us. Can't we just wait to die?" Crazy World was also full of indignation and helplessness. He touched the sweat on his face, and the fiery energy made everyone A member's face was covered in sweat.It was wet, and dripped continuously along the face, and was immediately evaporated, leaving a pale trace.

Looking into the distance, Lin Shuang pointed to a high mountain in front of the front left of the car and said, "Go to that mountain!"

"Sun, Gemini, don't you have a fever? What if that mountain also erupts?" Xiao Qi said angrily.

"Stop talking nonsense, at least there is no eruption now, or do you want to wait to become a magma monster, or be beaten into a hornet's nest by others, you choose yourself?"

There is no choice, there is no doubt that there is only one real path.

Moreover, before everyone could make a final decision, Liuli had already slammed on the accelerator, and a seven-level energy stone was directly stuck into the groove. The body of the gt400 was trembling crazily. The dense fluctuations of the layers seem to be shining.

The speed soared instantly.

No way, this direction is not going in a straight line. The speed at which the vehicle leaves the magma is invisible. If you can't speed up, you may be swallowed by the magma at any time.

At some point, a magma monster appeared on the side of the car body. Looking at the crazily roaring off-road vehicle, he let out a crazily roar, and suddenly plunged his hands into the magma. With a crazily roar, a large piece of The magma rose directly from the ground, wriggling crazily like a long snake in midair.

The next moment, the endless magma splashed directly towards the GT400, and a layer of magma rained over the entire sky.

That's right, it's the magma rain, a large piece of magma, covering it, and wherever it goes, the fiery energy makes people shudder.

Liuli, at this time, showed extraordinarily calm, with cold eyes, and nimbly manipulated the steering wheel with both hands. The car body was violently bumped on the ground, and one after another magma suddenly fell helplessly.But there are also fish that slipped through the net. A drop of magma fell on the glass with a bang, and the violent energy was displayed immediately. Under the fiery energy, crazy corrosion immediately unfolded. The entire glass could not resist that crazy corrosion at all. , the glass melted instantly, and a fist-sized hole appeared on the originally sound and solid glass.

The power of the magma is unexpectedly strong.

Abnormal power, astonishing power, no one can imagine how terrifying that kind of power is.Even thick glass can be melted in an instant, if it falls on people's bodies, what kind of amazing picture will it be?It is hard to imagine, it is estimated that in an instant, the body will be completely melted, turning into a large piece of white bones, and disappearing without a trace.

The car body was bumping, and the members inside jumped up and down. Occasionally, when they saw the magma rushing towards them, they felt even more nervous, as if they might die under that kind of crazy attack at any time.

In less than 30 seconds, the car body finally appeared at the foot of the mountain.


Liuli slammed on the brakes and was caught off guard, Xiaoqi's head hit the armchair directly, and a big bump immediately bulged on his forehead.But now, it was not the time to think about these things, one by one quickly climbed out of the carriage, and immediately climbed towards another volcano.

Damn it, there is no other way now, but a dead horse can only be treated as a living horse doctor!If the two volcanoes really erupted at the same time, it would only be a bit of a backlash!

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