Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 427 Fierce Volcanic Battle

It's man-made, and there's nothing anyone can do now. .

The moment Xiao Qi's feet just climbed onto the rock, large swathes of magma swarmed over, splashing waves, and the surrounding area was hot.The team members didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly climbed up to the top, for fear that they would be submerged by magma if they were not careful.

At the same time, just below the foot of the mountain, a large number of magma monsters seemed to be attracted by the breath of life, and they rushed over one by one quickly. It's like a computer city, all of them have square faces.

In fact, what Lin Shuang and the others didn't know was that there were not many magma monsters here, or even none.But with the death of the first player, the first magma monster appeared here!After the player dies, a mark will be left here, or it can be said that the soul is the same!In short, it is an existence similar to a spirit body.

All human players killed by the magma erupting from the volcano will leave behind such a spirit body, which will eventually be swallowed by the volcano, and then these spirit bodies will absorb the power of the magma and eventually turn into a magma monster.In other words, with the death of the player, the number of magma monsters inside will increase. Moreover, even if the magma monsters are killed, they will not die completely, but will change into spirit bodies. Things like this return to the volcano again, endless reincarnation, and there will never be a chance of liberation. It can be said to be quite miserable.

Now, there are thousands of magma monsters here, which means that thousands of players have died here.It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a mass grave with piles of corpses. One can imagine how fierce this place is.

Large swaths of magma monsters gathered below, shrouded in shadows, moving one by one.

I don't know how long it took, but with a roar, the first magma monster started to climb up the solid rock with two thick and powerful hands, and its body began to climb towards the volcano, and the surrounding magma monsters followed suit. .

After finally climbing a distance of 200 meters, when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they heard the sound coming from behind, and everyone's foreheads were immediately filled with black lines. These damned magma monsters, until now He refused to let go.



If you can't get rid of it, then destroy them all!

Anyway, the threat of magma has been lost now, and these slow magma monsters alone are not opponents at all!

Lin Shuang and Liu Li have already deployed the Soul Breaker Knight, and the inside of the long and dark gun barrel is ready to spray hot bullets at any time.

The reconnaissance technique appeared, and the weakness of the magma monster could not be hidden at all. At the same time, Naye, Vita, Signor, and Alice's four powerful battle pets, as well as the nine-star tentacle monsters around Xiao Qi, all appeared, and the team suddenly changed. Gotta be lively.

Weakness, chest!

Just above the chest of the magma monster, there is a small white spot, which is where the magma monster stores its spirit body, and it is also the most fatal weakness of the magma monster.


A bullet shot out of the gun immediately. With the slow speed of the magma monster, it was impossible to resist the attack of the Soul Breaker Knight. The bullet hit the target instantly and exploded directly on the chest. The powerful impact made the magma The monster's body retreated for a while, and above the white spot on the chest, gravel flew across and was completely smashed by armor-piercing bullets.


The violent attack power is extremely abnormal, and the attack power of nearly [-] points has caused the magma monster to suffer greatly.

The battle kicked off in an instant, Xiao Qi also had a sneer on his face, the smile on the corner of his mouth was extremely lewd, and with a bang, the huge gun body and the magazine supply chamber of the Terminator appeared directly, condescending, holding the barrel with both hands behind, suddenly Pulling the trigger, the body trembled crazily, and dense bullets immediately poured down from the sky.

Each bullet can cause more than [-] points of damage. The berserk attack power makes people desperate. It is almost like a storm of flames, covering the entire mountainside in an instant. The frenzied strafing, one second, immediately swept across a thousand bullets, single-target attack, although far inferior to Lin Shuang and Liuli, but the real damage caused, even Lin Shuang and Liuli combined .

The berserk attack, [-] rounds of bullets per minute, [-] rounds of bullets per second, the total damage is an astonishing number of more than [-] points.

Being condescending, coupled with the slow speed and huge size of the magma monster, there is no chance to dodge at all. Even if the bullet wants to miss, it will take a lot of effort. The violent damage continues one after another. Under the powerful attack power, the body of the magma monster He retreated one after another, and the top of his head was constantly shrouded in three-digit injuries.

"Tianjin Liepo!" On the other side, Naiye has also launched an attack, the heart of the rising sun is dancing slowly in his hand, a large piece of dazzling light burst out from the wand, and circles of light swept across the entire battlefield. , dozens of magma monsters, more than [-] numbers appeared directly above their heads, that kind of scene looked extremely terrifying.

"Spiral Missile!" Vita is still petite. Although the bodies of the two companions, Naye and Signor, have grown into the bodies of girls, Vita is still a little girl and will never grow up, but Vita The attack was growing slowly, and the spiral missile sprayed out and exploded directly in the crowd of monsters. It was a violent impact immediately, and at the same time, it was accompanied by a large amount of astonishing damage.

As for Signor and Alice, the two battle pets of the guardian type are guarding in front of Lin Shuang. Once any magma monster breaks out of the attack blockade, it will immediately be enveloped by a violent attack. Time to end the fight.

"Ice Crystal Snow Dance!"

Crazy World, finally got the chance to display it. There were countless murderous intentions hidden in my heart. It was aimed at the Blood Fiend Alliance, but I didn't expect that I didn't directly participate in the battle. Now I can only vent all my anger on the On the body of the magma monster.

A large piece of ice fell from the sky. Although the surrounding environment is hot, the attack of Madness has been severely tested, and its power has even been greatly reduced. But don't forget, those magma monsters are resistant to water-based energy spells. The speed was almost zero, and a large snowflake fell down, directly covering these magma monsters completely.


With a clear sound, the ice froze, and the bodies of each magma monster suddenly became stiff, and a thick layer of ice was covering the body.

The next moment, the ice burst, and the surrounding area was full of flying snowflakes.

At the same time, numbers exceeding [-] sputtered out from the top of the magma monster's head, and the move of Ice Crystal Snow Dance actually possessed such powerful power.The double damage caused the magma monster to be greatly injured under the attack of the ice energy spell.

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