Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 428 Relentless pursuit

The ice shattered, and the damage exceeding [-] points was extremely terrifying. Every second, there were countless astonishing damage figures. The violent attack made the target hard to resist. The bodies of monsters with low blood volume were instantly shattered. Total death. .

Under one move, at least three magma monsters died. That’s not counting. Next to them, Naiye, Lin Shuang, and Liuli are still performing powerful attacks. Every attack can cause terrible damage. Each magma The monster, under the burst of fire, died.

Every time a magma monster dies, the experience value will increase slowly. Although the experience value of an elite monster is not as good as that of a powerful boss, it is still quite good. Every time a monster is killed, the four members can The experience points allocated to thousands of points, coupled with the mercenary team combat, the [-]% experience value bonus, the speed of experience increase is quite amazing.

Xiaoqi's bullets shot without stopping at all, and the sound of da da da was continuous in his ears, as if there would never be a moment to stop. Every second, countless bullets were sprayed out, and they flew across the sky rapidly , and finally sputtered clusters of snowflakes on the monster's body.

As for Crazy World, he specifically chose water energy spells to attack.The water energy technique is stronger than control. Originally, the attack power was not that strong, but now, on the magma monster, the damage caused by the water energy technique is absolutely astonishing. Even the hailstone, the intermediate group attack skill with the lowest damage, can be smashed out all at once. Two thousand points of damage, and it's still a group attack.

The main output players in the team have been transferred from Liuli and Lin Shuang to Xiao Qi and Crazy World.As for Lin Shuang and Liuli, they were in charge of assisting them, focusing on killing monsters with little blood left. Each bullet could basically take away a fresh life. .

With the continuous massacres, there are more and more corpses on the ground, and there are broken stones everywhere. These are the traces left after the magma monster was smashed alive.However, the number of magma monsters is really too many. After such a long time, at least dozens of magma monsters have been slaughtered, but the number of magma monsters below has not decreased in the slightest, but has increased.

One second, two seconds... ten seconds... 30 seconds... one minute... two minutes!

Time passed by one minute and one second, and after 2 minutes, Xiao Qi's roar stopped abruptly, the bullets were completely empty, the barrel was extremely hot, and he could no longer attack at all, changing the barrel, changing the bullets, that's not it A project that can be completed in a short time.

After losing the fire suppression of the Terminator, the killing speed suddenly decreased out of thin air. The magma monsters finally got a chance, and roared out one by one. Forward, moving forward, the distance between the two sides is rapidly approaching, the magma monster is powerful, step on it, and immediately on the mountainside, there is an amazing depression, the speed of advancement, compared with Lin Shuang, Not bad at all.


Roar appeared!Seeing that the magma monsters had surrounded her, Alice stepped forward in an instant, her chest puffed up, and with a roar, the energy wave of the t-virus came out, and the violent energy spread wildly around in an instant. The astonishing breath spread completely in midair.

The energy wave of the t virus contains extremely strong impact power. Even with the body of the magma monster, it is difficult to resist that kind of power. Backed away, backed out several steps one after another, and finally stopped slowly.

The way forward was once again blocked, and the magma monster suddenly became furious, using both hands and feet, and once again started a crazy climb. In the heart of the magma monster, it was full of resentment, and they were like wraiths , I have already died, and I will absolutely not allow any life to survive. I have a strong hatred for living life.They want to make all life become like themselves and become victims of killing.

It has to be said that this is a rather perverted psychology, but this is the task assigned to them by the system, to turn all life into its own existence.

However, the pursuit of the magma monster was blocked once again.A figure appeared quickly, and it was Signor. The flame sword in his hand was surrounded by cold flames, but this kind of flame could not cause the slightest damage to the magma monster, which greatly reduced Signor's attack power.

But Signor also has his own power. With a scream, the Demonic Sword of Flame danced crazily, and violent hurricanes were instantly generated around him.


Signor's other trick, flying sand and rocks all around in an instant, violent smoke and dust everywhere, and hurricanes flying in all directions, once again greatly delayed the pace of the magma monster's pursuit.

At the same time, after Signor cast a gust of wind, his body retreated quickly, and he appeared directly behind Weta. The two good sisters cooperated very closely. Just after Signor retreated, Vita screamed, and the hammer of judgment Instantly hit the ground in front of him.

In an instant, violent sand waves emerged all around, and the entire ground surged crazily. A steel barrier rose directly from the ground, forming a huge stone wall with a height of one meter, completely blocking the footsteps of the magma monster.

The crisis finally subsided a little, and several teammates finally breathed a sigh of relief. Xiao Qi quickly took advantage of this time to reload the bullets. As for Crazy World, he also took advantage of this time to recover MP. There is Nanye, who keeps killing magma monsters one by one.

Soon, the magma monsters rushed up, seeing the huge stone wall, blocked their footsteps, one by one roared angrily, their palms danced wildly, and their huge fists continuously exploded on the stone wall, splashing out large pieces of gravel , There were violent tremors all around, and devastating fluctuations continued to spread.

Huge fists fell on the stone wall like raindrops. It was obvious that this steel barrier couldn't last too long.



With the sound of bullets exploding, the two bullets exploded almost at the same time. There was an extra piece of shatter on the chest of a magma monster. With the appearance of two huge damage figures, the life of this magma monster had already gone. It's the end.

Although the Soul Breaker Knight is still hunting and killing the life of the magma monster, it is obvious that the speed of hunting is far from being able to compare with the speed of the opponent's replenishment, and it does not help at all, just like a drop of water in the sea Unremarkable.

The stone wall is already crumbling, and it may be completely broken at any time.

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