Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 441 Emptiness

He can't scream, at least, he can't scream in front of Crazy World, he doesn't want to show his weak side in front of this old enemy. .

Although, maybe a scream can make blood splatter three feet of pain, and the weakness is unknown how many times, maybe a scream can distract the blood splatter three feet of attention.But Blood Splattered Sanzhang did not scream. At this time, the pride of being a gang leader and the skeleton of a man finally appeared on Xueshang Sanzhang. own dignity.

He didn't say a word, he didn't even adjust the pain, he let the piercing pain continue to bite his body, let the terrifying power make his body shake, but the blood spattered three feet without screaming, No screams.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

To describe the blood splattered at this time as if the days were like years, that would be perfect. The whole body was already wet with sweat because of the severe pain, and the teeth were trembling constantly, and the roots of the teeth were a sharp pain.This is a good opportunity, if now, if Crazy World makes a move, the blood splashed three feet will definitely kill him. In the face of the pain he endured when his gang broke up, it was not worth mentioning.

Four seconds, five seconds... six seconds!

Six seconds passed, the blood spattered three feet, the body trembled suddenly, the body almost fell to the ground, panting violently, the eyes were red, like hungry wolves, the fierce eyes, will make the crazy world completely shrouded.

"Die!" With a soft shout, a thunderbolt exploded directly on Xueshuisanzhang's body.


All of a sudden, the thunder and lightning exploded, and the blood splashed three feet of the body completely disappeared on the ground. A generation of masters died again!

Died, finally died, blood spattered three feet and finally died in his own hands. .But at this time, in the heart of Crazy World, he couldn't feel the slightest comfort, and there was only emptiness. Maybe he could feel the pleasure of revenge when he was tortured and blood spattered, but now, all What is left is only endless emptiness, emptiness, the whole person seems to be floating into mid-air, without any boundaries.

It has always been my goal to kill the blood splattered three feet, but now, when this goal is really achieved, why do I feel so empty?Absolute emptiness, emptiness without the slightest emotion, the goal has been achieved, so what is the use of continuing to play this game?


At this moment, a few bullets shot past his ears suddenly, and there was a muffled groan immediately behind him, and a master was blown off his head by a single shot.It was a player, who was stunned at the sight of Crazy World, and hurriedly prepared to kill him with a splash of blood, maybe he could get a piece of gold-level equipment.

It's just a pity that this good idea was broken by someone.

"Hey, lunatic, what are you doing so stupidly? Did you see a beautiful woman? It's too late, you boy, you don't mean to see a beautiful woman, but you don't call me?" Dian'er Pi Dian'er appeared in front of Crazy World.

All of a sudden, Crazy World laughed, killing blood spattered three feet, but at least, he still has friends...

"Hey, hey, what are you doing? Don't look at me like that, it makes me feel a little nervous... Hey, brother, I know Brother Qi is handsome, but my sexual orientation is normal. Hey, don't come here Ah, come here again, I'm calling for someone...ahhh, help me..."

On the battlefield, there is chaos!

The blood-splattered death dealt the most fatal blow to those players who didn't have much desire to fight. In the end, the power to resist completely disappeared, leading the army, crossing your legs with your love and taking the sisters behind you One surge up, one wave flattened.

"Blood splattered three feet, the Blood Fiend Alliance, it's over..." Seeing this scene, I don't know how many people are watching the battle. It can be seen that the blood spatter is over.

Sure enough, the remaining resisting force was wiped out in an instant, and immediately, the two legs crossed and immediately led the team members around them, sweeping towards the left and right sides.

Thunder and lightning, ice and snow.

The two top energy controllers are still fighting endlessly. Now, Yun Ling feels more and more that he has met an opponent. This Han Yingxue is extremely strong, not under the glass at all. He has strong combat power and quick response. The attack power of the energy technique is not strong, but Yunling dare not be attacked. Once affected by the negative state, it is estimated that Yunling will die in an instant.

Snow and ice!

Another powerful energy technique was scattered from the sky. Up to now, the two sides have already been proficient in attacking each other. Lei Dun subconsciously unfolded, and Yun Ling's body appeared on Han Yingxue's flanks. The palm flickered quickly, and the Thunderbolt Technique had counterattacked.

Han Yingxue was still moving like a samsara, but just as Yunling was preparing for the next attack, a strange feeling suddenly emerged in his heart, as if some serious danger was emerging halfway from behind.

Lei Dun!

Ji Lingling trembled all over his body, Yun Ling immediately launched Thunder Escape, and his body disappeared immediately.

In less than half a second after Yun Ling's body disappeared, dozens of tentacles were torn directly from behind, and all of them sank into the depths of the ground amidst the bang bang sound.

The king of tentacle monsters, the powerful battle pet king of tentacle monsters with two legs crossed your love, unexpectedly launched a surprise attack. If Yun Ling hadn't been sensitive, he might have died under the attack of the tentacle monster king. How powerful is the eight-star battle pet.

That's not to mention, the blow missed, dozens of tentacles trembled wildly all around, and immediately, like javelins, they tore through the air, screams sounded, and the masters of the cloudless subordinates immediately They became the target of the king of tentacle monsters to vent their anger. One by one, they were directly pierced through the chest and died completely.

The king of tentacle monsters was venting crazily. Seeing such a huge monster, Yun Ling's heart jumped wildly. Damn it, it's fortunate that he has a quick reaction, otherwise, he would really be killed by this guy.Thinking about the scene of being pierced by dozens of tentacles through the chest, Yun Ling felt a wave of fear in her heart, Mommy, it was too terrifying, and the death was too miserable.How come this guy appeared behind him so silently, fuck, he didn't even notice it.

How could Yun Ling think that the king of tentacle monsters still has the ability of any door?

Just when Yun Ling had time to breathe a sigh of relief, there was another wave of dense waves behind him.

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