Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 442 3 to 1

(Lantern Festival, I wish the brothers and beauties reunite with their families, and those who should bring friends to meet their parents meet their parents...)

Just when Yun Ling had time to breathe a sigh of relief, there was another wave of dense waves behind him.

This time, Yunling had no chance to react at all. Although the effect of Thunder Escape is extremely strong, it also has serious limitations. There will be a short pause between each cast, and it is this short period of time that immediately makes Yunling Ling's body was exposed to the opponent's sword glow.

The sky is full of stars, blocking Yunling's sight. I don't know when, with your legs crossed, your love has appeared behind Yunling. The enemies on that side have been completely wiped out. Only these people are left, and they still insist on it. It won't be long.

The Sword of Starlight danced crazily, and the starlight swayed down from the sky, blocking the line of sight. There was a blur in front of him, and it was impossible to distinguish where the enemy's attack came from. More importantly, now that Yunling's Thunder Dungeon had just ended, his body After a brief pause, it was difficult to react, and only had time to prop up a shield.The next moment, the sword light exploded on Yunling's body.


The Sword of Starlight, a level 25 top-level gold-ranked battle weapon, although its power is not as powerful as the dark-gold-ranked Black Dragon's Shadow, its lethality is absolutely astonishing. With a bang, the shield trembled violently. Immediately, the two legs Coil up your loving body without stopping, step forward with your feet, the sword light is swayed out again, the body surrounds Yun Ling's body, flickering quickly.

Without any powerful skills, it was just the swaying of the sword light, which completely suppressed Yun Ling's counterattack. With his own super fighting skills, he brought the power of the Starlight Sword to the extreme. It was just the most common attack, but Let Yun Ling's body retreat again and again, and the shield in front of him is constantly fluctuating, and it seems that there are signs of damage at any time.

That's not to mention, at this moment, a cold light suddenly shrouded, it was the power of frost, a thick layer of frost immediately covered the body, Yun Ling was already severely restricted in movement, in the At this moment, he became even more like a snail. He could only watch the attack in front of him, becoming more and more terrifying. Sword lights, like thunderbolts, kept flashing in front of his eyes.

Two legs crossed your love, Han Yingxue, the two top masters teamed up to completely suppress Yun Ling, even with strong strength, but now, under the repeated attacks of the two, there is no dodge at all If there is no chance, he can only endure violent attacks one after another, and the shield may be broken at any time.

Although the effect of Thunder Tunnel is strong, it also has extremely serious limitations, that is, the ability of Thunder Tunnel can only be used when there is thunder and lightning. Normally, Yun Ling casts the Thunder Energy Spell by himself, and immediately uses the Thunder Tunnel to escape. , but now, with your legs crossed, the attack of your love is like the water of the Yellow River, continuous and continuous, without giving Yunling a chance to cast energy spells.

This is the sorrow of energy masters. Their weak defense and blood volume can easily become the target of snipers. , There is no time to fight back at all.They can only retreat one after another under continuous attacks, and every time they just prepare a skill, they will be immediately interrupted by the opponent. This is the tragedy of the energy master.

Repression, repression to death!

With your legs crossed, your love didn't use any skills, it was just an ordinary attack, completely suppressing Yunling's counterattack. Any skill needs a short cooling time, and even this short period of time may be blocked by Yun Ling. Ling, a master, seized the opportunity and ran away. Facing this kind of strong man, even if your love and Han Yingxue joined forces with both legs crossed, he would not dare to relax in the slightest.


There was a violent explosion next to it. It was the power of the Meteor Holy Bullet. The bomb exploded in an instant. The bodies of dozens of senior members who were cloudless nearby were directly covered by the explosion vortex and were directly torn into countless pieces. These players , Seeing that his boss was in trouble, he was about to come over to help, but he didn't expect that a shell would make these loyal subordinates return to the west.

No one noticed that in the distant direction, a sniper was already carrying a dark sniper rifle in his hand. Under the scope, Yun Ling's constantly retreating body became more and more obvious.

At this moment, this guy Yunling was locked by three top experts, Han Yingxue, Lin Shuang, and three top experts who were able to enjoy this kind of treatment. Here, it can also be seen that he attaches great importance to Yunling.

This guy is definitely one of the strongest players in the current online game world. If nothing else, no matter how rubbish the equipment on his body, no matter how low the level is, with the powerful skill of Lei Dun, Yun Ling's strength is beyond doubt powerful.

The crosshairs outlined a blood-red cross in front of his eyes, and just under the crosshairs, Yun Ling's face became more and more clear.

With a calm face, Lin Shuang slowly pressed down his fingers as if it was a common occurrence.


There was a muffled sound, and a bullet was ejected from the barrel in an instant. Under the scope, time seemed to have entered the slow motion stage. The naked eye could even clearly see that under the scope, the bullet quickly swept across the air. But, accurately passing through the narrow gaps left between each player, such a long distance, there are at least hundreds of players in the middle, and I want to find a path where bullets can fly. Ballistic, that's definitely not an easy job.


With a scream, a bullet passed by, and a burnt mark appeared on one player's face. Not to mention, the bullet passed through another player's ear again with a smudge of blood. The ear, which was not too big, was directly smashed into pieces, and blood was flying all around.


Immediately there was only a violent roar, and the bullet completely exploded on the shield in front of Yun Ling. With a violent sound, the shield instantly shattered. Under the anti-defense effect, [-]% of the shield's defensive ability was directly deprived. Under the power of the armor-piercing bullet, a single bullet directly shattered the shield completely.

At the same time, the bullet flew and accurately sank into Yunling's chest.

In order to be able to find a trajectory for the bullet to fly among hundreds of players, Lin Shuang worked hard. Even so, he encountered two obstacles along the way, and it was these two obstacles that weakened the power of the bullet. I don't know how much, an armor-piercing bullet shattered the shield and sank into the chest.


This damage is far from the real power of the Soul Breaker Knight, and it cannot directly kill Yun Ling with one move.

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