Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 447 Statement of Humiliation

(Happy Lantern Festival everyone. Xiao 7 sees so many brothers in the book review area every day who are guarded by the God of Wealth. I am envious...)

"Dog?" Xueshuisanzhang laughed suddenly: "Haha, dog? Do you think you are a dog with me? Then what about you under his command? Hehe, you will always be just dogs..|"

"Don't worry, I am different from you. I look up to talented people. No matter what kind of talent they are, I will value them. As long as they have talents, I will treat them with courtesy. I am different from you. They are under my command. Fully display your own strength, I will bring back the humiliation of the Blood Fiend League in the game for you. Third child, you are the only one left now. I know that although you are not very powerful in combat, but in terms of logistics, you are absolutely You are a good player, if you want, I can let you be the logistics minister." Zhang Changkong promised.

Blood splattered three feet already desperate, he can almost imagine the scene of the youngest changing his face under this kind of temptation.

"Thank you, Eldest Young Master, for your kindness, but my third child was a street gangster before, with no skills. To be honest, if it weren't for Second Young Master, I might still be just a little gangster now, and I might have been hacked to death. So, I will follow the second son. I hope the eldest son will forgive me." Unexpectedly, under this kind of temptation, the third child did not rebel, but bowed slightly, and said in a deep voice, rejecting Zhang Changkong's offer kindness.

He didn't even think that the third child would reject so many benefits and continue to follow him. To be honest, at this moment, Blood Splattered even felt a touch of touch and warmth. At least, at this time, By my side, there is another person who always follows me and never abandons me.

Zhang Changkong shook his head helplessly. To be honest, such a loyal subordinate could not join him, especially in the face of such interests, he could still stick to his beliefs. Zhang Changkong admired him a lot. When it comes to him, it will definitely be a big help. .|

"You really don't think about it anymore. If you are willing to defect to me, the position of the logistics minister is yours. All equipment distribution, logistics supplies, ammunition and food are all in your charge. Just accept my order, even if it is The deputy gang leader can't give you orders." Zhang Changkong made his last effort.

The faces of the people next to him changed slightly. The benefit to the third child has already surpassed themselves. It can be said that the third child is almost the position of the deputy gang leader in the guild, and his status is still higher than his own.Ah Da and Ah Er were a little excited. The third child and the others were friends before, and now they came here by themselves, so naturally they also wanted to see the third child come over.

But what they didn't expect was that in the face of such a huge benefit, the third child still shook his head slightly: "Supposedly I shouldn't be ignorant of flattery, but... Second Young Master treats me well, I can't turn my back on it!"

"Third..." Ah Da next to him couldn't help but speak.

Zhang Changkong waved his hand: "Forget it, Ah Da, the third child has his own ambitions, we can't force it, but the third child, if you figure it out, you can come to me at any time. I will take the position of the logistics director. Always kept it for you. My brother, now it's your turn, did you make that statement?"

"Huh..." Xueshui Sanzhang let out a long breath: "Hehe, it's just a statement, I admit it, and I will publish it!"

Starting over from the beginning also needs funds. I have no money. If Zhang Changkong freezes his property, then he will not have any funds. Therefore, he has to succumb to the blood. It is absolutely impossible for a large sum of money, so he can only admit that he is cowardly.Moreover, the original masters of the Blood Fiend League were basically recruited, and even if they didn't make a statement, it would be of no use.

"Very good, now, you can make a statement. As long as you make a statement, [-] million dollars will be yours, enough to spend the rest of your life." Zhang Changkong said with a sneer.

The blood spattered three feet, and returned to his room. Looking at the game helmet on the bed, he felt helpless. He put on the game helmet full of humiliation, and returned to the game again. Next to him, Yun Ling was still quietly Waiting quietly, seeing the blood splattered, Yun Ling hurriedly stepped forward: "Brother, what's going on?"

"I'm done... The Blood Fiend Alliance has become my brother's power." Xueshui Sanzhang said with a long sigh.

"What's going on?" Yun Ling's face changed slightly.

"Everyone around me, except for the third child, was taken away by my brother. If I want to make a comeback, I must have sufficient funds. So, brother, I can only rely on you for the future." Blood Splashing with bitterness and helplessness all over his face.

Immediately, a district-wide announcement full of humiliation sounded.

"Ding, the whole district announced that my former leader of the Blood Fiend League was blood-splattered, and now I'm making a district-wide announcement. Due to this failure, the Blood Fiend League was disbanded. The original members, if they wish, can join my brother's gang. Brother, there are sufficient funds and will not treat you badly, I hope you can have a good future."

After a district-wide announcement, blood spattered all over his body as if he had collapsed, and his face was pale.

Yun Ling next to him also had a gloomy face, and his body was trembling constantly. It was obvious that countless anger had accumulated in his heart waiting to be vented.

This district-wide announcement once again caused a lot of trouble in the game. At first, I thought that Bloody Sky was just out to cause trouble, but now it seems that Bloody Sky is really a blood-splattered brother... Originally Some players who were going to join other super guilds stopped involuntarily.

It is a lie to say that he has no feelings for this gang. It would be a good thing to be with his old brothers after all. However, these players are still a little worried about whether the new gang leader will be splashed with blood. Ordinarily, they would leave their brothers behind and run away alone?

I don't know when, Blood Splattered Three Zhangs has gone offline, and returned to the hall again.

A gold card appeared in Xueshuisanzhang's hand, Zhang Changkong said: "You have done a good job, this is a fund of [-] million, it is yours now, and besides, I bought you a This villa, this place will become our family's online game base, if you are willing to join, you can also live here, I will arrange a job for you, if you are not willing, that villa is yours."

"Thank you, my dear brother, but, forget it, I'll live outside!" Xueshui Sanzhang shook his head, he knew that he was kicked out of the house, although he didn't say it clearly, but he was in this family Inside, there will no longer be the slightest place.

"Third, pack up your things, let's go, by the way, you bring Xiaoqing and Xiaoyu with you..."

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