Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 448 The Old Three's Decision

"Third brother, pack up your things, let's go, by the way, you take Xiaoqing and Xiaoyu with you..." Like a defeated rooster, the blood-splattered body was covered with a layer of faint He was dead, as if he no longer had the slightest fighting spirit. He was ready to leave this place that made him feel depressed and suffocated. This place was no longer his home. .|

Being ruthlessly expelled by his elder brother, it is conceivable how strong the resentment in his heart is, but the situation is stronger than others, and now the blood is spattering, and he has no strength to contend with his elder brother. Under the humiliation, the blood spattered three feet can only be passively endured.

But in the blood spattered in the heart, there are vicious thoughts, damn it, this home, no, this is no longer my home, these damned bastards, the humiliation given to me, one day, I will pay back twice as much!There are also those damned betrayers who promoted these little bastards step by step with their own hands. Otherwise, these people might have been hacked to death in society long ago, but these damned guys, in this At that time, he actually betrayed himself.

One day, these people will regret the choices they made today, one day.

Huh, only the third child is left by my side!Xueshui Sanzhang was a little moved in his heart, now the only person he can rely on is the third child!Therefore, other matters can only be handed over to the third child.

However, for the two women, Xiaoqing and Xiaoyu, I still feel a little bit reluctant to splatter blood. After all, they are two very beautiful beauties. Now I have limited funds around me, only [-] million funds left, and now I don’t have any. How much is it to go out to pick up girls, so these two women must stay by their side.

After hearing this sentence, the third child's eyes flashed a sharp edge, and he nodded immediately: "Yes, second young master, I will go to prepare. After I arrange the two wives, I will go Prepare the second young master's luggage."

"No need, I don't have any luggage here, I just prepare it myself, you arrange Xiaoqing and Xiaoyu." Shaking his head, the blood spattered and turned around and walked towards his room.

Seeing the blood splattered and leaving, the third child saluted Zhang Changkong and Mr. Zhang, then turned and left.Zhang Changkong couldn't help but sneer all over his face. He was still a second-generation ancestor, and he had become like this, yet he still couldn't let go of his woman.

Quietly came to the backyard, where Xiaoqing and Xiaoyu lived, the third child's eyes were filled with excitement. After waiting for so long, this moment finally arrived.Inside this villa, the security is heavily guarded, and there are bodyguards with live ammunition everywhere. I am here, and I can't start the plan at all, but now, the opportunity has finally come.

Of course, this is also the most dangerous step.

Although he was expelled from the family on the surface, he is the biological son of Mr. Zhang after all, and it is impossible for Mr. Zhang to watch his son being bullied, so he specially arranged a team of bodyguards around him, a total of twelve , all of them are specially trained masters, and several of them are soldiers who have retired from the army.So it's still a little troublesome for me to take the two women away.

When they came to the building, the two girls' eyes were dull, without the slightest expression, and the flowers were close to withering.

"Miss, the second young master asked me to come over and prepare. The second young master is going to take the two of you to live in a villa in the suburbs." The third child said in a deep voice, his eyes flickering on Xiaoyu's body, the trace of excitement , was forcibly suppressed, and now that Xiaoqing is still at the side, the third child cannot let Xiaoqing see the slightest abnormality.

Of the two girls, the third child is not going to take them all away, but the third child is only planning to take Xiaoyu away. It would be too dangerous to escape with two women.

There was a sneer on Xiaoqing's face: "That guy, has he been kicked out of the house? I already knew that that guy would not have a good life, and now, finally, his retribution has come."

"Miss Xiaoqing, don't say a word, hurry up and prepare, don't make the second young master angry." The third child said softly.

With a cold snort, Xiaoqing walked upstairs with disdain on her high heels.

At the same time, Xiaoyu also walked upstairs.Just when Xiaoyu walked up to the third child, a slight voice suddenly came from Xiaoyu's ear: "Don't bring any heavy things, I will take you to escape together later..."

Xiaoyu's complexion changed slightly, and when he looked at the third child again, he could no longer see the slightest abnormality on that dull face, Xiaoyu even thought it was his own illusion.But Xiaoyu clearly knew that it was not her own illusion, absolutely not!

I still remember a long time ago, in a game, I completed a difficult task, hung up several times, but failed to kill the boss. boss killed.

At that time, Xiaoyu was just a young girl, just at the age of first love, and the rough face of the third child also looked particularly attractive.At that time, Xiaoyu secretly fell in love with this big man, and the two played games and chatted together, and became good friends.

However, at this moment, blood splattered three feet appeared!

The third child is just a bodyguard with blood spattered.With a low status, even at that time, the third child hadn't felt his liking for Xiaoyu.Even Xiaoyu didn't understand her feelings for the third child.

Moreover, in Xueshuisanzhang's mouth, the third child happened to go to help, which became a plot deliberately arranged by Xueshangsanzhang.

It is the hazy age, and I don't know much about love, and the third child also has a dull and sluggish personality, so I don't know much at all.Under the blood-splattered deliberate overtures, as well as the deliberate show of suave and handsome, Xiaoyu, who was deeply poisoned by idol dramas, soon thought it was love. In the end, the figure of the third child was forcibly suppressed He got down and finally fell into the blood-splattered arms.

However, after that, Xiaoyu suddenly realized that it was just the beginning of a nightmare. In the future, Xiaoyu wanted to commit suicide countless times, but here, she didn't even have the right to commit suicide.

At the same time, it was at this time that the third child suddenly discovered his feelings for Xiaoyu.Countless times he wanted to get Xiaoyu out of this hell, but the blood was spattered, that was his boss, his life was in his hands, and the third child had no chance to start his plan at all.

After this game appeared, the third child finally saw hope. Coupled with the news from reality, knowing that Zhang Changkong was going to join the game, the third child knew that his chance had come.

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