Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 457 New member

After a great battle, the forces in the blood-spattered game were completely destroyed, and the Blood Fiend League was completely wiped out. .|

If that's the case, then that's all. Relying on the background of the Blood Fiend League, there is still a chance of recovery. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even if the Blood Fiend League has fallen, the foundation of this gang is still there, not ordinary Small gangs will be able to compare.

But unexpectedly, Zhang Changkong, the eldest brother of Blood Spattered Three Zhangs, stepped in and directly took away all the power in the game of Blood Spattered Three Zhangs, and even cut off many arms around him completely. This time, Blood Spattered Three Zhangs wanted to It would be extremely difficult to make a comeback.However, next to Xueshui Sanzhang, there is Yun Ling, who is very powerful, and this time, the Blood Fiend Alliance is finished, but the power of Wanli Wuyun is still there, and it is still a big threat .

Just a few seconds after Lin Shuang entered the game, the mailbox immediately beeped non-stop. When I opened it, it turned out that it was a message of your love with two legs crossed. If it weren't for the information of Lin Shuang and the others this time, if it weren't for the information of Lin Shuang and others, even if they could win the victory by bewitching the crowd, they would have to pay a very heavy price.

"You're finally online. I haven't seen you for a day. Where did you go, did you go to the past with your girlfriend?" Your love with two legs crossed, and immediately another message came, and the voice was full of strong emotions. Strong acidity.

With a helpless wry smile, Lin Shuang probably told about the third child.

The two legs on the other end of the phone crossed your love and fell silent. I didn't expect that the third child who had been helping me all this time would end up in such a miserable end. However, perhaps in the third child's heart, I felt that at this moment It's not misery, but happiness, at least, he has brought Xiaoyu away from the wolf's lair. .|

"Then what are you going to do now? There has been news from Chenlong that a week later, the two sides will duel, and six masters will be sent out to fight one-on-one. Are you ready? I heard that Chen Twelve of them, Long, completely gave up the power of Hundred Beasts, and the twelve team members concentrated on fighting in the copy of the main task of the system, and almost all of them have a set of gold-level suits, and their strength should not be underestimated." After a long time, the two The voice of your love with your legs crossed sounded again.

Lin Shuang was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered that he still had such a duel on his body. He was only concerned about the duel with the Blood Demon League before, but he forgot about it.The danger of this duel is no less than the previous one. This is a one-on-one duel, and everything depends on one's own strength.

However, Lin Shuang is not worried. His current strength is far from being comparable to that of before, and his combat power is definitely several times that of before.

"Don't worry, I'm almost ready. I believe in myself and I will never lose." Lin Shuang said confidently: "I'm going to clean up the debris on my body, and then go to explore the remains of Cybertron. Find the approximate location, do you want to come together?"

"Lost of Cybertron? Of course I'm going, when? I'll bring Miss Yingxue with me!" There was a slight excitement in the voice of love with your legs crossed.

"I'll contact you after I clear up the tasks!" Lin Shuang replied.

After hanging up the connection with your love, Lin Shuang breathed a sigh of relief, the matter of the Blood Fiend League was settled, at least in a short period of time, he would not have any more problems, and the pressure disappeared for a while , Lin Shuang even felt a little empty.

Directly in the mercenary team chat channel, spread the news that he was about to go to Cybertron. For a while, the team chat channel suddenly became extremely lively, even Qifeng, Lao Mao, Xiaojie, and There are a few cigarettes, and one by one they come to join in the fun.

At the same time, cigarettes and dragons have also brought several new members!

In the 5173 base, all the team members quickly gathered together. The bloody romance and the heartbroken two guys are always the fastest, and they appeared soon. Now the two have discovered that Wushuang is A lucky star, following this guy, the benefits are absolutely innumerable.

For the first time, although the guy who came to kill this kid didn’t succeed, but no one paid more than 1000 million yuan, that’s a lot of money. I haven’t seen it for a long time since I quit in reality. Such a large sum of money.

That's not to mention, the second time, they got together again, and it turned out to be the Shadow of the Black Dragon, Soul Breaker Knight, Nima, all of which are dark gold-level goods, more valuable than the first time.

This time, Lost of Cybertron, you can tell from the name that it is not an ordinary garbage task, how could you give up?So the two of them ran over immediately.

Soon, the old cat, Qifeng, and Xiaojie, three happy enemies, also appeared. The strength of these three people is extremely abnormal. A master, a dark-gold-level mecha, is even more perverted than a player with a dark-gold-level weapon.Originally, the old cat led Xiaojie to level up, but now, the situation has changed, and Xiaojie is now leveling with two meat shields.

Bloody Rose, Ice Orange, Milk Tea, Jelly, and Liuli also appeared. These five women are getting better and better now, and they are almost about to marry Ziyi to Jinlan. The male members of the team are getting bigger and bigger. It's not fair, shit, there are fewer resources for beauties in the first place, and these women get together, so the resources are getting less and less?

Soon, Cigarette and Dragon Walking World also appeared, and at the same time, beside the two, there were three more figures.

The two tall and straight masters with cold faces looked like soldiers who had received special training. Although their level was very low, they carried a kind of coercion that even high-level players did not have.

"Dancing alone in the night, sniper, hehe, at that time in our team, this guy was in charge of sniping, Gemini, your opponent is here!" Cigarette pointed at one of the snipers wearing black iron equipment and introduced.This is the advantage of having an old man lead the training. Ordinary players, just entering the game, have nothing. The level needs to be practiced bit by bit, and the equipment needs to be improved bit by bit. It’s like this. one set of?

"Hello, I'm going to dance alone in the dark night. Just call me Black Night. I've heard from Cigarette that your marksmanship is quite terrifying. If you have time, you can learn from it!" After shaking hands with Lin Shuang, Dance alone in the night said excitedly.It can be seen that this guy is a very enthusiastic guy with strong and powerful palms, and he is also extremely keen on the challenge of the shooter.

"Don't underestimate the members here, everyone is a master, then you will be surprised. I am glad that this is your life, the hand-to-hand combat master in our team at that time. Sanda masters, although they have not won in any competitions. Ranking, but in our army, it is definitely the king of Sanda!"

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