Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 458 Ready to set off

Although he didn't get a ranking, absolutely no one dared to underestimate this character!I am happy that you are playing your life!

Sanda king in the special forces, what is that concept?It was absolutely ruthless, and the lives in his hands were estimated to be more than the sum of the people inside. .|A member of the Special Forces, who jumps out randomly, can get an excellent ranking in that kind of competition, and that is the real killing machine.

Moreover, when these people fight, there are no taboos and no restrictions at all. No matter what kind of indiscriminate moves, as long as the attack power is strong, they will not have the slightest burden to use them. This is far from those masters who have serious restrictions. can be compared.

"Sanshou master? Hehe, brother, I have also played Sanda, and I can learn from it when I have time." My heart is broken and I am interested. This guy himself is a master of hand-to-hand combat. A hint of the idea of ​​fighting for power.

"Definitely, definitely!" I am happy and unrestrained, with a smile on my face.

"Ahem, the last member was also the goddess in the hearts of every team member in our team at that time!" After coughing twice, he pointed at the last member with a cigarette and introduced.

This is a figure in a tight-fitting military uniform, the whole body is uneven, that kind of coarse military uniform does not obliterate the woman's charming body, and the amazing temptation, on the contrary, it adds a sense of unruly conquest... the Queen of the Night, with a kind of pride revealed all over her body.

The body is healthy and handsome, but not bloated. A pair of arms are wrapped under the military uniform, so you can't see clearly. There are a pair of black leather gloves on the palm, which looks extremely capable. The face is slightly dark, not as fair as ordinary women, but absolutely healthy Tempting, her vermilion lips were pursed lightly, with a dismissive smile, as if she didn't care about everything.The body is bumpy and the chest is so high that it almost breaks through the sturdy military uniform. When it reaches the waist, there is a sudden and amazing depression. It makes people admire that there is such a beautiful scenery in the world...

"Sister Moon Shadow!" The infatuation in Cigarette's eyes flashed away: "Sister Moon Shadow is a military flower in our army. In terms of marksmanship, it is not as good as the night, in terms of fighting ability, it is not as good as life-saving, and in terms of charge ability, Not as good as me and Long Xing, but they are proficient in everything, and everything is extraordinary, and they have absolute control over all kinds of equipment, all kinds of cars, tanks, armored vehicles, airplanes, hovercraft, and cruise ships can be perfectly driven , In addition, he also has absolute control over the computer, he is a master hacker. He is a mecha master in the game."

"Hello, everyone!" Yueying stepped forward and nodded slightly. Her voice was not as soft as a woman's, but had a little more hoarseness. It's just that this hoarseness perfectly blended with her aura.

"Haha, okay, the introduction is over, now we have three more members in our team, a total of fifteen members, haha, okay, let's clear up the tasks on us now, after all, the legacy of Cybertron Luo, it can’t be completed in a while, it may take a while, and, I guess, there must be follow-up tasks after this task, and some will be busy by then.” Lin Shuang laughed and put the three new members together. Joined the team, now the team has a total of fifteen masters.

Moon Shadow, Night Dance Solo, and Desperate Three are not high-level, but they have a strong sense of combat. After the level is raised, the combat power is absolutely amazing. They are three potential masters.

A group of people dispersed quickly, and after accepting all the tasks in the base, they immediately started killing wildly around the base.

The task clearing speed is quite fast. It seems that there is not much experience at that point, but for the three newcomers, it is still quite rich. Compared with leveling by yourself, the speed is many times faster.

Three hours later, all the tasks were cleared, and the burden on the body was reduced a lot. Immediately, a group of people quickly spread out, replenishing their supplies, and Lin Shuang also started to contact your love with two legs crossed.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Shuang also dialed the mailbox of the non-stop war. If such a good thing, if he forgets the non-stop war, that guy will probably keep talking about himself for the rest of his life.

"Hey, brother, I found the lost map of Cybertron, do you want to go together?" Lin Shuang kept throwing a message at Zhan.

Soon, the information has recovered: "It's late, I didn't find it early, I didn't find it later, but I found it at this time... I can't go, the guild is busy now, there is no time, by the way, how long will your task take?" Time, don’t forget what I discussed with you before. I’m preparing the guild’s electronic token now, ***, this shit mission is actually going to blast the heroic boss, ***, this is not to Is it human life, we have all seen the strength of that alien queen, even if it is bombed, it is quite awesome, isn't this asking people to die?"

"About building a guild? Don't worry, I haven't forgotten. You handle your affairs well and contact me at any time." Lin Shuang said with a smile. He can imagine how upset Zhan Zhanbuan feels when he wants to establish a guild. It is not a small challenge to kill the hero-level boss first.

"That's good. The matter here will take a while, about a week. After it's done, our gang of the Berserker Legion will rely on you! By the way, that kid Li Shang is here, that kid is going to go, fuck it, I took the position of Lao Tzu's deputy gang leader for nothing, and I don't do anything all day long."

It is conceivable that he was constantly annoyed during the battle.

Ten minutes later, your love, Han Yingxue, and Li Shang finally appeared with their legs crossed. The original 16-member team had expanded to 19 members.Moreover, each one is an absolute master.

"Base 6224, just 35 kilometers away from the base, there is a huge mountain of beasts. The monsters inside are all monsters above level [-]. We went there once a long time ago, but we were hung up. According to the scene shown on this map, it is quite similar to the Beast Mountain Range, so that place is likely to be where this electronic map points to." Milk Tea introduced.

"Moreover, although the monsters inside are all beasts, they all have one thing in common, that is, those beasts are basically mechanical life." Jelly added beside it.

Mechanical life?That's interesting.

According to the plot in Transformers, it seems that after the electronic planet was destroyed, the Autobots and Decepticons evolved into giants and primitive beasts respectively, and finally fell to the prehistoric earth at the same time during the battle between the two sides. Lost, should start from these places!

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