It was gloomy, absolutely gloomy, as if a blizzard was coming, and the few capable men around him, seeing the boss like this, didn't dare to continue talking and laughing, for fear of accidentally touching the boss's bad luck.

After a long time, a person slowly said: "Brother, what's going on?"

This is also the only person in the entire mythology who dared to speak out when the Mad God was furious. This person was the right-hand man of the Mad God. It can even be said that this guy was partly responsible for the success of the Mad God in usurping the throne.

still!The myth remains!

In the old mythology, Xiaojie was the leader of the gang, and the deputy leader of the mad god. As for this, it was the same that the mad god single-handedly promoted him. The plan to usurp the throne was still arranged. , a series of up and down activities, and relationship building, are still masterpieces.

In the end, he even suggested Crazy God to lead Shinhwa to develop in a small online game, and finally absorbed a large number of newcomers, allowing Shinhwa to come out of the trough.

It can be said that Shinhwa's trough was caused by Shinhwa still alone, and even Shinhwa came out of the trough later, it was still Shinhwa's credit.In the Shinhwa Gang, it can be said that it is a character with mixed merits and demerits, and has great controversy.

At the same time, this is still a powerful think tank beside the mad god!Regarding Myth Still, Mad God is quite dependent. It can be said that Mad God can get angry with any member, but he will never be angry with Shang Shang.

The members around him are also his confidantes. These people are either old members of Shinhwa who have a good relationship with him and are quite loyal to him, or they were single-handedly promoted later.After usurping the throne, Mad God immediately started drastic reforms. While developing the strength of his own guild, he secretly cleaned out the old players in the guild who were dissatisfied with him, especially the members of the management, and bought them as much as possible. , Those who cannot be bribed will be directly kicked out of the gang.

After attracting a large number of new players, they intensified their efforts. Talented players were selected from among the newcomers, and they were trained to improve each one very quickly. Now, in the guild, except for a few old members who are loyal to the Mad God, other high-level players , all of them are newcomers after Xiaojie left. It can be said that in the current myth, except for some middle and low-level managers and some old members without official positions, most of the power is in the hands of Mad God.

Therefore, Mad God didn't have much scruples, directly in front of so many subordinates, he said in a deep voice: "That guy Xiaojie has appeared."

Xiaojie?Still slightly stunned, he didn't react for a while, but soon, his face darkened, like a lump of black charcoal.Who is Xiaojie?That was Shinhwa's former gang leader, the real founder of Shinhwa, and now he finally understands why Mad God's face is so gloomy.

The appearance of Xiaojie will definitely cause some violent fluctuations in the myth. It is no wonder that the mad god is so worried and angry, and even has a trace of fear.

Xiaojie has a very high reputation in mythology. During the heyday, that is, the period when Xiaojie was finally in power, the total number of members in mythology exceeded 40. After Mad God usurped the throne, he directly left more than 15. When God cleaned up the old members of the gang, most of the members left again, one after another, and the number of players who left exceeded 25, or even close to 30.

Nowadays, the total number of Shinhwa members is about 30. Among the 30, there are more than [-] old people from Shinhwa. These people are very convinced by Xiaojie. The gang collapsed, and probably left long ago.

The appearance of Xiaojie now will definitely cause drastic changes in Shinhwa. If Xiaojie has the heart, he will go on stage and shout. The members who left Shinhwa before, and even the current members of Shinhwa will definitely leave most of the players. Definitely a fatal blow.

Mad God also knows that some of his actions have caused dissatisfaction among some old members.But Mad God doesn't regret it, as a gang leader, he must be ruthless and decisive, otherwise, how can he control a huge gang?

Hearing Xiaojie's name, the management members next to him immediately understood that they were old enemies, no wonder Mad God's face was so gloomy.

Xiaojie, when they first joined Shinhwa, what they heard the most was the lady's name. One can imagine what kind of status Xiaojie has in Shinhwa.If Xiaojie really wanted to rebuild Shinhwa, half of the old players in Shinhwa would probably leave the guild, which would definitely be a serious trauma to Shinhwa.

Nowadays, mythology has not yet returned to its most prosperous period, and it can even be said that it is far behind.Especially the new members, the strength is uneven, those old players are still the loyal force of the myth, so the mad god can't afford it at all.

"What should we do now?" Mad God still asked.

"Compared to us, I am more concerned. What did Xiaojie suddenly appear in the 6224 base? Although the 5224 base is our main base, it is not the real central base. There are not many mythical players in it, and there are also a lot of old players. Rare. If Xiaojie wanted to come here to restore his status, why did he choose such an inconspicuous base? Moreover, why did he refuse to admit that he was Xiaojie after being discovered by our people?" Still rolling his eyes, he spoke softly Said.

"You mean?"

"That's right, Xiaojie's trip may not be to restore his status, and Xiaojie is not an idiot. He is very clear that the current myth is no longer the previous myth. His majesty is still there, but it is no longer enough to command the world. In other words, Xiaojie’s trip must have been in base 6224 for special missions or other things. Of course, we can’t be careless. By the way, Xiaojie is with someone or alone ?” Still asked.

"It is said that Xiaojie and Wushuang, Xiaoqi, Lishang, your love with legs crossed, Lishang, Crazy World, Han Yingxue and a few others are all good friends of Wushuang, and they got together. "

"Li Shang? Your love with two legs crossed? That's a little troublesome. These two people, one represents the Berserker Legion, and the other represents the bewitching face, neither of them is easy to mess with. How can Xiaojie get along with them? They got mixed together, could it be that they want to use the strength of these two people to rebuild their guild?" Still confused, he paused, and a gleam of coldness flashed in his eyes: "Boss, now we have two Choice, first, kill them, including Li Shang, cross your legs with your love, Xiaojie and the others; second, treat each other with courtesy, recruit Xiaojie into the guild, two choices, no matter which one is very good Danger."

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