Both options are very dangerous. The first option is likely to offend the bewitching crowd and the Berserker Legion. The two super guilds are definitely a disaster for Shinhwa.

Moreover, people like Crazy World and Wushuang are not easy to mess with.

For the second option, the Mad God just ignores it and recruits Xiaojie back, which is tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain, which is something that the Mad God will never do.

"The first one!" Sure enough, Mad God directly chose the first one: "But, although I want to kill them, I don't want to set myself on fire."

"That's easy, Wushuang. Isn't your love with your legs crossed? These two are the sworn enemies of the Blood Fiend League. No problem, right? During this period of time, that blood-stained sky established a blood alliance of some kind, and recruited many masters of the Blood Fiend Alliance. Almost all the management members were recruited. However, I remember that our gang also accepted There are quite a few members of the Blood Fiend League, right? You can let those people take action, say they are the masters of the Blood Fiend League, so that the hatred will be transferred to Blood Spattering Sanzhang! Anyway, Blood Spattering Sanzhang is useless now, Withholding a shit basin can be regarded as reusing waste..."

The words of Shinhwa still made Mad God’s face full of smiles, looking at Shinhwa still, his face was full of obscene smiles like gays: "Hey, still, still, you boy, you are bad enough... Don’t you think that blood-splattered kid is not unlucky enough? If he provokes the Berserker Legion again, that blood-spattered kid may delete his account directly.”

"This is called beating a dog in the water..|Crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, this is my unique skill... Hehe, this time we have pitted the kid who splashed three feet of blood, so we must not let this kid have a chance to get up, otherwise , he will definitely come over to take revenge on us, and it will be troublesome at that time. It is better to take the opportunity to step on them all at once, and there will never be a chance to climb out. However, we can't be careless, Wushuang and those people are very strong. When Shameng was in its heyday, none of them were the opponents of that group of people. Those people might not be able to resist, but everyone is a master of guerrilla warfare. We must also be prepared. If there are a few Undead Wushuang, we have to prepare for the worst." Shinhwa still sneered.

Mad God nodded, and immediately began to contact the former Blood Fiend League masters who have now defected to his sect. These people hate Wushuang and your love with two legs crossed. If you know this news, you can imagine, the heart Anger will explode in an instant and burn wildly. At that time, I only need to tease a little, and I am not afraid that these people will be dishonest and follow the path I arranged.

At this time, Lin Shuang and his party had already left the base, and they were speeding towards the Beast Mountain Range in a few luxury cars. There were many players along the way, and there were players who were leveling everywhere. Ten kilometers away, the situation immediately took a huge turn.The players who could be seen everywhere disappeared immediately after arriving here, not even a single one could be seen.

"The outskirts of the Beast Mountain Range have arrived!" Milk Tea and Jelly said almost at the same time: "Although this is only the outskirts of the Beast Mountain Range, there are often powerful mechanical beasts running down from the Beast Mountain Range. They are powerful. Once you encounter such a monster, you will die Undoubtedly, therefore, players in this base will basically not cross this cordon."

"The map is starting to show, that's right here." At this moment, Lin Shuang also said suddenly, and suddenly, Lin Shuang found that his precious map, since his group appeared here, suddenly The beeping sounded, a tiny red dot appeared at the beginning of the map, and at the end, there was a bright red fork. Obviously, that place was where the final treasure was located.

With a creak, the vehicle stopped instantly at this place, and more than a dozen figures came out of the car one by one.It doesn't matter where there are a lot of players, because not only sports cars are attractive to mutant beasts, but so are players, but they are not as attractive as sports cars.

If there were mutant beasts in the previous leveling areas, they would have appeared long ago.But here is different, there are no players here, and no one knows whether there are powerful mutant beasts hidden underground, so there is no room for relaxation.

The team reshape in an instant, everyone is an absolute master, they all know their position in the team, they don’t even need any command, each one has already lined up, with two legs crossed your love, Qifeng, Laomao, Alice, Signor, Broken Heart, and Desperate appeared at the front of the team. Although the level of Desperate was very low, only level [-], they also took on the responsibility of being a battle guard.

In the middle are the members of Long Xing Tian Tian, ​​Cigarette, Xiao Jie, Crazy Xing Tian Tian, ​​Yue Ying, Li Shang, and Han Ying Xue, and behind them are Wu Shuang, Wu Ye Solo, Liu Li, and Bing Cheng.

All the battle pets are summoned, Vita, Signor, Naye, Alice four powerful battle pets, and there is also a powerful king of tentacle monsters with two legs crossed around your love, just met the magical girl, Although there is a guard from the master, it is inevitable to grin for a while.

Especially looking at Naye's appearance, it seems that he can't directly throw out a move of Huangxia Storm, which directly drowns this guy.As for the tentacle monster king, he was not polite, nasal sounds spewed out from his nose, and more than a dozen tentacles danced wildly, as if he wanted to surround Naye and have some obscenity.

The king of tentacle monsters and the magical girl are natural enemies. Even after becoming a battle pet, this situation has not changed much.


Following the order of your love with two legs crossed, the team members quickly moved forward, following the instructions on Lin Shuang's map, and headed towards the Beast Mountain Range.

Although it has not yet formally entered the range of the Beast Mountain Range, there have been waves of shrill beast roars nearby. In this quiet and empty space, it seems that there will always be only a dozen or so lonely figures.Although shadowy, but there is no sense of excitement, against the background of the surrounding open environment, it looks even more gloomy.

All around, there seemed to be countless powerful beings ambushing, and they might launch the most craziest attacks at any time.

Lonely, empty, the sky is full of haze, the ground is overgrown with weeds, and towering ancient trees block the sunlight in the sky, making this area even more eerie and weird.

Just when Lin Shuang and his team were dispatched, there were several more spaceships in the 6224 base, and each player, with endless hatred on their faces, quickly integrated in the base, which was the remaining power of the Blood Fiend League.

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