Winged Beast, a powerful life at level [-], but in front of the hero-level Kuaisao, there is not much resistance at all. The whole body shatters directly in mid-air, turning into endless fragments, mixed with ferocious blood rain, falling from the sky It fell from the sky, and there were flying feathers everywhere. .|

Such a powerful life, but in front of Kuai Dao, died so easily.

Kuai Dao's strength is really too perverted.

Damn it, I didn't expect to provoke such a powerful life this time.

The three sports cars seem to be crazy, advancing quickly without any hesitation. Although the Winged Beast is not the opponent of Kuai Dao, the Winged Beast slows down the speed of Kuai Dao a little. The distance between the two sides, taking advantage of this opportunity Quickly pull away.

But it is obvious that Kuai Dao, a stubborn warrior, will not let go of the fleeing enemies in front of him. The electric light flickers on his body, and the dense energy fluctuations have completely enveloped Kuai Dao's body. Although the two are not particularly strong, they are Absolutely powerful long legs, crazy strides, every jump is a distance of tens of meters, and the pursuit speed is extremely terrifying.

That's not to mention, just in the process of advancing, it seems that the automatic repair system is activated, and the scars left over from the previous battle on Kuaidao's body are recovering rapidly. The speed visible to the naked eye, the cracks, quickly make up, the original terrifying speed , is rapidly recovering.

Moon Shadow, Dancing Solo in the Night, Cigarette, and the three guys are driving three sports cars, desperately moving forward. As for the other members, they keep blocking the quick knife's footsteps, even if they can only delay it by less than one-tenth of a second The clock time is also a huge improvement. .|

"Be careful, we are leaving the prehistoric earth area..." At some point, the sound of cigarettes suddenly came from the team chat.

Each of the companions was slightly taken aback, and quickly grabbed the car body beside them to stabilize their figure. The next moment, the whole person seemed to fly directly into the sky, the car body seemed to be floating in the void, and the blue light in front of him flashed away , There is no such thrilling scene when he came in, it was just a blink of an eye, like a wave of water blowing over his body, in less than a second, the familiar scene appeared in front of him again.

A few meters high in the air, the huge body of the car hit the ground with a bang, and bounced several times in succession. Immediately, the three sports cars continued to flee towards the distance without stopping at all. God knows if this guy will come out after him. The extent of prehistoric Earth?According to the character of Kuai Dao, the guy who admits death, this is very possible.

The car body quickly shuttled across the ground, and as expected, a few seconds later, with an angry roar, the figure of Kuaidao rushed out of the boundary line of the prehistoric earth and appeared behind the sports car.

"**..." Xiao Qi couldn't help cursing. The expressions on the faces of the other teammates around him were also very ugly. To scold your mother, this damn guy, can't you stop for a while?It's day, running for so long, aren't you tired?Can't you take a break?

It's just a pity that Kuaidao didn't hear the curses in everyone's hearts. There seemed to be a propeller behind his body, and his speed became even more terrifying, like a tiger descending a mountain, chasing him directly.

"Brother Ruthless, where did those guys go? You haven't found them after searching for so long?" On the other side, within the range of the Beast Mountain Range, a group of players are conducting a carpet-like search. Find the target.

Hearing the complaints from the subordinates around him, Xue Wuqing felt uneasy on his face, shit, you ask me, who am I asking?

Xue Wuqing is a very realistic person. The Blood Fiend League is finished, even the two bosses of Blood Splatter and Yun Ling have failed. Naturally, Xue Wuqing will not get ahead easily. There is no need for that. However, Xue Wuqing looks The woman in the house, like the boss's ex-girlfriend, appears beside Wushuang?Although there seemed to be no gossip between the two parties, it still made Xue Wuqing feel uneasy.

***, the woman you pursued ran away with someone else, how do you let these younger brothers treat you?

Coupled with the mad god's request, Blood Ruthless did it right away... This is a plan that kills three birds with one stone, which is pretty good.

First, I seek refuge with the Mad God, but my brothers, who want equipment, are all blown up, and want to level, they are all lost, and there is nothing. Just take this opportunity to show your strength to the Mad God, maybe you can get it. Reuse, moreover, not only solved the trouble of Mad God, but also got a lot of equipment.

Second, through this incident, he established his position in the hearts of these subordinates, and at that time he will also have the reliance to ask for benefits from the Mad God.

Third: This time, the matter is what the mad god wants to do, which means that he has mastered a small braid of the mad god, and he will not be afraid that the mad god will be rude to him in the future.This is the biggest benefit.

Fourth: You can also vent your anger by the way...

Damn, it's killing three birds with one stone, it's four birds with one stone!

It's a fool not to do such a thing.Therefore, Xue Wuqing didn't hesitate, and brought the brothers around him, more than a thousand people.There were only twenty or so people on the other side, and it was impossible for him to be the opponent of so many brothers. Even if Wushuang, Liuli, and Bloody Romance could escape, the others would definitely not be able to.

What makes Xue Wuqing feel uncomfortable is that after searching for such a long time, he was so tired that he stretched out his tongue, but until now, he has never seen the figures of those people. Where did these damned guys go? ?

"Brother Wuqing, Brother Wuqing, did you find three sports cars ahead?" At this moment, a subordinate on the other side suddenly reported.

Three sports cars?Xue Wuqing's mouth split open, damn it, after searching for so long, I finally found it.

"Brothers, come on, surround those guys for me, don't let any of them go... Haha... It's time to avenge the gang leader, the blood will splatter the boss forever..." Excited, Xue Wuqing said whatever he wanted, even Even the words of immortality popped out. It is estimated that the blood was splashed three feet and he did not die. If he heard this sentence, he would be so angry.

"A group of players appeared in front of us, what should we do? Do we want to avoid them?" Just as he was advancing rapidly, Cigarette also spotted a large area of ​​players in the distance. He frowned involuntarily and asked casually.


Lin Shuang was taken aback for a moment, and with the power of the scope, he looked into the distance, and a familiar face appeared in front of Lin Shuang, blood ruthless?It's time, isn't this the bloodless kid?The younger brothers beside him also looked a little familiar, as if they were all remnants of the Blood Fiend Alliance?

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