Well, these people actually appear here?Surely he didn't come here to relax, this is too coincidental, right?As soon as I got here, my deadly enemy came over?

But to be honest, Lin Shuang really didn't regard this Xue Wuqing as a deadly enemy in his heart. This guy is purely a shit-stirring stick. If it weren't for this guy, blood spattering would not be so miserable. .|Even in Lin Shuang's heart, he didn't even pay attention to the blood spattering. It was Yun Ling who really caught Lin Shuang's attention.

Among other things, Yun Ling's ability to train his subordinates is definitely above blood spattering.

Although the Blood Fiend League is known as a super guild, it is still the bottom of the pack. There are not many masters under it, only the few legion commanders and three personal bodyguards can barely handle it.But Yunling is different. Although there are only [-] players, everyone is a master.Regardless of Yunling's own strength, Lin Shuang was not sure that he could kill Yunling one-on-one.Moreover, there are quite a few powerful people under his command, and the strength of the snipers of the sixth son is no less than that of the dog and snake in the Chinese zodiac.

How many masters in the game can surpass Shugou and Sisnake?

Although the guild only has 3 people, the real threat is greater than the 20 players of the Blood Fiend League.

It's just that after the complete downfall of the Blood Fiend League, the Blood Fiend League appeared and the Blood Fiend League disbanded, Yun Ling and Xue Xishangsanzhang completely disappeared and never appeared. There is not a single figure of a cloudless character.

Although they couldn't find them, it didn't mean those people really left.

Although there is not much communication, Lin Shuang can feel that Yun Ling is definitely not a character who is willing to let it go. He and Xueshui Sanzhang must be lying in ambush somewhere, waiting for an opportunity to rise. .|In the future, there will definitely be an even more intense battle between the two sides.

"Blood Heartless? The remaining members of the Blood Fiend Alliance, who of you know, after the disbandment of the Blood Fiend Alliance, which boss's sect did the Blood Wuqing group join?" Lin Shuang asked with a smile when he retracted the Soul Breaker Knight.

"I really don't know about this!" In this regard, Li Shang has the most right to speak: "Blood is ruthless, and his strength is not very good, but he is publicized and provokes troubles, so many bosses are willing to recruit other experts. Provoke this guy. It is said that this kid once led people and joined the Angel Family, Zenith, Nightmare, and even mythology, but he seems to have been kicked out. No one wants to provoke this trouble, so now I really don’t know this guy Which guild it belongs to now. It’s hard to say which guild secretly accepted it.”

"It doesn't matter, since they are here looking for death, then we will fulfill them, drive at full speed, let me rush over, as for the sharp knife, just leave it to these people." A sneer, the murderous intent in the words made the body tremble, damn it , So ruthless, the strength of Kuaidao is not something that thousands of players can compete with, damn it, it is estimated that in less than 2 minutes, these people will be slaughtered.Poor guy, if there is a way to heaven, you don't go, but if there is no way to hell, you break in. If this is the case, then don't blame the old men for being cruel.

One by one the figures crouched down in an instant, and the next moment, the vehicle moved forward at full speed and flew straight ahead. The distance of less than a kilometer was gone in the blink of an eye. On the car body, clusters of bright blood flowers exploded.

"Damn, stop them all, stop these guys, don't let them run away..." Xue Wuqing's face changed slightly, and he ordered sharply.

It's just that under this order, the players who were originally blocked in front of the three sports cars, not only did not stick to their positions, but quickly ran away to both sides one by one. Damn, under the impact of this speed, everyone will be smashed into meat paste, they haven't lived enough, and they don't want to commit suicide.


The vehicle passed through the crowd quickly, and there were scattered bullets from behind. It's a pity that these silver-level bullets couldn't break through the protection of the car body, leaving white marks helplessly.

"Grass, a bunch of trash!" Blood ruthlessly jumped to his feet, his face full of viciousness, cursing these useless subordinates, ****, they don't even dare to stop the car, what's the use of them?What, do you want to go up and stop it yourself?What are you kidding, such a fast speed, do you want to court death?

I am the boss, even if I want to die, I still want my subordinates to die!This is what a boss should do.


Just when Xue Wuqing was angry, there was a sudden roar from behind, and then, a huge figure that seemed to be poured from gold appeared in front of everyone, and the sharp knife finally appeared.

Slightly stunned for a moment, the attribute of Kuai Dao appeared in front of Xue Wuqing.

Transformers?Hero level boss?Primal member?

Xuewuqing was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes were filled with endless desire.Haha, no wonder those guys wanted to run away. It turned out that they met a hero-level boss. They couldn't beat them, but it didn't mean they couldn't beat them. They only had ten or twenty people, and they had thousands of men under their command.

"Hero level boss, brothers, copy this guy, kill this guy, we will send it..." At this time, Xue Wuqing made a rather stupid decision, and actually led his subordinates, only a thousand players, Outrageously surrounded the heroic boss.

Seeing these little guys dare to attack him, Kuai Dao directly put this group of people into the team of those before him, the anger began to vent, the hand cannon started to spin, and with a bang, a shell exploded directly in the crowd, There was a bang, smoke and dust flew all around, and all of a sudden, bright flames were everywhere, and destructive power exploded in the crowd. That kind of power, which can be called abnormal, is so powerful that it is outrageous. Unable to resist that astonishing power, under the destructive fluctuations, hundreds of players fell directly in the explosion.

Immediately, the figure of Kuaidao flickered in midair, appearing directly in the crowd, the iron tongs swept across, and with a bang, a player's head was instantly shattered...

The bloody massacre began.

Misfortune to the east!

Kuai Dao, a powerful boss, was formally led by Wushuang to Xue Wuqing, the burden was finally taken off, and the vehicle quickly fled towards the base, leaving behind screams of crying father and mother until the war started Afterwards, they realized how wrong their previous thoughts were. The power of this sharp knife is far from being able to compete with the power of thousands of players under them. Any attack will cause a large number of players to fall, corpses, and the ground. There were broken bodies everywhere.

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