Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 494 547 Intermediate Base

Cheng Yaojin still has three swords, but this unlucky battle is non-stop, only for a while!He couldn't help stretching out a middle finger towards Zhan. .|

But this time, Lin Shuang finally came to his senses. Before, he just felt that the three-headed python was powerful, but he forgot one thing. Ordinary bullets may not be able to cause serious damage to it, but bombs can.There is only one moment of non-stop fighting, but I still have two strokes.

Nanoha and Weta appeared at the same time, and the small space suddenly became a little crowded.

After losing one of its heads all of a sudden, the three-headed boa constrictor continued to chase and kill. One head disappeared, which made the three-headed boa constrictor even more angry.

"Spiral missile!"

As soon as he appeared, Weta was unceremonious, and with a yell, a spiral missile was ejected quickly. The shell spun wildly in mid-air. In the blink of an eye, it had already appeared in front of the three-headed boa constrictor. The next moment, the bomb exploded instantly. The spiral missile was powerful. With a bang, the body of the three-headed boa constrictor was directly thrown out, and blood flowed horizontally.

"Meteor Holy Bullet!"

Naye's attack followed closely, and the power of the meteor bullet instantly exploded wildly at the junction of the remaining two heads of the three-headed boa constrictor. With a violent roar, the entire huge body, like a fallen leaf, exploded directly every now and then fly out.

The violent power directly knocked the three-headed boa constrictor into the air, not to mention that the huge body was covered with cuts and bruises. At this moment, an unknown number of scales peeled off from the body, and the blood flowed horizontally. That kind of picture looked extremely horrifying , chilling.

The power of the Meteor Holy Bullet is definitely not inferior to the grenade.However, the grenade was lucky, so that it could not die, and it just got into the mouth of the three-headed python to produce that effect, but now the three-headed python has learned how to behave, its mouth is closed, and no one can do anything about it .

However, even if the three-headed boa constrictor keeps its mouth shut, it may not be able to keep its head.Naye sneered, and the Meteor Sacred Blade tore through the air directly, the shrill sound made people shudder.

Like a shooting star, it quickly spun in mid-air, and in the blink of an eye, it had already appeared in front of the three-headed boa constrictor. Immediately, the meteor holy blade cut through it, and with a snort, the dark green head fell directly, bouncing on the ground After a few clicks, there was no more movement in the end.

Another head is gone.

Of the three pythons, only the last one remains.

This time, even the three-headed python felt fear.There was only the last blue head left, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes, and he didn't dare to continue chasing and killing it.

Run, run, run!

Although the most powerful three-headed boa constrictor did not dare to continue chasing and killing them, there were still other monsters, and the situation was still dangerous, but at least it saved a lot of trouble.

Fleeing frantically, after more than ten minutes passed, he finally escaped from the scope of the Death Grassland.

But escaping is escaping, and no one dared to stay any longer, and continued to flee crazily towards the front. In another half an hour, a wide, huge city appeared in front of everyone, huge, tall, violent, Full of astonishing vigor, towering into the sky.

That is the middle base.

Seeing the intermediate base, everyone even had tears in their eyes. ***, it is too difficult to reach the intermediate base. That dead grassland almost took everyone's life away, but now, It's finally over.

The intermediate base is right in front of you.

Broad and grand, almost all players who saw the mid-level base for the first time had such an expression, that kind of grandeur, which made people feel a little more awe in their hearts, just like a real city.

"My day has finally arrived..." Zhan Zhan Zhan couldn't help sighing.

"Yes, it's finally here!" Lin Shuang also stepped off the off-road vehicle.

SUV?At this time, the off-road vehicle does not have the slightest appearance of a vehicle. It looks like a dilapidated tractor with a wood on the front?There are mottled traces everywhere, and the seven-level energy stone is charged. Although the car did not explode directly, it is not far from destruction.


A car was parked nearby.

Turning around and looking, there were originally more than 50 off-road vehicles, but now there are only a dozen or more, and more than 35 vehicles are all destroyed in the battle. At the same time, the brothers in the vehicles were also destroyed.

Among other things, the loss of the car alone is an astronomical figure, tens of millions of losses.

"Brother, I have a request..." Zhan Zhan Zhan Zhan said in a deep voice.

"What request, tell me?"

"I don't want to stop you from getting rich, brother, but I hope that after I establish a guild, if you want to make a fortune, you have to wait for a while, at least a week, or raise the price. This time, our brothers have lost too much. Establishing a guild After that, it will take a long time to make up for it." Zhan Bianbu said in a deep voice.

"No problem, no problem for a week, but in this week, what if you say that I raise the price to 2000 million or 3000 million?" Lin Shuang smiled.

"Hey, 5000 million, [-] million is fine, shit, I'm bleeding, and others don't think about it. But it's all cheaper than you." Zhan Bian shook his head and said helplessly.

The members got out of the car one by one. To sum up, the damage was extremely serious. There were only twelve cars left, and there were players casualties in each car. Now the total number of players is only 97 people, plus Lin Shuang has four and one hundred and one members.

Among them, there are 28 guards, [-] mech divisions, [-] snipers, and [-] medical soldiers.The remaining submachine gunners, energy controllers, magic gunners, and machine gunners added up, only thirty left, and the loss was extremely serious.


Seeing such a loss, Zhan Zhan Zhan's face became more and more gloomy. With a big wave of his hand, one hundred and one members all walked into the base, an intermediate base.

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to player Wushuang for entering the No. 547 intermediate base!"

The sound of the system prompt appears in due course.

The mid-level base has a much wider ground than the low-level base, a more prosperous downtown, more arrogant buildings, and more NPCs. With this wave of players entering the mid-level base, the entire game will usher in a new era.

Everything is full of novelty, allowing many members to temporarily forget the pain of the loss of their companions.Start searching in the intermediate base.

The map has already shown that the Commissioner of Military Ranks is in a corner to the north of the base, and as for the aviation center, it is in the very center of the base.

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