Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 495 Lieutenant Colonel Badge of Military Rank

All members, all came to the aviation center.This is the troublesome place. Only after the aviation center is registered, the aviation center can be officially opened, so that they can transfer between low-level and mid-level bases.

"Xiao Ding, all of you take the spaceship, go back to the 5172 base, and bring the large army over. It was prepared a long time ago, and now the whole army can finally go forward." The battle stopped and more than a dozen members all left , Take the spaceship back to base 5172.The other team members still stayed at the base.

Although only a dozen or so members were sent back, each member's spaceship can accommodate a thousand players, and this time they can immediately bring over 1 legions.This is the non-stop plan.In the beginning, there were only a thousand elite members, and as long as one could enter the intermediate base, it would be equivalent to endless players appearing.

Endless players, no matter what the task is, they will be crushed to death!Otherwise, with only a thousand members, even if you can enter the middle-level base, it is almost impossible to open up a path to the high-level base.

After Xiaoding and the others left in the spaceship, Zhanbuan gave another order, and dozens of members left immediately and began to search in the city.These people are all plucking geese. Their mission is to find out where there are special missions and hidden missions in this base. These all symbolize countless benefits and treasures. Now that they have come to this base, then You can't let it go.

This is the benefit of opening up wasteland. The first batch of players who enter this kind of base will receive special missions, and the probability of hidden missions is far more amazing than the later players.When the players entered later, the real benefits had basically been scooped up.

As for Lin Shuang and the others, they came to the place where the military rank appointees were.

Intermediate bases can obtain school-level military ranks.

In the face of Lin Shuang's rich military merit, the lieutenants of the low-level bases did not dare to be presumptuous, and the school officers of the mid-level bases did not dare to be rampant.After honestly paying a military salute, the commissioning officer said in a deep voice, "Hello, respected soldier, what do you need?"

"I want to raise my rank," Lin Shuang replied.

"You have 11 three points of military merit, you can get the rank of major and lieutenant colonel."

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to player Wushuang, who successfully obtained the rank of major."

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to player Wushuang for successfully obtaining the rank of lieutenant colonel."

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to player Wushuang, who has obtained a major rank badge, and the captain's rank badge has disappeared. He has obtained major rank equipment and a major field uniform."

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to player Wushuang, who has obtained a lieutenant colonel rank badge, and the major rank badge has disappeared, and has obtained a lieutenant colonel field trousers and a lieutenant colonel field wristband."

The system prompts four times in succession. Lin Shuang's military rank has directly reached the rank of lieutenant colonel. At the same time, he won the rank badge of lieutenant colonel, as well as the lieutenant colonel's field wristband and two lieutenant colonel's field uniforms.

"Dear soldier, if you want to obtain the rank of colonel, you must complete difficult challenges and prove your strength. I wonder if you are ready?" the commissioning officer asked again in a deep voice.

"I'm ready."

"Please go three hundred kilometers outside the north gate of the 547 intermediate base, kill the traitor colonel, obtain the colonel's rank badge, and prove your strength."

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Wushuang for successfully accepting the colonel's rank mission, the target, killing the traitor colonel, and obtaining the colonel's rank badge. The time limit is three days!"

The task is finally received.

The rank badge of lieutenant colonel, it is a gold rank badge, the attributes are quite powerful.Badges belong to a special kind of equipment. They don’t take up the equipment slot and can be used by pinning them on the chest. They belong to a special kind of equipment, a symbol of honor. Currently, there is only one way to get medals in the game, and that is military merit.Moreover, only military ranks above the school level can be obtained.

Now the only equipment on Lin Shuang's body is the jade pendant and the wristbands, which are only silver-level items. Now after the Lieutenant Colonel's field wristband and the lieutenant colonel's rank badge, although the jade pendant is still silver-level, there is an extra military rank Badge, the strength has been improved immediately.

Lieutenant Colonel badge: special equipment (proof of military rank, only players who have made extraordinary contributions to mankind and obtained the rank of Lieutenant Colonel can obtain this badge.)

The experience value of killing monsters increases by an additional one percent.

Lucky value +1!

Equipment requirements: rank of lieutenant colonel

Death Protection, undropable, untradeable.

When seeing this medal, not to mention Lin Shuang, even Liu Li and Li Shang were horrified even if they were fighting non-stop.Although there are only two attributes, those attributes are absolutely powerful.This is the power of rank badges.

The experience value of killing monsters increases by an extra one percent. Although it is not much, it is also a big improvement for the leveling speed. The most important thing is the bonus of that little luck value, which is really crazy Attributes.

"I scolded the neighbor next door. I will also attack the military merit value in the future. Damn, this attribute is too strong." After a long time, the battle continued before he slowly said, the attribute of the medal is too strong. \

Moreover, the most important thing is that this is an additional piece of equipment that does not occupy the equipment bar at all. Even players with the same level of equipment have two more attributes than other players for no reason. Who can not be jealous?

The major’s field uniform has good attributes, but it is only silver-level equipment. Lin Shuang gave it up directly, and slowly pinned the medal on the angry field uniform on his chest. The lucky value immediately increased a little, reaching the level of seven points.

This kind of lucky value is absolutely terrifying among players at this stage.

Lieutenant Colonel Field Bracers: Gold Level Equipment (Proof of the brave, only players who have obtained the rank of Lieutenant Colonel can wear this equipment.)

Defense +232

Strength +67

Constitution +62

Dexterity +77

Additional skills: Quick refill skill level +1

Level requirements: level 35

Dexterity Requirement: 80

Strength Required: 120

Occupation Requirements: Gunner

Another piece of top-quality equipment has appeared, and the skill level of quick reloading has been increased by one.That's all for other attributes. This attribute is absolutely powerful, fast reloading, and one of the most valued skills for snipers.

The replacement speed of snipers is slow, and that little time may even make the difference between life and death.Therefore, every sniper has maximized this skill.Every increase is a small improvement, but for a sniper, it is more important than a top-quality piece of equipment.

Now Lin Shuang's quick reloading skill was originally only level four, but now it has reached level five immediately.Five-level fast reloading, the speed of changing bullets is reduced by [-] seconds, which is enough for Lin Shuang to change the speed of bullets to an extremely terrifying level.

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