Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 505 Challenge

"Brother, it doesn't matter. When our army surrounds him, this guy, even if he has three heads and six arms, will definitely die..|" Zhan Bubu next to him said with a smile.

Lin Shuang shook his head slowly, without taking his eyes off the scope in front of him: "No, your man, keep chasing him, but before you surround him, he will definitely be knocked down by me."

Seeing Lin Shuang's expression, the battle is not going on, so he no longer insists. He knows that people like this kind of people who have expertise in a certain area are extremely proud. In other areas, they can tolerate failure, but in their own In the fields they are good at, they absolutely cannot accept any failure.


Another bullet was ejected from the barrel of the gun. Lin Shuang's eyes were not fixed on the bullet flying in the air. Lin Shuang's eyes were fixed on the back of the traitorous colonel. His eyes were covered with ferocious bloodshot eyes. Never let go of any slightest movement.Just when the bullet reached the back of the traitorous colonel's head again, the traitorous colonel's body suddenly moved a foot to the left, and the bullet whizzed past his ear, visible to the naked eye. A drop of blood.But this bullet was still perfectly dodged by the traitor colonel.




No matter how violent Lin Shuang's attack was, no matter how sharp Lin Shuang's sneak attack was, each bullet could not hit the target and could not cause the slightest damage to the traitorous colonel. All attacks were completely dodged, and the body would either jump forward or dodge left and right, and sometimes even draw an S-shaped passage on the ground.

There are different ways to dodge, but each one is quite effective. There was a puffing sound from all around, and the bullet exploded on the ground, sputtering a cloud of smoke, which seemed to be mocking Lin Shuang's ineffectiveness. .|

But this time, Lin Shuang was not angry, but slowly closed his eyes.

Just now, he fired ten bullets in a row.

Under the attack of these ten bullets, the traitorous colonel flashed past one by one.Scenes are played back quickly in my mind, even if it is only a tenth of a second, there will be no pause.This is an ability that can only be exercised after special training, or it can be said that this is a talent.

Ordinary people, after seeing something, turn around and forget it, that is a common thing.Even if you can remember what happened, you will definitely not be able to remember the details of what happened. As for remembering every word and every action of everyone at that time, it is even more impossible.

In the military academy at that time, in order to train this talent, Lin Shuang did not know how many cruel trainings he endured. At that time, in the whole school, there were more than [-] students in the same class, and in the end only two people passed this assessment. Successfully reached the standard, one of them is Lin Shuang!

One can imagine how difficult it is to train this talent.

The picture, like a slow motion, is played back again and again in my mind.

There were only ten attacks in total, but the traitorous colonel had only four reactions. First, he jumped forward and let the bullets fly over his head.Second, the body moves laterally to the left; third, the body moves laterally to the right, allowing bullets to fly past the ear on the other side; third, the body turns into a bolt of lightning, moving quickly in an S-shape to avoid bullets.

Among them, moving the body left and right is the most common way of moving, but it cannot be used continuously, because it is difficult to dodge directly in the opposite direction under fast movement. Physical instability occurs.

As for the forward pounce, it is the least common one, because this way of dodging will instantly reduce the speed of the traitorous colonel.

When performing every movement, there will be different changes in various parts of the body. Every change is deeply engraved in Lin Shuang's mind, and even the distance of the footsteps cannot escape Lin Shuang's estimation. The whole person is like a sophisticated computer.

Suddenly, Lin Shuang opened his eyes, under the eyelids, lightning flashed, and amidst the crackling sound, ten bullets went into the barrel of the gun, and under the scope, the figure of the traitorous colonel appeared again .

"Liuli, try to keep the body as stable as possible!"


Taking a deep breath, Lin Shuang's eyes once again aimed at the scope. The back of the traitorous colonel's head was exceptionally clear. This time, his own bullet must come into intimate contact with the entire back of his head.


The first bullet was fired.

A long tail flame in mid-air.

He didn't take his eyes off the scope.

Just when the bullet was about to explode on the traitorous colonel's head, under the scope, the traitorous colonel's left shoulder suddenly lifted slightly, Lin Shuang's muzzle turned instantly, and with a puff, a bullet shot straight to the right. shoot over.The left shoulder is raised, which is a precursor to a sprint to the right.

The bullet shot directly, and as expected, the body of the traitorous colonel moved half a foot to the right in an instant, and the first bullet missed directly. At this moment, there was a strange cry from behind him.

It was the sound of sniper bullets.

The face of the traitorous colonel changed wildly in an instant, and he flicked his arms involuntarily.

"S-shaped dodge, the final location, a distance of [-] meters in front of the left..."

The computer started to run again, even if the traitorous colonel hadn't actually made that action, Lin Shuang had already calculated the target of the next attack.

The bullet was shot out of the gun chamber again, it was the third bullet!

At this moment, the traitorous colonel made an S-shaped evasive movement, and his body began to move.

Then, the fatal, life-threatening sound of howling bullets reappeared.

There was a subconscious tremor on the already extremely gloomy face, and cold sweat dripped directly from his face.

Just when the traitorous colonel's body stopped, before he could take a breath, his body fell down instantly.

"Seven Stars Lianzhu!"


The bullet passed over the head, and a small pothole appeared on the ground.

The traitorous colonel finally breathed a sigh of relief. The powerful enemy, this guy is too powerful. Every step he moves is within his calculations. How did he meet such a powerful guy?Damn it, the body didn't even dare to stop for a moment, and suddenly got up from the ground, delusional to continue running forward.

However, the moment the traitorous colonel's body was lifted up, it sounded like a haunting and life-threatening magic sound. Every time he heard this sound, the traitorous colonel would tremble all over, and this time was no exception.

Moreover, this time, the traitorous colonel has no chance to dodge.

Seven Star Lianzhu!

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