Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 506 Colonel

This time, the traitorous colonel had no chance to dodge, and the Seven Stars shot out in an instant. Seven bullets quickly flew across the air, and the moment the traitorous colonel's body just got up, it had already appeared on the back of his head. .|

There was no time to react, I just felt a sharp pain in the whole head, the next moment, the more intense pain hit again crazily, the pain, like a sea tide, lasted seven times in a row, and finally disappeared.

The bullet penetrated the military cap on the traitorous colonel's head, and penetrated into that fragile head. There was a hideous hole in the back of the head. Almost all the bullets, all in a split second, went through that hole. Going in, the neck and head are covered with ferocious blood. That kind of scene looks terrifying and desperate. It's hard to imagine that a life can survive such a heavy blow. a miracle.

Fortunately, this guy is an NPC, otherwise, this attack alone would be enough to directly take away the life of the traitor colonel.





A series of seven injuries appeared from the head of this unlucky guy. The super attack power made it difficult for the traitorous colonel to bear. One attack immediately caused seven injuries. This move is enough to take away the life of any player, even an npc can hardly bear such severe damage.

The body trembled for a while, and accompanied by a violent scream, the body of the traitorous colonel flew forward immediately, blood spattered three feet in mid-air, and a large amount of blood splattered on the ground, forming a hideous mess.

"Concussion bomb!" This attack obviously seriously affected the physical flexibility of the traitorous colonel. The good opportunity should not be missed. Lin Shuang pulled the trigger suddenly again, with a puff, a flame shot out again, followed by a sound Hum, the effect of the concussion bomb appeared directly on the body of the traitorous colonel, and the body that was struggling and wriggling on the ground suddenly stopped. .|

It was this pause that had determined the fate of the traitor colonel.

Dozens of cars, taking advantage of this opportunity, quickly outflanked the past, forming a tight blockade, completely surrounded the traitorous major, and kicked the doors one by one. More than 200 masters surrounded this unlucky guy without the slightest sign of trouble. Every one of the gaps was full of grim smiles, and the butcher's knife in his hand became more and more dazzling in this guy's terrified eyes.

The next moment, the butcher knife fell!



When the follow-up troops caught up, there was only a hideous blood stain left in front of them, and there was hardly a piece of intact muscle. At the same time, in Lin's hands, there was also a medal with countless bloody blood——Colonel Rank insignia?

Bloody Colonel Rank Badge: Quest Item, Untradeable!

"Okay, the mission goal is in hand, go back!" A trace of excitement flashed on Zhan Bianban's face. This time, the first step of the operation was to reach the intermediate base, and it was completed. Now the second step of the mission, to obtain the rank of colonel, was also completed, and now it's time to start Yes, the third step is to enter the advanced base!

Going back home, even fighting non-stop in order to save time, the four of Lin Shuang left the team first, drove the gt400 back to the base quickly, and brought the bloody colonel rank badge in his hand, Lin Shuang came to the rank before the appointing officer.

"This is the rank badge you need! That traitor has already been killed by me!" Shen Sheng said, Lin Shuang chose to hand over the task.

Glancing at the bloody rank badge in his hand, a complicated look flashed across the face of the commissioning officer. The rebellious colonel was his comrade in arms before, but he broke his oath, so that he fell into the current situation.

"Very good, you have successfully completed the task, here is your reward!" A silk scarf appeared in his hand, and he carefully wiped off the blood on the rank badge, and finally handed it to Lin.

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Wushuang for successfully killing the traitorous colonel, obtaining the bloody military rank badge of the mission item, completing the mission of colonel, and obtaining the rank of colonel."

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Wushuang for successfully obtaining the rank of colonel. He was rewarded with a colonel rank badge, and the lieutenant colonel rank badge disappeared. He obtained a colonel rank field cap, a colonel field uniform, and a colonel field trousers."

The sound of the system prompt surprised Lin Shuangxi. She didn't expect that this time she won not only a badge of colonel's rank, but also a three-piece set of colonel's rank. These three pieces of equipment are destined to be quite powerful equipment.

"Dear sir, I can only get the rank of colonel here. If I want to get a higher rank, I can only go to the advanced base. Sorry!" The rank appointing officer said helplessly with an apologetic face.

Nodding his head, Lin Shuang understood the reason, and began to check what he had gained this time.

Colonel rank badge: special equipment (proof of military rank, only players who have made extraordinary contributions to mankind and lived up to the rank of colonel can obtain this badge.)

The experience value of killing monsters increases by an additional [-]%.

Lucky value +1!

Get a [-]% discount on any item purchased in all bases.

Equipment Requirements: Colonel rank

Death Protection, undropable, untradeable.

This is the attribute of the colonel's rank badge. With the stimulation of the previous lieutenant colonel's rank badge, the attributes of this medal are not too amazing, but the attributes are naturally much stronger than the lieutenant colonel's rank badge, and the experience value will increase by an additional percentage. One, in addition, if you buy items in the base, you can get a [-]% discount. Although it is not much, it is better than nothing.

Colonel field military cap: gold-level equipment (proof of bravery, only players who have obtained the rank of colonel can wear this equipment. It is one of the accessories of the lieutenant colonel's rank suit. Collect three pieces of equipment to obtain the set attributes.)

Defense +412

Strength +71

Constitution +62

Increase physical defense by an additional [-]

Additional energy defense of all systems +100

Level requirements: level 35

Dexterity Requirement: 80

Strength Required: 120

Occupational Requirements: Sniper

Military rank requirements: Colonel rank

Colonel Field Military Uniform: Gold Level Equipment (Proof of the brave, only players who have obtained the rank of colonel can wear this equipment. It is one of the accessories of the lieutenant colonel rank suit. Collect three pieces of equipment to obtain the set attributes.)

Defense +397

Constitution +62

Dexterity +59

Additional physical defense +300

Additional energy defense of all systems +100

Level requirements: level 35

Dexterity Requirement: 80

Strength Required: 120

Occupational Requirements: Sniper

Military rank requirements: Colonel rank

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