Chapter 106 Family Dinner
Shen Mengqi raised the corners of her mouth slightly, leaning against Lin Jihan's arms, absorbing the constant warmth from his body.

When Shen Mengqi and Lin Jihan took Xiu'er into the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the emperor and queen mother had already been waiting for a long time, and the dishes on the table had already been set.

"See the emperor, the empress dowager, the imperial concubine, and Princess Qingning."

Shen Mengqi saluted and said: "See Emperor Uncle, Emperor Grandmother, the child is late, please punish Emperor Uncle and Emperor Grandmother."

The emperor snorted coldly and said, "Get up, everyone."

He looked at Lin Jihan and Shen Mengqi and said, "If you come later, the dishes at this banquet will have to be reheated by the Imperial Dining Room for the fourth time."

The Empress Dowager's complexion was also a little ugly, she said: "Today's family banquet is the most well-attended one, King Ping'an, whom you have desperately wanted to give him the title, has been here for a long time, and you just arrived, isn't it too late? "

Hearing the cold tone of the emperor and the empress dowager, Shen Mengqi looked down at the neat ground and said, "It's Mengqi who came late, please punish the emperor and grandma."

"Heh, Princess Anshun sees me every day besides asking for punishment or asking for punishment. Tell me yourself, how else can I punish you?"

Listening to the emperor's sarcasm and seeing Shen Mengqi's low-browed and pleasing appearance, both the imperial concubine and Princess Qingning couldn't help secretly delighting.

Shen Qingning specially added fuel and vinegar and said: "Uncle Huang, it's Qing Ning's fault. A few days ago, Qing Ning was too busy with training in the army, so she randomly found a servant to go to the Prince Regent's Mansion to tell Sister Meng Qi about the family banquet. Half an hour earlier."

"Afterwards, Qing Ning didn't care about it anymore. Who would have thought that Meng Qi's younger sister would come here according to the original family dinner time, if she had known about Qing Ning, she would have gone there herself."

"Qing Ning is still a matter of military affairs. If someone has the heart, no matter who goes, she will take it seriously. If it is intentional, even if I come in person, she will be late or will be late."

Seeing the emperor's complexion, the imperial concubine shook the emperor's arm and said, "Your Majesty, our princess is so capricious. It's not like you don't know that she is still a child."

The emperor sneered and said, "A child? A child who can stand in court and fight against me."

Shen Nanchen, who had been sitting by the side, couldn't bear it any longer. He stood up and saluted the emperor, "Father, sister Mengqi didn't do it on purpose, please let the emperor know."

The third prince also stood up and said: "Yes, father, you know the temperament of sister Mengqi best. She must have been busy and tired recently, so she forgot the time."

The imperial concubine gave the third prince a hard look, she stretched out her hand and pinched the arm of the third prince beside her and said in a low voice: "What's the matter with you, sit down for me!"

"Mother Concubine, Kemengqi's little sister"

"sit down!"

Seeing this, the third prince had no choice but to sit back in his seat unwillingly. He looked at Shen Mengqi worriedly, and just happened to meet Shen Mengqi's bright starry eyes.

Shen Mengqi shook her head lightly at him, and the third prince who was about to open his mouth instantly shut his mouth tightly.

Shen Qingning, who had a panoramic view of the third prince's movements, also stepped forward and said, "Yes, Uncle Huang, Meng Qi is still hurt recently, please be considerate."

"I understand her, but has she ever understood me? What hurt her is her back, not her brain!"

Lin Jihan frowned, "Your Majesty."

Hearing Lin Jihan's words, the emperor calmed down his anger. He looked at Lin Jihan beside Shen Mengqi and said, "Why are you still standing, Prince Regent, sit down quickly."

Lin Jihan didn't move, but forcibly pulled up Shen Mengqi, who was kneeling beside her, and said to the emperor while hugging Shen Mengqi's waist.

"This king hopes that the emperor can understand that she is not only Princess Anshun, but also the princess regent, the wife of this king. Today, this king is lazy and insists on pulling his wife together. If you want to punish, you can punish this king. "

Seeing the emperor whose face had become ugly, Shen Mengqi couldn't help but began to struggle to break free from Lin Jihan's restraint, "What are you doing? Let me go."

In order to prevent Shen Mengqi from hurting himself when he was struggling, Lin Jihan covered Shen Mengqi's back with both hands, and embraced Shen Mengqi into his arms.

Lin Jihan was much taller than Shen Mengqi, being hugged by him like this, all Shen Mengqi could see was Lin Jihan's chest.

"Others don't love you, but your husband loves you."

With just one sentence, Shen Mengqi, who was still struggling, calmed down.Lin Jihan's arms are always so warm, like a safe haven, which makes her want to hide in it and never show her head again.

It seems that as long as she doesn't come out, difficulties, pains, responsibilities, and taking on these things will not be able to catch up with her.

But it is impossible for her to hide in Lin Jihan's arms all the time.

Only the queen mother who had been silent all this time said: "This is a family banquet. It's all about whether the family will punish you or not. The regent quickly take your wife to your seat. There are so many people watching, hugging and hugging in broad daylight. Pay attention to the impact."

After Lin Jihan helped Shen Mengqi to sit down, he sat next to her, "I'm sorry, Queen Mother, the folk customs in Nine Nether Thirteen Counties are open, and this king is used to this kind of hug. Please forgive me, Queen Mother."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Jihan felt a pain in his waist, and when he looked down, he saw that Shen Mengqi was exerting force on the soft flesh she was about to cut.

Lin Jihan whispered: "I'm talking for you, are you just the wrong person?"

Shen Mengqi ignored her, she looked at the queen mother and said: "The emperor's grandmother reminded that Mengqi will pay attention next time."

Only then did Taihou nodded in satisfaction, "It's about this time, let's eat with chopsticks. Mengqi, this is your favorite sweet and sour squirrel fish, eat more."

Looking at Shen Mengqi, who was obediently holding a large chopsticks of fish meat, Lin Ji was so cold that he whispered in Shen Mengqi's ear, "Little fox, is it right in your den?"

Shen Mengqi glanced at her, "The fish in the Imperial Dining Room is the best, try it more."

"Is this bribing me?"

Shen Mengqi whispered, "Eating can't keep your mouth shut?"

Seeing Lin Jihan's devastated face, Shen Mengqi's mood improved a lot. She picked up a piece of fish with chopsticks and put it in her mouth, sipping it carefully.

Seeing Shen Mengqi's smug little appearance, Lin Jihan resisted the urge to rub her face, petted you and said with a smile: "Little fox."

Looking at Lin Jihan and Shen Mengqi who were gluey like paint, except for the third prince and Shen Nanchen, everyone else at the family banquet had ugly faces.

Shen Qingning said even more sourly: "I know you two are in love, but can you pay attention? This is not Nine Nether Thirteen Counties after all!"

Shen Mengqi put down her chopsticks and looked at Shen Qingning and said, "Lord Qingning, you will go to prison for slandering people, especially if you use the word love and flirt to slander, if this princess goes to sue you in the yamen, don't even think about it."

Shen Qingning put down her chopsticks, looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "Sister Mengqi, do you really think that the princess is a fool? This is regarded as slander and you will be sent to prison. Do you think you are the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment? Who are you fooling around here?"


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